Extra virgin olive oil with highest polyphenol content

And Where to Get It

Updated Feb 2021

It’s a question everyone wants the answer to.

Is olive oil healthy?

The simple answer is that not all oils are created equally. When it comes to boosting your health, no oil is quite as potent as Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO).

According to numerous research studies, EVOO is far superior to its regular counterpart, seeing as it is produced using pure, cold-pressed olives. While most normal store-bought olive oil is a cheap blend of more processed oils, and only a select few cold-pressed oils, EVOO is different – mainly due to the fact that is high in phenolic content.


  • EVOO is superior to its regular counterpart
  • High phenolic olive oil has a high percentage of phenolic compounds
  • Phenolic compounds are linked to the many health benefits provided by EVOO
  • EVOO can strengthen the human immune system
  • Polyphenols are linked to successful weight loss
  • High Phenolic EVOO lowers blood pressure
  • You need to carefully choose the best EVOO with high phenolic content

First Thing’s First – What is High Phenolic Olive Oil?

In a nutshell, high phenolic olive oil is olive oil that has a high percentage of phenolic compounds. Otherwise known as polyphenols, these compounds are directly linked to the many health benefits provided by EVOO, which we’ll discuss in a moment.

Do All Olive Oils Have Polyphenols?

Nearly every variety of olives has the potential to produce EVOO – but only a select few actually carry high polyphenol levels. That’s why it’s so important to choose an EVOO that is produced using not only a specialized cold-pressing process, but the highest quality of Olympia olives on the planet. But we’ll get to that later…

Why Do We Need Polyphenols?

Phenolic compounds in EVOO keep the oil stable while presenting certain anti-inflammatory and anti-atherosclerotic properties (protecting against heart disease), along with powerful antioxidizing action.

In Summary

  • EVOO is superior to regular olive oil
  • It’s produced using pure, cold-pressed olives
  • It’s high in phenolic content
  • Phenolic compounds are linked to the many health benefits provided by EVOO
  • Phenolic compounds in EVOO keep the oil stable
  • Contains anti-inflammatory and anti-atherosclerotic properties

Now – What Are the Benefits of Polyphenol Rich Olive Oil?

A quick “Google” for “Polyphenols” will reveal a mountain of information on the powerful effects of polyphenols on the human body – but it’s a lot to research. So, we’ve done all of the research on your behalf.

Without further ado, here are the top 10 benefits of polyphenol rich olive oil, and how consuming EVOO every day can have a significantly positive impact on your overall well-being.

1. Lowers Blood Pressure

Unhealthy oils can raise your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, which can result in serious illness. EVOO combats this, which ncbi.nlm.nih.gov talks about in an article on the potential health benefits of olive oil and plant polyphenols.

According to the source, both conventional and alternative medicine utilizes the power of olive oil and leaf extracts to treat health issues relating to blood pressure, like arterial hypertension and atherosclerosis.

According to the same source, olive oil and olive leaf extract have been shown to lower blood pressure in studies on animals, while promoting more blood flow to the coronary arteries. All of this while slowing down heart rate and regulating muscle contractions in the intestines.

2. Boosts the Immune System

Healthy immunity is key to protection against inflammatory disorders and diseases like cancer. You can count on EVOO for an immunity boost, according to an article released by ncbi.nlm.nih.gov.

The source speaks of numerous scientific studies which showcase the potential of polyphenols in modulating, regulating, and strengthening the human immune system. We won’t get too deep into the confusing science of it all, but know this – polyphenols affect the spread of white blood cells and cytokines, among various other factors that strengthen immune defense.

3. Goodbye, Allergies

Enough sneezing, coughing, and spluttering. EVOO’s phenolic compounds fight allergies so you can enjoy lasting relief. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov’s article speaks of polyphenol’s tough anti-allergenic power.

Another article release by NIH explores polyphenol’s influence on allergic immune reactions in more detail. According to the source, dietary polyphenols – like the ones found in Extra Virgin Olive Oil – have been found to have a major impact on three common allergic diseases in humans.

These include asthma, food allergies, and eczema. Polyphenols prevent the development of allergies, which can significantly reduce symptomatic distress and improve the sufferer’s life immensely.

All by drinking or eating a little EVOO every day – who knew?

4. Mental Health

Numerous sources speak of the effect of polyphenolic compounds on mental health. According to Hindawi.com, these compounds – which are found in EVOO – have been found to prevent the development of neurogenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Dementia.

