Are cold sores contagious before they blister

The first question people ask is ‘Are cold sores contagious?’. The answer is yes. HSV-1 is as easy to spread as it is tough to fight.

So how do cold sores spread? The cold sore virus can be spread through skin-to-skin contact. It sneaks into your body through the mucous membrane in your mouth or damaged skin. It then remains dormant inside a group of nerve cells located at about the level of your temple until a cold sore trigger awakens it.

The cold sore virus cannot spread beyond the lip area



HSV-1 is a form of the herpes simplex virus that usually affects the lips, but can also affect cheeks, nose or mouth or rarely even spread to the eyes or genitals.

HSV-1 is a form of the herpes simplex virus that usually affects the lips, but can also affect cheeks, nose or mouth or rarely even spread to the eyes or genitals.

Cold sores are only contagious when you see a blister



Cold sores are contagious from the first tingle until completely healed.

Cold sores are contagious from the first tingle until completely healed.

You can help to control the spread of cold sores and protect others from the virus by following these simple and effective tips.

  • Don’t touch

    If you find yourself touching your cold sore, stop! If you just can’t, remember to wash your hands right away. Your cold sore is contagious throughout its entire cycle, especially during the blister stage. When it’s weeping or seeping, stand clear!

    Are cold sores contagious before they blister

  • Keep it clean

    When you’re washing your face or applying make-up, or have applied cold sore treatment, wash your hands thoroughly. Watch out if you use contact lenses too. Don’t use saliva to wet your lenses. Also consider using glasses instead of contact lenses during a cold sore.

    Are cold sores contagious before they blister

  • Sorry, no kissing

    Kissing is sadly off the agenda when you have a cold sore, as you’re very likely to pass on the virus. It’s not just kissing on the mouth. It’s not as common, but the cold sore virus (HSV-1) can spread to other parts of the body, like the eyes and genitals.

    Are cold sores contagious before they blister

  • Don’t share

    It’s not just direct skin-to-skin contact that spreads the virus. Things like towels, food, utensils, straws, cups and glasses, lipsticks and lip balms can all come into contact with your saliva. If someone else uses them, they can get the virus too.

    Are cold sores contagious before they blister

  • Recognise the tingle

    Don’t be fooled by a sneaky cold sore. It’s contagious before you even see it. When you feel that tingling, itching, or burning on or around your lips, it’s precaution time. Take the same steps as you would as if there was actually already a visible cold sore.

    Are cold sores contagious before they blister

  • Avoid your triggers

    Try to limit cold sore flare-ups by knowing your triggers and taking action to avoid them. Fewer outbreaks means a lower risk of infecting others.

    Are cold sores contagious before they blister

  • Take extra care

    Kids get cold sores too. Actually, the HSV-1 virus is often first contracted during childhood. Take the same precautions with children as you do with other adults, even if that means you have to avoid hugging or kissing them. Be extra vigilant around those vulnerable to infections like pregnant women, babies and those who are ill.

    Are cold sores contagious before they blister

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Can cold sores spread before they appear?

Cold sores are most contagious when you have oozing blisters because the virus easily spreads through contact with infected body fluids. But you can spread the virus even if you don't have blisters. Many people who are infected with the virus that causes cold sores never develop signs and symptoms.

How contagious are cold sores when not present?

You can spread the virus even when you don't have any symptoms of a cold sore, though you're usually most contagious when you have them. However, this is much less likely than if contact occurred when a cold sore was present. Cold sores are contagious until they go away completely, which usually takes about two weeks.

How fast can you get a cold sore from someone else?

After contracting the virus, a cold sore is likely to appear after 4-6 days, although it may take up to two weeks for symptoms to occur. Nigel Scott, information officer at the HVA, suggests that in some cases, it can take years for the first obvious outbreak to occur.