Biological psychology james w. kalat 13th edition

The most widely used text in its course area, James W. Kalat's BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY has appealed to thousands of students before you. Why? Kalat's main goal is to make Biological Psychology understandable to Psychology students, not just to Biology majors and pre meds--and he delivers. Another goal is to convey the excitement of the search for biological explanations of behavior. Kalat believes that Biological Psychology is "the most interesting topic in the world," and this text convinces many students--and maybe you, too--with clear writing, amusing anecdotes and intriguing examples. MindTap, an interactive online learning resource that integrates the text with videos, animations and a virtual bio-lab component, makes learning even easier and more enjoyable.


Biological Psychology available in Hardcover





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Cengage Learning

Dr. James W. Kalat's BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY is widely used for good reason: an extremely high level of scholarship, a clear writing style with amusing anecdotes, and precise examples. Kalat's goals are to make biological psychology accessible and to convey the excitement of the search for biological explanations of behavior, and he delivers. Updated with new topics, examples, and recent research findings, the new edition continues this book's tradition of quality.

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Product Details

ISBN-13:Publisher:Publication date:Series:Edition description:Pages:Product dimensions:
Cengage Learning
MindTap Course List
New Edition
6.50(w) x 1.50(h) x 9.50(d)

About the Author

James W. Kalat is professor emeritus of psychology at North Carolina State University, where he taught introduction to psychology and biological psychology courses from 1977 through 2012. In addition to this book, Dr. Kalat has authored INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY and has co-authored EMOTION. Dr. Kalat has also written journal articles on taste-aversion learning, the teaching of psychology and other topics. He has served twice as program chair for the annual convention of the American Psychological Society, now named the Association for Psychological Science. Dr. Kalat received an A.B. degree summa cum laude from Duke University and a Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Pennsylvania. A remarried widower, he and his wife together have five children and five grandchildren.

Table of Contents

Introduction. 1. Nerve Cells and Nerve Impulses. 2. Synapses. 3. Anatomy and Research Methods. 4. Genetics, Evolution, Development, and Plasticity. 5. Vision. 6. Other Sensory Systems. 7. Movement. 8. Wakefulness and Sleep. 9. Internal Regulation. 10. Reproductive Behaviors. 11. Emotional Behaviors. 12. The Biology of Learning and Memory. 13. Cognitive Functions. 14. Psychological Disorders. Appendix A: Brief, Basic Chemistry. Appendix B: Society for Neuroscience Policies on the Use of Animals and Human Subjects in Research.

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