On a biological level, these polyphenolic compounds work to gradually improve the user’s mental well-being by modulating and strengthening brain plasticity, cognition, mood, and behaviors. The source further hails polyphenols for their ability to combat and improve the symptoms of depression.

Frontiers In Neuroscience also explores the concept of how dietary polyphenols are closely connected to gut microbia, and how they can alleviate the signature signs of depression on a biological level.

Polyphenols even have the potential to build cognitive resilience to certain neuropsychiatric disorders, although more research is needed in this field according to the same source.

5. Balanced Blood Sugar

Did you know that EVOO can actually lower your risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes?

This oil boosts insulin effectiveness to balance blood sugar, according to WebMD.

According to an article released by the medical journal, the rich antioxidants found in polyphenols have been found to potentially improve blood sugar in high-risk individuals who could develop conditions like diabetes and heart disease.

According to the same source, the researchers of a particular study discovered that polyphenols work to improve blood sugar by improving the way in which the body actually metabolizes sugar.

In one particular study, 45 overweight – or obese – people followed a diet either low in omega-3 fatty acids, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, rich in polyphenols, or rich in both omega-3 fatty acids and polyphenols.

The results of the study revealed that those on low omega-3 fatty acid diets lost the most weight during the 8-week study period, but those on the rich polyphenol diet experienced more significant improvements to their insulin and blood sugar levels.

The same diet also sparked improvements in the functionality of the pancreas.

6. Healthy Weight

According to NDTV, polyphenols are linked to successful weight loss efforts.


Because these powerful micronutrients – a crucial part of any diet – proactively strengthen the human digestive system. This promotes faster weight loss and fat burning action that is easy to maintain with ongoing consumption of polyphenols.

According to NCBI, polyphenols have been linked to the modulation of the body’s molecular and physiological pathways.

In more simple terms, these pathways are responsible for metabolizing energy and controlling the onset of obesity. And by lowering your chance of gaining weight, you could in turn experience a reduced risk of developing many of the disorders that are commonly associated with obesity, such as diabetes and heart disease.

High concentrations of polyphenols – which are found in EVOO – have a strong antioxidizing effect on the body, which may also improve cognitive function and control the mental side of weight problems. According to the same NCBI article, polyphenols further suppress fat absorption from the gut while reducing chronic inflammation.

7. Anti-Bad-Things

Phenolic compounds have been proven to offer various “anti” effects.

According to NCBI, the benefits of polyphenols reach far beyond anything any of us could have imagined – from antioxidant to anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, anti-thrombotic (reduces blood clots), anti-atherogenic (removes cholesterol from cells), and anti-mutagenic action.

These diverse beneficial impacts have been studied and evaluated in a multitude of scientific research studies. Polyphenols have been shown to significantly impact various biological activities in the body, like modulating the immune system (which we spoke about earlier).

In fact, NCBI speaks of polyphenol’s ability to function as efficient anti-cancer agents – which are easy to incorporate into your diet through EVOO. The same NCBI article talks about much higher how Virgin Olive Oils are in phenolic compounds than regular refined olive oils. These phenolic compounds are what give EVOO its trademark bitter taste.

8. No More Inflammation

Inflammation can be painful, but EVOO can help with that - with its antioxidants that reduce swelling all over the body.

It’s not necessarily the olive oil itself, but what’s inside it, which is – once again – polyphenols.

When it comes to inflammation, polyphenols are incredibly powerful. Once they’re inside the body, they have been shown to regulate cellular activities within inflammatory cells, according to NCBI.

Once of the most powerful polyphenols found in EVOO is Oleocanthal, which works in a similar way to ibuprofen – one of the most commonly prescribed drugs for inflammation in the world.

According to Healthline, chronic inflammation is considered a leading cause of diseases like metabolic syndrome, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, heart disease, cancer, and obesity. By consuming a little EVOO each day – making sure it’s high-phenolic olive oil – you can enjoy the powerful anti-inflammatory impact of polyphenols.

According to scientists, 3.4 tablespoons, or 50ml, of Oleocanthal showcases a similar effect as 10% of Ibuprofen’s adult dosage. Further research shows that olive oil’s main fatty acid, oleic acid, holds the power to reduce the levels of certain crucial inflammatory markets found in the body, like C-reactive protein.

9. Better Digestion

EVOO contains something called “Sitosterol,” which regulates cholesterol absorption.

In simple English, your digestion tract will be healthier than ever – and research proves it.

According to Healthline, we can boost our digestion through regular consumption of polyphenols.

