9 week old puppy blood in stool

Adrienne is a certified dog trainer and former veterinarian assistant who partners with some of the best veterinarians worldwide.

Seeing blood in your dog's stool can be a frightening event, especially because we often associate blood in stool with cancer. Luckily in dogs, the causes are often a lot less dramatic. Of course, as a responsible pet owner, it is always savvy to have the potential causes investigated by a veterinarian in order to rule out the more serious conditions.

Blood in stool is medically known as hematochezia or melena depending on whether the blood comes from the dog's lower or upper digestive system, respectively. It's important to recognize the differences between the two as they can mean a difference in your dog's diagnosis. Following are some ways to tell them apart.

In hematochezia, the blood in the dog's stool is bright red, meaning it is fresh and most likely deriving from the lower intestines, typically the colon or the rectum. It can be mixed in the dog's stools, or you can see a few droplets of blood as your dog defecates.

In melena, the blood in the stools causes feces to appear tarry and asphalt black, suggesting the blood is digested and possibly coming from the upper intestinal tract. Usually, but not always, melena is more worrisome than an occasional case of hematochezia. Melena is often not readily recognizable as hematochezia because dogs may often have dark stools, and that doesn't necessarily mean they have blood in them.

Dog Hematochezia vs. Melena


Looks like bright red blood in stool

Looks like tarry black stool

The blood is fresh

The blood has been digested

Derives from colon or rectum

Derives from esophagus, stomach, or upper small intestine

So how can you tell whether your dog's dark stools contain blood?

  1. Michael D. Willard, a board-certified veterinarian specializing in internal medicine, suggests placing the feces on absorbent white paper, such as a paper towel.
  2. Check for abnormal signs in your dog's stool and record your observations.
  3. Now, examine whether a reddish tint diffuses from the feces—if it does, that's proof that you're likely dealing with melena.
  4. If you find blood, the causes can be various and range from minor issues, such as dietary changes, to more severe causes, such as cancer or parvo.

Below are some common causes of blood in dog stool that you may want to have investigated by your veterinarian.

Causes of Red Blood (Hematochezia)

  1. Parvovirus
  2. Parasites
  3. Dietary Indiscretions
  4. Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis
  5. Rectal Injuries
  6. Stress

Causes of Black Blood (Melena)

  1. Use of NSAIDs
  2. Blood Clotting Disorders
  3. Post-Surgery Complications
  4. Tumors/Cancers
  5. Pepto-Bismol
  6. Ingestion of Blood

Other Causes

  1. Intestinal Blockages
  2. Fissures
  3. Trauma
  4. Bacterial Infections

Mucus and blood in a dog's stool due to a case of colitis.

Mucus and blood in a dog's stool due to a case of colitis.

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As mentioned, hematochezia is fresh, bright red blood in, or mixed with, your dog's stool. Unlike in humans, fresh blood in dogs is not indicative of hemorrhoids. The streaks of bright red blood in stool most likely come from the dog's rectum or colon. It’s best to have hematochezia investigated promptly by a vet, because some possible causes of the condition can be serious. Here are a few possible causes of hematochezia in dogs.

1. Parvovirus

This is a serious virus often found in puppies. Black-and-tan breeds, such as rottweilers, German shepherds and Dobermans are more prone to parvo. Typically, dog parvo symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, loss of appetite and blood in stools. Because this disease can be deadly, puppies suspected of having parvo should be seen by a vet promptly.

2. Parasites

Parasites are one of the most frequent causes of blood in the stool. The most common parasites that cause blood in the stool are hookworms, whipworms and roundworms. Aside from blood appearing in your pet's feces, there are other clear signs and symptoms that indicate that your dog has worms.

Protozoans such as coccidia may also cause bloody stools. A veterinarian can identify the offending parasites and prescribe specific dewormers to help get rid of these annoying beings.

3. Dietary Indiscretions

Overeating or dietary indiscretion may irritate a dog's colon, causing diarrhea and bloody stools, which can also have mucus.

Changes in the dog's diet can have similar effects. If you are switching your dog's food, do so gradually over the course of several days. If a diet change is done too suddenly, vomiting and diarrhea may take place. Even giving your dog a new treat or feeding him people food may cause an inflamed colon.

Other dietary causes of blood in the stool include eating spoiled foods and food intolerances or allergies.

Mild cases of stomach upset can be treated with these simple upset stomach remedies.

4. Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis

Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis involves copious dark, jelly-clot-like, bloody diarrhea, along with vomiting and diarrhea. Often the cause cannot be found, but your dog may need intravenous fluids and proper medications to let this condition subside. Affected dogs are very sick and can get dehydrated quickly, so they need immediate care.

5. Rectal Injuries

If a dog ingests a stick, bone or other sharp object, it may eventually scrape the lower intestinal lining or rectum as it makes its way out through the feces. Often, you might spot the object visibly protruding from the feces once it has worked its way through your dog's system. In such cases, the blood is bright red and will eventually stop.

Avoid giving your pet sticks or cooked bones to play with. If your dog has already ingested it, try feeding him some high-fiber bread or rice to help him pass the bone.

Also, check for any rectal injuries, especially any involving the anal glands. Look for any localized swelling, injuries or protrusions.

If the dog's stools are well-formed and have fresh blood on the surface, this can be indicative of the presence of a rectal polyp, which is an abnormal growth. When the stools pass over the polyp, which is highly vascularized, it will bleed. Sometimes you can see polyps protruding externally, but they can also be internal, in which case an endoscopy may be necessary in order to see it.

According to Merck Veterinary Manual, "The polyp can be felt by a veterinarian during a rectal examination, and its surface tends to bleed easily. Periodically, the polyp may protrude from the anus." All polyps should be checked out by a vet as sometimes they can be cancerous growths.

6. Stress

In some cases, blood in stool may be caused by stress. Stressful life events for a dog include changes such as a move, the addition of a new dog or family member to the household, and being boarded in a kennel. These events may cause a case of colitis with bloody diarrhea with mucus.

As mentioned, melena is the medical term for digested blood in the dog's stools, which causes them to appear black and tarry. Some dog owners describe such stool as looking like "coffee grounds." The blood may be originating from the dog's lungs, pharynx, esophagus, stomach or upper small intestine. Because melena can be caused by serious conditions, including acute bleeding, it should also be investigated by a vet.

1. Use of NSAIDs

If your dog is on aspirin or some type of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drug like Rimadyl or aspirin, he may develop ulcers from its use. Dogs with bleeding ulcers will typically have black tarry stools meaning digested blood is coming from the stomach. Inform your vet promptly if your dog is on such medications, and always keep a watchful eye on his stools.

