A day i will never forget short essay

The day was hot and sunny. I was lying in the front yard on my back when my mother called me inside to have something to eat.

“Come, my darling, and take a piece of a sandwich or two,” my mother gently called.

But, I was always a bit of an uncontrollable child – or might I say, a naughty child – when I was growing up. So I pretended that I didn’t hear her. As my mother is a clever mom, she just said: “Okay then. I think that you are going to have to go and buy bread. This time she didn’t say it so gently. This was punishment for not responding when I was called.

So, I quickly went inside. But, it was too little too late. The money was already in my mother’s hands. With a grin on her face, she said: “Better now than when you start to get hungry…”

I started to frown, saying, “Hayi, hayi, hayi, mama!” That is: “No, no, no, mama” in isiXhosa.

My mother’s wonderful grin turned to a frown – a big horrible frown! She spoke in the most horrible voice – I think she sounded like a lion roaring at its prey – letting me know clearly: “Amanda, don’t test or I will…”

Before she even finished her sentence, I ran out of the door, heading straight for the shop.

When I was crossing the road in a hurry, a car came out of the blue and knocked me out.

“Are you OK?” the driver asked with concern. I’m still not sure if those were his exact words because I was dizzy from the car hitting me like a bull tackling the matador in a bull fight.

By the time I realised what had happened, I had run so fast – like a horse in the Durban July – all the way home.

Until this day, I’ve never told my mother about this incident. How strange it is that all my mother noticed was that I was not hungry anymore.

She only said: “What, did you eat from this bread, little child?” I laughed, she laughed.

I will never forget this day.


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This is a great example of a narrative essay. For tips on writing narrative essays, click here.

             The day I will never forget was happened last October 23,2001, when I was in junior high school in the Philippines. I can't believe I did these things, but all I knew was after this experience I was never going to do it again. As a student, I always follow through with my responsibilities like I'm doing all my homework, projects, and participate in all activities. I also have many friends whom I can always trust and depend on. We were always playing, sharing thought, ideas and experiences. I always had a great time with them at school.
             One day at school, my friends and I planned that we were going to go swimming on Saturday. We are all excited about our plan. While were talking about it in the classroom, our teacher came and announced that the seniors and the juniors would have a Preparatory Military Training (PMT) class on Saturday. We all hated that training because it was hard and it was too hot to do marching for three hours. We usually have PMT every Friday, but since our officer would be absent on that day, were just going to do it on Saturday. My friends and I were very disappointed because we couldn't go swimming on Saturday. You could read in our faces that were very upset. One of my friends asked me if we could go and do it on next Thursday. At first, I told her that we couldn't do it on that day because we had classes, then I realized that we didn't have a lot of things to do on that day since the next day was a United Nation day. Almost everybody would just be preparing for the program on the next day. Therefore, I decided to go with them on Thursday. When that day came, my dad usually took me to school so I need to go first inside the school, so I need to go first inside the school. I was extremely nervous because my bag was jam-packed. My friends were waiting for me outside near the school. My problem was how to get out on the campus, so I went outside, then I told the guard that ...


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How do I write an essay?

Tips for effective writing.
Start writing early —the earlier the better. ... .
Keep the essay question in mind. ... .
Don't try to write an essay from beginning to end, especially not in a single sitting. ... .
Write the introduction and conclusion after the body. ... .
Use 'signpost' words in your writing. ... .
Integrate your evidence carefully..

How does an essay start?

Your essay introduction should include three main things, in this order: An opening hook to catch the reader's attention. Relevant background information that the reader needs to know. A thesis statement that presents your main point or argument.

What one incident that you would never forget in your life?

2) The day I will never forget in my life was when I left the city where I was born. 3) My father was transferred to a different city. 4) I was very sad on that day to leave my house. 5) The last goodbye to my friends was very painful.

Will never ever forget the day when?

This is Expert Verified Answer. I will never ever forget the day when I played football for the first time. That first day when I entered into the ground, a different feeling, a feeling that cannot be explained by words and from that day till now I have that same feeling whenever I played this beautiful game.


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