Bissell big green deep cleaning machine instructions

5.0 out of 5 stars Probably one of the best purchases I've ever made
Reviewed in the United States on May 30, 2017

Probably one of the best purchases I've ever made. I had a Hoover Steam Surge product and it did pretty well and lasted probably 4 moves and about 5 years so I thought. My old hoover stopped working so we purchased a new one on black Friday. Big Mistake. I used the new one for part of one room before it stopped working and I thought the Hoovers were supposed to be better than the Bissell's. So I took it back and did a little research and talked with my wife about it and we decided to spend a little more than we wanted on a carpet cleaner and bought the Bissell Big Green. Boy was I amazed at how bad the old and new hoover really were. This thing smoked the hell out of the Hoover Consumer carpet cleaners by a landslide.And we thought we vacuumed enough with our 2 dogs, This thing picked up so much dog hair it was nuts.The only Con of this thing, and to be honest isn't a con if it is pulling it up, but it will leave little hair balls here and there depending on how much dog hair is in the carpets. Most of it will be in the dirty water, but you will find quite a bit on the rollers, and occasionally little hair balls. But they are super easy to pickup and clean off the rollers and from inside of the cleaner.If you need a carpet cleaner and are willing to spend a little more than the consumer units at your local electronics store, then I would say pick this thing up right now.

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Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on December 24, 2019

The most important adjetive for this machine is, AMAZING! First, I'd like to recommend anyone researching this or any product... Read reviews. The good and the bad! Then, look for the trends in those reviews and from there, determine for YOU what is important versus what is not important. A handful of bad reviews that involve complaining about things that have nothing to do with the product specifically (i.e. packaging, delivery, etc) or a small percentage of reviews that have minor "breaks" or other minor problems versus the hundreds or better yet, thousands of great reviews on the same product, those "bad" reviews may need to be taken lightly. Unless, of course, those things are important to you. Do consider this. It doesn't matter how a product is made (assembly line or hand made), there will ALWAYS be faults. No matter the company or how good the product is overall. Obviously, the fewer problems the better but if you are seeing hundreds or thousands of good reviews to a few dozen or so negative, then that would be a reasonable percentage of errors with any good to great product. I know some people will have multiple bad experiences with the same product where others have no issues. There are a multitude of reasons that could happen but look for the overall, not just that one review. That said, I recommend and do this myself, but when looking for trends, if the bad reviews are all because something breaks but maybe its a different piece each time, then there may be an obvious trend. I would possibly take that into consideration. It may not make my decision for me, but the trend of what users say about the product is what I'm looking for and it's paid off for me quite well. Bottom line of what I'm trying to say is, don't just look at one or two reviews and don't just look at the good or the bad, but rather review as best as you are comfortable with on both ends of the spectrum and decide what trends you find and how those trends impact your decisions. For me, reading actual buyers/users reviews are better in almost all circumstances then any lab testing or any company that does product reviewing. With that, I have started my research with company
reviews, but in the end, WE'RE the end user! It is our perspective and experience that matters most. I'd rather gain real world end user perspective then read an article that may or may not be paid for to make a statement one way or the other.

On to my review. I have to say this first. When I was researching and reading reviews, my first thought, when I decided I was gonna make this purchase, was "I hope my money doesn't go to waste, but if I get even one great cleaning, that is better than I could pay any over priced "professional" with a oversized "vaccum" in their van, that doesn't even lift out the dirt but just wets the floor and kinda cleans. Then IT'S WORTH IT." I mean not to offended any professional out there but simple soaping the floor and suctioning it up isn't cleaning. That's multiple experiences and eventually, history doesn't lie.

Now, I did follow the recommendation of at least one reviewer in this review group that doubled up on the solution, and it worked. I'm not recommending that for you. Just telling you my experience and what worked for me.

Now I know you saw the pictures and probably felt ill just looking at that floor. Obviously, we thought so too. It's disgusting and thus we purchased the Big Green Machine. We can compare this unit to the many other ways we've tried to keep carpet clean in companies paid and products purchased and nothing else has come close to this.

We have SEVERAL pets to which I won't mention how many but I will say I don't have enough fingers to count them all. We love our fur babies and other pets. We also like having a clean floor and clean house. The floor is the biggest battle in our household.

