Easy part time jobs that pay well

Let’s talks about part-time jobs that pay well. One of the problems with part-time work is that it often comes with part-time pay. Toiling twenty hours per week for minimum wage is no way to build wealth or create a balanced life.

There are a number of part-time jobs out there that pay enough for you to live comfortably on 20 hours per week. In addition, many of these jobs will allow you to create your own schedule.

Resource: Part-time job search engine

If you’re looking for a part-time job that will pay you enough to live on, consider one of these potential professions. For each of the following jobs, we calculated the annual salary by multiplying the hourly wage by 1,000 hours (20 hours per week x 50 weeks):

1. Bartender

Hourly wage: $25-$35 per hour (including tips)

Potential annual income: $25,000-$35,000

Jobs that rely on tips, like tending bar or waiting tables, can be somewhat hit or miss financially since hourly wages for servers are low and you don’t have control over what kinds of customers you get.

That being said, serving up drinks (and lending a sympathetic ear) can be a great way to make full-time money in 20 hours a week. Being friendly and personable can help increase your tips. And choosing a higher-end establishment will bring in the kind of clientele who tip well.

One of the best aspects of tending bar is the fact that you don’t need any particular licensing or education to do it. Most bartenders learn on the job, although it helps to at least know the most common cocktails going into it. This can be a perfect job for a night owl since the best paying shifts are in the evening through to the wee hours.

2. Freelance Writer

Hourly wage: Up to $57 per hour

Potential annual income: $52,000

Freelance writing, editing, and proofreading can be very lucrative, even if you are only doing it part-time. (I should know–I’ve been a freelance writer for nearly a decade, and I have never worked more than 30 hours per week on my part-time career.) Though the average hourly wage is $24, it’s possible to earn more with good writing habits and the right clientele.

The trick to becoming a successful freelancer is to find jobs and/or clients that are a good match for your specific skills and interests. In addition, mastering your time management is essential. The more you write, the more money you can earn. So, you’ll want to be efficient if you want a full-time income in part-time hours.

There are virtually no barriers to entry for this job. Although having experience in communication or writing can be helpful when you are getting started. The more work you do, the more exposure you will receive, which will help you to continually find new clients.

In addition, you can use sites such as Upwork or Contently to find clients. If you plan to make over $600 a year as a freelancer, you will want to consider registering with your state for an LLC. (Here’s how PT did that in Texas.) A Limited Liability Company registration will provide protection and a business structure for your part-time freelance career.

Related Article: How to Become a Ghostwriter (and Make >$150 per Article)

3. Real Estate Agent

Hourly wage: $26.87 per hour

Potential annual income: $26,870

Unlike other jobs on this list, real estate agents are not paid by the hour at all. Instead, they earn commissions based on the real estate sales transactions they are able to close. In general, real estate agents earn 6% of a property’s sale price. That means you might put in a great deal of work without seeing any money–but your paydays tend to be pretty big.

There is a great deal of flexibility for real estate agents. You can build the schedule that works for you and meet clients and show properties on your time. In addition, real estate is a pretty easy profession to get into, as it doesn’t require a college degree, and obtaining a real estate license is a relatively quick and painless process.

You can expect to spend a little over $600 to take a pre-licensing course and the licensing exam, and there will be monthly costs associated with joining a real estate broker. However, if you are a great salesperson, these costs can be easily covered by your commissions.

4. Interpreter/translator

Hourly wage: Up to $25 per hour

Potential annual income: $25,000

Interpreters and translators help organizations and individuals translate one language into another. These professionals work with written word, spoken word, and sign language. Most interpreters are self-employed and can work in environments ranging from large companies to schools to business meetings.

Related: Using a Passion for Language to Create a Multi-Million Dollar Business

It’s recommended that all interpreters receive a certification before selecting this profession. Many translators complete a certification from the American Translators Association. In order to pass this certification, applicants must pass a three-hour exam which assesses their language skills and ability to apply them in a professional environment.

Keep in mind, individual fields may have their own certifications and continued education such as the International Medical Interpreters Association and the National Association of Judiciary Interpreters & Translators.

