365 reasons why i love you boyfriend


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365 reasons why i love you boyfriend

The way you look at me

The way you make me look at you

The way you make me smile

You let me be myself

You don't try to change me

Your shitty brown eyes …...just kidding I love your eyes

The way your hair smells

The way your skin smells especially right after a shower

The shape of your feet

You knew this was coming - the softness of your boobs

How we met and went against all odds

How you make me feel every day

How you make me want to be a better man

How you always bug me to rub your feet

How you love touching me

How you always think I am sexy even when I was a fatty

How you always put me before you

How you always put anyone before you

How you always make me laugh

How you are able to laugh at yourself

How you think I can sing

How you know me better than I know myself

How you are always able to see the positive side of things

How you believe in me

You make me proud to be your husband

The way you call me Kenney

The way you bat your eyes at me to get what you want

The way I cannot ever tell you no

The way you make me want to pull my hair out sometimes

The way you always try to make me feel special

You let me BOWL

You allow me to be GEEKY

How you are a part time iPhone photographer

All of your selfies

All of your workout swags

Your duckface

How you can complete my thoughts

How you truly do complete my life

How I would be torn apart without you

You love my chest hair even though I hate it

How we play footsie in the bed

How you leg whip me or let me leg whip you

How in VA we we laid naked and stuck to each other because it was so hot

How you make me fall in love with you every day

How you kiss me

How you arent scared to be yourself around me

How beautiful you are every day

How beautiful you looked on our wedding day

I love how you can cook anything

I love that you are Italian and hot headed

I love how you are independant

I love all of your imperfections

Wait you don't have any - you are perfect

The way you talk about me to your friends

And the way you have always had my back

The way you will call me out on my BS

Your pouty face

The way you will face time me at the right moment when I am having a bad day

I love how hard headed you are

I love how you have huge ADD even when we are watching a movie you picked out

I love how you love scary movies just like me

How you think I am a perfect man even when I do not

You are my world

How you are a city girl but a country girl at heart

Without you we would not be getting healthy

I love when you sing

I love how affectionate you are

I love how you like my family more than me sometimes - except now they piss us both off :)

You appreciate me for what little I do for you

How you strive to be a good wife , even though you are a great wife - did I tell you how great you are :)

I love when you snuggle with me in bed

I love when you give me that look that you really really want me

I love when you wear nothing but a tie

Love a woman in a suit :D

I love how you are my best friend if not my only one - but I am ok with that

I love how we think alike most of the time

I love how much we have in common , yet also are different

I love how you pinch my butt in public

I love how you grab my junk when you want attention

I love when you kiss my neck

I love how you can tell what I am thinking at times

I love how you have a backbone and don't back down

I love how much you love your brother - but then again I do too

I love how your hair smells especially after a shower

I love the memories we have made in these last 7 years

Wow has been 7 years already - time flies when I am with you

I love how you support me in everything I do

I love how you smile at me for being dumb

I love how you say I make you feel

I love your family - and am glad I am part of it

I love knowing we will be together forever

I love when we vacation to Miami - it just makes you such a happy person

I love how you smile when I rub your feet

I love how you are always willing to try something new

I love that you want to skydive - even though it scares the crap out of me

I love how you love how I kiss you

I love how I know your tickle spots

I love all the time we spend together

I love how you never take no for an answer

I love how you can't make decisions sometimes

I love how much you love animals just like I do

I love all the time we spend in Miami together

I love how you get me to be funny even when I do not want to

I love how you are able to make me laugh when I am having a crappy day

I love your little bubble butt

I love how excited you get during Christmas

And Halloween

And Thanksgiving

I love how we decorate together

I love when you cook things that are not the best healthwise for us to eat but you do just to make me happy

I love how you bought me Steelers tickets even though we arent going - it was the thought that counted

I love how you put me in my place when I need it

I love how you love country music as much as I do

I love that week we spent in Myrtle Beach - banana boat was fun huh?