2. Blood Clotting Disorders

There are several canine conditions that may cause blood clotting disorders and bleeding. Affected dogs may also exhibit symptoms other than black tarry stools, such as purple-tinted skin, suggesting bleeding underneath the surface. Rat poison may also cause blood clotting disorders and bleeding, which may manifest as dark tarry stools. If you think your dog may have eaten rat poison, have him seen by the vet ASAP.

3. Post-Surgery Complications

If your dog has undergone some type of surgery recently and has black stools, call your vet immediately. There may be internal bleeding somewhere. This complication may appear up to 72 hours after the surgery.

4. Tumors/Cancers

Anytime your dog presents dark, blackish stools, have your dog seen. You want to rule out the possibility of bleeding tumors such as polyps or cancer, which can be quite common in elderly dogs.

5. Pepto-Bismol

On a lighter note, if you have recently given Pepto-Bismol to your dog, the medication may temporarily turn stools black. This potential side effect is actually written on the bottle if you read it. When you stop giving it, the stools should soon shortly turn back to normal.

6. Ingestion of Blood

A dog's stool may also appear black and tarry from ingesting blood. For instance, your dog may have licked a bloody wound, or he may have had a mouth injury or nose bleed causing him to swallow blood. Because the blood may also come from a bleeding ulcer, it's important to see your vet if you see dark stools and cannot find an explanation.

More Causes

As seen, there are many possible causes of blood in the stool. The ones listed above are not the only possibilities. Others include:

  1. Intestinal Blockages
  2. Fissures
  3. Trauma
  4. Bacterial Infections (such as those caused by campylobacter or clostridium perfringens)

Slippery elm bark works well for many health issues with dogs, including diarrhea that causes hematochezia (bloody stools), which can happen with colitis. I have a dog who comes for boarding that gets stress colitis with bloody stools, and we use GastroElm Plus during his stay.

GastroElm Plus is made with 80% slippery elm bark powder, and it's intended for use with pancreatitis in dogs and ulcers in horses, as well as vomiting, diarrhea, and other gastrointestinal problems in cats, dogs or horses. It is formulated and manufactured in the U.S. using the finest human-grade herbs available.

Get advice on preparing for your vet visit.

Get advice on preparing for your vet visit.

Alexadry (all rights reserved)

  • See your vet if your dog is pooping blood. If your dog has pale gums, becomes lethargic, vomits or has diarrhea, see the emergency vet at once.
  • Bring along a fecal sample so your vet can immediately start ruling out parasites and protozoans. The stool sample needs to be no more than 12 hours old to grant testing accuracy.
  • If you're dealing with colitis, you can ask your vet about trying a brief fast followed by a bland diet.

This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. It is not meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized advice from a veterinary medical professional. Animals exhibiting signs and symptoms of distress should be seen by a veterinarian immediately.

Questions & Answers

Question: My chihuahua vomited foam last night. This morning, he had a runny tummy with blood. He died at 9 p.m. What could have caused his death?

Answer: Could your dog have had a platelet disorder where he could not clot his blood? Could your dog have gotten in contact with some kind of poison? Rat bait can cause internal bleeding and blood in the diarrhea. There are so many possibilities, only a necropsy done at the vet may provide you with answers. So sorry for your loss.

Question: My pit is twelve-years-old. There was a red tint to his bowel movement today. It was runny with a dark color to it; he is not vomiting. He has been drinking a lot of water. Not finishing all of his food when I feed him. And his paws are cold to the touch. Dry nose. No energy? He lives inside. Watched him closely, so he hasn't eaten anything out of the norm.

Answer: Your pit's symptoms sound worrisome. The cold paws, no energy can be indicative of internal bleeding. I suggest you take your dog to the vet as soon as you can. At this age, one big concern would be a bleeding tumor.

Question: My dog is a year old, and she doesn't eat anything besides water. Her stool is red and watery, and she's stopped barking. What is wrong with her?

Answer: Your dog's symptoms are concerning. The reduced barking maybe because she's not herself and feeling ill. There are too many differentials when it comes to bloody stools in dogs, and therefore, seeing the vet is a must for a proper diagnosis and treatment. Bring in a fresh stool sample along to your vet appointment.

Question: There are no vets or animal hospitals open, and my dog had dark red blood in his watery black stool. Will he be okay until Monday when they open? I don't know what to do.

Answer: It is hard to say because there are so many possible causes for blood in a dog's stool. Particularly concerining are pale gums, lethargy, weakness and slow capillary refill time. There should be an emergency vet in your area open if things appear concerning.

Question: My dog is a Lab and German Shepard mix and about nine years old. Today, I keep noticing a drop of blood on my floor here and there. Then later that day I let him out to use the bathroom and I seen he had diarrhea and when he walk up to the sidewalk then I seen 5-7 drops of deep red colored blood. He still has an appetite and energetic and wants to play. How worried should I be because I have to find a way to get money together to take him to a vet?

Answer: As you can see the list of causes of blood in dog stool is quite comprehensive so it can be very difficult to pinpoint what is going on. Even your vet cannot predict what is going on without seeing your dog and doing a fecal test +- blood test or further types of tests to rule out some causes. The good news is that you have an older dog so the deadly parvovirus which is so notorious in puppies can be put lower down the list of possible differentials. However, it's also true that being a senior there are other possible things going on. Hopefully, it's just a case of colitis causing diarrhea and bloody stools, but there are other worrisome things that you may want ruled out. Perhaps as a starting point, if your dog saw the vet not too long ago, and you have a veterinarian-client-patient relationship, you can drop off a stool sample to have it tested . In general a dog's fecal flotation testing (the most basic) costs around $15 to $40. However, chances are you may still have to take your dog to the vet for possible antibiotics if there is a bacterial infection.

Question: I have a three-year-old dog. She is eating, but her stool is red. What can I do naturally to help her with this process?

Answer: Without knowing what is triggering the red stools in the first place, it would not be a good idea to try to treat it naturally. This may lead to delayed diagnosis and treatment, not to mention more costs if the natural treatment fails to work and you may need to see the vet anyway.

Question: My lab is 1.3 months old. And he just pooped, and there was blood in that. What could be the cause? He is vaccinated against Parvo too.

Answer: There are many possibilities. Blood in a dog's stool is not pathognomonic (specifically indicative) of any one particular disorder but several. Your vet is the best person for diagnosis.

Question: My puppy has diarrhea with blood in it, but he’s still eating, drinking and playing. Should I be worried?

