Can i suck dick with braces

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  • Can You Eat Popsicles While Wearing Braces?

Welcome to Friday Focus! This week we’re going to be answering the question “Can you eat popsicles while wearing braces?” The answer is unequivocally yes. While chewing ice would be considered something to avoid while wearing braces, this isn’t the case when it comes to popsicles because they’re much softer. That said, you’ll still need to be careful because they are hard. Instead of just taking a straight bite out of a popsicle, just suck on it or thaw it out a bit before eating it. If you bite into a hard popsicle you run the risk of damaging your braces.

Cold Foods and Pain Relief

Like ice packs, cold snacks like ice cream and popsicles can help relieve pain by numbing the mouth and reducing inflammation. That said, if you have sensitive teeth, you’ll want to avoid eating cold snacks or drinking cold fluids.

As Often as Possible, Avoid Eating Sugary Snacks

It’s always best to avoid eating sweets as often as possible, especially during all orthodontic treatments. Eating sugar causes tooth decay and while you’re wearing braces, teeth are extremely susceptible. You can avoid most dental decay related problems if you consistently maintain healthy oral hygiene, brushing and flossing 2 to 3 times a day. A good idea is to carry a travel toothbrush, toothpaste and floss with you to work, etc., so you can brush your teeth whenever you eat (or drink something sugary) throughout the day. At the very least, carry a travel sized bottle of mouthwash with you and vigorously rinse your teeth after you consume anything.

Your decision to get braces for you or your child is an important one, one that will yield beautiful results once treatment is completed. We’re here to make the process as comfortable and successful as possible. If you would like to find out more about your options when it comes to braces friendly foods, contact us today.

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  • What Are The Side Effects Of Thumb Sucking?

Thumb sucking is actually a natural habit for young children. Approximately 90% of children between 2 to 3 years of age suck their thumbs. Thumb sucking only begins to affect a child once they reach 6 to 7 years of age because that’s when their permanent teeth start to come in. After the permanent teeth come in, thumb sucking may cause problems with the proper growth of the mouth and alignment of the teeth.

Because of the way the thumb is forced against the inside of the upper front teeth, thumb sucking can cause several structural problems such as flaring the teeth outward. It can also cause an open bite, which is when the upper and lower teeth don’t make contact when the jaws are closed. This dental problem makes the simple act of eating/tearing foods like sandwiches, pizza, etc. challenging. While these types of problems typically correct themselves if the child stops sucking their thumb early on, the longer they continue the habit, the more likely it is that they’ll require orthodontic treatment to address their bite problems. Respiratory and speech issues are also side effects of thumb sucking. Children with a prolonged thumb sucking habit may end up with a lisp, thrust their tongue out when they talk and have trouble saying T’s and D’s.

Addressing Thumb Sucking

If the child doesn’t stop sucking their thumb, orthodontic help might be required to correct the positioning of the teeth and align the jaws. If an open bite problem isn’t resolved while the child is growing, jaw surgery may be necessary. The best thing to do if prolonged thumb sucking is a problem is to schedule an appointment with an orthodontist to have them help break your child’s thumb sucking habit. Treatment could vary from recommending products that taste bad (a thumb sucking/nail biting liquid deterrent) to fitting a palatal appliance that can keep the thumb from pushing on their teeth.

If you’re concerned about the effects that thumb sucking may be having on your child’s teeth, schedule a consultation with E&S Orthodontics today.

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Braces can be used to correct crooked teeth, overbites, and other orthodontic issues. However, braces can be painful and unsightly. There are measures you can take to reduce you risk for needing braces. You can also use alternative methods to correct any issues with your teeth.

  1. Can i suck dick with braces


    Prevent mouth breathing. If your child breathes through his mouth frequently, this may lead to misalignment of his teeth that will eventually need correcting with braces. Take measures to make sure mouth breathing does not occur with frequency.

    • Ideally, the tongue should rest just inside the upper teeth. When a child breathes through his mouth, his tongue is pushed down and outside pressures are exerted on the teeth. This can result in teeth becoming crooked over time. The upper teeth and the upper maxilla (the jaw) make a triangular, pyramidal shape and braces may be necessary.
    • Oftentimes, nasal problems (usually nasal polyps), allergies, and asthma may be the reasons your child is breathing through his mouth. Make an appointment with a pediatrician to figure out the physical cause behind his mouth breathing and find ways to keep his nose clear to correct the problem.
    • Children may breath heavily through their mouths or snore during sleep. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including enlarged tonsils. If you notice your child breathes through his mouth during sleep, make a doctor's appointment to determine the cause and correct the problem.

  2. Can i suck dick with braces


    Discourage thumb sucking. Bad oral habits, like sucking the thumb or fingers, can cause a misaligned bite that will require braces. If your child sucks his thumb, fingers, or a pacifier, find ways to discourage the habit.

