Harry potter and the goblet of fire short summary

The book that could legitimately be called the turning point of the series is packed with action, backstory and significant darkness. It begins in the village of Little Hangleton, where Lord Voldemort and his servant Peter Pettigrew are in hiding. We hear that Voldemort is planning to return to power, and that he wants to kill Harry Potter. Harry sees this scene through a dream, and on his awakening, we find him having another miserable summer with the Dursleys in Privet Drive. However, he is saved by the Weasleys, who come to take Harry back to The Burrow so that he can attend the Quidditch World Cup with them. Their visit causes mayhem in the Dursley household, leaving Dudley even more terrified of wizards.

The Weasleys, Harry and Hermione take a Portkey to the World Cup, but on the night after the game a group of Death Eaters reunite and start to terrorize Muggles. Death Eaters were Voldemort’s followers, but unbeknownst to them, a truly loyal Death Eater is among them: one who went to Azkaban rather than renounce his allegiance, and who shoots the Dark Mark (a sign used to signal death) into the sky to scare them. Harry, Hermione and the Weasleys all return to Hogwarts, and it is announced that a Triwizard Tournament will be held at Hogwarts this year. This is a centuries-old tournament in which three seventeen-year-old witches or wizards battle through various obstacles to win eternal glory. Students from two other wizarding schools, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, arrive and the competing Champions are chosen from the Goblet of Fire. However, along with the Hogwarts Champion Cedric Diggory, Harry’s name inexplicably comes out too. He has no choice but to compete.

Ron believes Harry entered his name on purpose, and succumbs to jealousy, feeling that he is overshadowed by both his friends and his family. Meanwhile, the conniving journalist Rita Skeeter has taken an interest in Harry, and writes many articles that tarnish his reputation. Hagrid shows Harry that he will have to face dragons in the first task. The new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Mad-Eye Moody, advises Harry to play to his strengths, suggesting that he should fly on a broomstick to get past the dragon. Harry does so, and manages to complete the first task. After it, he and Ron reconcile. It is then announced that on Christmas day a Yule Ball will be held in honour of the Triwizard Tournament, and Harry asks Cho Chang to accompany him. She must refuse him as she is already going with Cedric, and although Harry is upset, he does manage to get Parvati Patil to go with him instead. It is revealed at the ball that Hermione is going with Viktor Krum, the Durmstrang Champion and internationally-famous Quidditch player. Ron is exceedingly jealous. The second task is set in the lake in the grounds of Hogwarts, and Harry must dive into its depths to save Ron. He successfully completes the task with a little help from Dobby the house-elf.

In the summer, Harry competes in the third and final task. It is a maze filled with beasts and charms that the Champions have to battle through, but in the end he and Cedric get to the Triwizard Cup at the same time. They take it together, but it turns out that the Cup is a Portkey, and the two are transported to a graveyard. Cedric gets killed by Peter Pettigrew, who is lying in wait for them along with Lord Voldemort. Using some of Harry’s blood, Pettigrew brings Voldemort back to life, and Voldemort and Harry battle each other in a deadly duel. Harry manages to escape with Cedric’s body and returns to Hogwarts injured and devastated. He is taken by Mad-Eye Moody, who reveals that he is in fact the faithful Death Eater from the Quidditch World Cup, Barty Crouch Junior. He put Harry’s name into the Goblet of Fire, and has been making sure Harry got through the tasks and got to the Cup first so that he would be taken to Voldemort. Dumbledore arrives and takes Harry away, leaving Crouch to the care of some Dementors. Harry is broken after the death of Cedric and the knowledge that Voldemort is back. He leaves Hogwarts worried about the future, scared about what might happen, and frustrated that so few people actually believe his story.

This is a summary based on my understanding of the novel. Please also note that this summary contains spoilers. You may want to read the entire book first before proceeding - click this link to purchase via amazon.

Harry Potter had a dream about Voldemort, Wormtail and a man, and he woke up with his scar burning – he told Sirius about that.

There will be an upcoming World Quidditch Cup and the Weasleys invited Harry. They fetched him at the Dursleys. During the world cup, a dark mark was conjured and Barty Crouch’s house elf, Winky, was blamed. Barty Crouch is Percy Weasley‘s boss.

