Can you put rubbermaid containers in the microwave

Rubbermaid is a popular name for every homeowner. It offers a variety of storage containers that are used in most homes to store and heat food. These containers are manufactured keeping in mind the safety standards and are claimed to be microwavable. However, a lot of people question the authenticity of this claim.

Like most people, if you too are doubtful whether or not Rubbermaid plastic containers are safe for microwaving, you have come to the right place.

This guide would help you know how to understand if your Rubbermaid container is safe for microwaves. The guide also covers the important safety tips that one must keep in mind while using Rubbermaid containers to heat the food inside a microwave oven.

The quick answer to the question would be yes, Rubbermaid containers are safe to go inside a microwave. Rubbermaid containers are manufactured in such a way that they can be placed in a microwave oven to heat or defrost food.

Can you put rubbermaid containers in the microwave

To know more about Rubbermaid containers, continue to read below. 

  • Can you microwave Rubbermaid?
  • What happens if you microwave Rubbermaid?
  • Is Rubbermaid microwave safe?
  • Safety tips: Things to know before microwaving Rubbermaid
  • The Bottom Line

Yes, since 2009, Rubbermaid Tupperware is safe to be placed inside a microwave. In the recent past, Rubbermaid has started to manufacture BPA-free plastic containers to ensure they are microwavable, without affecting the food quality.

It needs to be noted that Rubbermaid containers are safe when it comes to heating and reheating food in the microwave. They aren’t safe for cooking purposes.

One should never use Rubbermaid plastic containers for steaming. That’s because the heat transfer rate of steam is much higher than direct heat produced inside the microwave. Such extreme temperatures will affect the integrity of the Rubbermaid Tupperware. 

What happens if you microwave Rubbermaid?

Can you put rubbermaid containers in the microwave

You must know that microwaves produce electromagnetic radiation to heat food. Therefore, it’s important to put such containers or cookware inside an oven that does not repel the radiation.

That’s what Rubbermaid containers do. These microwave-safe containers are manufactured in such a way that they allow the radiation to pass through them and heat the food inside. These plastics are also less likely to get too hot. 

Is Rubbermaid microwave safe?

Can you put rubbermaid containers in the microwave

Yes, Rubbermaid containers are microwave safe. But, it’s important that you follow the safety tips to ensure the food is safe to be consumed for being heated in a microwave. We have already mentioned that Rubbermaid has been developing BPA-free plastic containers since 2009, which makes them perfectly viable to be placed inside a microwave.

Having said that, it’s important to note that no matter how safe Rubbermaid containers are, one mustn’t heat them in temperatures above 212° F/ 100°C. When you heat the containers above the boiling point of water, the food might not be safe anymore to be consumed. 

Rubbermaid containers that carry the microwave-safe label are safe to go inside a microwave oven. But one should regulate the temperature carefully. At temperatures above 100° C, the container might deform, crack or melt. It can also release plasticizers that mix with the food within. If that food is consumed, it can cause diseases.

The next thing one should keep in mind is one shouldn’t microwave sugar foods or foods with high-fat content in Rubbermaid containers or any other plastic container.

One must keep these two conditions in mind while putting Rubbermaid in the microwave. As long as you maintain a temperature below 100°C and do not use Rubbermaid to heat food with high sugar fat content foods, you are good to go. 

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Safety tips: Things to know before microwaving Rubbermaid

We have already warned readers against two things when it comes to microwaving Rubbermaid containers. However, there are more safety tips one must know. Below mentioned are some more safety tips one should keep in mind to ensure their safety as well as the longevity of the oven.

  • See if the Rubbermaid container carries the microwave-safe label at the bottom. That symbol concludes that it’s microwave safe.
  • The temperature inside a microwave oven shouldn’t be more than 100°C when a Rubbermaid container is inside. In such cases, harmful chemicals are released and get mixed with the food, which is dangerous for health. The ideal temperature, therefore, is anything below 100° C.
  • Rubbermaid lids are also microwavable. While microwaving, you can cover the top of the container with a lid, with a slight gap to facilitate ventilation. If you do not do so, pressure will accumulate inside the container, which will pop off the lid. If that happens, the food inside might be splattered all around.
  • Don’t reheat bacon, fatty food items, salt, oil, sugar, or tomato in a Rubbermaid container.
  • When it’s time to take out the container, don’t forget to wear heat-resistant gloves while doing so. The container would definitely be hot and if you touch it with naked hands, you might burn your hands.
  • Don’t go anywhere after putting the Rubbermaid in the microwave. Overheating food isn’t advisable and can lead to serious consequences as the plastic material tends to release harmful chemicals at very high temperatures. Therefore, set the timer properly.

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The Bottom Line

When you go out to buy Rubbermaid Tupperware or containers, look for the microwave-safe label printed at the bottom of the container.

Never put food inside any plastic container and place it inside a microwave, without ensuring if it’s microwavable. The next important thing to keep in mind is not to heat Rubbermaid containers at very high temperatures.

Also, don’t try to reuse the containers again and again. There is a definite life expectancy for every plastic container.

Deteriorating plastics release harmful toxins when their usage is extended. This contaminates the food inside the container, making it unfit for human consumption. Therefore you must dispose of old Rubbermaid containers and keep buying new ones.

Can plastic storage containers be microwaved?

It's a bad idea to heat food in plastic. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), microwaving food is generally safe. However, microwaving in plastic containers is associated with increased leaching — the transfer or leaking of chemicals into food.

What container should not be microwaved?

Basically, heat can cause the BPA and Phthalates in plastics to leach into your food. That means – yeah, sorry – you should avoid microwaving food and beverages in plastic. Instead, transfer them into microwave-safe glass or ceramic containers.

Are Rubbermaid plastic containers safe?

While none of these containers seem to be made with phthalates, some may have BPA. Rubbermaid's website states that it currently makes no products with BPA or phthalates (if you want to see if any of your older Rubbermaid products contain BPA, check here).

Which plastic containers are microwaveable?

In general, paper products, aluminium, polyethylene terephthalate (PETE), and polystyrene (PS) should never be used in the microwave. On the other hand, high-density polyethylene (HDPE), polypropylene (PP), and molded fiber & bagasse are typically safe to be microwaved.