Can you kill mice with baking soda

You also need to think about what will happen when the rat actually dies from the baking soda. Rats tend to seek out shelter when they feel unwell or like they are about to die. Unfortunately for property owners, this means finding a nice, dark, and secluded spot. It may be the interior of your wall or another area that is very hard to reach. 

This means that when the rat finally dies, you will have to do your best to find it before the body starts decomposing and stinking or attracting other pests. This can be challenging to do and may require lifting floorboards or making holes in the wall.

You Are Unlikely to Kill All of Them

Even if you do experience some success with baking soda to poison rats, you should not expect to kill all of them with this method. Expect around half of the rats that actually consume the lethal dose to die. 

This means that you will still have an infestation on your hands and will have to look into other methods of controlling the rats. On the bright side, you will have made your job easier, but you will still have work to do. 

Baking Soda May Just Make the Rat Sick

There is the possibility that the rat will not die and will instead just be very sick. If this happens, you will still have to deal with your rat problem.

To make matters worse, sick rats have weaker immune systems, making them more likely to carry additional pathogens. Some of those pathogens may pose a risk to you, your family, or your pets.

The Rats Will Return Unless You Make Changes

You should also keep in mind that unless you make changes to your property, rats will just keep coming back. You will find yourself in an endless cycle of killing (or trying to kill) rats with baking soda, just to have new rats take their place. 

To avoid this issue, you need to make some basic changes to your property so it is unappealing to the rats. This should be part of any rodent control solution, whether or not you use baking soda. 

Clean Your Home

Start by keeping your home clean. Take special care with food and food-related items, storing any leftovers in the fridge or in an airtight container that rats cannot access. Otherwise, rats may be tempted by the smell and then come to find it. Once they find the food, they will decide your home is a great source and look for a place to nest nearby.

Part of eliminating food items also includes sweeping up any crumbs that may have fallen on the flood and wiping down your countertops.

Empty the Garbage

You will also need to empty out your garbage cans regularly and try to choose garbage bins that close tightly. Rats are not picky about food and items that are in the garbage are still very appealing to them.

Seal Up Their Entrances

Examine your home from the perspective of a rat and see what areas they would use to gain entry. Pay attention to holes in your walls and other access points. Then, seal these up so the rats cannot get inside.

The Best Alternative

Instead of using baking soda to try to kill rats, you should consult an expert in controlling rats. They should have more effective, humane methods up their sleeves. They will also be able to help you make your home less attractive to rats and remove the dead rodents for you, so you do not have to deal with the rodents at all.

We’ve been sharing our house with a multitude of rodents for years, our old house seems to double up as a mouse condominium.

While I’m not keen on using poison, fearing it might kill something other than a pesky rodent, I’m reaching the end of my tether now. I’m still determined to use natural repellants and humane traps as far as possible but decided I’d look into the possibility of poison as a backup plan.

The following recipes all use common household products as the bait to entice the mouse and the poison that will eventually kill it.

Note: Many of these substances are as appealing to pets and small children as they are to rodents, so make sure you distribute your poison carefully and keep it out of reach.

7 Tried And Tested Recipes For Homemade Mouse Poison (Including One That Doesn’t Work)

#1 Baking Soda

Due to its versatility, most homes have some baking soda stored in the kitchen. As well as being used as a cleaning agent, anti-acid, and leavening agent, baking soda is also a surprisingly effective mouse poison. 

Rodents can’t expel carbon dioxide as humans can, so when the bicarbonate in the baking soda reacts with the acids in the rodent’s stomach and produces carbon dioxide, the gas builds up inside the digestive system. Eventually, it will cause a blockage or rupture and kill the mouse. 

Mice don’t naturally sit down to a meal of baking soda, so you’ll need to combine it with something appetizing to spark their interest. You can use any of the following as bait for your baking soda poison:

  • Peanut butter – mix with baking soda and then roll into balls and place around your home
  • Flour and sugar – mix equal parts of sugar, flour, and baking soda. Leave in a shallow dish.
  • Cocoa powder – chocolate is difficult for anyone to resist, including mice. Combine equal amounts of cocoa powder and baking soda, and then add a little sugar to sweeten the deal. 

While baking soda is safe for children and pets, it’s not particularly humane. Few poisons are, I suppose.

Larger mice and rats also need to consume a considerable amount of baking soda before it kills them, which means you could witness ailing mice stumbling around your house. 

#2 Aspartame

Aspartame is an artificial sweetener that’s readily available and very affordable. Although considered safe for human consumption, research has shown that aspartame, along with a similar substance known as neotame, are “toxic to the digestive gut microbes of mice.”

