Do ovarian cysts hurt when you poop

An ovarian cyst is a fluid-filled sac in the ovary. During the menstrual cycle, it's normal for a cyst to develop. Most cysts are small and benign (not cancerous) and go away on their own. Larger cysts can cause pain and other problems.

Ovarian Cyst Treatment at UVA

At UVA, you'll find advanced treatment options for ovarian cysts. Not many places offer this level of expertise.

Treatment depends on factors like your age, menstrual status, characteristics of the cyst, and your symptoms.


Your doctor may prescribe birth control pills if you have a functional cyst. Birth control pills won't make the ovarian cyst go away, but they can help prevent further cysts from forming.

Your doctor may prescribe pain medicine or remove the cyst if it causes a lot of discomfort.

Advanced Options for Cyst Removal

Your doctor may need to remove a cyst if it:

  • Grows larger or reaches a size greater than two inches
  • Has some solid material in it
  • Causes persistent or worsening symptoms
  • Lasts longer than two or three menstrual cycles
  • Disrupts blood flow

At UVA, you'll find the option of a safe and effective same-day procedure that doesn’t use big cuts that take a long time to heal.

Learn more about the benefits of minimally invasive gynecological surgery.

Causes of Ovarian Cysts

There are two main types of cysts:

  • Follicular cyst — This occurs when a follicle doesn't mature properly, and the egg is not released. The follicle and egg develop into a cyst, which goes away on its own within 1-3 menstrual cycles.
  • Corpus luteum cyst — This occurs after an egg is released from the follicle during ovulation. Fluid builds up in the follicle and creates a cyst that goes away on its own in a few weeks.

Other, less common types of benign cysts can also form from ovarian tissue:

  • Dermoid cyst — This cyst is made up of tissue from other parts of the body.
  • Endometrioma — Endometrial tissue (lining of uterus) appears to be able to move away from the uterus to the ovary. Cysts may grow and become filled with fluid, often blood.
  • Cystadenoma — This cyst grows from cells that line the outside of the ovary. Cystadenoma can become large and painful.

All women who still have monthly menstrual cycles are at risk for developing cysts. In a small number of cases, some cysts undergo cancerous changes.

Symptoms of Ovarian Cysts

Most ovarian cysts do not cause symptoms. In some cases a cyst may become twisted, which can cause pain in the lower abdomen. Some cysts may also rupture and release fluid into the abdomen. This fluid can irritate the lining of the abdomen and cause pain. The pain may be on one or both sides of the lower abdomen.

Also, large cysts may cause a sensation of pressure in the abdomen. Cysts can also cause urinary or bowel problems if they press on the bladder or bowel.

Diagnosing Ovarian Cysts

Cysts are often found during routine pelvic exams when there are no symptoms.

If a cyst is suspected or found, your doctor may do a pelvic ultrasound to determine the:

  • Type and size of the cyst
  • Type of treatment needed (if any)

Other tests or procedures (e.g., laparoscopy, blood tests) may be used if a cyst:

  • Doesn't go away after several menstrual cycles
  • Gets larger and more painful
  • Doesn't appear to be a simple functional cyst

Content was created using EBSCO’s Health Library. Edits to original content made by Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice.

US Pharm. 2016;41(9):13-14.

Fluid-Filled Sacs Within or on the Ovary

An ovarian cyst is a sac filled with fluid that forms inside or on the surface of an ovary. Ovarian cysts are common, especially during a woman’s childbearing years. Most ovarian cysts form at the time of ovulation and are known as functional cysts. These cysts are benign (that is, not cancerous). There are other types of ovarian cysts, but functional cysts are the most common. Depending on their size, ovarian cysts can cause symptoms. Functional ovarian cysts usually go away on their own, but in some cases surgical removal is necessary.