Answer: This would be something to keep an eye on. It could be just a case of colitis. But because puppies can get parvo, (especially those who weren't vaccinated or haven't finished their series of booster shots), and other worrisome conditions like HGE or coccidiosis, you are better seeing your vet if this persists, or if your puppy seems not to be doing well. On top of that, consider that with diarrhea, your puppy can get dehydrated quite quickly.

Question: After my dog poops, I wipe him with a baby wipe. Today there was blood from his rectum, though I noticed he been scooting on the rug and constantly looking towards his back end. What could it be?

Answer: If your dog has been scooting, this can be indicative of an issue with the anal glands. Anal gland issues are known to cause issues when they do not empty as they should, and this can lead to local irritation, infection and even an abscess. The blood can be from friction with the carpet or a ruptured anal gland. In this latter case, you would notice a lump or red looking "wound" under the tail right around the rectum at the 4 o'clock or 8 o'clock position. However, there can be several other things going on. You should have your vet check your dog to pinpoint the problem.

Question: I have a three-month-old puppy, but she hasn't eaten for three days. She vomits sticky bubbles of watery saliva when I try to put some food into her mouth then she poops blood. Is my puppy going to survive?

Answer: Your puppy's survival depends to a good extent on how quickly you take her to the vet. This sounds very serious, and the symptoms you are seeing can be a potentially lethal disease known as parvo, or it can be an intestinal blockage. Please see your vet as soon as possible.

Question: I have a 10-month-old female Westie. She just came out of heat. Her stool is black, and she won’t eat. It has been eight days. What’s wrong with her? I took her to the vet, and they did x rays and blood work and tested her for other diseases. They found nothing.

Answer: This may be one of those medical mysteries. Black stools in dogs can be a sign of internal bleeding or a bleeding ulcer. Some dogs get black stools when exposed to rat poison. It may be worth seeking a second opinion by another vet or pursuing more testing as your dog sounds like she's doing poorly and not eating well. A referral to a specialist in internal medicine may also be insightful.

Question: My dog has had diarrhea with blood for nearly 3 weeks now. The vet said it wasn’t a worry, gave me probiotics and said put her on a light diet of chicken and rice but 3 weeks later there has been no improvement, I know my vet said not to worry but obviously. I am worrying. Is this concerning?

Answer: I would suggest updating your vet. Perhaps your vet intended to say to not worry at the moment, and he/she assumed things would improve soon with the bland diet and probiotics which give the gut some rest and supply it with good bacteria. Unless your vet hears from you, she/he may be assuming all is fine, and the issue solved. I would give him/her a call and update. Your vet may decide to take further action at this point with more testing and/or perhaps a trial of antibiotics. Diarrhea with blood that persists is suggestive of some issue that needs to be addressed. It is not normal for sure.

Question: What could cause my diabetic 12yr old Lhasa Apso to have bright, red bloody diarrhea?

Answer: As you may have seen in the article, there are countless causes of bloody stools in dogs. The fact your dog is senior warrants investigation to rule out some medical disorders, especially if this is an ongoing problem. Diabetes may or may not have to do with this presentation. Indirectly, since diabetes puts a lot of stress on the body, bloody diarrhea can be a sequelae of stress in dogs as often seen in in the case of colitis.

Question: I have a three-month-old dog. He's not eating, and his stool is red and watery. Is it possible that he's gonna die?

Answer: I am so sorry your puppy is not eating, and his stool is red like water. Death from a severe disease like Parvo is possible. You should see your vet as soon as possible. There are chances that Parvo (or any other condition your puppy may be suffering from) can be treated if you get help soon.

Question: My puppy was sick for no more than 24 hours, vomiting up anything eaten or drank, had runny poops, loss of appetite, resting a lot and I found a light bloody watery mess (can't tell if poop or vomit). She is all better and being herself now. I couldn't go to a vet because there aren't any vets in the community. I don't know what happened with her. I'm asking around for help to understand why she got sick?

Answer: It could have been a dietary indiscretion, eating something that didn't agree with her and various other possibilities. Had my puppy go through something similar and was diagnosed with gastroenteritis after being hospitalized for 2 days. The vets were clueless as to what may have caused it which was frustrating because I didn't know what to do in the future to prevent it.

Question: We have a ten-month old English Spaniel Springer, and we take him to the park every day. We have noticed that whenever he goes into this pond, he immediately poops and his stool is bloody. But other than that, his stool is fine. Do you think we should deworm him or take him to the vet?

Answer: In my opinion, it is best to see the vet. Blood in the stool is not normal, and you want to have this investigated. While dewormers may be useful in ridding dogs from certain types of worms, there are chances your dog may have parasites that are not covered by the average dewormer or he may not even have worms in the first place. I would go to the vet and bring along a fresh fecal sample.

Question: I have a 10-month-old Westy female. She has black stool, she will not eat and she just came out of heat. She hasn’t eaten anything substantial in eight days. What do I do?

Answer: Your dog has not been eating regularly for over a week and has black stools which can be indicative of the presence of digested blood. It's important to have your dog seen by a veterinarian to sort this out.

Question: My dog is 3 years old. He is a jack Russell mix with corgi. His appetite is normal and we’ve been going on our normal 4 mile walks. He seems a little thinner and more sleepy than usual. The last two times he has gone to poop, there have been a few drops of red blood that fall on his normal poops. What could be wrong with my dog?!

Answer: As you can see the list of possible causes for blood in a dog's stool are several. Sorting through all the causes and finding the actual culprit requires diagnostic testing. For example, your vet may start by taking a look at a stool sample through a microscope to see whether there are any parasites or protozoans. If nothing is found, blood tests may look for any underlying systemic issues. Then further tests may be needed to sort through more possibilities. A vet visit is therefore needed to get at the bottom of this.

© 2008 Adrienne Farricelli

Farrah on August 09, 2020:

I have a 4 year old pit bull and he’s normally energetic and happy and he loves food but yesterday he vomited quite a bit and wouldn’t eat anything and he was slower and just lay more but then he had a burst of energy when I got his leash and he was excited to get into the car and he acted more normally but when we arrived at the vet (unfortunately he was acting up and we couldn’t take him inside the vet because he is not fond of new people and the veterans wouldn’t let the owners come in due to covid) so we headed back home instead and he acted like he wanted to eat again when we got back home but since he kept vomiting so we just feed him the next day (btw our dog doesn’t eat kibble we’ve been having healthy homemade dog food consisting of rice, chicken, sweet potatoes, etc made for him for years) then today we just gave him some chicken and rice something light and gave it in small portions but today when he pooped he had blood in it too, what is going on with my dog please help.

my 2 year old dog on August 08, 2020:

had vomited little amounts of yellowish fluid in there afternoon...then a few hours later we were going for a ride in the car and he pooped in the back of the SUV...never happens. As I cleaned it up, I noticed a little bright red blood in it and the mucus around it had tinges of pinkish blood in it. he was panting and had water dripping from his nose.

