18 weeks and 5 days pregnant is how many months

You might be starting to feel a bit clumsier as your belly gets bigger. Your breasts may have gone up a size, too, particularly if it's your first pregnancy. Your blood pressure is probably a bit lower than it was, so do not leap up from the sofa, or it could make you feel dizzy.

Your baby has been moving around for the past couple of months, but you might not have noticed. You may start feeling some movement now though – it feels like a bubbling or fluttering inside your belly.

You may also notice a line down your stomach, called the “linea nigra” (Latin for "black line"). This is normal skin pigmentation and nothing to worry about. It will probably vanish a few months after the birth.

Your anomaly scan

You'll be offered an anomaly scan at around 18 to 20 weeks. This is a scan that looks at your baby in detail to see if there is anything unusual about their development and appearance. It can pick up a range of conditions, but not all of them.

The scan will not hurt you or your baby, but it may feel a bit uncomfortable as the sonographer may have to apply a bit of pressure on your stomach to get the best possible view.

Read more about why scans are offered and what they involve on the NCT website.

Is it a boy or a girl?

The sonographer may be able to tell you at this scan, but not everyone wants to know, and it's not always the hospital policy to reveal the sex of the baby. If you do not want to know, tell them before you start of your scan appointment.

Free prescriptions and dental care

Did you know that prescriptions are free during pregnancy? NHS dental treatment is also free. You just need a Maternity Exemption Certificate or card (MatEx).

Ask your midwife, GP or health visitor for the application form FW8. Your certificate will be valid for up to a year after your baby's due date or date of birth.

2nd trimester pregnancy symptoms (at 18 weeks)

Hopefully you are feeling more energetic and able to manage your pregnancy symptoms now. If you are struggling with day-to-day life, talk to your midwife or doctor, they are there to support you.

Your signs of pregnancy could include:

You may also experience symptoms from earlier weeks, such as:

Read Tommy's guide to common pregnancy symptoms.

What does my baby look like?

Your baby, or foetus, is around 14.2cm long from head to bottom, and weighs around 190g. That's approximately the size and weight of a sweet red pepper.

Your baby's hearing, feeling, swallowing and sucking reflexes are developing this week. They will also be doing a lot of wriggling around and moving their arms and legs.

This week, your little one is developing a unique characteristic: fingerprints. Pads of fat accumulating on the fingertips and toes will turn into distinguishing swirling lines.

The developing digestive system has been going through its paces for several weeks already. Your baby swallows amniotic fluid, which makes its way through the stomach and intestines. That fluid will combine with dead cells and secretions in the intestines to form meconium — a black, tarry substance you'll see at the very first diaper change.

Around 18 weeks, your baby’s ears will begin to stand out from of the sides of the head and may even begin to register sounds.

Your baby will need bile to digest nutrients, and at 18 weeks, the gall bladder may begin to work.


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The Size of the Fetus at 18 Weeks Pregnant

When you’re 18 weeks pregnant, the fetus is around the size of a sweet potato, measuring about 5 and a half inches long from crown to rump, and weighing around 7 ounces. The illustration below shows how things may be looking inside your belly this week:

Mom’s Body at 18 Weeks Pregnant

If this is your first pregnancy, you may feel the baby begin to move inside your belly sometime soon. This fluttering feeling is known as quickening.

As your baby gets bigger, you may notice stronger movements and maybe even kicks in the weeks to come. Because each mom is different, you may feel this movement earlier (this is common if this is not your first baby) or in some cases even later. So, even if you don’t feel any movement at 18 weeks pregnant, there is no need to worry.

At this stage of your pregnancy, your body is going through a lot of circulation changes, such as increased blood volume and rapidly expanding blood vessels, which can cause your blood pressure to drop. This can leave you feeling lightheaded if you’re not getting enough blood flow to your head and upper body.

You may also notice around 18 weeks that your feet are getting bigger. A part of this is due to swelling caused by water retention, known as edema, which can occur from the second trimester onward.

Hormones also play a part in growing feet. The pregnancy hormone relaxin, which relaxes your pelvic joints so your baby can fit through the birth canal, loosens the ligaments in your feet, causing the foot bones to spread. You can relieve the swelling with a footbath of cool water and by keeping your feet raised; don’t worry (and have fun!) if you need to head out shoe shopping for a bigger size.

