30 days to more powerful vocabulary pdf

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Elevate your vocabulary in just thirty days with this informative, fun, and accessible guide to utilizing powerful language.

Do you occasionally misuse or misunderstand certain words? Do you sometimes find yourself at a loss to express exactly what you mean? Are you tired of having people seemingly talk “above” you? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then 30 Days to a More Powerful Vocabulary is the perfect solution.

Millions of people have improved their academic performance, job skills, and self-esteem just by spending fifteen minutes a day completing the simple exercises and self-tests within this bestselling guide. You will learn, step-by-step, how to increase your language power with word roots, find persuasive words to sell your ideas, and learn new words daily with a full pronunciation key. Whether you’re a student or simply wanting to expand your vocabulary, you can enjoy a more intimate comprehension of the English language in just one month!

Excerpt From The Book

Your boss has a bigger vocabulary than you have. That’s one good reason why he’s your boss. This discovery has been made in the world laboratories of the world.

Not by theoretical English professors, but by practical, hard-headed scholars who have been searching for the secrets of success.

After a host of experiments and years of testing, they have found out: That if your vocabulary is limited your chances of success are limited.

That one of the easiest and quickest ways to get ahead is by consciously building up your knowledge of words. That the vocabulary of the average person almost stops growing by the middle twenties.

And that from then on it is necessary to have an intelligent plan if progress is to be made. No haphazard ard hit-or-miss methods will do.

It has long since been satisfactorily established that a high executive does not have a large vocabulary merely because of the opportunities of his position.

That would be putting the cart before the horse. Quite the reverse is true. His skill in words was a tremendous help in getting him his job.

Dr. Johnson O’Connor of the Human Engineering Laboratory of Boston and of the Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken.

New Jersey, gave a vocabulary test to 100 young men who were studying to be industrial executives. Five years later those who had passed in the upper ten percent all.

Without exception, had executive positions, while not a single young man of the lower twenty-five percent had become an executive.

You see, there are certain factors in the success that can be measured as scientifically as the contents of a test tube.

And it has been discovered that the most common characteristic of outstanding success is an extensive knowledge of the exact meaning of English words.”

The extent of your vocabulary indicates the degree of your intelligence. Your brainpower will increase as you learn to know more words. Here’s the proof.

Author Wilfred Funk, Norman Lewis
Language English
Pages 264
PDF Size 12 MB
Category Literature


30 Days To A More Powerful Vocabulary Book PDF Free Download


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