Nothing is more off putting then walking into someone's house and it wreaks of animal urine. But when it's your own home and everytime you come home it smells. YUCK! Multiply that smell by 5 and and that is what anyone else coming into your home smells. We've been there. We were just there. We didn't want to host anything because of the floors. But now, I can very happily and more than confidently say that we've found our cure. This machine is just straight up, Amazing. I've never had a "professional" even come close to cleaning carpets as well as this BIG Green does. If I could find a professional to do this it would almost absolutely cost more than this machine, but I can get multiple uses out of this, as long as well cared for. You can see it for yourself in my posted pics. That dirty floor there is several months of pet stains because the moment we moved into this house my first dog discovered the location of the previous tenant's dog's "place" within less than 5 minutes being in this home. We even waited outside with our dogs before going in to this house for the first time, while they all "did their business" and still she started this disgusting trend. So let's chalk it up to this. More than a handful of household free roaming pets and 11, that's right, ELEVEN months of this.

So here's what we did. Machine arrived as quoted at time of purchase. That very next available day off, Saturday, I carefully went through the included manual and honestly, this machine looks like it could or should be difficult, but it truly isn't. Very easy to unpack, assemble, dis-assemble, and re-assemble again. That's important as you will have to empty this unit and refill with clean solution every one gallon. VERY easy to push/pull. Don't leave solution in tank or in machine. Keep all parts clean and dry when in storage. That's how I've best kept any product that uses liquids with electrical devices. Never store liquids in the machine or attachments when not in use. Unfortunately sometimes that means tossing any leftover portions unless you wish to find another way to store the liquid. Diluted solution is not recommended to be put back in with concentrate as number one, it likely won't fit, and number two, you'll ruin the concentration level of the original solvent. Next, I went to work on the floor. Now, I do have to say many people and these products suggest to pretreat. I did NOT pretreat. I wanted to see how this product (with double amount solution) would actually hold up. I started with a small space (4' x 4' landing) and immediately could see the difference. Then when I started the first trip down the hallway, my wife suggested to take before and after photos. That's what you find above. My process with doing this was to make a forward pass (I divided the hallway into 3 sections. Moving side to side the up. Closest, middle, furthest). While moving forward, I moved the machine steady at about 1 inch a second or slower. I know that seems slow but look at it. It works well. Then on the backwards pass/pull, I moved at the same pace where the carpet was heavily soiled, but where it wasn't pet stained I went about 3 inches per second. This may sound slow but consider that you have to let the solution get into the carpet and let the machine do its job. No product can do that if you rush through it. And dont force it. Let it do it job. You just steer it and place solution accordingly. On the forward pass, I held the trigger to spray the entire distance, then on the backwards pull I only held the trigger where stains resided. The suction is at the very front of the unit and collects everything on the backwards pull. Where heavy solution was applied, another slow pass, without pulling the trigger, will gather up about 95% of the moisture. That said I did make 2-3 passes forward and back with applying solution where the stains were prominent. Which was a strong majority of the hallway. The first pass really did the job better then great but considering the nature of the stains, I wanted to be more than thorough. This hallway measures about 4' wide by 23' long and took about 1 to 1 1/2 hours. But, boy was it worth the time, money, and effort. The bedroom is my young daughters who struggles still with door knobs and thus her room is open for her, by which the pets in the house took full advantage. Still not good but they did keep most of there spotting to the hall way. Her room was just as, if not more important than the hallway to get cleaned for her benefit and sanitary health.

Once I was done with the cleaning process, I emptied the dirty and clean water tanks and rinsed thoroughly. Then I put about 1/2 gallon of plain water (No solution) in the fresh water tank and ran that over the clean floor by spraying the water just as if I were cleaning the floor. I didn't use the full half gallon. I ran enough water through until I felt the solution was pretty well cleaned out. Probably a total of 1-2 minutes of total trigger squeeze. This was to allow fresh water to run through the machine to clear out the solvents in the lines that carry the solution from the clean tank to the sprayer nozzle. I can't confirm this was or was not long enough. Just going on experience to avoid damage of the unit while in storage. Once that was all done. The carpet was completely dry by the time we went to bed. So probably 4 hours or less.

It's been 2 days since I did this and spots have NOT magically returned. This is a major win. I will try to update this post after a total 1 week has passed to see if it still holds. If so, I'd call this an absolute winner, where other products have completed the job or professionals have left and within two days spots have returned. That has not yet occurred in this case.

Also, to resolve the pet issue, we placed a very solid metal baby gate to block the dogs from going back upstairs without us, during the day, until it's all our bed time. We work from home, so the dogs hang with us throughout the day. They sleep. We work. They have always and continue to go out at least 8 or more times daily or whenever they sit at the door and whine. Love 'em, but now we can live easier without "never disappearing" pet stains. We've been renting in this house for almost a year and in our previous home we sold, we had hard floor, for a reason, and will do the same when we buy again in the next 6 months or less. Clean floor + landlord = No loss.

