Does fingerprint resistant stainless steel match regular stainless steel

You read it, you know you did and we think that is A-Okay! What Fifty Shades of Grey has done for your extracurricular activities, a gorgeous stainless steel appliances can do for your kitchen. Just imagine it, a cool, sleek and powerful kitchen that provides so many possibilities. Unleash your inner Anastasia, and let your culinary self go wild!

Stainless Steel Meets Anastasia Steele

Stainless steel appliances are so like Christian Grey. Think about it. Stainless steel appliances are cold to the touch, contemporary yet elegant and refined. They are the standard in professional kitchens and restaurateurs have chosen them because of its long life span, and sustainability. These appliances won’t rust or stain. Not only that, but scratches and nicks in stainless steel do not trap food and germs like acrylic or vinyl covered appliances do.

Touchy, Touchy

While Christian’s attractiveness is magnetic, unfortunately, stainless steel is not. While it is pleasing to the eye, magnets will not stick to it. But then again, in your fantasy kitchen, no report cards, art projects or coupons for the supermarket would dare clutter your refrigerator. So be bad and embrace the bare refrigerator door.

Stainless steel can also be rather easily marred by fingerprints. Be very careful when playing the role of maid with your appliances. They can be cleaned and sanitized easily, and no pigments or oils from food preparation can ruin the steel. Our Appliance Specialists recommend giving your stainless steel appliances the white glove treatment, and wiping them down with a sheet of fabric softener.

Like Christian’s many fifty shades, stainless steel has many variations in coloring. Depending upon the finish of the steel on your appliances, they may look different from each other. Not all stainless finishes across brands look exactly the same. Matching appliances across brands may prove difficult if you are upgrading appliances one at a time. If you do purchase appliances one a time, you may find they do not match exactly when installed.

A Group Thing

It may be time to address what goes on in your kitchen and go in on a group thing, like appliance packages. Home-Tech can save you money and provide big rebates on a new kitchen set. Enticing, isn’t it? If you are uncomfortable, we can start slowly with just a new refrigerator or dishwasher. Just make sure to use safety words like ‘Stop’ if we offer you too good of a deal on your appliances. Our Appliance Specialists can guide you through the basics and then introduce you to the new advancements in kitchen appliances.

No Shame Shopping

We know acting out or shopping for your fantasy kitchen may be personal, which is why we have an Online Appliance Store so you can shop in the privacy of your own home, or tour our Member Appliance Centers in Fort Myers or Lakewood Ranch. Yes, getting a whole new kitchen full of appliances may stir you up. If you have any questions,  you can always call us. Appliance Specialists are ready and willing to assist: 800-800-8356.

One of the quickest ways to make your kitchen look sleek and modern with clean lines is to install stainless steel appliances. Stainless steel’s cool grey looks terrific in just about any kitchen. Still, one of the main complaints is that it shows every fingerprint and smudge, so appliance makers combat this by designing stainless steel resistant to these blemishes.

Smudge-proof stainless steel can be a terrific option, especially for families with children or kitchens that see a lot of entertaining. However, drawbacks do exist, particularly if the manufacturer opts for a lower grade of steel when designing a smudge-proof appliance.

However, even that particular drawback can have its advantages. You’ll have to decide what’s right for you, which is why you’ve navigated here while doing your research, so let’s get to it.

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Resisting Fingerprints

Most smudge-proof stainless steel resists fingerprints through a protective coating applied to it. Stainless steel is an alloy of several different elemental metals.

It almost always contains chromium and nickel, and depending on the type of stainless steel, it may also contain aluminum, copper, phosphorus, or titanium, among others.

Because of these variables, stainless steel comes in several grades, but the most common grades used in appliances are designated by numbers: 304 and 316. While 304 is more common in household uses, it is not the only grade used.

The chromium and nickel lend stainless steel its rust resistance but do nothing to rebuff fingerprints.

To do that, the steel needs a protective coating, which manufacturers often spray onto the metal during production.

Another method of creating smudge-proof stainless steel is to use a lower grade of stainless steel.

A lower grade will have less nickel in it, which means it will be slightly less resistant to rust, but if you perform regular cleaning and maintenance, it’s unlikely your refrigerator will rust away in your kitchen.

Incidentally, the lower nickel content means that this particular stainless steel will be magnetic.

Many people have an issue with stainless steel appliances because magnets won’t stick to them, meaning hanging Ainsley’s artwork from school later this afternoon is a non-starter.


If you opt for the higher-grade stainless steel, you’ll have choices in the finish, and those choices can also affect fingerprint resistance:

  • Smudge-proof coating. The most obvious option for resisting smudges is applying a protective coating. Most manufacturers offer this option if it’s not standard on the appliance in question.
  • Matte vs. brushed finish. A matte finish results from cold rolling stainless steel. The result is a smooth surface, though it isn’t shiny. The shinier brushed finish goes through an extensive polishing procedure. It won’t reflect images like a mirror, but it comes closer to doing that than the matte does. Matte finishes are much more smudge-resistant than anything shinier.
  • Quality of stainless steel. As mentioned above, lower-quality stainless steel will better resist smudges and fingerprints, while higher-quality materials will be sturdier and more durable.

If you’re replacing only one appliance in your kitchen, these choices will be more critical, as each one affects how the stainless steel looks.

If your refrigerator has a matte finish with a smudge-proof coating on it and your dishwasher has no coating and boasts a brushed finish, they won’t look alike.

Since many people want their appliances to match, this could be an issue.

If, however, you’re replacing all your appliances at once, that’s not a concern.

You’ll be freed at that point from trying to match what you’ve got and can focus instead on the finish you want rather than the one that looks right.

Keeping It Clean

Cleaning smudge-proof stainless steel is easy since most of it is smudge-proof due to that protective coating.

Think about NASCAR drivers— they have layers of plastic film on their windshields so that when they get dirty, the pit crew can peel off one layer along with all the dirt.

The protective coating works on a similar principle, though you don’t peel the layer off.

Most smudge-proof stainless steel cleans off nicely with a dry microfiber cloth. Dish soap and water works, as well.

There are special stainless steel cleaners, like Therapy’s plant-based stainless steel cleaner kit or these stainless steel cleaner wipes from Weiman.

You need those to clean regular stainless steel properly. While you can use a product like that on your smudge-proof stainless steel appliances, you don’t have to.


Having smudge-proof stainless steel appliances constitutes a wise choice for most kitchens.

They will clean off easily, and since the protective coating, well, protects, you’ve got some assurances against cosmetic damage from daily wear and tear.

Your appliances will look terrific for a long time, and the timeless nature of the look of stainless means you’ll enjoy having those appliances last, rather than wishing you had something different as you wait for them to need replacing.

Hi there! My name is Jack and I write for ToolsOwner. I have a passion for everything related to tools and DIY projects around the house. You often find me in my workshop working on new projects.

Is stainless steel and fingerprint resistant the same color?

It's the same color as the regular stainless steel appliances. It does look darker in the picture, but it's the same as the others in person.

Can you mix and match stainless steel appliances?

If you really look at kitchen appliances, most of the brands follow a similar design and are made with stainless steel. So as long as you choose the same exterior finish for your devices, I guarantee no one will notice if you are mixing a few different brands.

Does fingerprint resistant stainless steel scratch?

Even smudge-proof stainless steel can easily get scratches on it. In that case, the remedy is easy. All you need to do is to get some good car wax and use a small amount of it.

What is anti fingerprint stainless steel?

Anti-fingerprint coating is transparent and provides lasting protection for stainless steel. This excellent coating protects Stainless Steel from water, oil, dust, and fingerprints, and makes the stainless steel easy to clean.


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