Can i write a check to myself and cash it at a different bank

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Whether you need to move money from one bank to another or pull cash from your bank account, writing a check to yourself sounds like an easy solution. But can you write a check to yourself?

Yes, you can write a check to yourself. Simply fill out the check like normal and put your own name in the “Pay to the order of” field. You can then cash the check or deposit the money into another bank account.

For the rest of this article, we’ll explore a few reasons you might want to write a check to yourself and how, exactly, to do so.

Why Would You Write A Check To Yourself?

There are a few reasons you might need to write a check to yourself:

  1. Moving money between different banks– This is common if you’re closing one account and transferring the money to another account. Or, if you decide to open a new account at a separate bank, then you may need to write a check to yourself to cover the opening deposit.
  2. Withdrawing cash – If you need cash, but you don’t have access to an ATM, then writing a check is a great solution. This is also a good option if you need to pull more money than an ATM will allow. For instance, if you decide to buy a car in cash from a private seller, you may choose to write yourself a check and cash it in order to make the purchase.
  3. Paying yourself from your business – If you own a small business, and you aren’t able to send money from your business checking account to your personal account, then you may need to write yourself a check.

See also: 10 Best Places To Order Checks Online

Alternatives To Writing Yourself A Check

While writing yourself a check is a great way to move money or get cash out of your bank account, it isn’t your only option.

Here are a few alternatives you might want to consider if you’d prefer not to break out your checkbook:

Make An In-person Withdrawal

If you need to pull cash from your checking account, you can always visit your bank and make a standard withdrawal. This is a good option if you don’t need access to the cash right away or if you need a large amount of money.

Standard withdrawals are pretty easy these days. Gone are the days when you had to remember your bank account number (although it’s still a good idea to commit that to memory.)

In most cases, you will just need to provide your debit card, enter your pin, and show your ID to the teller. From there, they will be able to help you with whatever you need to do.

Go To The ATM

If you don’t feel comfortable writing yourself a check, you can always head to your local bank and get money from the ATM. This is a great option if you don’t need to pull out more than a few hundred dollars.

Just be sure to remember your PIN. Otherwise, you’ll have to resort to a standard withdrawal.

Zelle Yourself The Money

If you need to move money from one bank to another, you could always Zelle yourself the money–assuming both of your banks offers this service.

With Zelle, you can move money without ever leaving the comfort of your own home. All you have to do is provide the email or phone number of the person you’d like to transfer the money to–in this case, yourself–and initiate a transfer.

The one caveat here is that you will have to link each Zelle account with a unique email or phone number.

In other words, you can’t link two separate bank accounts to the same phone number in Zelle.

Instead, you will need to link one bank account with your phone number and the other bank account with your email address. Or, if you’d prefer, you can just use two separate email addresses.

Assuming you do that, you can use Zelle to transfer money from one bank to another.

Where Can You Cash A Check Made Out To Yourself?

Most places that accept personal checks will also cash a check made out to yourself. This includes banks, grocery stores, and check-cashing stores. Keep in mind that when cashing a check made out to yourself, you will likely need to show some form of ID, such as a driver’s license or passport.

Additionally, some places, such as grocery stores, may place a limit on the amount of cash you can receive. For instance, you may only be able to get $200 in cash back when using a personal check.

In general, the best option is a bank. However, if you’re really in a pinch and need quick access to some cash, it’s good to know about these aforementioned options.

See Also: How Big Of A Check Can You Write? Is There a Limit?

How To Write A Check To Yourself

Now that you know it’s possible to write a check to yourself, let’s go over how to do it.

Step 1: Fill Out The Date

The first thing you’ll need to do is write the date in the upper right-hand corner of the check.

Step 2: Fill In The Payee

Just like writing a check to someone else, you’ll need to fill in who the check is being written out to–in this case, yourself.

To accomplish this, simply write your full name in the “Pay to the Order Of” field.

Step 3: Fill In The Dollar Amount

Next, you’ll need to fill in the dollar amount of the check in two places. First, you’ll need to write out the numerical value of the check in the box adjacent to the “Pay to the order of” field.

Then, on the line just below that, you’ll need to write that dollar amount in plain English–and be sure to include the cents written in the form of a fraction.