Happy research hunting and good luck with your floors.

5.0 out of 5 stars Pet stains and multiple dogs. Eleven months. NO PROBLEM!
By Slicer on December 23, 2019

The most important adjetive for this machine is, AMAZING! First, I'd like to recommend anyone researching this or any product... Read reviews. The good and the bad! Then, look for the trends in those reviews and from there, determine for YOU what is important versus what is not important. A handful of bad reviews that involve complaining about things that have nothing to do with the product specifically (i.e. packaging, delivery, etc) or a small percentage of reviews that have minor "breaks" or other minor problems versus the hundreds or better yet, thousands of great reviews on the same product, those "bad" reviews may need to be taken lightly. Unless, of course, those things are important to you. Do consider this. It doesn't matter how a product is made (assembly line or hand made), there will ALWAYS be faults. No matter the company or how good the product is overall. Obviously, the fewer problems the better but if you are seeing hundreds or thousands of good reviews to a few dozen or so negative, then that would be a reasonable percentage of errors with any good to great product. I know some people will have multiple bad experiences with the same product where others have no issues. There are a multitude of reasons that could happen but look for the overall, not just that one review. That said, I recommend and do this myself, but when looking for trends, if the bad reviews are all because something breaks but maybe its a different piece each time, then there may be an obvious trend. I would possibly take that into consideration. It may not make my decision for me, but the trend of what users say about the product is what I'm looking for and it's paid off for me quite well. Bottom line of what I'm trying to say is, don't just look at one or two reviews and don't just look at the good or the bad, but rather review as best as you are comfortable with on both ends of the spectrum and decide what trends you find and how those trends impact your decisions. For me, reading actual buyers/users reviews are better in almost all circumstances then any lab testing or any company that does product reviewing. With that, I have started my research with company
reviews, but in the end, WE'RE the end user! It is our perspective and experience that matters most. I'd rather gain real world end user perspective then read an article that may or may not be paid for to make a statement one way or the other.

On to my review. I have to say this first. When I was researching and reading reviews, my first thought, when I decided I was gonna make this purchase, was "I hope my money doesn't go to waste, but if I get even one great cleaning, that is better than I could pay any over priced "professional" with a oversized "vaccum" in their van, that doesn't even lift out the dirt but just wets the floor and kinda cleans. Then IT'S WORTH IT." I mean not to offended any professional out there but simple soaping the floor and suctioning it up isn't cleaning. That's multiple experiences and eventually, history doesn't lie.

Now, I did follow the recommendation of at least one reviewer in this review group that doubled up on the solution, and it worked. I'm not recommending that for you. Just telling you my experience and what worked for me.

Now I know you saw the pictures and probably felt ill just looking at that floor. Obviously, we thought so too. It's disgusting and thus we purchased the Big Green Machine. We can compare this unit to the many other ways we've tried to keep carpet clean in companies paid and products purchased and nothing else has come close to this.

We have SEVERAL pets to which I won't mention how many but I will say I don't have enough fingers to count them all. We love our fur babies and other pets. We also like having a clean floor and clean house. The floor is the biggest battle in our household.

Nothing is more off putting then walking into someone's house and it wreaks of animal urine. But when it's your own home and everytime you come home it smells. YUCK! Multiply that smell by 5 and and that is what anyone else coming into your home smells. We've been there. We were just there. We didn't want to host anything because of the floors. But now, I can very happily and more than confidently say that we've found our cure. This machine is just straight up, Amazing. I've never had a "professional" even come close to cleaning carpets as well as this BIG Green does. If I could find a professional to do this it would almost absolutely cost more than this machine, but I can get multiple uses out of this, as long as well cared for. You can see it for yourself in my posted pics. That dirty floor there is several months of pet stains because the moment we moved into this house my first dog discovered the location of the previous tenant's dog's "place" within less than 5 minutes being in this home. We even waited outside with our dogs before going in to this house for the first time, while they all "did their business" and still she started this disgusting trend. So let's chalk it up to this. More than a handful of household free roaming pets and 11, that's right, ELEVEN months of this.

