Find a polynomial function that has the given zeros calculator

Find a function

Degree of the function:

1 2 3 4 5

( The degree is the highest power of an x. )

axis symmetric to the y-axis
point symmetric to the origin

y-axis intercept

Roots / Maxima / Minima /Inflection points:
at x=
at x=
at x=
at x=
at x=

Characteristic points:
at |)
at |)
at |)
at (|)
at (|)

Slope at given x-coordinates:
Slope at x=
Slope at x=
Slope at

The calculator will try to find the zeros (exact and numerical, real and complex) of the linear, quadratic, cubic, quartic, polynomial, rational, irrational, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric, hyperbolic, and absolute value function on the given interval.

Your input: solve the equation $$$x^{4} - 16 x^{3} + 90 x^{2} - 224 x + 245=0$$$ for $$$x$$$ on the interval $$$\left( -\infty,\infty \right )$$$


Real roots



Complex roots

$$$x=2 + \sqrt{3} i\approx 2.0 + 1.73205080756888 i$$$

$$$x=2 - \sqrt{3} i\approx 2.0 - 1.73205080756888 i$$$

Find a polynomial function that has the given zeros calculator

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Find a polynomial function that has the given zeros calculator

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Find a polynomial function that has the given zeros calculator


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  • -4x^3+6x^2+2x=0
  • 6+11x+6x^2+x^3=0
  • 2x^5+x^4-2x-1=0
  • 11+6x+x^2=-\frac{6}{x}
  • x^3-2x=0
  • 2x^5+x^4-2x-1=0



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Welcome to MathPortal. This website's owner is mathematician Miloš Petrović. I designed this website and wrote all the calculators, lessons, and formulas.

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The polynomial generator generates a polynomial from the roots introduced in the Roots field.

Input the roots here, separated by comma

Roots =         

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How do you find a polynomial function with given zeros?

To construct a polynomial from given zeros, set x equal to each zero, move everything to one side, then multiply each resulting equation..
A polynomial constructed from n roots will have degree n or less. ... .
Each zero given will end up being one term of the factored polynomial..