Can you see who views your facebook collection

Do you want to see who viewed your Featured Collections on Facebook?

You can do that quickly and easily by visiting your profile and accessing the collections.

This guide will teach you how to do that on a mobile device.

You should be aware that you won’t see their name if you’re not friends with someone who viewed your collection.

You’ll only see them as a number in your stats.

How to know who viewed your featured Collections on Facebook:

  1. Open Facebook and tap on your profile picture
  2. Scroll down and click on one of your collections
  3. Tap on the arrow icon
  4. See the viewers of your featured photos

Read below to find out more!

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How Can You See Who Viewed Your Featured Collections on Facebook?

To see who viewed your featured collections on Facebook, follow the steps below:

  • Open Facebook and tap on your profile picture
Open Facebook and tap on your profile picture

The picture to the left of the “What’s on your mind?” chatbox.

  • Scroll down and click on one of your collections
Scroll down and click on one of your collections

You’ll see your name, workplace, the current city you live in, and other information about you.

You can edit the profile, add a story, and so on.

If you scroll down, you’ll see your Collections just below the “See your About Info” button and above the “Edit public details” button.

Tap on a collection.

  • Tap on the arrow icon

Once you tap on your collection, you’ll be taken to the story content.

You’ll notice an arrow icon in the bottom-left corner as the content rolls on.

Next to it, it says how many viewers say your collection.

Tap on that arrow.

Facebook – Tap on the arrow icon
  • See your viewers
See your viewers – Facebook story

Theoretically, if whoever saw your collections is friends with you on Facebook, you’ll see their names here.

In the case above, whoever sees the collections wasn’t added as friends.

So, their names don’t appear there.

If more than a few people see your collections, there will be an “Others” button just below the number of viewers of your featured photos.

Tap on that, and you’ll see the entire list of people who viewed your collection.


Now you know how to see who views your featured collections and featured photos on Facebook.

It’s really easy.

Go to your Profile and tap on a collection.

In the lower-left corner of the screen, you’ll see a number.

That one is the view counter. It shows how many people viewed your collections.

Tap on it, and you’ll be taken to an extended list where you can see who exactly saw your collection.

If the names don’t appear, you’re not friends with those people.


What is a featured collection on Facebook?

Think of it like a Story or Highlight section where you can select content for people to see.

It can be a collection of pictures from your wedding or college graduation.

It could be anything important to you.

You can upload pictures or select them from your Facebook account.

Deleting them from the Collection doesn’t delete them from your Facebook account.

They’ll still be there, just not in the collection.

You should also know that collections are not private but public. Anyone can see them, whether they’re friends with you on Facebook.

Is a Collection the same as a Story on Facebook?

No, they’re not the same.

But they act in similar ways.

A Facebook story is a “collection” of photos or videos highlighted on your account for 24 hours.

After that, they disappear. Anyone can see them, as well.

But a Collection is different. It’s like a folder that stores items with the same theme or topic.

It also doesn’t have an expiration date. It won’t disappear after 24 hours or 24 days.

It’s there to stay and showcase your personalized memories to the world.

This photo or video album reminds us of specific moments, and they’re all kept together in a Collection.

Can you stop other people from seeing your Facebook Collection?

No, a Collection is public. Anyone can see it at any time.

Unless you make your account private and lock that collection up, other people will be able to see it.

If you don’t want other people to see it, remove it.

That way, no one will be able to see it, whether they’re your friends or not.

But it’s not recommended you post private photos in your Collection that may harm you in the future.

Alex Popa

My name is Alex and I have a knack for social media in all its shapes and forms. I’ve dealt with such things for quite some time and I noticed that many people have issues with social media and technicalities.

Unforeseen errors, bugs, and other problems make their use of social media problematic. These things will be discussed amply in the guides on Whizcase.

I'll present the facts as they are, and offer quick and easy solutions for them.

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