Heidi Bartlett on August 05, 2020:

My 8 yr old Miniature Schnauzer was fine yesterday, when out of the blue i noticed she was breathing heavy and fast. I gave her water she could hardly hold her head up. Within i would say 2 mins she thew up the water and food that she had ate hours before. Long story short she passed away within 4 hours. During that time she began to have dark diarrhea that had quite a bit of blood in it not what I've ever seen before she was paralyzed from an fce stroke 3 years ago and she wears a diaper, so i could clearly see the blood and that it was more that the poo. It also had a very horrible smell, made the entire house smell bad. We had to change her 3 times in 1 hour. After that we just let her be we could tell her time with us was coming to an end. After she passed we cleaned her up of course her pamper was over full, but she had so much blood that it went through her thick memory foam bed onto the floor.. Her bed is at least 10inches thick if not more.

This was very sudden and very unexpected. She was eatting normal playing normal being her normal self days before and yesterday. Only thing i had noticed i thought was strange is at one point she went and hid under the end table on her blanket thats her comfort spot that she goes to when she gets scare when we have thunderstorms or the military base is playing war and and all we hear is booming for hours. My son took her to the room in the bed and he said she was normal with him.

Samira Mathur on August 05, 2020:

Hi, my dog is 3 years old. All of a sudden he started vomiting and today he passed red stool, which was very watery. The vet gave him antibiotics, glucose as he was lethargic and a shot to prevent diarrhoea. It’s been a few hours and the bloody stools seemed to have stopped, however the stools that he is passing now are black in color. No vomiting. Was able to eat something even. But still very lethargic. The vet also did a stool test, but there are no bacteria present, only some mucus. What can be the reason for his sudden illness?

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on August 03, 2020:

Hi Theresa, as you can see the causes for blood in a dog's stool are many. I suggest seeing the vet to find out what may be going on.

Theresa on July 26, 2020:

Hi, our dog is 4 months old. Just today, he's had diarrhea. He isn't sick and is still energetic but we found fresh blood on his poop. What could the cause be?

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on July 25, 2020:

Usually, vets suggest fasting and a bland diet, but only for minor cases of upset tummies and after ruling out more serious causes. You should see a vet immediately if your dog stops eating, acts lethargic, vomits repeatedly, has blood in the stool etc. The bland diet is therefore just for very mild cases due to minor issues such as eating something that is not normally eaten or too fast food changes. Please play it safe and see your vet as sometimes upset stomachs may be due to serious issues. https://pethelpful.com/dogs/Bland-Diet-Recipe-for-...

Rhona Naidoo on July 24, 2020:

Hi I have a Jack Russell terrier and I noticed that when he tries to pop he struggles followed by blood. The last time he ate was this morning but he vomitted all that out... What can I give him as I plan on taking him to the clinic in the morning if there is no improvement. I noticed it too late hence I could not make it for the clinic today.

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on June 23, 2020:

Hi Jane, since your vet prescribed this and this is a prescription food, give your vet a call and report what you are witnessing. Your vet is in the best position to provide you best treatment course. Since your dog saw the vet recently, he or she should be able to tell you what to do over the phone for free (or will have a technician relay to you what to do) since this is just a follow-up.

Jane on June 22, 2020:

Hi my 11 year old pom cross Sally has 2nd stage kidney failure ..vet has started her on hills perscription k/d ...

Sally has had black looking stools since i have changed her diet .....

her motions before were perfect putty coloured and soft ..

Is it ok to continue with this food ? she has been on it 1 week already

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on June 19, 2020:

Hi Rowena, only your vet can really diagnose your dog. Bloody stools can be due by a large list of causes and may or may not be related to the vomiting. Just as a general piece of info, sometimes dogs who vomit bile in the morning do so because they are on an empty stomach for too long and have acid reflux. But this is only one of the many causes, more here: https://pethelpful.com/dogs/-Causes-of-Dog-Vomitin...

Please play it safe and mention the morning vomiting along with bloody stools with your vet for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Rowena Ramos on June 19, 2020:

Our dog shih tzu has traces of blood in his poop.. sometimes the poop is hard, sometimes it is soft, but not watery.. And he only poop once a day. He also eats fine, but sometimes in the morning he vomits a small portion of watery or yellowish foam. What may be the cause of this. Thank you very much.

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on May 27, 2020:

Precious, so sorry to hear your dog has bloody stools diarrhea and won't eat. Please see your vet.

Precious on May 25, 2020:

My dog is vomiting andblood from rear end and wont eat has bloody runny stool like water.

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on May 03, 2020:

Tammy, I am so sorry your dog is sick with bloody stools. There are just too many causes as you can see in the article. Only your vet can tell what may be going on for sure. Parasites, protozoans, viral infections, exposure to toxins (namely rat poison), hemorrhagic gastro enteritis, can cause it just to name a few possibilities. Since your dog is in bed, he sounds like he is lethargic so best to see the vet to play it safe.

Tammy COLTS MA on May 03, 2020:

I have a chihuahua he's a 21 months old he weighs about 8 pounds name or 9 pounds I woke up this morning there's bloody stools like jelly bloody stools all over the house I'm what could cause that's he was fine yesterday and now he's in the bed he won't get up his nose is dry what could be the cause that

Hazel on April 22, 2020:

My dog has been pooping every 3-4 hours since 2-3 days, but the poop was normal. A little watery but not completely loose stools. But today he pooped loose stools and there was bright red blood along with it. His appetite and all is completely fine. What could be the possible reason for blood?

Sarah buckley on April 17, 2020:

4 month old pup poo dark red still eating but sleeping more

Crusoe on April 14, 2020:

My dog ate pedigree from yesterday and today morning after breakfast when it did motion a pinch of blood was in it

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on March 09, 2020:

Vaibhav, so sorry for your loss. There can be some quite serious causes of blood in the stool in dogs which is why we should have our dogs checked by the vet.

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on March 09, 2020:

Hi, Cherry, liver enzymes may become elevated for various reasons and there are different types of enzymes as well (ALT, AST, ALP and GGT). I personally think that I would want an explanation as to why she's not eating as she used to and why her stool looks different.