Mix one sachet of aspartame sweetener, like this one, into one teaspoon of peanut butter. Roll the mixture into two balls of equal size and place them in strategic positions around your home. Attracted by the irresistible scent of peanut butter, mice will gobble this mixture up and die soon afterward. 

It does take a while for aspartame to take effect so, if you’re impatient like me, you might want to combine it with something a little faster-acting, like instant mashed potato.

#3 Instant Mashed Potato Flakes 

I’ve always maintained that instant mashed potato is closer to poison than food, and it seems that, for mice at least, this is true. 

This non-toxic approach to poisoning mice is one the safest, especially if you have pets. Few cats or dogs will tuck into a dish of instant mashed potato flakes, but mice seem more than happy to gorge themselves on the stuff.

Once they’ve eaten their fill, they become extremely thirsty. As they drink, the water causes the mashed potato flakes to expand in the mouse’s stomach, killing them instantly.

Sprinkling a sachet of artificial sweetener over the mashed potato flakes makes them even more appealing to mice and will help ensure they eat enough of the substance to seal their fate.

#4 Cement Mix 

While this isn’t something everyone has in their kitchen, it is easily available and very effective, assuming you can persuade a mouse to eat it. If a mouse does ingest this, it will quickly harden as it comes into contact with the animal’s digestive juices.

For the cement mix to work effectively, you need to mix the powder with something tempting, like peanut butter or cocoa powder. Peanut butter works well as it makes the mixture malleable so, you can roll it into balls and place it in strategic places around the house. 

As cats and dogs are just as keen on peanut butter as the rest of us, this homemade mouse poison is not recommended if you have pets. 

#5 Plaster of Paris 

If you can’t get your hands on cement mix, plaster of Paris will work just as well. An alternative approach is to combine plaster of Paris or cement mix with cornflour and then add milk or water to form a dough. Knead for a minute or two before rolling into balls and placing them around the house. 

The cement mix and plaster of Paris will both harden after a few days of being exposed to the atmosphere and must be replaced regularly. 

#6 Boric Acid – Doesn’t work!

According to some, boric acid is one of the best and most effective poison recipes out there. Others disagree, saying it causes only “developmental toxicity.” In other words, while it can harm a rodent’s unborn fetuses, it won’t get rid of your current mouse problem. 

You can still use it to dispose of cockroaches and ants, but it’s not worth getting if the mouse is your only enemy. 

#7 Vitamin D-3

While Vitamin D may be essential for human health, it can be fatal to other animals, including rodents. The active ingredient, cholecalciferol, is found in many vitamin D-3 supplements and a multitude of rodent poisons. 

Vitamin D-3 is a fast-acting poison that causes such high calcium and phosphorus levels in the mouse’s body that it results in kidney failure, heart problems, and bleeding. It’s so effective that it’s been turned into a spray to tackle New Zealand’s “super rats.”  

I found a random fact that claimed you would need around 100,000 IU of vitamin D3 to have a 50% chance of killing an 80 oz rat. As most of the rodents we get in our homes weigh between 0.6 to 17 oz, a single 5000 IU tablet should be enough to make a decent dent in the population. 

Crush up the tablet, or empty the contents of the capsule, and then mix it up with some peanut butter. Place small balls around the house and wait for a couple of days. 

It’s tempting to think of vitamins as relatively benign substances, but vitamin D-3 is toxic to dogs, cats, and children, so be sure you keep it well out of reach.

Read more about homemade rat poison.


Most of these recipes for homemade mouse poison will make a dent in any problematic rodent population. Some, like instant mashed potato flakes, are even safe to use around pets and children. They won’t even present a threat to wild birds and animals. 

None are particularly pleasant for the mouse, and if you want to find a more humane way of dealing with a mouse invasion, try some of the tips I explored when figuring out how to rodent-proof my food storage.  

What can you mix with baking soda to kill mice?

The second step is to combine one cup of flour or cornmeal with 1 cup of sugar or powdered chocolate mix. 3. Then add 1 cup of baking soda and mix it thoroughly. The chocolate mix or the sugar attracts the rats to eat it and the baking soda will soon kill them once it has been consumed.

Does baking soda work to kill mice?

Baking soda (AKA sodium bicarbonate) kills rats and mice when they ingest it. This is because, when the baking soda hits their stomachs, it begins to produce large quantities of gas. As mice can't pass wind, they have no way to release the gas and the internal pressure can eventually kill them.

How does baking soda kill rodents?

The idea behind using baking soda to kill rats is that the bicarbonate in the powder will react with stomach acids of the rodent. This will create a gas that is carbon dioxide. Since rats cannot pass gas, it will just build up within their digestive system. Eventually, it will cause a rupture or blockage.

What household item will kill a mouse?

As well as being used as a cleaning agent, anti-acid, and leavening agent, baking soda is also a surprisingly effective mouse poison.


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