Church of the highlands spiritual gifts test

Discover your leadership style.

It is with your personality that you lead and influence others.

DiSC® is a personal assessment tool that measures your personality and behavioral style. DiSC profiles describe human behavior in various situations, for example how you respond to challenges, how you influence others, your preferred pace, and how you respond to rules and procedures.

The DiSC model discusses four reference points:

  • Dominance: direct, strong-willed, and forceful
  • Influence: sociable, talkative, and lively
  • Steadiness: gentle, accommodating, and soft-hearted
  • Conscientiousness: private, analytical, and logical

There are a few guidelines to follow when taking the Personality Profile.

  • Be honest - Do not censor your answers. Your first reply is your most accurate.
  • Pick your environment - Compartmentalizing life is a typical tendency. Meaning, you may act one way at work, one way at home, and one way at church. For consistency, mentally choose the environment to answer from that you spend the majority of your time.

You will be asked 92 short questions. Each question will have five possible answers:

  • Never - This is never true for me or this never applies to me.
  • Rarely - This is rarely true for me or this rarely applies to me.
  • Sometimes - This is sometimes true for me or this sometimes applies to me.
  • Often - This is often true for me or this often applies to me.
  • Always - This is always true for me or this always applies to me.

Begin The Assessment

In 1 Peter 4:10, we are told that God has given each of us special gifts and calls us to use them to serve one another. To find out what God has given you, we would like to invite you to take the Spiritual Gifts Discovery Assessment. When you take this assessment online, you'll get emailed your results, as well as information on what your gifts mean and how you might use them to serve God and advance His Kingdom! 

Church of the highlands spiritual gifts test

By clicking the link below, you can start your assessment from your computer or your phone. Plan on dedicating 15 to 20 minutes to it. That said, don't over-think your responses! Whatever your first gut instinct is, go with it. There are no wrong answers here, and your honesty will give you more accurate results. God doesn't rank any gift higher than any other--He created you to be uniquely YOU. 


Church of the highlands spiritual gifts test

Click below to download a PDF of the assessment. You can sit down, take with a pen and paper, and then score it yourself. Plan on dedicating half an hour or so to it. Don't overthink your responses! Whatever your first gut instinct is, go with it. There are no wrong answers here, and your honesty will give you more accurate results. God doesn't rank any gift higher than any other--He created you to be uniquely YOU. 


Welcome to the Spiritual Gifts Survey

The Team Ministry Spiritual Gifts Survey is a FREE Spiritual Gifts Test discovery tool that provides you with a personalized analysis. Not a exam, but a simple questionnaire giving you a profile of your God-given spiritual gifts.Discovering and exercising your God-given spiritual gifts allows you to experience maximum fulfillment with minimum frustration in your Christian life and ministry. For that reason, we are pleased to offer this personal Spiritual Gifts Survey to individuals, churches, ministries and organizations.

Church of the highlands spiritual gifts test


  • This Spiritual Gifts Survey will help you identify your God-given spiritual gifts. While there are many spiritual gifts, this survey covers the nine team- or task-oriented gifts used in daily life to do the work of Christian ministry.
  • Every Christian has a dominant spiritual gift and many possess more than one. Through this analysis, you will discover your dominant spiritual gifts. You can then begin to concentrate on further developing your spiritual gifts as you exercise them in daily life and in your local church ministry.
  • The following 108 questions or statements deal with your feelings and desires, so be sure to let your responses reflect your own opinions of yourself. As you read each statement click the button with the most accurate answer.
  • Remember, this is a self-evaluation; there are no “right” or “wrong” answers. When you have completed the questionnaire you will be able to view a bar graph of your scores for each gift, a description of your dominant gifts, and several pages of personal analysis. You will also have the opportunity to print out the results.

Please try to complete the questionnaire all at once so that your results are captured and saved for your viewing.