    • Thumb sucking is a reflex found in young infants that fosters feelings of security. Thumb sucking often continues into toddlerhood and beyond. Usually, thumb sucking is not a concern until your child's permanent teeth come in, which should happen around the age of 5. At that point, intervention may be necessary to make sure it does not affect how a child's teeth line up.[1] It may also affect a child's bone structure and may be hard to correct, even with braces.
    • Positive reinforcement helps. Try praising your child when he is not sucking his thumb with small rewards like a piece of candy or a trip to the park.[2]
    • Identify any triggers for thumb sucking. Children may suck their thumbs in response to stress. Reassuring your child with soothing words or a hug when he seems stressed may prevent him from sucking his thumb.[3]
    • If you see your child thoughtlessly sucking her thumb, gently ask her to stop. Small, gentle reminders can discourage the behavior over time. You should avoid yelling or scolding, as this may increase your child's stress and lead to further thumb sucking.[4]


  3. Can i suck dick with braces


    Correct stress-related teeth problems. Bruxism is a periodical contraction of muscles in the face while sleeping that's often accompanied by behaviors like teeth grinding. While sometimes genetic, bruxism is often caused by stress. If you believe your child may be grinding his teeth due to high anxiety, finding ways to help him cope can lessen the habit and help him avoid braces in the future.[5]

    • Children cope with stress in a variety of ways. While some children may be easygoing by nature, many children have trouble dealing with even small stressors and may cry, throw tantrums, or run and hide in response to pressure. Many parents falsely believe children are unaware or unbothered by stressful factors in their own lives, such as problems at work or health concerns. Try to understand even if your child does not know exactly what's going on, he can be affected by stress as much as you are.[6]
    • Talk to your child about stress. Help him understand the physical signs of stress, such as tightened chest, increased heartbeat, etc. Having a word and explanation for such problems can make them less scary. It's often the unknown that's most frightening to children. Help him understand stress is normal and something everyone experiences to some degree.
    • Providing physical support, like hugs, pats on the back, and kisses, can help a child relax when stress comes on. You should also provide emotional support through open communication. Allow your child to explain to you what is causing him stress and why, and you can help by listening, understanding, and reassuring him. Remember, young children often find it difficult to explain their emotions so your child may explain stress in abstract, bodily ways. He might explain a body part, like the heart or the head, hurts.
    • If there are major life events occurring, such as a divorce or the death of a close family member, your child may need a therapist or counselor to help him cope. Many therapists work with children and you can try asking your pediatrician for a recommendation.

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  1. Can i suck dick with braces


    Try a retainer. For a variety of reasons, wearing braces may be difficult for you. In this case, you may want to look into alternatives. A retainer, a removable device used to correct crooked teeth, may be an option.

    • Typically, retainers are used after braces are removed to correct crooked teeth. However, if you only need a small amount of correction, ask your dentist or orthodontist about the possibility of a retainer instead of braces.[7]
    • Retainers are typically inexpensive and sometimes only need to be worn during certain parts of the day; you typically wear them for long periods of time, such as while you sleep. Your dentist might recommend a special toothpaste or mouthwash to clean and rinse your retainer.[8]

  2. Can i suck dick with braces


    Ask about clear aligners. Clear aligners, such as invisalign, are clear and removable braces that need to be worn for certain intervals. They are a popular alternative to braces for adults.[9]

    • Clear aligners can correct major structural issues and also minor crookedness. If you need a tooth gap corrected, aligners are a good option as correction is minimal.[10]
    • For your first pair, you'll have to wear them 20 hours a day for two weeks. After this, you'll be fitted with a different pair. Your dentist will tell you how long you need to wear your new pair determined on the problem you're correcting.[11]

  3. Can i suck dick with braces


    Try veneers. Veneers are primarily used to treat gaps between teeth, cracks, chips, or even severe discoloration. They are porcelain caps inserted into your teeth, onto the "vestibular surface," or the area of your teeth that is visible when you smile, to correct damages and imperfections.[12]

    • Your dentist will remove a thin layer of tooth enamel and then fix veneers to your teeth.[13]
    • Veneers are often considered cosmetic rather than medical, so your insurance may not cover them.[14]

  4. Can i suck dick with braces


    Use accelerated orthodontics. There are ways to fast track orthodontic treatment that can minimize the time you have to wear corrective devices like braces.

    • Most fast-tracking treatments use a system called micro-osteoperforation that weakens your bones to the point your teeth move under pressure. This allows braces and other devices that to remold your teeth to work faster.[15]
    • This can easily be used with other braces alternatives, such as retainers and clear aligners. The treatment, however, can be quite expensive and may not be covered by insurance.[16]

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  1. Can i suck dick with braces


    Brush your teeth twice daily. Caring for your teeth, before or after remodeling treatments, is important. You want to make sure you avoid needing further treatment after braces, aligners, or retainers are removed. You should brush your in the morning and before bed.

    • Use a soft bristle brush and gently brush your teeth on all sides, using circular motions. Use a fluoride toothpaste. In addition to your teeth, brush along the gum line and on your tongue.[17]
    • If you have arthritis or conditions that limit motion in your hands, try a battery operated toothbrush.[18]

  2. Can i suck dick with braces


    Floss. You also need to floss your teeth each day with dental floss. This will remove plaque between the teeth that cannot be otherwise removed. Flossing also prevents gingivitis and gum disease. Floss until you reach the gums, but do not dig into your gums with floss until they bleed or become sore.[19]

  3. Can i suck dick with braces


    Understand braces may be inevitable. While you might not like the prospect of getting braces, sometimes alternatives can be too expensive or will not work for you given the level of correction needed. Crooked teeth are also dependent on genetic factors, so even if you brush and floss regularly braces may still be necessary.

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    I really want braces, but my mom won't let me get them. What should I do?

    Can i suck dick with braces

    Dr. Macau is an oral surgeon, periodontist, and aesthetician at Favero Dental Clinic in London. He received his DDS from Carol Davila University of Medicine in 2015.

    Can i suck dick with braces

    Doctor of Dental Surgery

    Expert Answer

    You should understand that braces are not fashion accessories. First, you should get an orthodontic consultation. If the orthodontist decides you need braces, then you can start the treatment. Convince your mom that you need an appointment; a normal bite is very important for your development.

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  • None of these methods are foolproof. Due to genetic factors that affect teeth alignment, you may still need braces as alternatives and precautionary measures do not work for everyone.



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