Best way to clear a blocked nose

Because there are so many viruses that cause colds, it’s normal for a healthy child to get six to 10 colds a year, or so. The good news – with each new cold, your child’s body builds up an immunity to that virus.

Colds are passed around schools and homes like the old game of hot potato, and it’s usually easy to tell when your child has one. Most often, you don’t need to call or see your child’s doctor unless your child develops an earache or if the symptoms last too long.

The typical cold lasts about seven to 10 days. Unfortunately, there are no drugs to make it go away sooner.

But, there are good ways to help manage the symptoms. Dr. Keith Ramsey, pediatrician with OSF Medical Group, offers some advice.

“With most colds, the starting symptoms are a runny nose cough and not feeling well,” Dr. Ramsey said. “Colds start gradually and peak at about three days. By five to seven days, things get better and resolve by nine to 10 days.”

A stuffy nose with discharge

The nasal mucus is performing the important job of washing germs out of the nose and sinuses. This is the body’s way of fighting the infection.

“At this stage, blowing the nose is all that’s needed. For younger children, you can gently suction the nose with a suction bulb,” Dr. Ramsey said. “You can put petroleum jelly on the end of the bulb and nose to protect the nostrils from any redness.”

Nasal saline for a blocked nose

Use saline (saltwater) nose spray or drops to loosen up the thick or dried mucus.

  • Step 1. Put several drops in each nostril.
  • Step 2. Blow (or suction) each nostril.
  • Step 3. Repeat nose drops and blowing (or suctioning) until the nose is open.

Saline nose drops or spray can be bought in any drugstore. No prescription is needed. Do not use homemade saline.

“Using saline frequently will keep the nose open without causing irritation,” Dr. Ramsey said. “Also, keep in mind, babies can’t nurse or drink from a bottle unless they can breathe through their nose.”

Another option is to use a warm shower to loosen the mucus. Let your child breathe in the moist air and then blow each nostril. For young children, Dr. Ramsey advises using a wet tissue to remove sticky mucus.

Stay hydrated

Try to get your child to drink lots of fluids to keep them well hydrated. It also will thin out the mucus discharge from the nose and loosens up any phlegm in the lungs, which makes it easier for them to cough it up.

If the air in your home is dry, use a cool-mist or warm-mist humidifier. Dry air makes nasal mucus thicker.

“It doesn’t matter if it’s a cool- or steam-mist humidifier,” Dr. Ramsey said. “Be sure to clean your humidifier after each use to prevent mold and other bacteria from being released into the air.”

Medicines for colds

“If saline nose drops don’t open the nose, a decongestant like Sudafed may help,” Dr. Ramsey said, “but follow the directions.”

Unless your child also has nasal allergies, allergy medicines are not recommended. While antibiotics are not helpful for colds, they might be necessary if your child gets an ear or sinus infection following the cold.

Last Updated: June 8, 2022

  • Cold and flu season is fast approaching.
  • Break out the antibacterial gel.
  • You're unlikely to avoid getting ill altogether, so here are a couple of techniques to try if you get a blocked nose.

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It's coming up to that time of year where everyone in your office is going to have the sniffles. No amount of hand gel or avoiding the communal kettle will stop the cold virus getting you — there's just too many germs around.

If you do get struck down with a cold, one of the most annoying symptoms is a blocked nose. It can linger around even when you feel better, and it feels like you spend most of your weekly budget on tissues.

Rather than endlessly blowing your nose (which you're probably doing wrong anyway), there are a few techniques for clearing a blocked nose you can try.

According to Prevention magazine, there is one superior method. In a video, the health site explains the tongue tap technique. First, you press your tongue to the top of your mouth and then press between your eyebrows on your forehead. Press, tap, and release for about 20 seconds.

"What it does is it rocks a bone called the vomer bone back and forth, and it actually clears everything that's congested," said Amy Rushlow, the managing editor of Prevention.

You can also try putting your head back and pinching your nose, then holding your breath for as long as you can. Take a breath when you finally have to, and your sinuses should be clear.

"Your brain realises that you're not getting in enough oxygen, so your survival mechanism kicks in, clearing your sinuses so you can get in air," said Rushlow.

You can watch the whole video below.

There are a few other tried and tested methods to clear a blocked nose on Medical News today. They include:

  • Taking a hot shower — The steam from the shower may help drain mucus away, although it's just a temporary fix.
  • Flush out the sinuses with neti pots — They have been used for hundreds of years to clear nasal passages of mucus.
  • Eucalyptus oil — Place a few drops of the oil into a cup of boiling water and inhale the steam.
  • Try a decongestant — They are available over the counter and work by narrowing the small blood vessels in the nose, which reduces swelling.

How do you unblock your nose fast?

How can I get rid of a blocked nose?.
Be gentle when you blow your nose. ... .
Aim to drink 6-8 glasses of water a day. ... .
Hold a warm flannel to your cheeks. ... .
Dial-up the humidity. ... .
Try a nasal rinse with warm salty water. ... .
Use menthol ointment or oil. ... .
Ask a pharmacist about treatment options..

How can I naturally Unstuff my nose?

9 Ways to Naturally Clear Up Your Congestion.
Saline spray..
Neti pot..
Herbs and spices..
Elevated head..
Essential oils..


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