When they all went back to Hogwarts, Dumbledore announced that there will be no Quidditch competition among the houses, but there will be a Triwizard tournament, Hogwarts vs. Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. The older students are allowed to join. They just need to put their name in the goblet of fire. For Beauxbaxton and Durmstrang, their representatives are Viktor Krum and Fleur Delacour. For Hogwarts, it is Cedric Diggory, but there was a fourth one, Harry Potter. Almost everyone believed that he put his name in the goblet and tricked Dumbledore. Even Ron was angry at him.

First task was to get the golden egg. He flew with the firebolt. He was assisted by Hagrid and Hermione. He ranked 2nd.

Second task – Mermaid. He was assisted by Dobby. He ranked 1st.

Third task – Maze. It’s a tie between him and Cedric.

During the third task, Cedric and Harry both reached the cup and they argued about who should take it. So they decided to touch it at the same time. When they touched the cup, they were transported somewhere where they found Wormtail. An ‘Avada Kedavra’ was performed to Cedric Diggory and he died. Harry was tied by Wormtail, as he watched Voldermort’s rebirth. When Voldemort stepped out of the Cauldron with a body, he summoned the Death Eaters and asked Harry for a duel. He and Harry fought, but instead of hurting each other, their wands made a connection. Something unusual happened – ghosts/souls started emerging from Voldemort’s wand. First, Cedric, then Bertha Jorkins, an old man, James Potter and Lily Potter. They urged him and told him to run. Cedric asked him to take his body back to his parents. He ran, summoned the cup and went back to Hogwarts where everyone was worried about him. Harry was guided by Madeye Moody (Dark Arts teacher) and then when they were both alone, Moody told him that he was the one who placed Harry’s name in the Goblet of Fire and he was the one Voldemort referred as his faithful servant in Hogwarts.

The truth:

The real Madeye Moody was hidden and Mr. Crouch’s son kept on drinking Polyjuice Potion to pretend that he was Madeye Moody. Barty was sent to Azkaban because he was caught as a supporter of Voldemort, he died a year after. (It was his mother that died. Both of them drank polyjuice potion, his mother pretended to be him and was the one who stalled in prison). Bertha Jorkins knew about Barty and Voldemort knew from her that Barty was looking for Voldemort to help him. It was also him who conjured the dark dark. He killed his father because he was about to tell Dumbledore about Voldemort’s return. It was Barty (in the form of Moody) who convinced Hagrid to show Harry the dragon so he wins, he also gave a hint about the second task to Harry by giving Neville a book but then that failed so he staged a convo about the second task where Dobby helped. On the third task, he also made sure Harry wins so he’d touch the cup first which he turned into a portkey.

Barty was given the Dementor’s kiss.

Harry was announced as the winner with 1k Galleons. He gave the prize to Fred and George Weasley so they could start a joke shop.

The End of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by JK Rowling.Click here to get a copy of the book.

Forever Winter

Just reading and writing my way out of this messy adult life! I have transitioned from having piles of notebooks stacked underneath my bed from writing on the internet and allowing people worldwide to read. View all posts by Forever Winter

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What is the big idea of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire?

Goblet of Fire explores the importance of tolerance and pushing for equality. Voldemort represents the worst in the world of bigotry—rejecting half-bloods, muggle-borns and muggles because they are not of “pure” wizard blood.

What is the main summary of Harry Potter?

The main story arc concerns Harry's struggle against Lord Voldemort, a dark wizard who intends to become immortal, overthrow the wizard governing body known as the Ministry of Magic and subjugate all wizards and Muggles (non-magical people).

How did Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire End?

So, by the end of Goblet of Fire, the Triwizard Tournament has come and gone, Voldemort (who has been threatening to reappear for three years) is finally back, Harry has embarked on the romantic agonies of being a teenager, and Rita Skeeter is unable to print any more lies for a year, on pain of being turned in to the ...

What happened in the beginning of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire?

Goblet of Fire opens with a bunch of murders, which shows us right off the bat that J.K. Rowling is getting darker with this installment. Fifty years prior, the town of Little Hangleton was shaken by the killing of the entire Riddle family: a man, woman, and their adult son.


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