Can water based paint go over oil based paint

Most older homes have at least one layer of oil-based paint on the walls, but today, water-based paint is used more often for interior decor due to its lower cost. Water-based, or latex, paints are a type of oil paint that can be thinned using water or turpentine while pure oil paints are paints that do not contain any water content but instead contain natural or synthetic resins.

If you try to put water-based paint over an oil-based painted surface without any preparation, it will not adhere to the wall as it should. The glossy surface created by oil-based paint stops the latex paint from sticking very well. Even the touch of a fingernail will scrape the new paint off because the adhesion will be very poor. But it is not impossible to apply latex paint to an oil-painted surface-- this article lists some tips that may make the process easier.

1. Ensure Safety

Today, all paints come without lead, but in the past, there used to be lead mixed in with paints regularly. Make sure before taking any other steps that your old painted wall is lead-free-- otherwise, using these methods to prepare your wall will create lead dust, which is harmful both to the environment and to your health. Many contractors are qualified for lead paint assessment and removal, so stay safe and hire a professional if you’re unsure.

2. Dirt-free and Clean

The wall to be painted must be dirt-free and clean before further preparations can be made. Use paper towels with some detergent to clean it, but ensure that no water gets into any holes or cracks you might have in your wall. Next, use a paint prep cleaner to de-gloss the oil paint. Make sure that you remove as much gloss as you can. Otherwise, the water-based paint will still have a problem adhering properly.

Set yourself up for a successful paint job by snagging some quality paint cleaner on Amazon.

3. Use Sandpaper and Fix Imperfections

Use sandpaper to remove the last of the gloss from the surface. You might also consider using an electric sander to make the work go more quickly. Fully cover and protect yourself with the proper safety gear including a dust mask, eye protection, and gloves.

Also, use sandpaper to create a smooth surface if you need to fill in any holes or cracks. With a putty knife, apply spackle paste to problem areas and allow it to dry for the recommended time on the container, then sand as needed Clean up any dust left behind by sanding.

4. Use a Primer

With the gloss coat removed from the oil-based paint, it’s time for primer. Apply a latex primer in two thin coats on top of one another, allowing time in between to dry thoroughly. Use a small paintbrush for tight areas, particularly around door and window corners. For larger areas, pour your primer into a paint tray and use a paint roller to apply it instead.

Browse latex primer options on Amazon, from affordable to higher-end options.

By using the above tips, you’ll create a perfect surface for you to apply your new water-based paint. Additionally, you should have no problems with your paint job lasting if you’ve done everything here correctly.

When a homeowner wants to paint their house, they need to determine if their paint on the trim, walls and ceiling is water based latex or oil based paint. When painting over latex paint, any paint may be used. When painting over oil based paints, only an oil based paint may be used. Otherwise, the paint will peel off or blister off. The reason is that the government is not allowing oil based top coat paint from being sold on the standard market. Oil based paints have a higher volatile organic compound content than water based paints. Latex paints will not stick to oil based paints.

The exception is that an oil based primer may accept any kind of top coat paint. For that reason, an oil based primer is recommended to be applied over any oil based top coat, then a water based paint may be used as a top coat.

This method eliminates the problem of existing oil based paints, especially on trim, from rejecting water based paints. This stops the peeling and blistering problem.

Oil based primers are also very good remedies for covering staining on walls and ceilings from water or other causes. When there is an old, non-recurring, stain on a wall, ceiling or trim, then the use of an oil based primer to hide the stain is recommended. Once it dries, a water based top coat may be applied.

If there is any question as to the content of the existing paint, always use an oil based primer to eliminate any future problems. Oil based paint takes longer to dry than water based paints. But the finish is harder.

Another technique to hide stains, urine odors, sap draining out of wood knots or other problem areas of the house, is to use a shellac paint. Either a white or a clear color may be used to seal a problem area. Then, any paint may be used as a top coat. This is a very helpful use of a paint that is actually made from the exoskeletons of a beetle and alcohol mix with colorants or a clear color. Shellacs are a time honored method of sealing woods dating back many, many years.

I hope you find this information useful. If you need any help with your home, remember to contact us for professional help.

Steve Magill | [email protected]

What paint can I use over oil

Latex paint can be successfully painted over fully-cured oil-based paint. Latex paint cures from the outside-in.

Can you paint water based paint over an oil based primer?

Latex paints will not stick to oil based paints. The exception is that an oil based primer may accept any kind of top coat paint. For that reason, an oil based primer is recommended to be applied over any oil based top coat, then a water based paint may be used as a top coat.

What happens if you paint latex over oil?

If you put latex paint over oil, you'll just end up with that fruit roll-up look all over your house because they just can't adhere. Since they're not compatible, they won't form a good bond. 15-30 days after painting, you'll even be able to peel that paint right off after getting the surface wet.

Can I just paint over oil

How To Paint Over Oil-Based Paint. Dip a cotton ball into a small amount of denatured alcohol. Rub it over a small area on the surface. If the paint does NOT come off, it is oil-based paint and you will need to prime the surface with a bonding primer before applying latex paint.


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