So here's what we did. Machine arrived as quoted at time of purchase. That very next available day off, Saturday, I carefully went through the included manual and honestly, this machine looks like it could or should be difficult, but it truly isn't. Very easy to unpack, assemble, dis-assemble, and re-assemble again. That's important as you will have to empty this unit and refill with clean solution every one gallon. VERY easy to push/pull. Don't leave solution in tank or in machine. Keep all parts clean and dry when in storage. That's how I've best kept any product that uses liquids with electrical devices. Never store liquids in the machine or attachments when not in use. Unfortunately sometimes that means tossing any leftover portions unless you wish to find another way to store the liquid. Diluted solution is not recommended to be put back in with concentrate as number one, it likely won't fit, and number two, you'll ruin the concentration level of the original solvent. Next, I went to work on the floor. Now, I do have to say many people and these products suggest to pretreat. I did NOT pretreat. I wanted to see how this product (with double amount solution) would actually hold up. I started with a small space (4' x 4' landing) and immediately could see the difference. Then when I started the first trip down the hallway, my wife suggested to take before and after photos. That's what you find above. My process with doing this was to make a forward pass (I divided the hallway into 3 sections. Moving side to side the up. Closest, middle, furthest). While moving forward, I moved the machine steady at about 1 inch a second or slower. I know that seems slow but look at it. It works well. Then on the backwards pass/pull, I moved at the same pace where the carpet was heavily soiled, but where it wasn't pet stained I went about 3 inches per second. This may sound slow but consider that you have to let the solution get into the carpet and let the machine do its job. No product can do that if you rush through it. And dont force it. Let it do it job. You just steer it and place solution accordingly. On the forward pass, I held the trigger to spray the entire distance, then on the backwards pull I only held the trigger where stains resided. The suction is at the very front of the unit and collects everything on the backwards pull. Where heavy solution was applied, another slow pass, without pulling the trigger, will gather up about 95% of the moisture. That said I did make 2-3 passes forward and back with applying solution where the stains were prominent. Which was a strong majority of the hallway. The first pass really did the job better then great but considering the nature of the stains, I wanted to be more than thorough. This hallway measures about 4' wide by 23' long and took about 1 to 1 1/2 hours. But, boy was it worth the time, money, and effort. The bedroom is my young daughters who struggles still with door knobs and thus her room is open for her, by which the pets in the house took full advantage. Still not good but they did keep most of there spotting to the hall way. Her room was just as, if not more important than the hallway to get cleaned for her benefit and sanitary health.

Once I was done with the cleaning process, I emptied the dirty and clean water tanks and rinsed thoroughly. Then I put about 1/2 gallon of plain water (No solution) in the fresh water tank and ran that over the clean floor by spraying the water just as if I were cleaning the floor. I didn't use the full half gallon. I ran enough water through until I felt the solution was pretty well cleaned out. Probably a total of 1-2 minutes of total trigger squeeze. This was to allow fresh water to run through the machine to clear out the solvents in the lines that carry the solution from the clean tank to the sprayer nozzle. I can't confirm this was or was not long enough. Just going on experience to avoid damage of the unit while in storage. Once that was all done. The carpet was completely dry by the time we went to bed. So probably 4 hours or less.

It's been 2 days since I did this and spots have NOT magically returned. This is a major win. I will try to update this post after a total 1 week has passed to see if it still holds. If so, I'd call this an absolute winner, where other products have completed the job or professionals have left and within two days spots have returned. That has not yet occurred in this case.

Also, to resolve the pet issue, we placed a very solid metal baby gate to block the dogs from going back upstairs without us, during the day, until it's all our bed time. We work from home, so the dogs hang with us throughout the day. They sleep. We work. They have always and continue to go out at least 8 or more times daily or whenever they sit at the door and whine. Love 'em, but now we can live easier without "never disappearing" pet stains. We've been renting in this house for almost a year and in our previous home we sold, we had hard floor, for a reason, and will do the same when we buy again in the next 6 months or less. Clean floor + landlord = No loss.

Happy research hunting and good luck with your floors.

Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on July 8, 2017

If a picture is worth a thousand words, I have posted two pictures of the very first short pass on our home's carpet using this new machine. This is at the top of the stairway in the upstairs hallway. She placed the machine and then pulled the handle releasing the cleaning solution and water and pulled the machine backwards ONE TIME. She did not go back over the spot. Look at the results. Strange thing is, you don't really notice how dirty the carpet is until you use a GREAT MACHINE like this one.........These carpets were cleaned with the Rug Doctor Mighty Pro X3 just two months ago.

My wife vacuums our entire house EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. In fact, she has a machine on each floor to avoid having to carry the vacuum up and down three floors. We have Simplicity Pro Upright Vacuums (an $800 plus per machine vacuum) and a Shark Upright, and they are very good vacuum cleaners.