I love how no matter what life throws at us we beat it as a team

I love how when there is a serious computer issue you come to me, you make me feel so smart

I love the fact that you love wine

I love how much you have grown in these last 7 years

I love when we play cards together - even though its been a long time since we have had time

I love how we talk all day long through text

I love when you lay your head on my chest

I love how you rub my chest to calm me down when I get mad

I love how you can always calm me in a stressful situation

I love how I can calm you down in most cases by making funny faces

I love how soft you are - you know you are my soft place to land

I love how you seem to fall in love with me more every day

I love how you are a football fan

I love doing random things with you

I love getting lost but still holding hands

I love our random trips to Walmart - especially the one in WV

I love all the concerts we have gone to

I love how creative you were with our wedding invitations

I love how you always make sure we are ok

I love how you have a shopping problem

I love how you always want to look pretty for me - even though you are beautiful just the way you are

I love how you always try to make every Christmas so special

I love how even though you don't change me - you have made me want to change myself for the better

I love how you encourage me in all I do

I love how you don't have expensive taste

On second thought yes you do but only on purses

I love how you do not expect me to be romantic all the time, but when I am you are so appreciative

I love how you do things I want to do at times, even though you may not like them - like playing pool

How we take funny pictures together and seem to almost make the same face

You have confidence in me even when I do not

How you put up with me being rough around the edges

How you make me love you

How there is nothing I would ever change about you

You love it when I touch you

You text me all day long - it always makes me smile

How I know that we are meant to be together

How you always think you are right even when you are wrong

How beautiful you look every day

How I fall more and more in love with you each day

How when you say its fine - means don’t you even think about it

How our hands fit perfectly together just like our hearts

How words can never express how I feel for you

How even when we broke up , I still loved you

How much I love it when you laugh

How much I love sitting on the couch watching movies with you

How I love that you just want to make me happy

When you should know you do that anyways

How you always want to be around me

How I cannot stand being away from you

Because you are my soul mate

Because you introduced me to the real meaning of taking a vacation

I love how we both like sitting on the beach

I love how your eyes light up when I do something special for you

I love how I can never say no to you

I love how you say BAE

and how you say OBVI

I don’t love your purse obsession, but I do love how you smile when you get one

I love the couple of times we spent in Cancun

The first one we don't remember much, but the 2nd time was the most fun

I love how you do not hold a grudge against me

I love how the most tiny things I do mean the most to you

The way I can't stop kissing you

When you want your head scratched - I love you weirdo

The way you make me look at life

How you being positive always make me have a positive outlook on things

Your funny faces in selfies

How you can't let me stay in the room when you take selfies

The amount of drive you have in not only your career but in all things

Your amazing Chicken Paprikash

and Lemon Chicken

Did I mention I like your food - basically anything you make :)

How I can be a big kid around you

How we act like we just started dating even after almost 7 years

I love when you are freezing and cuddle up next to me just to get warm

How your butt and feet are like a butterball turkey in the winter

I love how you are the only woman to put up with all of my BS

How our noses touch when we kiss

I love all the pictures you take of yourself

I love how honest you are

I love how our life has turned out together

I love the mom you will be one day

I love how strong of a wife you are

I love when we go walking together

I love that you are my workout partner

I love how we are always on the same mindset about most things

I love how you wrote me love notes when we first started dating

I love the smoothies you make - damn those things are good

I love how you help me to stay focused on our weight loss

I love going to country concerts with you

I love walking around seamless with you - especially in the mall when we have nothing else to do

I love having a house together with you

I love how you make wherever we live a home not just a house

I love how you can never stay mad at me for long

I love how you have a 30 second rebound rate then you are back doing the next annoying thing - hehe

I love how you can quote Grease - its one of my favorite movies

I love how you love dirty dancing - deep down I love that movie

I love being silly together

I love how you like Haunted Houses as much as I do

I love the fact I get to come home to you every day

I love dropping you off at work - I get to pickup my angel every day

I love how when we are on the beach we play in the sand/water together

I love how spontaneous you are at times - especially when we first started dating

I love that you want me to experience new things - like next year when we go to Niagara

I love playing Canasta with you - even though you cheat :)

I love how we have so much time off together this year - I cant wait to spend it with you

I love how you always surprise me for Xmas even when I ask for nothing

I love how you don't care when I am scruffy

I love how you always take care of me when I am sick

I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate everything you do on a daily basis baby

I love how you are so grown up for your age - most women your age are into clubbing or getting drunk.