Vaibhav Sharma on March 05, 2020:

My fog swelled a sharp bone or wood and bleeding in his toilets like fresh blood and vomiting in every hour...my dog died on today 8 a.m

Sherry CK on March 04, 2020:

I have an 11-year-old Chihuahua. She has been lethargic. Still eating and drinking. However, not eating as much as she used to. I’ve noticed that her stool has a dark red look in some parts not the entire stool. This happened within the past 3 days. She had bloodwork and it came back with liver enzymes slightly elevated. The vet said not to worry. What are your thoughts

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on February 16, 2020:

Marilyne, as you can see, the causes for blood in a dog's stool can be many, from milder things such as diet changes to potentially life threatening issues such as ingesting rat poison or parvo virus. Seeing the vet of course is always the safest option.

Marilyne on February 16, 2020:

My Yorkie having loose bm for a couple of days I first noticed blood at the end of bm & today he pooped blood like the color of beets should I b concerned it’s Sunday

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on February 03, 2020:

Jessica, please have your dog evaluated by a vet, your dog is young, and something is certainly amiss if he isn't eating and has lost weight!

Jessica Peralez on February 02, 2020:

My dog is 7 months he stool blood .. and lost his appetite only drinks water he is a very attractive dog but he has lost alot of weight

Theresa on January 24, 2020:

My dog is 4 months and last night my husband noticed blood in her stool it’s formed she hasn’t lost her appetite and she still very active

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on January 20, 2020:

Jackie, these symptoms of water blood sound very worrisome, I hope you are able to get this sorted out and that your dog makes a full recovery.

Jackie on January 19, 2020:

My dog just started running alot of watery thin bright red blood out his anus today about 30 mins ago and it happen every hour and it's alot like running water no stool in it just watery bloody thin blood he's not vomiting but he's not eating either he just keep bleeding from the rectum he's a14 years old chihuahua I have had him since he were 1 years old im on my way to the vet shortly this never happen to him I'm so worry

Sara on October 29, 2019:

My dog has been passing watery bloody stool for quite some days now. Although he is otherwise okay and playful. But today he’s been hanging his head low and seems a little lazy

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on October 20, 2019:

So sorry about your Chihuahua being sick. It sounds like there may be some underlying cause that needs addressed. Unfortunately, the chicken and rice/ fish/rice diet is not meant to be fed long term, so you may want to get to the bottom of this. Have you considered having your Chi see a board-certified veterinarian specializing in internal medicine? They are good in investigating possible causes although they may run some extensive batteries of tests.

Jacqueline on October 15, 2019:

My Chihuahua started having lose stools so I changed her diet from pet food to chicken and rice. Her loose motion improved, but like clockwork every 7 to 10 days she has obvious intestinel pain, blood in her poop and doesn't eat for 24 hours. I now give her fish and rice but she still has this problem that occurs regularly at 7 to 10 day intervals and bloody stools for that day. She sometimes vomits froth on that day. I took her to a vet but medication made he worse and the prescribed special diet almost killed her, it made her so ill. Ive lost faith in them.

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on September 26, 2019:

Hi Amanda, I hope you saw your vet as aspirin can cause blood in a dog's stools at times and peptobismol contains also salicylate.

Amanda on September 17, 2019:

My 10 week old puppy had her first shots 4 days ago..ever since then she has been throwing up and diarrhea yesterday the vet said to give baby asprin, benadryl and pepto bismol it helped some yesterday but then around midnight she had blood in her stool im freaking out and will be taking her to the vet in the morning but i just dont know what it could be plus she doesnt want to eat or drink anything in have been giving her pedialyte with an eye dropper little by little please help shed some light on this!!!

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on July 15, 2019:

Rachelle and Dara, with young pups, you need to see the vet sooner than later. There are chances you are dealing with parvo and parvo is something very serious. Not to mention, pups can dehydrate very fast. When my pups were younger and developed blood stool, they went from diarrhea to acting terribly sick in a matter of hours!

Dara Leopoldo on June 29, 2019:

My Shih Tzu is 4 months old, he used to be very very playful but he sarted to get weaker and weaker, just recently, he doesn't eat his food and has dark blood in his very wet stool. i'm worried because he's very young and barely stands up or walk anymore. we tried to reduce the food because he kept vomiting and gave him for water and milk. please help!

Rachelle Nel on June 16, 2019:

I have a 6week old puppy which stool is like water. We just discovered it has a bit of blood as well. No vet is open at this time , what can we give him in the mean time?

Stephanie on April 29, 2019:

My 9 month old French bulldog been having blood in his poop since this past November. I took him to the vets he has all his shots. Took a poop sample in to check for parasites it came back positive for giardia.. Gave me medicine to treat . Now mind u I took him 7 times to the vet since November when I got him. None of the meds have worked he has been on multiple antibiotics probiotics switch foods over 5 times . Still blood went to a diff vet ran all kinds of test came back negative for all parasites .. this vet said he is full breed and full breeds has problems more so than mix breeds . So vet recommended a science diet from hills and a probiotic and antibiotic. It’s been 2 and Half weeks and my dog still has recital blood in his stool .. I spent over 1500$ on this issue . Very frustrating and draining. I jus want my dog to have a normal bowl movement .

Tonya Gomez on April 24, 2019:

Hi my puppy is about 10 and 1/2 months old and she just had a bowel movement and it was brown like normal but it had a little bright red blood in it is it something I should be concerned about? I have recently changed her food would that be the problem?

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on April 23, 2019:

Katelin, if you have seen your vet and the visits are inconclusive, your next step may be seeing a board-certified veterinarian specializing in internal medicine. However, a big important role is to find ways to stop your puppy from consuming plastic and all the alikes. Look up my article on training your puppy to leave it and drop it and use management as much as you can. Crates are great for that and glad you are using once when at work. The fact the blood in you puppy's stool is still there though despite keeping your puppy away from eating foreign objects, is concerning as it indicative of an ongoing issue that needs addressed. Hope you get to the bottom of this.

Katelin Knox on April 22, 2019:

My puppy is 8.5 months old. He has been having dark, purple jelly like blood in his poop for 3-4 weeks now. My boyfriend and I have had his poop tested by a vet and have had him on a dewormer and antibiotics. He is a puppy so always curious and has eating plastic, tore up our carpet, has eaten blankets, etc. He is in his crate while we're at work but with all of these tests done and still nothing to show but still bloody, tar like symptoms in his poop. I'm very concerned for my puppy.

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on April 03, 2019:

The straining sounds like tenesmus" which is often seen in dogs with colitis. Mucus and blood is often seen with colitis. Good that he is still feeling well. Always best to contact your vet when in doubt as there can be so many causes of blood in a dog's stool.