We have 3 large canine kids all who reside in the house, where they belong. Of course, most of the carpeting in our home is an off white berber style carpet. We have tried everything over the years from professional carpet cleanings to various rental carpet cleaners and we have owned a number of machines ourselves. Recently, our neighbors allowed us to borrow their new Rug Doctor Mighty Pro X3 to clean our carpets. It worked well and I decided it was time to buy our own machine (again).

The Rug Doctor we borrowed from the neighbors worked better than the upright Hoover Pet Machine and another similar upright "vacuum cleaner" looking carpet cleaners we have owned. Usually, the biggest flaw in these upright machines which are styled like vacuum cleaners are that they don't extract the water and cleaning solution well (weak suction) which leaves the carpets wet. Also, they have small water holding tanks for both clean water and extracted water. Small tanks mean a lot of filling and emptying of those small tanks. Every minute spent filling or emptying dirty water tanks is a minute NOT spent cleaning the carpets. You can spend more time emptying and filling those small tanks than you actually spend cleaning the carpets.

It's critical that you don't overuse ANY of the carpet cleaning solutions when cleaning the carpet. It's a common mistake people make when cleaning their own carpets. Some people equate more soap with cleaner carpets and in reality, just the opposite is actually true. When you use too much soap, the machines don't rinse the carpet well and it doesn't extract the solution OR the water from the carpet. The carpets will actually get dirty faster when they have excess dried cleaning solutions on them.

Also, carpets which remain wet longer because the water and solution are not extracted properly will mean more dirt will stick to the carpets and running a vacuum cleaner over damp carpet gums up the vacuum cleaner and reduces the vacuum cleaners dirt lifting ability, not just when the carpets are wet, but afterwards as well. Typical residential Vacuum cleaners (not the Shop vacuum types of machines) are NOT designed to extract moisture from any surface. Getting your vacuum cleaner wet underneath from using it on damp carpets will cause the brushes to gum and the belts to slip and eventually it will wreck the machine. Wet / damp carpets are not only a nuisance, they are destructive to vacuum cleaners. Just ask any vacuum cleaner repair person and they will confirm just how destructive it is to use any residential vacuum cleaner on damp carpets.

Ideally, when you begin the project of cleaning your carpets, you want to spend as much of your time actually cleaning the carpets and not shuffling clean and dirty water back and forth. This is where the Bissell Big Green Deep Cleaning machine really separates itself from the competition. Not only are the clean and dirty water tanks larger than virtually every other machine we have either owned, borrowed or rented, the Bissell Big Green Deep Cleaning Machine also has a much better cleaning bar to scrub the carpets. But one of the greatest distinctions between our new Bissell Big Green Deep Cleaning Machine and the Rug Doctor which we had borrowed from our generous neighbors, is the Bissell is far superior at lifting the water and cleaning solution out of the carpet when you are extracting the water and solution. I would say it is at least TWICE as good as the Rug Doctor machine at actually extracting water and cleaning solution from your newly cleaned carpets.

Having owned about half a dozen different machines over the years, I wasn't too excited about spending $400 plus shipping on another carpet cleaner. I have cleaned and repaired our previous machines numerous times and it's really disappointing how many of the machines are really made. The Bissell Big Green Deep Cleaning Machine has a 5 year Residential Warranty on the machine, which is excellent. The machine is well made and another SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCE between this machine and the Rug Doctor Blue machine is the actual handle height when you use the machine. My wife and I are both taller than average, she is 5'10" and I am 6'4". I personally found the handle on the Rug Doctor machine at a terrible height for me to use. The Rug Doctor machine handle requires me (and my wife) to stoop over to operate the machine, which becomes a problem very quickly. Not the case with the Bissell Big Green Machine. Near as I can tell, the handle operating position on the Bissell Big Green Deep Cleaning Machine is about 5" taller than the Rug Doctor machine. This makes a HUGE DIFFERENCE when using the machine. Big advantage to the Bissell Big Green Deep Cleaning Machine.

The water and solution extraction of the Bissell Big Green Deep Cleaning Machine has to be at least DOUBLE that of the Rug Doctor Machine we had borrowed from our neighbors and theirs is a new machine with very little use. How can you tell how much water the machine is extracting? Simple, if you put two gallons of clean water in and when you extract it, you only get 3 quarts of dirty water, the rest of the water is remaining in the carpet, along with some which will evaporate during the process. The point is to get out as much of the water and cleaning solution that you have put into the carpets. The Bissell Big Green Deep Cleaning Machine clearly is superior to the rug Doctor in extracting cleaning water and solution out of the carpets. By far, the best machine we have ever used to clean carpets. The carpets were even dryer than when we have paid someone $800 or more to clean our carpets.

