Best tasting lip balm for kissing reddit

1 TokyoMilk Dark Salted Caramel Lip Elixir

$7 at
You don't want to have chapped lips if you plan on kissing your man. However, most lip balms taste disgusting, which means you have to avoid applying them right before a make-out session. Well, now you don't have to worry about your taste, because this lip elixir has a sweet taste that your man will love feeling against his lips. Plus, it'll make you feel super soft and kissable.

2 Stilla Lip Glaze in Cranberry

$22 at
Most men will tell you that they don't like lip gloss, because it's super sticky and tastes unappealing. However, if you're dead set on wearing some gloss, this is the product you should use. It comes in plenty of different flavors, so you can choose the one your man likes the best.

3 Bourjois Lovely Rouge Lipstick

$22 at
This lipstick won't smear every single time you go in for a kiss. In fact, it has the potential to stay on your lips all day. Plus, it has a pleasant taste that your man won't shy away from. It's one of the best lipsticks out there if you're planning on doing a lot of kissing.

4 Votre Vu Champagne Kisses Enhancing Lip Balm

$22 at
If your man likes the taste of almond oil, then he'll love this lip balm. Of course, he'll also love how fabulous you look with it on. It's clear, but it'll pump up the volume of your lips and stop your lipstick from bleeding. What more could you possibly look for in a lip balm? It's definitely worth the price, so don't be afraid to break out your wallet.

5 The Body Shop Passionberry Born Lippy Lip Balm

$10 at
Here's another great lip balm to invest in. Just because it's cheap doesn't mean that it's of poor quality. Sometimes the cheaper products are actually the superior ones. This balm tastes so delicious that your man will actually ask you to wear it every time he leans in for a kiss. It's pretty addicting, so get ready to be complimented.

6 Baby Lips Lip Balm

$4 at
This lip balm is about as cheap as it gets, but it'll get the job done. It'll make your lips feel soft and smooth, but they'll also taste amazing. There are six different shades, so take your pick. If you really like them, you can just buy them all and wear a different one almost much every day of the week. After all, you can never go wrong with Maybelline.

7 Luminous Lip Veils

$30 at
Do your man a favor by making sure the taste of your lips are as impressive as the looks of them. That way, he won't be able to resist kissing you every time he sees your gorgeous face. What's the best tasting lip product that you've ever bought?

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Are we talking just a peck, or a prolonged passionate smooch?

Chapstick, is ok. Gloss, is annoying, but not too bad. Lipstick, 🤮.

I absolutely hate the feel, smell, & taste of lipstick. Especially the kind that's basically waxy, solidified, & congealed oil paint. Athough, the long-stay lip color stuff, that requires you to basically chemically paint-strip your lips, isn't too bad - because it stays vs classic lipstick.

But that's just me.


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