Tracy on April 01, 2019:

My jack Russell when he poops its sloppy then he strains and there is quite a bit of blood he doesn't seem poorly but there is a bit of mucus in his poop

Angela on March 17, 2019:

I have a 3 y/o shep. He's got runny stools and is trailing bright red blood when he poos. He only vomited once, which to my horror consisted of one of my son's very small stuffed toys. That was today. This has lasted 3 days now with stools ranging from soft to runny. He still eats normally and drinks water, though. He lies around a lot but still tries to interact with us when we're doing stuff. Are the chances good that this is minor and will soon pass?

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on February 23, 2019:

It would be important to find the underlying cause. Too many dietary changes with little transition time) and stress are both known triggers for colitis and its associated mucus and blood in the stool. I would consider consulting with a veterinary internist if your vet hasn't been helpful.

Quintin jones on February 18, 2019:

My dog has diarrhea with blood in it, this is the second time I’ve noticed it. Ive took him to the vet and got medicine for him and started doing better like eating all his food and drinking water again. He has energy now running around but still found blood in his stool, my girlfriend has changed his food often times for some reason and he has anxiety pretty bad, im not sure if that’s why it’s like that or what, But I don’t want my lil homie to die on me. Trying to figure it out and plus the vet we went to don’t really seem to know what there doing.

Barb on December 31, 2018:

My young SATO dog , 2 1/2 years old,

Has had loose stool for 3 days. It’s yellow & mushy in color. So I started a bland diet of boiled chicken & white rice. On the 2nd day

Still no improvement. Now this morning after

He ate early I took him out to walk & poop.

When he went it was mush yellow w signs of some blood. Then he went again soon after & that was mostly runny blood.

I’m worried.

Dimitri Horton on December 29, 2018:

My 11 month old cavoodle had 10-15 droplets of bright red blood around his stool last night. It looked as though there may have been some mucus in the stool. He seems just as playful as usual, and is eating as normal. He was in the car for a long time yesterday, and is very scared of it, so I believe it may be caused by stress, but I would just like to get another opinion on it.

KR on December 21, 2018:

For the owner of Teddy:

It is easy to hear the sadness and pain of regret in your voice as you post.

My heart goes out to you and I am sure all of us feel for you as we think about losing our beloved dogs so suddenly.

But as a professional who works with sick pets every day... I just wanted to offer a hug and ask you to please not be so hard in yourselves.

Your boy had a long and I am sure very loved life with you. It was what he knew right to the very end.

We can’t say what caused his illness but he was comfortable and felt safe until his last moments. That is more than many dogs receive in their life.

Even if you had brought him right in the moment he became ill, showing signs, it is impossible to know that with the conservative therapy he would have received for such mild signs even with very aggressive therapy.. if everything would have been ok, and then... he would have the added stress of having been in the hospital- no doubt for more than a few hours, his illness may have been improved, but maybe only his life would have been extended with the illness and the results may have been the same or worse.

What I am trying to say is... we really have no control of what happens at the end of our lives... none of us does. We only hope to be surrounded by our loved ones and suffer no pain. Your little boy had that.

Bless you and thank you for sharing your story. It is a way for Teddy to continue to live through the knowledge of his illness that might help another dog with something that time might make a difference for it it might just remind us all that our time with those we love is short and we should appreciate each moment!

Remember the things your boy taught you. The lessons learned from him- it was his reason on earth, and in that way... when something reminds you of him, speak of it so others learn. This way - Teddy lives forever!

Hope that helps you in some way be at peace with how things went and not blame yourself.

Sorry for butting in.. just had to say something!


Amylynn4444 on December 16, 2018:

my daschound frequently eats my cats poo out of the litter box and it has litter stuck to it... i i dont know if this is the cause of his bloody diarrhea or not. He had red gelly like diarrhea after he did a normal poo that had some red streaks in it. A few days ago the same thing happened and then it cleared up and he pooped normal without any blood in it. But now it happened again. Any ideas here?

Lisa Norton on December 16, 2018:

I have a 2 day old husky great dane mix that just started pooping blood today. Its mixed with his stool. Im not sure what to do since he is to young to de worm.

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on November 27, 2018:

In Teddy's Memory, so sorry for your loss. Your story is important because it emphasizes the importance of seeing the vet when a dog has blood in the stool. It will hopefully help others in a similar situation. Thanks for sharing.

In Teddys Memory on November 01, 2018:

PLEASE READ & SHARE - your dog's life may be saved by it.

My 3.5-lb rescue yorkie, Teddy, had thrown up on Thursday, nothing too out of the norm (or so we thought) since he was still drinking water but not that interested in food that day. On Friday, he ate his breakfast of kibble & rice, and things appeared like they were improving. But later that night was when the bloody diarrhea started. We called the vet's office on Saturday morning when they opened and spoke to the woman who answered the phone (who I later found out was the receptionist and not a vet tech/vet). She said the same thing we had already been thinking - that it was gastritis or colitis - which we think Teddy has had in the past. She told us to continue monitoring him - it's just something that has to pass his system - and if he didn't get better by a day or two, to bring him in. Teddy got weaker and weaker that night as the bloody diarrhea continued to small amounts of blood...and if I could do it over again, this is where I would go back in time every single time. I would give anything to have this moment back. We thought he needed to rest and we would take him to the vet Sunday morning...but he never made it to the morning.

Like you, HGE is something that I have NEVER heard of before. It comes on quickly to a perfectly healthy dog with symptoms similar to "stomach issues"/colitis/gastritis, and if left untreated can be fatal. Symptoms include vomiting, bloody diarrhea, dehydration, lethargy, and possible abdominal pain. I say possible because I checked Teddy for abdominal pain, and he didn't flinch.

They don't know what causes it, and the ONLY way to detect HGE (fatal) vs. colitis/gastritis (non-fatal) is with a PCV blood test in order to rule everything else out. Though not contagious, ANY dog can get it regardless of breed or size. A bitter realization for me is that HGE is highly treatable if you get your dog to the vet quickly. Do NOT wait - Teddy's deterioration was less than 24 hours - a life depends on it!