I love that you have began to know my love for coffee LOL

I love how you just want me to be myself

I love how you always tease about wanting a bigger ring - eventually baby, eventually

I love how we spend Black Friday running around like crazies, with all the other crazies doing the same thing

I love how you make the Holidays feel so special and have from the day I met you

I love how we met, although not as most would , it works for us

I love how we always do things together - even little things like putting together bookshelves

I love how you put everyone before yourself

I love how you had no idea I was doing this - even though you wanted it

I love how you always want to kiss me

I love how you make me tuck you in at night when I have to stay up and do homework

I love how you are just like me and have to have a fan on at night

I love that you are so good at math when I get stuck

I love how sexy you are

I love how you think you are sexy now , and that you take even more pics than before :D

I love how you can turn a shitty day into an awesome day

I love how you always want to spend every waking moment with me

I love how clingy you are , it shows me how much you care

I love that you are scared of spiders - hehe

I love how when you play DJ in the car you can't go through a whole song

I love how you are a Facebook junkie , and you go to check Facebook after 5 minutes even when nothing has changed …...LOL

I love how we took photo booth pictures when we first started dating - I want to go do that again

I love that you always think you are right - even when you are wrong you are right

I love it when you get all giggly when I make you happy

I love how you always hog the blankets

I love how when I come into the bed you are taking up like 95% of it but blame the pups :)

I love it when your Italian comes out - its funny to see you mad

I love how you always tell me you miss me - all day long - it makes me feel wanted

I love that you have as big of a sense of humor as me

How you love it when I take you to work so that we have more time together

How I love the fact we will grow old together

I love how you pull your hoodie over your head when we go to Haunted Houses

I love how you jump when I scare you during a scary movie - lol its so funny

I love how you have always been the last thing I think about when I lay down

I love how you are the last thing I look at when we get ready for bed

I love our nightly routine

I love how you always carry yourself , even when you did not feel fully confident about yourself

I love all the times we have to spend together in the future and the past

I love when you say JK lol even though it annoys me sometimes

I love that you keep your hair long - its so beautiful

I love it when you are getting ready , you always look so beautiful

I love how caring you are - you always put everyone before yourself

I love how you have the key to my  heart and always have

I love how you look past all my faults , nor do they bother you

I love how our hands always fit perfect together

I love how you always reach for my hand to hold

I love how you are always looking forward to our next “vacation” time to spend together

I love how you are always planning our next getaway

I love how you make our house a beautiful home

I love how you like to paint - god knows it would not of gotten done had it not been for you

I love your long legs - and always have

Did I mention I love your lips and always love when you kiss me

I love our little adventures - and how you always make a wrong turn a great day

I love how you look in a jean skirt :D

I love how we do everything together - you truly are my best friend

I love how you can never have bangs as you always put that little piece of hair behind your ears

I absolutely love all of your tats

I love how you are so into Tattoos like I am

I love how you don't want me having a motorcycle because you are scared I may get hurt

I love how no one can shut bathroom doors when you are around

I love all the long talks we have had over the past 7 years

I love how you have to have me talking to you while you are getting ready

I love your pouty face when you do not get what you want

But in the end you always get what you want

I love how passionate you are about anything you do

I love how you always come to me for comfort even though most of the time you don't need it

I love the fact that you do not need me in your life but you want me there everyday

I love how you crinkle your nose when you pout

I love how when you are cold you always want to cuddle with me

I love bopping around with you when we have nothing better to do

I love how you react to when you make me food that I like - when in reality I love everything you cook

I love how I count the hours until I get to see you again when we split up for work

I love how you find ways to make me feel like I am the greatest husband around

I love how family comes first with you

I love how even when we broke up you still loved me

I love how you always want to know what you are getting for Christmas - you are still a big kid

I love how good you are with money - if it was up to me we would probably be broke

I love how happy you were at our wedding - you are so beautiful

I love how when I look at you I can see my future and my present

I love how creative you are

I love how perfectly your head lays on my chest

I love how you cuddle up to me those times we sit around your Dad’s fire

I love how to this day we still laugh about our “first date”