NCBI also hails polyphenols for their positive impact on the digestive tract, along with the liver.

Medical News Today talks about how the fats in high-phenolic olive oil may smoothen the inside of your bowel, which makes it much easier for stools to pass through. This also boosts water retention in stools, which has been found to ease the pain of constipation.

Experts suggest consuming a tablespoon of high-phenolic olive oil every morning, on an empty stomach, to relieve constipation. This is a tried and trusted wellness secret used by many healthy adults. Although, it’s important not to consume more than this to avoid cramps and diarrhea.

10. Overall Health Protection

The truth is olive oil has been used for hair, skin, and nails since ancient times. Naturally, olive oil is packed with valuable anti-aging antioxidants and hydrating factors, making it ideal for body use.

Honestly, there are so many benefits to consuming high-phenolic extra virgin olive oil, we’d be here all day if we were to list them all. The fact that it’s so delicious is a bonus!

Bonus – Improves Athletic Performance Naturally

Extra Virgin Olive Oil has been used by athletes for centuries to improve their performance naturally.

Even today, thousands of athletes all over the world use EVOO's polyphenols to enhance their performance. Polyphenols work by reducing oxidative damage and cholesterol levels, strengthening the heart, building stronger bones, and increasing energy levels.

This makes Extra Virgin Olive Oil the perfect choice for athletes looking to improve their performance naturally.

In Summary

  • Boosts the immune system
  • Fights allergies
  • May improve mental health
  • Balances blood sugar
  • Promotes a healthy weight
  • Combats inflammation
  • Aids better digestion
  • Delivers overall health protection

What is the Healthiest Olive Oil?

It’s clear to see, as per the stacks of research from medical journals and credible sources online, that EVOO is the healthiest olive oil in the world owing to its high phenolic content. But – just buying the first EVOO you see in the store isn’t enough.

If you want to enjoy the full benefits of olive oil, you need to carefully choose the best Extra Virgin Olive Oil that is high in phenolic content.

What is the Best Olive Oil to Buy?

The healthiest olive oils in the world are high in phenolic content, and one of the world leaders in high phenolic olive oil is Hypereleon. This medical-grade olive oil has a powerful composition of compounds that’s been proven to boost our well-being.

Hypereleon is an award-winning EVOO that’s trusted and adored by thousands of healthy families worldwide.

The difference between regular olive oils and Hypereleon is that the latter is produced using a meticulous cold-pressing process, with olives of the Olympia variety (naturally high in polyphenols).

These beautiful olives are carefully selected from the best olive groves in the highlands of Arcadis, Peloponnese, Greece, at very high altitudes, from trees that are thousands of years old.

Hypereleon’s range of unfiltered and chemical-free EVOOs are not put through heating processes, which is critical for preserving the nutrients inside – namely, polyphenols.

If you want to enjoy all of the benefits discussed of high-phenolic olive oil in this article, it’s critical to invest in your health by choose a high-phenolic Extra Virgin Olive Oil like Hypereleon. Explore Hypereleon’s award-winning range of high-phenolic olive oil today.

In Summary

  • EVOO is the healthiest olive oil in the world with high phenolic content
  • It’s produced through a cold-pressing process, with olives of the Olympia variety
  • Hypereleon’s range of EVOOs is unfiltered and chemical-free
  • Quality EVOO is never subjected to heating processes

Extra Virgin Olive Oil is easy to start including in your diet. Use it raw over salads and dishes, and try raw in the morning before breakfast to get the most benefits and the highest polyphenol content.

Hypereleon has 10 times the phenolic compounds of standard EVOOs, so why not add yours to your cart now? Your body will thank you for it for years to come!

Get Hypereleon Now

Which olive oil has highest polyphenols?

Which Olive Oils Have the Highest Polyphenols? Olive varieties like Coratina and Koroneiki yield higher polyphenol content because of their genes. But there are so many factors that impact olive oil polyphenols.

How can you tell if olive oil has high polyphenols?

If you have ever sampled both extra virgin and refined olive oil at once, you will have noticed that the extra virgin oil had a sharper taste due to the polyphenols. The fresher the olive oil, the more polyphenols it will contain, so look for bottles with a recent harvest date on them.

What is the most nutritious extra virgin olive oil?

Best extra virgin olive oil Known for having a particularly high level of antioxidants, the Spanish picual olive is highly revered in the world of EVOO.

What has the highest polyphenol content?

Black beans and white beans in particular have the highest number of polyphenols . Black beans have 59 mg per 100 g, and white beans have 51 mg.


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