When my wife cleaned the carpets with the Rug Doctor machine, we actually used those floor drying blower machines for 2 or 3 days after the carpet cleaning to help dry the carpet.Truth is, we are so used to having damp carpet after cleaning that we own two of those clam shell styled floor dryers which the carpet cleaning pro's use. With the Bissell Big Green Deep Cleaning Machine, there is no need for the floor drying blowers as the carpet was dry to both the touch, but more importantly, it passed the "SOCK TEST" after 24 hours. Walk on the carpets in your socks and see if they get wet. After a day, our carpets passed the "Sock Test" where it took nearly three full days with the rug Doctor machine.

The two machines are similar in appearance and in style. But that is where the similarities end. The rug Doctor is a good machine. The Bissell Big Green Deep Cleaning Machine is a GREAT MACHINE, especially for the price. I asked my wife to honestly give me any negative about the Bissell machine she could think of after having spent two days cleaning several rooms of carpet and hallways and staircases. We discussed the two machines and their use. In the end, the ONLY negative comment about the Bissell Big Green Deep Cleaning Machine is that we didn't purchase it sooner.

Hands down, The Bissell Big Green Deep Cleaning Machine is the best carpet cleaning machine we have ever used, owned, rented or paid others to clean our carpets. Having a direct comparison to the comparable Rug Doctor machine was very handy. I would give the Rug Doctor Mighty Pro X3 a 7 out of 10, where as I would give the Bissell Big Green Deep Cleaning Machine a 9.9 out of 10. Why a 9.9 and not a perfect score? I don;t want the Bissell engineers to stop their pursuit of perfection in residential carpet cleaning machines, but with this machine, they are much closer to perfect than any other machine we have ever used.

5.0 out of 5 stars We have tried many, None are Better than the Bissell Big Green Deep Cleaning Machine
By Bruce Aungst on July 7, 2017

If a picture is worth a thousand words, I have posted two pictures of the very first short pass on our home's carpet using this new machine. This is at the top of the stairway in the upstairs hallway. She placed the machine and then pulled the handle releasing the cleaning solution and water and pulled the machine backwards ONE TIME. She did not go back over the spot. Look at the results. Strange thing is, you don't really notice how dirty the carpet is until you use a GREAT MACHINE like this one.........These carpets were cleaned with the Rug Doctor Mighty Pro X3 just two months ago.

My wife vacuums our entire house EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. In fact, she has a machine on each floor to avoid having to carry the vacuum up and down three floors. We have Simplicity Pro Upright Vacuums (an $800 plus per machine vacuum) and a Shark Upright, and they are very good vacuum cleaners.

We have 3 large canine kids all who reside in the house, where they belong. Of course, most of the carpeting in our home is an off white berber style carpet. We have tried everything over the years from professional carpet cleanings to various rental carpet cleaners and we have owned a number of machines ourselves. Recently, our neighbors allowed us to borrow their new Rug Doctor Mighty Pro X3 to clean our carpets. It worked well and I decided it was time to buy our own machine (again).

The Rug Doctor we borrowed from the neighbors worked better than the upright Hoover Pet Machine and another similar upright "vacuum cleaner" looking carpet cleaners we have owned. Usually, the biggest flaw in these upright machines which are styled like vacuum cleaners are that they don't extract the water and cleaning solution well (weak suction) which leaves the carpets wet. Also, they have small water holding tanks for both clean water and extracted water. Small tanks mean a lot of filling and emptying of those small tanks. Every minute spent filling or emptying dirty water tanks is a minute NOT spent cleaning the carpets. You can spend more time emptying and filling those small tanks than you actually spend cleaning the carpets.

It's critical that you don't overuse ANY of the carpet cleaning solutions when cleaning the carpet. It's a common mistake people make when cleaning their own carpets. Some people equate more soap with cleaner carpets and in reality, just the opposite is actually true. When you use too much soap, the machines don't rinse the carpet well and it doesn't extract the solution OR the water from the carpet. The carpets will actually get dirty faster when they have excess dried cleaning solutions on them.