Check to see if your state offers any accreditation programs. If so, this may open the door to potential job opportunities. It may also benefit you to seek additional training or a Translations Studies degree. Any additional experience will help set your skills apart from other translators in the field.

As America grows, the needs for interpreters will continue to increase as well. Continuing to gain experience and marketing your skills will help you find consistent work throughout your community.

5. Freelance Graphic Designer

Hourly wage: Up to $63 per hour

Potential annual income: $62,000

Graphic design is a key element of visual communication and marketing. Graphic designers combine images, symbols, and words to create messages and visual art. Freelance graphic designers work on a contract bias and can work from anywhere at any time. Businesses and organizations seek graphic designers to give them an edge on their digital presence.

With the growth of the gig economy, talented graphic designers are in high demand. Sites like fiverr, Upwork, and 99designs connect clients with skilled freelancers.

If you’re just starting out as a part-time freelancer, you may want to consider a specialization. Selecting an industry or specific type of design will help you sharpen your skills and find the right type of clients. You can switch your specialization once you acquire more experience. This will eventually help expand your network of clients.

Related: How to Get Started Freelancing Today with No Experience

You may also need to take lower-paying work to build your portfolio. Portfolios are a great way to highlight your work and show off your talent. Even if you have a lot of graphic design experience you may want to consider a graphic design course to keep you up to date on new trends. The graphic design environment is ever-changing, so continuing your education will keep your skills competitive.

6. Massage Therapist

Hourly wage: Up to $58 per hour

Potential annual income: $56,000

In order to become a part-time massage therapist, you must earn a certification or diploma in massage therapy from a program that’s recognized by the state’s licensing board. Many of these programs require 500 hours or academic and clinical work. Each curriculum includes topics such as physiology, kinesiology fundamentals, professional ethics and more.

Once you complete your coursework you will be required to pass the Massage and Bodywork Licensing Examination (MBLEx) and the Board Certification Exam in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (BCETMB). These exams are offered through the National Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB).

After you pass exams, you will need to apply for your license through the state. Every state has different requirements for approving your license. Some states may require you to carry liability insurance.

Upon approval from the state, you can work for an organization, spa, or become self-employed. Many part-time massage therapists will purchase their own tables and supplies so they can visit their clients’ homes. Keep in mind, if you decide to go this route, it may take some time to build up consistent clientele.

Additionally, you must continue to meet additional education requirements. Some of these requirements include additional education credits and hours of work experience.

7. Personal Assistant

Hourly wage: Up to $25 per hour

Potential annual income: $25,000

A personal assistant helps take care of the daily business or personal duties of their boss. Many entrepreneurs and other professionals hire personal assistants to help them with tasks such as bookkeeping, running errands, emailing clients, and more.

While a traditional personal assistant will be in the same location as their employer, another version of this job is working as a virtual assistant. This allows you to work remotely and determine your own schedule. Sites such as Care.com, TaskRabbit, and GoNannies.com can pair you with people in need of personal assistants.

Before you accept any role, make sure you understand the scope of work and the skills needed in order to complete each task. Skills required may include anything from time management to written and verbal communication to organizational skills to reliable transportation and a good sense of direction (if you’re running errands) to mastery of the types of technology your employer uses most often.

Many personal assistant positions won’t require prior education or qualifications, although a degree may help you stand out among other candidates. This can be a great part-time position for someone who enjoys organization and time management.

Related: How to Make Money from Home with a Bookkeeping Business

8. Makeup Artist

Hourly wage: Up to $49 per hour

Potential annual income: $48,000

If you love beauty trends and experimenting with different looks, becoming a makeup artist can be a lucrative part-time position. If you are just starting to build your skills, you can find makeup tutorials on YouTube and Instagram. Try different looks on yourself as well as some willing friends and family members.

If you would like to get a formal education, there are numerous beauty schools across the nation. Before applying for a school, do some research to find the school that will fit your needs and skill set. If you would like to work for a certain brand, ask them what their hiring requirements are.

If you want to try the self-employed route, you may want to start at a makeup counter to gain experience. Working for a brand is also a great way to build your network and clientele. If customers like your work, they will continue to visit you and eventually may hire you for off-site work.

