Can i use niacinamide after salicylic acid face wash

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Skincare ingredients aren’t too different from people; they also work well in tandem when paired correctly. Think of Ross and Rachel as a couple, except when they were on a break, but for your face. We are talking about a pair of ingredients that, like an understanding couple, complement each others characteristics rather than have them clash with each other.

While some ingredients work together, there are many that replicate the behaviour of a toxic couple (benzoyl peroxide with retinol is a strict no-no). When we talk about combinations of ingredients, it’s important to note that some ingredients work better when layered together, and some are better off when present in the same formulation.

So, here are the best-suited pairings:

  • Vitamin C and Vitamin E

I called these two the Monica and Chandler of my skincare opera! Also, got it, no more Friends references! But think of a couple where one partner is extremely talented and always hustling to make things better and all he needs is a little push from his better half in unstable times. That’s vitamin C for you — a powerful antioxidant that works tirelessly on bettering collagen production, brightening the skin, and reducing pigmentation. However, it is a little unstable and it gets the stability it needs when you pair it with vitamin E.

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  • Vitamin C and Glycolic Acid

One of the Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs), glycolic acid is known for its gentle exfoliating properties that unveil brighter skin. It also aids in the cell turnover process. Glycolic acid works in conjunction with vitamin C, and the two help give you clear, bright skin while reducing dark spots. If you are using a glycolic acid-based toner, you can layer it with a vitamin C serum. I like toning my skin with PIXI Glow Tonic and layering it with 20% Vitamin C by The Derma Co.

  • Niacinamide and Salicylic Acid

This is one of my favourite duos, especially if you have acne-prone skin and are also looking to get rid of stubborn spots. Salicylic acid helps clear pores, reduce inflammation, and is good for gentle exfoliation. It’s a great ingredient for acne-prone skin, especially if you have oily skin type. Salicylic acid works more effectively when layered with niacinamide. Niacinamide is an antioxidant that reduces inflammation and helps with acne. It’s always good to use salicylic acid in a cleanser or a face mask and layer it with niacinamide. I recommend niacinamide serum by The Ordinary, if you can get hold of it; consider it magic in a bottle.

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  • Squalane and Ceramides

If you don’t know the anatomy of our skin, here’s a simple way of understanding it: our skin is made up of almost 65 per cent water with a layer of natural fats. These fats include naturally-existing oils, cholesterol, fatty acids, squalane, and ceramides. This layer saves water in the skin, stops it from evaporating, and keeps the skin hydrated.

You need to layer your skin with these oils to strengthen its barrier and prevent epidermal loss of water. To achieve plumper skin, the power duo of squalane and ceramides works wonders! I prefer natural squalane oil from Dr. Sheth’s and the ceramide potion from Neemli Naturals, which is gentle on the skin.

  • Retinol and Hyaluronic Acid

Our skin has a love-hate relationship with retinol. It does react to it a little at the beginning, but, once your skin adjusts to it, there’s no turning back. Retinol makes skin dry and flaky but proves to be a wonder ingredient in treating acne. Therefore, it needs the support of a hydrating agent and hyaluronic is a winner in that category. It helps retain water in the skin and strengthens the skin barrier. Retinol and hyaluronic acid work well when layered, but always do a patch test or check with your dermatologist before using retinol. I depend on Korean brands for hyaluronic acid serum, and my favourite is the one by It’s Skin.

Also Read: Face Oil vs Serum vs Essence: What's The Difference?

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What is niacinamide and what are its benefits?

Niacinamide is a naturally occurring vitamin found in foods including yeast, meat, fish, milk, eggs, green vegetables, beans, and cereal grains. It is also used as a dietary supplement and as a powerful additive in skincare products. It’s an extraordinarily versatile ingredient that research shows is highly effective in helping reduce the redness left by spots (in concentrations of 2% or more) – making it a great choice for those with acne-prone skin.

This gentle antioxidant is water soluble and works with the natural substances in the skin to help reduce inflammation, brighten skin and support healthy collagen stimulation. It’s well tolerated by all skin types, even sensitive skin and rosacea-prone complexions. 

Specifically it:

  • Regulates oil secretion
  • Visibly minimizes enlarged pores
  • Tightens lax pores
  • Improves uneven skin tone
  • Softens fine lines and wrinkles
  • Diminishes dullness
  • Improves skin’s natural production of skin-strengthening ceramides
  • Reduces moisture loss and dehydration
  • Helps skin repair signs of past damage
  • Boosts the hydrating properties of moisturizers.

What is salicylic acid and what are its benefits?

Unlike niacinamide, which is water soluble, salicylic acid is an oil soluble acid that can penetrate skin and clogged pores. It is a naturally-derived component found in willow bark known for its powerful acne-fighting properties.

Spots form beneath the skin’s surface, when there is an excessive build-up of dead skin, then appear on the surface as whiteheads and blackheads. Salicylic acid acts as a natural exfoliant breaking down the ‘glue’ that holds these dead skin cells together. 

By clearing the blocked pores, skin is able to release its natural moisturizer – sebum. 

As well as penetrating pores, Salicylic acid helps to clear away the dead and dry skin on the surface, preventing the pores getting blocked in the first place. 

Salicylic acid has also been shown to have anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. It can therefore help clear up pustules and papules.

Specifically it:

  • Penetrates deep into the skin with ease
  • Softens and dissolves keratin
  • Breaks down impurities that block pores
  • Dissolves some of the ‘glue’ that holds skin cells together
  • Gently exfoliates the surface of the skin
  • Includes mild anti-inflammatory properties
  • Has antibacterial properties

Can niacinamide and salicylic acid be used together?

The simple answer is yes. They complement each other well. Being oil soluble, salicylic acid can penetrate deeper into the skin layers, but it can also dehydrate and irritate skin. Niacinamide, on the other hand, reduces inflammation and boosts skin’s natural moisturization. 

Niacinamide is a very accommodating ingredient. It can mix well with almost all ingredients in your skincare routine (vitamin C is one ingredient that’s not compatible with niacinamide).

Niacinamide and salicylic acid offer similar benefits but how they work differs slightly. 

Both ingredients deal with increased sebum levels and reduced levels of collagen and elasticity in the skin, evidenced by enlarged pore sizes. Research has shown that topical combinations of both can significantly reduce surface sebum levels and pore size after 12 weeks of use.

Try out the Hi-Function Foundation with Niacinamide and Adaptogens!

Can I use salicylic acid cleanser before niacinamide?

You can also try using your salicylic acid on alternating mornings or nights. So, one morning you could apply salicylic acid after cleansing, and the night morning, niacinamide. Or, you could do the same thing at night, depending on what works best with your skincare routine.

Can we use salicylic acid Facewash and niacinamide Serum together?

Salicylic acid works more effectively when layered with niacinamide. Niacinamide is an antioxidant that reduces inflammation and helps with acne. It's always good to use salicylic acid in a cleanser or a face mask and layer it with niacinamide.

Can I use Cerave salicylic acid cleanser and niacinamide?

Suitable for use on your face and body as well as acne-prone skin, our salicylic acid cleanser not only exfoliates the skin, but with three essential ceramides, hyaluronic acid and niacinamide, it also helps soften and smooth the skin without disrupting its protective barrier.

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