Teddy was 1 week away from his 12th birthday/adoption day on 10/22. He was and always will be my person, my 1st baby, and truly changed me by making me a better person. I can't really describe the connection that he and I had, but I know that we are bonded together forever even beyond this physical world. There are so many factors that could have prevented this from happening - what if he didn't eat on Friday and we didn't think he was getting better; what if the receptionist had just told us to come in and didn't give blanket advice out over the phone; what if she had looked at his file to see he was a tiny 3.5 lbs and didn't have the fluid/blood reserves to make it to morning like a normal sized dog; why didn't common sense kick in for me or my husband as we were watching this unfold in front of us? The guilt from this day and Teddy's passing is something I will NEVER be able to get past. I miss his energy SO much every single day and night. He was such a big personality in a little body! Until we meet again, sweet boy...

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on October 16, 2018:

If this is just a mild case of colitis, you can try giving a bland diet of boiled rice and boiled skinless and bone-less chicken for a few days until the stools are better formed, but it would important to see the vet to find whether there is an underlying cause that needs veterinary attention.

Lksunflowers on October 07, 2018:

I am babysitting my nephews dog. He almost 4 year old. I have had him for 2 days. He started having diarrhea with blood. He acting fine. No vomiting Nose is wet. What can i give him eat.

Josie on October 05, 2018:

My dog has had diarrhea for a few days. I've had her on a bland diet yet when she defecates there sometimes are bught red drops of blood that also squirt out. Other than thst she is fine, eating, drinming,playing all normal

Theresa on August 06, 2018:

My dog , a mini-pen, is pooping almost pure bright red blood. No hard stool. He stopped eating but drinks water. He still jumps around when excited but lays around mostly. The first day, I gave him 1/2 tsp pepto bismol. 2nd day I took him to the vet, used a probe to get a stool sample way up in his rectum..gave a shot and he is on several meds. 2nd day on meds, there is no changes. Prior to this, I did change his food to pedigree, and I bought him a pork knuckle (bone sold for dogs) he does not seem to be in pain. Nose still cold and wet.. Im worried for him

prakruth on July 27, 2018:

my puppy is 6-month old rottweiler he is diagnosed parvo he is having fluid bloody stools in the morning in the evening his stool seen with quite hard blood what could be the sign? i have been to vet gave fluid therapy

on July 19, 2018:

My 2 year old Shih Tzu has just had dinner and been toilet in her poo was spots of blood she is still her playful self should I be worried

Christine on July 15, 2018:

We have a puppy has Parvo Virus and seems like she poops it's like a pure blood? If you were going to look it's like black but it's red.

What treatments for this case?

Francine on June 26, 2018:

My dog is a 10 months old and her poop is watery and has a drop of blood to it what will I do this is her 4th day

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on June 17, 2018:

Karie,these are questions only your vet can really answer. I would call and inform of the recent happenings. If your dogs were recently seen, you have client-vet relationship and your vet may be able to provide advice.

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on June 17, 2018:

George, there are many causes for blood in a dog's stool and parasites is just one of the many.

Karie hutton on June 14, 2018:

We took both of our dogs to vmthe vet for vomiting blood. They were both given a series of activated charcoal and stopped vomiting. They got to come home with a chickwn amd rice diet. Both passed a stoll both very black very small and very dry but one has a mucus like bloodyness to it when opened? They both ate lots of there dinner and the one with the blood tract drank some water. Both very much more active then before taken to the vet. Shoukd i worry about the mucus and takr him back to the vet? Both are rescues and up to date on shots. It was believed they were given a toxin

George on June 09, 2018:

My dog is eating grass and vomiting right after and today, she pooped once and the again but just blood (hematochezia, since it is bright red). Do you think this two actions are due to parasites? The vet gave her Nextgard Spectra a few months back. Thanks.

Danielle on June 02, 2018:

My two year old Pitt just popped in the house witch he never dose and there was bloody slimy stuff in it idk what would be doing it it's never happened before dose anyone know what would be going on with him he's hasent been his self at all today someone please help me

Susan on May 20, 2018:

Thank you

Breconda Johnson on May 18, 2018:

My 4 month old bully put just started having blood in his stool. It is formed, but he continues to try and poop even after he has pooped, but then I see drops of blood. He’s not lethargic or anything. He’s teething and not eating much today. What should I do?

BRENDA DILLARD on May 01, 2018:

they want to remove her right anal gland

Queen on April 21, 2018:

my puppy is 7 month old and she is having diarrhea with blood in it I am confused if she is already starting her period or she is sick. She is still very lively and she doesn't skip meals.

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on March 06, 2018:

Saumya, so sorry your dog is going through this. It's very frustrating when even vets cannot find an underlying cause. I am not a vet, have only worked for vets in the past so can only give ideas of things to perhaps ask your vet about. Has your vet checked for SIBO (common in German shepherds,) and Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI) also common in this breed? These require a special diet on top of medications and special supplements. If your vet is not getting anywhere, a visit to a veterinary specialist in internal medicine may be insightful. IIf his veins collapsed this makes me think he is very dehydrated. Good luck.

alker on March 02, 2018:

my five lb 12 year old poodle has had small drops of dark and bright blood we assume is from her rectum with some diarrhea in her crate first. When she didn't eat for a day, it seemed better. Now she's having the dark and bright spots again without or just small amounts of stool. We don't know if we should take her to a vet or just watch her.

Liz on February 28, 2018:

Bogart, my do, passed, first mucus and loose stools along with diarrhea and it had red blood in it. He was straining and went anoth spot and passed two more small well formed firm stools but bloody. Then he urinated and we went for short walk. Coming to a favorite relief spot he pass a stool and walked further and passed another one. Those two when bagged left wet red blood on some grass blades. I have been struggling with fleas and gave him fast cap two nights in a row.. a flea bath happened and he has fresh revolution on him and im constantly flea combing him and put the hair in a plastic bag to see if im doing any good. So im wondering if the two are related and in any event im discontinuing the the fast caps. I would like to take him to the vet but am short this month. If it happens again tomorrow then i will and see if they'll work out a payment plan. Advise? Do you think fast caps?

saumya on February 28, 2018:

I have an 11 month old german shepherd. He is been sick since past 20 days. symptoms started from fever, then vomits and after 2-3 days he started pooping blood. initially bright red colored blood. he got critically ill, but then bloody poop stopped for a day. again relapsed. started pooping greenish,brownish black watery poop with stinking odour. Oxytetracycline was given through Iv. condition became better for one and half days. poop color also change to light yellow n slight thick consistency. but the same dose of oxytetracycline wasnt given because the veins are all thrombosed hence he wasnt acnnulated. again relapsed and vomitted and again started foul smelling watery bronish bloody poop. Is not eating anything, but sometimes gets huger pangs on smelling sweets. No vets are able to diagnose his problem. Please help me

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on February 18, 2018:

Maryse, if your puppy has blood in stools, best have a vet evaluate your dog and maybe collect a fresh stool sample (a tablespoon amount will suffix) to drop off.