For instance, if you want to write a check to yourself for $50.25, you would write “fifty and 25/100″ on the “dollars” line.

Step 4: Fill Out The Memo Line

The memo line on a check is used to record the purpose of the check.

While this field isn’t required, it can be helpful to write something like “For deposit only” or “To transfer funds.” The purpose of the memo line is to help you remember why you wrote the check later on down the road.

Step 5: Sign The Check

The fifth and final step you need to take when writing a check to yourself is to sign the check on the signature line.

Without your signature, the check is invalid, and the recipient (in this case, yourself) won’t be able to cash it.

As you can see, the process of writing a check to yourself is no different than writing a check to someone else. The only difference is that you’ll be the one receiving the funds.

See also: 13 Checking Account Benefits You Shouldn’t Overlook

Cashing A Check Made Out To Yourself

After writing yourself a check, you’ll likely want to cash it–unless, of course, you’re just moving money from one bank to another.

So, how do you cash a check to yourself? Here’s what to do:

Step 1: Endorse The Check

The first thing you need to do is sign the back of the check. This signature is known as an endorsement, and it is a requirement for any check you wish to cash.

In order to endorse the check, simply sign your name on the back of it and you’re good to go.

Step 2: Cash Your Check

Once you’ve endorsed the check, it’s time to decide where you want to cash or deposit it.

As we mentioned earlier, most places that accept personal checks will also cash a check made out to yourself. This includes banks, grocery stores, and check-cashing stores.

Additionally, some ATMs will allow you to cash a check written to yourself.

Regardless of the check-cashing method you choose, you should bring some form of ID. While you may not be required to present identification, it’s always best to come prepared.

See Also: Can You Use A Check With An Old Address?

Is it legal to write a check to yourself?

Yes, it is perfectly legal to write a check to yourself. You can use a personal check to withdraw money from your own checking account or to move money from one bank to another.

Can you write a check to yourself for mobile deposit?

Yes, you can write a check to yourself and deposit it using mobile deposit. This can be a helpful way to move money from one bank account to another when you don’t have any other options.

Can you write a check to yourself to deposit in another bank?

Yes, you can write a check to yourself to deposit in another bank. This is a great way to move money between banks when you don’t have access to electronic transfers and/or you don’t want to pay the fees associated with wiring yourself money.

Can you cash a check made out to yourself at an ATM?

Yes, assuming the ATM accepts checks, you can write a check to yourself and cash it at an ATM. However, not all ATMs accept checks, so you may need to find another method of cashing your check if the ATM doesn’t work.

Can you write a check to yourself with insufficient funds?

No, if you write a check to yourself with insufficient funds, the check will bounce. Just like any other check, a check written to yourself can only be cashed or deposited if there are enough funds in your account to cover it.

Is it weird to write yourself a check?

No, it isn’t weird to write yourself a check; it is actually a fairly common practice. You many choose to write yourself a check in order to move money from one bank to another, withdraw cash, or pay yourself through your own business.

Bottom Line

Writing a check to yourself is just like writing a check to anyone else–the only difference is that you’ll be the one receiving the funds.

Assuming you fill out the check correctly, you should have no problem cashing or depositing it. Just endorse the check on the back and, most importantly, make sure you have enough money in your account to cover the check.

About The Author

Zach Buchenau is a self-proclaimed personal finance nerd. When he isn't writing about budgeting, getting out of debt, making extra money, and living a frugal life, you can find him building furniture, fly fishing, or developing websites. He is the co-founder of BeTheBudget, and Chipotle's most loyal customer.

Where can I write a check to myself and cash it?

Getting cash out of your account If you write a check to yourself, you will need to visit the bank and go through a teller in order to cash the check and get your money. Just make sure to use an ATM within your bank's network to help avoid ATM fees.

Can you cash a check written to yourself?

How do you write a check to yourself and cash it? The safest and easiest way to write a check to yourself is to put your name on the "Pay to the order of" line and fill out the date, amount, and signature line as usual. At your bank, endorse the back of the check in the endorsement area and show your ID to the teller.

Can you write a check from one bank to another bank?

Checks. A check is another simple way to transfer money. The best checking accounts also provide you with free checks. To move money via check, you simply need to write a check and then deposit it at the other bank.


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