Ovarian Cysts Are Common, and Most Are Noncancerous

The ovaries are small, almond-shaped organs on either side of the uterus that contain tiny sacs of fluid called follicles. Each follicle contains an egg. During a woman’s monthly cycle, a follicle swells with a maturing egg, eventually breaking open to release the egg into the fallopian tube to be fertilized. Once the egg is released, the fluid-filled follicle dissolves. If the follicle does not rupture or release the egg, a follicular cyst (one type of functional cyst) may form. The other type of functional cyst, a corpus luteum cyst, forms after the egg is released if the follicle seals off and fluid accumulates. There are other types of ovarian cysts, including endometriomas, cystadenomas, and dermoid and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)–related cysts.

Symptoms and Diagnosis of Ovarian Cysts

Small cysts may not cause any symptoms, but larger cysts can cause pelvic and back pain, bloating, irregular periods, constipation, and painful intercourse.

An ovarian cyst may be discovered during a routine gynecologic examination or when a woman with symptoms visits a healthcare provider. A sonogram may be performed to better examine the cyst and help the doctor select the best treatment. If appropriate, a blood test for cancer antigen 125 protein may be useful to help determine whether the cyst is cancerous.

Treatment of Ovarian Cysts

The treatment of ovarian cysts depends on a woman’s age, the presence or absence of symptoms, any coexisting conditions related to ovarian cysts, and the appearance of the cyst on the sonogram.

Small functional cysts that cause few symptoms are monitored for several months to ensure that they disappear without treatment. Birth control pills or other hormone supplements may be prescribed to prevent the future formation of functional cysts.

Benign ovarian cysts also may form as a result of other conditions, such as endometriosis or PCOS. Endometriomas sometimes develop in women with endometriosis, which is the growth of uterine-lining tissue in areas outside the uterus. An endometrioma is usually treated with hormones to shrink the endometrial tissue or surgery to remove the cyst. PCOS involves the formation of benign ovarian cysts and multiple symptoms caused by an excess of androgen (a male sex hormone). Common symptoms of PCOS include pelvic pain; excess hair growth on the face, chest, or stomach; acne and oily skin; and infertility. Treatment of PCOS includes hormones and other medications that help reverse the effects of excess androgen in these patients.

Complications of Ovarian Cysts

The primary complication of a noncancerous cyst occurs when the cyst becomes twisted or ruptures. This serious situation requires immediate medical attention. Sudden and severe pelvic or abdominal pain; fever and chills; vomiting; or weakness, dizziness, and rapid breathing all signal a twisted or ruptured ovarian cyst.

Functional cysts do not affect fertility. Ovarian cysts that occur as part of PCOS and those resulting from endometriosis can cause fertility problems.

Benign ovarian cysts are very common. Ovarian cysts that are cancerous are relatively rare, representing less than 2% of all new cancer cases, about 20,000 cases each year. Cancerous ovarian cysts are most often found in women, primarily postmenopausal, older than 55 years of age.

Ovarian cysts are less common after menopause. If a postmenopausal woman experiences the symptoms of ovarian cysts, it is important for her to be evaluated by a healthcare professional.

Why does pooping hurt my ovarian cyst?

The pain may be caused by the cyst putting pressure on the bowel, stomach, and even the bladder causing an increased need to urinate. If the pain is persistent and unpredictable, get it checked out with us at Gynecology & Wellness Center to rule out a cyst that's grown out of control.

Can a cyst make it hard to poop?

Small cysts may not cause any symptoms, but larger cysts can cause pelvic and back pain, bloating, irregular periods, constipation, and painful intercourse. An ovarian cyst may be discovered during a routine gynecologic examination or when a woman with symptoms visits a healthcare provider.

Can ovarian cyst put pressure on bowel?

Symptoms of Ovarian Cysts This fluid can irritate the lining of the abdomen and cause pain. The pain may be on one or both sides of the lower abdomen. Also, large cysts may cause a sensation of pressure in the abdomen. Cysts can also cause urinary or bowel problems if they press on the bladder or bowel.

What does pain from ovarian cyst feel like?

But a large ovarian cyst can cause: Pelvic pain that may come and go. You may feel a dull ache or a sharp pain in the area below your bellybutton toward one side. Fullness, pressure or heaviness in your belly (abdomen).


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