Remember Sizzling chicken and cheese for me and Chicken Pecan salad for you

Even though I don’t admit it , I love how headstrong you are

I love how emotional you get at times when watching the Steelers play

I love how we intertwine like a pretzel at night under the covers

I love how you cannot stay mad at me for very long , even though you try really hard to

I love how you always have to be near me , but then again so do I

I love how our love has gotten stronger every day

How you find little ways to make me fall deeper in love with you

How you never look at life as the glass is half empty

How you encourage me to do better at everything I do

How crazy we looked walking down Ocean Blvd in Miami

I love being lazy with you

I love how you are not super religious but still have a spiritual side

I love how you won't admit it yet you are a closet geek

I love how you make sure we talk out any problems we have - though we usually don’t have any

How you find ways to get me to eat healthy

How you care more about me than I do at times

But how you have make me be aware of what I eat - I want to be around for a long time

How you are able to see the best in people - I wish I was able to do that sometimes

I love how driven you are , it has rubbed off on me

I love how you always make me feel better about myself than I do

How you are so easy to talk to - well most of the time

Just kidding all of the time - you are my best friend

I love how you take random pictures of just about anything

I love how even though you have lived here your entire life, you want to do things you have already done - like going to the Zoo

I love how you put your own personal touch to everything you make

I love your reaction to me proposing in Miami

Remember - boom boom boom - what?.......are you serious? What? I LOVE YOU!!!! - and then you said yes

I love how you tease me when I say something stupid - so how often do we clean out the garbage disposal anyways?

I love how you looked on our wedding day as I was reading my vows - man I cried like a baby

And I love how you didn’t make fun of me afterwards :D

I love how you take care of me when I am sick - I am such a big baby

I love just thinking about how good of a mother you will be someday

I love how great of a wife you are - I could not ask for a better woman

I love how you cannot two-step - even though we have tried many times

We just need a bigger dance floor baby - keep it country!

I love how you have never stopped thinking about me

I love how I can never ever stop thinking about you

I love how you find ways to make me want you even more every day

I love how your skin feels against mine

I love how you make my heart skip a beat everytime we kiss

I love how you wanted me to do this - it made me think of the little things that make me want you

I love how you sing in the car sometimes - you and your pretty voice

I love how you can be yourself around me

I love how emotional you are even on commercials or videos or television shows

I love how happy you are during the holidays

I love how you call me Kenney , you are the only person that can get away with it

I love all of the trips we will make through our lives

I love how you think you have grey hair - its kind of funny

I love how you continue to do pain in the ass things - you always keep me on my toes babe

How you always put your legs on me on the couch - like clockwork

How you love animals just like I do

I love how your eyes look when you do your makeup

Those eyes can pull me into you from across the room

I love it when you give me that come and get me look

All of the reasons above are just stepping stones to the last reason

I love you because you love me unconditionally

Putting into 365 reasons barely scratches the surface - I love everything about you

Why do I love my boyfriend reasons?

50 Reasons Why I Love You.
I would do anything for you, and trust you with my life anytime..
You are always there for me..
You know how to make me feel better when I'm down..
You are a good listener, and you always have the right words of encouragement for me..
You look great in all the photos we take together..

What do I love about my boyfriend?

His smile. he's got a really cute one..
He's thoughtful. surprise flowers at the office..
He knows how to make me laugh. like, a lot..
He's a good listener. ... .
He's Mr. ... .
He always drives – ... .
He's a big family guy – ... .
He always opens the door for me –.

What to say when your boyfriend asks why you love him?

19 things you can say when he needs to know why you love him.
1) “You make me happy.” ... .
2) “I feel whole with you.” ... .
3) “You're always there for me.” ... .
4) Want advice specific to your situation? ... .
6) “You're gorgeous.” ... .
7) “I can always be myself around you.” ... .
8) “You make me feel safe.” ... .
9) “You always make time for me.”.

Why do you love your boyfriend paragraph?

You're the reason I do everything. When I get up in the morning, I feel so grateful for every second I have with you and have here on earth. You give my life meaning, you give my days such joy, you are the reason I smile. Thank you for being with me, for joining me on this journey through life.