Can you freeze entenmanns donuts

Can you freeze entenmanns donuts

There’s something about donuts that is just so hypnotizing. Whenever I see a donut shop, I can’t help but buy at least a dozen. Donut judge me!

There are just so many drool-worthy varieties to choose from, there’s no way I’m getting just one or two. Don’t worry, I know these sugary treats aren’t exactly healthy, so I don’t eat them all at once. 

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I eat just 1… okay… maybe 2 or 3… and then I share some with my family and store the rest for another day. And there is a way to preserve this dreamy dessert for months on end. While it is tempting, you don’t have to consume all of them right away.

Donuts can last for 2 to 3 months in the freezer. But you have to follow certain guidelines to make sure you’re storing and defrosting them properly.

Today, I’ll share with you some tips and tricks to ensure that you get fresh-tasting donuts even post-freezing. 

But first, how long do donuts last, anyway? 

All of us know that donuts have a short lifespan. Since they contain a lot of oil, they’re often prone to bacterial contamination, especially at room temperature. And as you may have guessed, bacteria will cause the donuts to spoil.

If you store them on the counter, they will only last for up to two days.

They’ll keep fresh longer in the fridge, about 5 days. Any longer than that and the oils in the donuts will start to solidify, making them rock-solid and inedible.

And if you’re like me and buy donuts in bulk, you’ll need over 5 days to finish them all off. 

That’s why I think freezing is the best option to store donuts. If stored properly, donuts can keep well for up to three months!

How to Freeze Donuts

  1. Place the donuts in a single layer on a metal cookie sheet lined with wax paper. Be sure to place them glaze side up and arrange them spaced apart.
  2. Pop the cookie sheet in the freezer and let it sit there for 3 to 5 hours. This gives the donuts ample time to freeze all the way through.
  3. Take the donuts out of the freezer and transfer them into a freezer-safe bag. Do this step quickly because you don’t want the donuts to defrost even a little bit.
  4. Squeeze out any excess air from the bag and seal it.
  5. Label the bag with the current date, that way you’ll know how much time the donuts have left. Frozen donuts will keep well for up to three months. If you keep them around longer, the donuts will dry out and won’t taste as good.
  6. Place the bag in the back of the freezer.

How to Thaw Donuts

To thaw frozen donuts, just leave them on the counter and let them warm to room temperature. It will take about 1 to 1 ½ hours to defrost the donuts completely. Then pop them in the microwave for 10-15 seconds to warm them up. 

Another defrosting method is to place them in the fridge for a few hours. You can also give them a super quick (10 to 15 seconds) in the microwave or oven. Any longer than that and the donuts will toughen. Make sure the temperature is at the lowest because high heat will dry the donuts out.  

Do not re-freeze defrosted donuts, as they will have already become more prone to bacteria and will probably spoil soon.

Tips & Tricks

  • Freeze donuts the same day you bought them to keep them as fresh as possible.
  • Use resealable freezer-safe bags to store them, that way, you can easily take out however many donuts you want.
  • If you want to protect your donuts further, you can wrap them individually in wax paper, aluminum foil, or plastic wrap before storing them in the freezer bag. Stored this way, you’ll protect them from freezer burn.
  • Frozen and thawed donuts may have possibly lost some of their gorgeous glaze, so sprinkle them with powdered sugar before serving or eating.
  • Don’t place the donuts in the freezer door as this area is the warmest section and is prone to temperature changes. You’ll want to store them all the way at the back of the freezer, that way they get a consistent temperature.

How to Freeze Donuts


  • Line a cookie sheet with parchment or wax paper. Arrange the donuts face-up in a single layer on the lined sheet.
  • Freeze the donuts for 3 to 5 hours, or until frozen solid.
  • Place the donuts in freezer-safer bags. Squeeze out excess air before sealing the bags.
  • Label the bags accordingly and freeze. Frozen donuts will keep well for up to 3 months.

Can you freeze entenmanns donuts

Can you freeze Entenmann's donuts in the box?

Yes, you can. Entenmann's donuts can be frozen and preserved for 3 months. You don't have to worry about the taste, texture, flavor, and frosting if you freeze and thaw it in the right manner.

How long do Entenmann's donuts last?

Product codes typically extend 7 to 10 days on average depending on item. Each individual box or package of Entenmann's product will have a “Sell by” date listed on the box or wrapper.

Can you freeze pre packaged donuts?

Donuts are usually purchased by the dozen and though they can be hard to resist, you may not wish to eat them all at once for the sake of your waistline. You can save glazed donuts for a delicious surprise on another day by freezing them in a tightly sealed plastic bag or container.

How do you store donuts in the freezer?

You can freeze donuts for up to three months. The best method for this is placing them in a large freezer bag. If you're stacking donuts, separate them with wax paper so they don't freeze together. Press the sides of the bag to remove any excess air before placing it in the freezer.