Can i take benadryl at night and allegra in the morning

Guest over a year ago


I’ve recently developed a strange rash which my physician thinks is caused by some kind of an allergy. It just looks like red, itchy rash that first started on my arms, but then spread to my chest and neck. At first I just used over-the-counter Benadryl, but until I get all my allergy tests done, I was prescribed Allegra, as well.

Allegra did kind of stop the rash from spreading, but Benadryl works better in stopping the itching, not to mention that it helps me fall asleep easier. What I’m wondering though is, is it safe to use Allegra and Benadryl together?

Guest over a year ago


it's generally not recommended to take both Allegra and Benadryl at the same time, mainly because both medications have similar way of stopping the allergic reaction. But, if Allegra isn't helping you with the itching, then maybe Benadryl topical cream would work better - or a steroid one.

If you continue to take these two medications together at least space them apart, eg, take Allegra in the morning and Benadryl at night.

Guest over a year ago

Most doctors will tell you that it's perfectly fine to take Allegra and Benadryl at the same time. I don't know who the id**t about is.

Guest over a year ago

I have a similar question, i take allegra at 12 am, but i also took liquid children's benadryl (appropriate does for adults and children 12 and over, which is 10 mL) at 8:54 pm, will it be ok for me to take my allegra at 12 am? I take allegra everyday at 12 am, but i took benadryl 8:54 pm.

Guest over a year ago

I took an Allegra 12 hour tablet at 4pm and I would like to take a benedryl at 9:30pm. Would that be ok?

Are you unwittingly making your symptoms worse? Beware of these allergy blunders.

Can i take benadryl at night and allegra in the morning

Do you suffer year-round with itchy, watery eyes, sinus pressure, and nasal congestion? Maybe you are looking for the best medicine for allergies and have yet to find relief. If you suffer from seasonal allergies, you know your sneezy, wheezy symptoms can continue for months at a time no matter what time of year it is.

In early spring, you can expect to be hit with tree pollen — especially if you live near oak, cedar, elm, or other trees whose blossoms generate lots of irritating pollen. In mid- to late summer, say hello to grass pollen. By the time fall rolls around, your sniffling nose and watery eyes are being assailed by ragweed pollen. Anyone who suffers from allergies knows this irritating condition can make you downright miserable.

Allergies can take two different forms — seasonal and perennial. When symptoms occur because of trees in the spring, grasses in summer, and weeds in the fall, they are said to be seasonal. Seasonal allergic rhinitis is usually caused by an allergy to mold spores, grasses, weeds or pollens from trees and other plants. If you experience year-round allergies, you could have perennial allergic rhinitis, or an allergy to environmental dust, dust mites, animal danders or mold spores or mildew. Your allergic rhinitis can be triggered by remnants of fur months after a cat, dog, or other pet has been removed from your home.

If you’re particularly sensitive to seasonal allergies like hay fever, you’re probably taking all the right precautions, including:

  • Removing pollen from your clothes
  • Staying indoors during peak pollen times
  • Using eye drops to keep your eyes clear and moistened
  • Washing your hands often

But it can be all too easy to unknowingly make your allergy symptoms worse. Did you know that taking a dip in the pool, playing with a friend’s pet, or wearing outdoor shoes around the house can all be triggers?

Mayo Clinic offers more ways to reduce your exposure to allergens:

  • Avoid yard chores that stir up dust, debris, and pollen. Ask someone to do your yard work and other chores during peak pollen season. If you must work outdoors, wear a mask.
  • Keep the windows to your house closed on high pollen days. Also close your car windows to avoid excess pollen.
  • Keep your windows closed during pollen season.
  • Remove clothes and immediately shower after going outdoors. Wash your hair and skin to remove all pollen.
  • Stay inside on dry, windy days. Wait until a good rain has cleared the pollen and dust from the air before you go outside.

Overall, seasonal allergic rhinitis is easier to treat with allergy meds because the symptoms are short-term; perennial allergic rhinitis from year-round exposure is more difficult to control. Many people get used to living with annoying allergy symptoms, but getting the best medicine for allergies can provide control year-round.

Don’t wait until you can’t breathe to get allergy meds. See your doctor and get the best medicine for allergies before pollen or ragweed season hits this year.

Along with allergy meds, prevention of allergen exposure is important for good symptom control. Take note of what might be escalating your allergies and how you can respond right now.