Additionally, use social media to highlight your talents and show off your artistry skills. Social media is one of the best ways to get noticed and build a following. You may also want to connect with wedding vendors or hair stylists in your area. Vendors are always looking to refer makeup artists they trust. You can also try Thumbtack as a place to list your service.

9. Voiceover Actor

Hourly wage: up to $200

Potential annual income: $49,132

You would be amazed at the number of times in a week that you hear voiceover work without even realizing it. Voiceover work is found on TV, in commercials, YouTube videos, audiobooks, podcast intros, and radio ads. 

Voiceover jobs are available if you have the right voice. It takes hard work to perfect a speaking voice good enough for voiceover work. It requires articulation, enunciation, and clarity. 

One way to get into voiceover work is by signing up as a narrator for ACX. This allows you to audition for acting gigs and audiobooks that will be published on Audible, Amazon, and iTunes.

Carrie Olsen used to work a regular day job, but she quit to pursue a career as a voiceover actor. She’s worked for large companies like AT&T, Taco Bell, and Walt Disney and now she wants to help you and me. Check out Carrie’s free professional voiceover actor guide, where she explains how she was able to create a profitable career with just her voice. Carrie shows you how you can make money through voiceover jobs.

Where to Find Part-Time Jobs that Pay Well

It’s not always easy to find a part-time job. At least not a good one. Job websites have thousands of job postings, but people can waste hours searching and never find any jobs that make sense or pay enough.

Something I’ve found to be helpful is probing family and friends. Often, someone has a friend or acquaintance hiring. If not, they can help by keeping their eyes open to opportunities for you.

You can do that same thing on social media. Share with your friends and followers that you’re looking for a part-time job. Instead of just you looking for a job, you’ll have your whole network of friends looking as well.

Beyond people you know, here are two other great ways to find good part-time jobs:


Steady is a job seekers app that makes finding a job easy. They have thousands of part-time jobs, one-time jobs, and remote jobs listed. After signing up for a free account from Steady, you’ll answer some basic questions about yourself and what you’re looking for in a job.

That’s all you need to do and then you can search their database for jobs near you. If you find a job you like, often, you can click a link and it will take you directly to the job website to apply.

Read: Steady App Review


As one of the largest job sites in the world, ZipRecruiter is a great way to find and apply for good part-time jobs. ZipRecruiter is a web-based platform, but they also have a mobile app available on iOS and Android. However, you choose to use ZipRecruiter, it’s easy to navigate.

People can create job alerts, save jobs, post their resume, and even apply for jobs all within ZipRecruiter. They offer thousands of local jobs, including part-time jobs and remote jobs. ZipRecruiter is free to use.

Get started with ZipRecruiter here.

The Bottom Line on Part-Time Jobs that Pay Well

There’s no reason to accept low wages just because you’re only working part-time. There are plenty of part-time jobs out there that will give you the flexibility you need, and make it rain at the same time.

Any great part-time jobs that pay well that we missed? Let us know!

Keep Reading:

What is the highest pay part

Top 19 Highest Paying Part-Time Jobs.
Private Tutoring. If you have significant experience or education in a particular subject, you might be able to translate that into a high-paying tutoring gig. ... .
Accountant. ... .
Programmer. ... .
Editor. ... .
Truck Driver. ... .
Graphic Designer. ... .
Writer / Copywriter. ... .
Management Analyst..

What are the easiest jobs but pay well?

21 Easy Jobs That Pay Well.
Personal shopper. Average Annual Salary: $49,000. ... .
Insurance specialist. Average Annual Salary: $33,000. ... .
Personal trainer. Average Annual Salary: $38,000. ... .
Massage therapist. Average Annual Salary: $38,000. ... .
Graphic designer. ... .
Flight attendant. ... .
Electrician. ... .
Freelance photographer..

How can I make at least $20 an hour?

30 jobs that pay $20+ per hour without a degree.
Physical therapy assistant..
Route driver..
Truck driver..
Hotel manager..
Maintenance mechanic..
Solar installer..
Medical coder..

What job pays the most but works the least?

Based on those data sources, we found these to be the highest-paying jobs for 35 hours or less per week:.
Musician or singer..
Author or writer..
Real estate agent..
Dietician or nutritionist..


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