Maryse on February 17, 2018:

Madison my 11 months old red merle Australian shepherd started yesterday to sneezing like 20time without stopping also she feel a little worm tonight my neighbor babysit her and said she had blood nowhere stool, right now we going through a separations so Madison and I are a little nervous I am so scare to loose her.

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on January 05, 2018:

Eli, it's always best to see the vet when in doubt.

eli on January 05, 2018:

My puppy (mixed Shih Tzu, Japanese spitz, and cocker Spaniel) who is turning two months is actually really lively and playful. Just yesterday, I can see that her feces turns out to be quite watery. Now, her feces is small and has hints of blood on them. I suspect it to be diarrhea but I'm not entirely sure of it. My father suspects it to be related to her deworming pills.

Should I be worried about my puppy's health???

Jennifer Landis on January 02, 2018:

My 7 year old Teacup Yorkie hasn’t felt well and threw up small amounts. Then noticed she had been pooping blood but not a lot of feces in it. Her underbelly isn’t swollen and doesn’t seem to pain her. I’m just worried it’s something serious or if it’s just and upset stomach.

Theresa on January 01, 2018:

Hi my dog is Ben a small Jr. He has cushion's disease. About 2 weeks ago I found blood in his stool. He then would not poo. The vet said he has inflation of his bowel. He gave antibiotics and he has been on chicken and rice boiled. It took a few days to get him to open his bowels as he did have a medicine to help him go. He then started to poo but today he pooed then he started straining Hi self and I kept seeing blood so obviously I was very distressed to see thus

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on December 31, 2017:

Lori, so sorry your dog endured such complications from the use of NSAIDs during surgery. We are often told they are safe but these cases prove otherwise.

Lori Simpson on December 20, 2017:

My dog had bloody stools after recent dental surgery (also tooth extraction). It was combined black/tarry (swallowed blood) and bright red blood. It is highly suspected that he had a GI bleed caused by the NSAID (Rimadyl) he received during the procedure and 1 dose given post op. The bleeding was severe and he required 2 blood transfusions. Luckily my dog received excellent medical care and survived. A lesson was learned and we will never allow our pets to receive Rimadyl or any other NSAID.

Sawan on December 18, 2017:

My dog is 3.5 months old, it's nearly two day now he's not eating anything and is suffering from diarrhoea and vomiting, and today he had mucus and blood in his stools.

alfiljohn on December 03, 2017:

Black stool with fresh blood.

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on November 23, 2017:

Puneet, it should be investigated because mucus is sign of the intestinal tract being inflamed and the blood shouldn't be there. Many dogs get colitis, and it's important to find the underlying causes (stress, dietary indiscretion etc) At that age, you also want to rule our worms. Parvo can cause bloody stools in dogs, but generally dogs will be very sick.

Ricki on November 22, 2017:

My dog is a 11 year old Jack Russell. He has been having a lot off problems lately. On being that he has diarrhea that has blood in it but not vomiting or anything. The blood is light but worrying me. He has tumors that we are aware off but they were checked out years ago and they were nothing to worry about.

A Dog Lover Girl on November 22, 2017:

My dog stole are all blood and I don't know how to cure it But my dad refuses and I find this page and read all the information about it. I will take my dog to a vet tommorrow. But I'm afraid of the cost I would paid for check up.

Alice on November 18, 2017:

Im dogsitting currently a 12 year old German Shepard mix and the night the family dropped the dog off to me she started having liquid -ish poops. This morning there started to be blood and muscus. I assume it's from stress of moving locations and she was recently switched to a new food. We may take her to the vet tomorrow. What should I do to keep her from pooping all over my house when I sleep tonight, please help! I'm taking her out to the bathroom each hour but overnight I will not be able to get up each hour.

Please please help me out, Thank you!

Puneet on November 14, 2017:

I have 2.5 month old Doberman puppy from few days he is pooping blood with mucus at the end of poop. After few days he pooping blood he is doing normal poop but now he is again start pooping blood and mucus. He has good enrgy and appetite. Is it a reason to worry??

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on September 25, 2017:

As the article explains, there are many causes of blood in dog stool. The only way to know the exact cause for sure if by seeing the vet. Blood in dog stool is not normal and therefore warrants a vet visit for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Bobbie Kingsbury on September 24, 2017:

I have an 11 year old Bichon and has blood in the diarrhea. What could be the cause?

Angel on September 23, 2017:

My puppy has had her shots but recently had a little blood in the stool. We have her second round of wormer at home could worms be the cause? Started last night. Starting to get a little runny. She has been eating and drinking normally and playing. Just pooping with a little blood.

Natalie Melendez on September 22, 2017:

My dog poop look orange red and my dog is also peeing blood she hasn't been feeling good for about a day ? Can someone please help

Yuri on September 20, 2017:

I have a 3 year old Yorkie who has been pooping blood but the blood is a little tick (raspberry jam looking type) she is walking eating a bit and drinking water, but not as active as usual. Any help on what to do??

Emmy on September 11, 2017:

My dog got into a rib bone and now he is pooping blood and pieces are for bone. What do I do?

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on September 08, 2017:

Good idea to take to the vet, it might be just colitis, but best to play it safe with bloody stools especially if it continues.

Bonnie on September 06, 2017:

I have a 7 year old shihtuz and tonight he's going potty a little more than usual and it's soft now he's still going but his stole has blood in it for now it's mostly red droplets, any suggestions? I will be taking him to the vet tomorrow!

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on September 03, 2017:

Sunil, is keeping your pup hospitalized at the vet an option? That would be best, if not, you can try Parvaid and supportive care. Your vet can teach you how to syringe feed and give fluids under the skin.

Sunil on August 29, 2017:

He is vomiting and pooping blood, breed is German Shepherd . He is 5 years old. He has not eaten anything for past three days. Vet says he got parvovirus and he gave him glucose along with five vaccine. Further said chances are less. But I am still hoping for his recovery... I am scared. I can't see him like that.

Is it normal for a puppy to have blood in its stool?

If you notice a single streak of red blood in your dog's stool, and the rest of his poop is normal, it might be a fluke. But you should still call your veterinarian. Consistent bleeding or large amounts of blood, on the other hand, indicate a more serious problem.

Why does my 10 week old puppy have diarrhea with blood?

Bacterial Infection Salmonella, E. coli, Clostridium, and other bacteria can cause puppy diarrhea. These diseases are serious and are usually accompanied by other symptoms, like bloody diarrhea, loss of appetite, fever, and vomiting.