Shower Immediately After Being Outside

Can i take benadryl at night and allegra in the morning

When you spend a lot of time outside, particularly if you’re working out in the yard, pollen can end up on your skin and hair, worsening allergy symptoms. If you’re highly allergic to pollen, it’s a good idea to take a second shower after you come inside to rinse away the pollen and avoid allergy symptoms, explains Mark S. Dykewicz, MD, a professor of internal medicine and the director of allergy and immunology at the Wake Forest University School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

Leave Your Shoes and Pollen at the Front Door

Can i take benadryl at night and allegra in the morning

You can carry quite a bit of pollen into the house after you’ve been exposed to it by exercising or working outside. If you don’t take off your shoes as soon as you come into the house, you may be tracking pollen into every room. The same goes for your clothes. It’s not necessary for everyone, but if seasonal allergies like hay fever are particularly troublesome for you, change your clothes as soon as you come in and throw them in the wash to keep allergy symptoms from following you home, Dr. Dykewicz advises.

Avoid Opening Windows Once Spring Hits

Can i take benadryl at night and allegra in the morning

It can be hard to resist the allure of a warm spring breeze once the temperature rises, but opening your windows when seasonal allergies are at their peak is like giving pollen an open invitation to invade your living space and cause allergy symptoms. Keeping your windows closed and using an air conditioner with an allergy filter can be an effective way of treating allergies and may help you breathe better, says Dykewicz.

Skip Having a Drink With Dinner

Can i take benadryl at night and allegra in the morning

Drinking any type of alcohol increases blood flow to the linings of your nose and can make nasal allergy symptoms worse, notes Dykewicz. Also, if you’re someone who has year-round nasal issues, including frequent congestion, this scenario can be complicated by alcohol. When seasonal allergies hit and you’re already feeling congested, skip the beer or wine to avoid worsening your allergy symptoms.

Stay Away From Chlorine and Strong Perfumes

Can i take benadryl at night and allegra in the morning

Odors such as chlorine from a swimming pool and strong perfumes can irritate the nasal airways and lungs and make you cough. Irritants such as perfume and dyes in cosmetics and cleaning products can also cause an allergic skin reaction, known as contact dermatitis. Dermatitis can cause a rash and lead to itching, which will make your other allergy symptoms feel even worse.

Skip Short-Acting Allergy Meds at Night

Can i take benadryl at night and allegra in the morning

Some medications for treating allergies, like Zyrtec (cetirizine) and Allegra (fexofenadine) last 24 hours and don’t need to be taken at night. But if you’re combating allergy symptoms with a different antihistamine first thing in the morning, keep in mind that its effects will only last six to eight hours. If you don’t take it again before going to bed, you may wake up to more allergy symptoms in the morning, Dykewicz says. Check the label of your medication to be sure you’re taking the correct number of doses for your seasonal allergies.

Put the Humidifier Away

Can i take benadryl at night and allegra in the morning

If you’re allergic to dust mites, using a humidifier may make your allergy symptoms worse, especially if you use one in your bedroom. Humidity promotes the growth of dust mites, Dykewicz explains. The best thing for treating allergies from dust mites is dry air. So if you suspect a dust mite allergy, stop using your humidifier and see if your symptoms improve.

Avoid Foods That Can Cause a Reaction

Can i take benadryl at night and allegra in the morning

People with seasonal allergies often have antibodies that can cause their immune system to overreact to certain foods. This phenomenon is called cross-reactivity. For instance, if you’re allergic to ragweed, you may experience allergy symptoms like itching on your lips, tongue, and mouth if you eat bananas, melons, cucumber, or zucchini, Dykewicz says. If you’re allergic to birch tree pollen, you may have allergy symptoms after eating apples, pears, peaches, hazelnuts, kiwi, carrots, or celery. These problems may only occur during the season in which your allergies are at their worst.

Regardless of the season, help minimize your allergy symptoms by keeping all these triggers in mind and avoiding them as much as possible.

How soon after Benadryl can I take Allegra?

No interactions were found between Allegra-D 24 Hour and Benadryl.

Can you take Allegra 24 hour in the morning and Benadryl at night?

You should not take multiple oral antihistamines together, such as Benadryl, Claritin, Zyrtec, Allegra or Xyzal. Pick one and take it daily. These medicines work better to control symptoms if you take them daily,” she explains. Dr.

Can I take an allergy pill in the morning and Benadryl at night?

It may not be safe to take Benadryl until 12 hours after taking Claritin,” Dr. Glatter says. (Dr. Raimo takes that a step further, advising patients to avoid taking these two medications within 24 hours of each other.)