Also, carpets which remain wet longer because the water and solution are not extracted properly will mean more dirt will stick to the carpets and running a vacuum cleaner over damp carpet gums up the vacuum cleaner and reduces the vacuum cleaners dirt lifting ability, not just when the carpets are wet, but afterwards as well. Typical residential Vacuum cleaners (not the Shop vacuum types of machines) are NOT designed to extract moisture from any surface. Getting your vacuum cleaner wet underneath from using it on damp carpets will cause the brushes to gum and the belts to slip and eventually it will wreck the machine. Wet / damp carpets are not only a nuisance, they are destructive to vacuum cleaners. Just ask any vacuum cleaner repair person and they will confirm just how destructive it is to use any residential vacuum cleaner on damp carpets.

Ideally, when you begin the project of cleaning your carpets, you want to spend as much of your time actually cleaning the carpets and not shuffling clean and dirty water back and forth. This is where the Bissell Big Green Deep Cleaning machine really separates itself from the competition. Not only are the clean and dirty water tanks larger than virtually every other machine we have either owned, borrowed or rented, the Bissell Big Green Deep Cleaning Machine also has a much better cleaning bar to scrub the carpets. But one of the greatest distinctions between our new Bissell Big Green Deep Cleaning Machine and the Rug Doctor which we had borrowed from our generous neighbors, is the Bissell is far superior at lifting the water and cleaning solution out of the carpet when you are extracting the water and solution. I would say it is at least TWICE as good as the Rug Doctor machine at actually extracting water and cleaning solution from your newly cleaned carpets.

Having owned about half a dozen different machines over the years, I wasn't too excited about spending $400 plus shipping on another carpet cleaner. I have cleaned and repaired our previous machines numerous times and it's really disappointing how many of the machines are really made. The Bissell Big Green Deep Cleaning Machine has a 5 year Residential Warranty on the machine, which is excellent. The machine is well made and another SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCE between this machine and the Rug Doctor Blue machine is the actual handle height when you use the machine. My wife and I are both taller than average, she is 5'10" and I am 6'4". I personally found the handle on the Rug Doctor machine at a terrible height for me to use. The Rug Doctor machine handle requires me (and my wife) to stoop over to operate the machine, which becomes a problem very quickly. Not the case with the Bissell Big Green Machine. Near as I can tell, the handle operating position on the Bissell Big Green Deep Cleaning Machine is about 5" taller than the Rug Doctor machine. This makes a HUGE DIFFERENCE when using the machine. Big advantage to the Bissell Big Green Deep Cleaning Machine.

The water and solution extraction of the Bissell Big Green Deep Cleaning Machine has to be at least DOUBLE that of the Rug Doctor Machine we had borrowed from our neighbors and theirs is a new machine with very little use. How can you tell how much water the machine is extracting? Simple, if you put two gallons of clean water in and when you extract it, you only get 3 quarts of dirty water, the rest of the water is remaining in the carpet, along with some which will evaporate during the process. The point is to get out as much of the water and cleaning solution that you have put into the carpets. The Bissell Big Green Deep Cleaning Machine clearly is superior to the rug Doctor in extracting cleaning water and solution out of the carpets. By far, the best machine we have ever used to clean carpets. The carpets were even dryer than when we have paid someone $800 or more to clean our carpets.

When my wife cleaned the carpets with the Rug Doctor machine, we actually used those floor drying blower machines for 2 or 3 days after the carpet cleaning to help dry the carpet.Truth is, we are so used to having damp carpet after cleaning that we own two of those clam shell styled floor dryers which the carpet cleaning pro's use. With the Bissell Big Green Deep Cleaning Machine, there is no need for the floor drying blowers as the carpet was dry to both the touch, but more importantly, it passed the "SOCK TEST" after 24 hours. Walk on the carpets in your socks and see if they get wet. After a day, our carpets passed the "Sock Test" where it took nearly three full days with the rug Doctor machine.

The two machines are similar in appearance and in style. But that is where the similarities end. The rug Doctor is a good machine. The Bissell Big Green Deep Cleaning Machine is a GREAT MACHINE, especially for the price. I asked my wife to honestly give me any negative about the Bissell machine she could think of after having spent two days cleaning several rooms of carpet and hallways and staircases. We discussed the two machines and their use. In the end, the ONLY negative comment about the Bissell Big Green Deep Cleaning Machine is that we didn't purchase it sooner.