If you’re wondering how many months pregnant you are at 18 weeks, the answer is you have probably now just turned 5 months pregnant.

18 Weeks Pregnant: Your Symptoms

At 18 weeks pregnant, here are some of the symptoms you may be experiencing:

  • Dizzy spells. Your heart is working 40 to 50 percent harder than it did before you were pregnant. This effort, combined with the pressure of your growing uterus on blood vessels, can occasionally leave you feeling faint, particularly when you get up quickly. Be sure to rest frequently. Lie down on your side when you feel faint or dizzy. Low blood sugar can also lead to wooziness. Resting, lying down on your side, or eating a piece of fruit will help boost blood sugar levels and settle dizzy spells.

  • Mini moves. Most women first feel their little one's movements between 16 and 20 weeks. Your baby is still small, so at around 18 weeks pregnant, it'll be more of a gentle flutter than a forceful kick in your belly.

  • Leg cramps. You may find that leg cramps strike at 18 weeks pregnant, usually at night. Try to stretch your calf muscles before bed and stay hydrated. A warm bath, hot shower, or a massage may help, too.

  • Nasal problems. Thank s to a surge in hormones and increased blood volume during pregnancy, which causes mucous membranes to swell up, you might experience nosebleeds and congestion.

  • Aches and pains in the back. Your growing belly and hormonal changes can lead to aches and pains in your lower back area.

18 Weeks Pregnant: Things to Consider

  • Follow a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Getting the nutrients you and your baby need is important, and omega-3 fatty acids are a crucial part of a healthy diet. Omega-3s help your little one’s nervous system develop, and some research shows that they may also help boost your immune system and reduce the symptoms of depression. Look for foods that are rich in this nutrient, like salmon or other fatty fish, or get your omega-3s from vegetarian sources like flaxseed, broccoli, or walnuts. You can learn more about nutrition during pregnancy in our downloadable pregnancy guide.

  • Increase your calorie intake healthily. You'll need some extra calories to support your growing baby, but you don’t actually need to eat for two. Once you reach the second trimester, this could be an extra 300 calories — half a sandwich and a glass of skim milk, say — on top of an average 2,000 calories a day. You can check your pregnancy weight gain with our downloadable and printable tracker.

  • You may notice that everyone, from your mother-in-law to complete strangers, feels compelled to offer advice about your pregnancy. Although unsolicited opinions can be annoying, try to take them in stride. You don't have to explain yourself to anyone. A simple "Thanks, I'll keep that in mind" should do the trick. Try to remember that people mean well, and they're excited for you. You may even find some of the parenting tips you get are actually helpful.

  • In rare cases, the mid-pregnancy ultrasound reveals a problem associated with the placenta. Your healthcare provider will tell you if he suspects either placenta accreta or placenta previa and will be able to advise you on what care you will be given to lower any risks associated with either condition.

18 Weeks Pregnant: Ask Your Doctor

  • Is your baby’s level of movement and position on track for 18 weeks pregnant? You can read more about quickening and fetal movement.

  • What are the risks and benefits of any genetic tests that may be offered this trimester?

  • Do you recommend the maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (or MSAFP for short) screening test?

  • When will your mid-pregnancy ultrasound exam be?

18 Weeks Pregnant: Your Checklist

  • Make a list of foods rich in omega-3s and add them to your weekly shopping list.

  • Start collecting books to read to your baby. Discover the best baby books according to Pampers Parents.

    How many months is 18 weeks and 5 days?

    If you're wondering how many months pregnant you are at 18 weeks, the answer is you have probably now just turned 5 months pregnant.

    How many weeks is officially 5 months pregnant?

    There are a few different ways the weeks of pregnancy are grouped into months, so this fifth month could range from week 17 or 18 up to week 20, 21, or 22.

    How many weeks is 6 months pregnant?

    What Happens at 6 Months of Pregnancy? 24 Weeks Pregnant.

    How many months are 18weeks pregnant?

    18 weeks pregnant is how many months? At 18 weeks, you're about four months pregnant. Since pregnancy is 40 weeks long, at 18 weeks pregnant you're nearly half-way there!


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