Hands down, The Bissell Big Green Deep Cleaning Machine is the best carpet cleaning machine we have ever used, owned, rented or paid others to clean our carpets. Having a direct comparison to the comparable Rug Doctor machine was very handy. I would give the Rug Doctor Mighty Pro X3 a 7 out of 10, where as I would give the Bissell Big Green Deep Cleaning Machine a 9.9 out of 10. Why a 9.9 and not a perfect score? I don;t want the Bissell engineers to stop their pursuit of perfection in residential carpet cleaning machines, but with this machine, they are much closer to perfect than any other machine we have ever used.

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Top reviews from other countries

5.0 out of 5 stars Playing With The Big Boys

Reviewed in Canada 🇨🇦 on October 10, 2018

If you've decided you want a steam cleaner and just don't know if you want this full grade version compared to a smaller, cheaper, home version. Just buy this one -- it's great. Wait for a sale if you want to, I think I got mine for around 100 off. It sucks and cleans better than _________ the week before rent is due. All kidding aside, it's great for people who have pets or are just messy themselves and spill things. What wine stains? 10 year old car seats that I just installed...what dirt? It's hilariously good and even though I haven't "made my money back" yet compared to rentals from the grocery store, it's a much cleaner unit, it's much easier to clean, it's newer and in better shape, and I would definitely buy it again if I was back in the same situation.

5.0 out of 5 stars You get what you pay for!

Reviewed in Canada 🇨🇦 on September 22, 2017

This green monster sucks! No really it does. It pulls dirt from carpet like a professional machine you would go out and rent. Well made, well thought out design, ample clean and dirty tank sizes, rugged and the best part, this machine does everything you would expect it too in fact it exceeded my refreshing that a product does exactly what the manufacturer promises it will do now days.... It simply cleans carpets exceptionally well with very little drying time. Ever heard the saying you get what you pay for?...its worth the extra money.This one is an awesome buy! Oh almost forgot, this unit DOES come with the upholstery attachment even though the description says "machine only" so don't make the same mistake I did by buying the upholstery attachment separately.

5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent cleaner. Does a good job

Reviewed in the United Kingdom 🇬🇧 on April 11, 2016

Excellent cleaner. Does a good job. I have 4 dogs and my carpets get very dirty at this time of the year . I have had numerous cleaners and the' Big Green' is the best cleaner I have had. It is not too heavy either . Very easy to fill and empty and clean. Had a couple of little problems initially but they were sorted out immediately. Very happy with the level of customer care.

5.0 out of 5 stars I love this beast

Reviewed in Canada 🇨🇦 on March 22, 2019

Simple to use, right out of the box! The machine is heavy, but not too heavy, and rolls easily. The water tanks are manageable (I've got arthritis, so I was worried about that). The trigger is such that it doesn't hurt to use it. Above all, it's really effective! Great suction and gets the dirt you can't even see. I've rented Rug Doctor loads of times, but I think this does just as good a job. So, for the price of three years' of rentals, I own a machine that I can conveniently use for big jobs or small - and it'll last longer than 3 years! Bonus. The Bissell Professional cleaning solution is excellent and smells light and fresh - no overpowering perfumey smell. Thumbs up!

5.0 out of 5 stars AMAZING!!!

Reviewed in Canada 🇨🇦 on March 27, 2018

This is by far, the BEST carpet cleaning machine I have ever used. I am flabbergasted by the results. I’ve rented industrial machines, and didn’t get this kind of result. A before and after of one small area I cleaned; there was toothpaste, black dirt, spilled coffee and some mystery sticky substance, and it all came out easily. We have five kids and two dogs. This machine is heaven sent! Way to go Bissell! Two thumbs up!

5.0 out of 5 stars AMAZING!!!
Reviewed in Canada 🇨🇦 on March 27, 2018

This is by far, the BEST carpet cleaning machine I have ever used. I am flabbergasted by the results. I’ve rented industrial machines, and didn’t get this kind of result. A before and after of one small area I cleaned; there was toothpaste, black dirt, spilled coffee and some mystery sticky substance, and it all came out easily. We have five kids and two dogs. This machine is heaven sent! Way to go Bissell! Two thumbs up!

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Does Bissell Big Green machine Use vinegar?

White vinegar can be used as a household cleaning product to clean just about any surface. Fortunately, you can even use it in a Bissell carpet cleaner. To use, pour one cup of white vinegar into the Bissell's reservoir tank. Fill the tank the rest of the way with hot water.

How long does it take for Bissell Big Green carpet to dry?

How long does it take carpets and upholstery to dry after carpet cleaning? On the average, it will take approximately 2-4 hours for carpet and upholstery to dry after being carpet cleaned. To expedite the drying process, you will want to use a fan and increase your air circulation.


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