How does my scale know my body fat

A 2016 study reveals a close relationship between increased abdominal fat and a higher risk of developing chronic illnesses such as cardiovascular disease. If you are focused on shedding some weight to improve your health, you should keep a close eye on your body composition. Your body composition is the percentage of core components in your body, such as fat, protein, minerals, and body water.

The Limitation of Standard Scales

Routine measurement of your body composition is a good start to gain a better glimpse into your overall health and determine whether you are progressing towards your fitness goals or not. However, using a regular weigh scale to evaluate your fitness journey can lead to inconclusive or wrong results. Standard scales are designed to show the total body weight in kilos or pounds but cannot measure real-time changes in fat and body mass. In addition to considering only a few measurements metrics, conventional scales also have a huge margin of error and may trick you into thinking that your fitness journey has stagnated. 

A body composition scale is a device used to accurately measure your body composition and generate reports on your set goals. The scale considers a range of metrics to calculate fat mass, total body water content, and fat percentage in your body. With a body composition scale such as the Styku 3D Scanner, you can get accurate measurements of your body, including your body shape, in just 35 seconds. 

How Does a Body Composition Scale Works?

A body composition scale leverages bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) to provide comprehensive measurements of your health and fitness progress. The scale uses a safe and minimal electrical current that flows through the body from the base of the scale. Essentially, the electric current flows through the body water, fat, and bone muscle mass at various speeds and the scale measures this speed to calculate how your body is composed of these elements. The body composition scale analysis this information using formulas and biodata such as your age and gender. Most body scales are designed to provide a wealth of information, including:

  • Metabolic age
  • Basal metabolic rate
  • Bone density
  • Physique rating
  • Muscle quality
  • Muscle mass
  • Body water percentage
  • Visceral fat
  • Body fat percentage

The Benefits of a Body Composition Scale 

Other than the obvious health-related benefits, investing in the best body composition scale for your gym comes with a lot of advantages:

Convenience: Body composition scales are light, safe to use, and provide consistent measurements that help you track the effectiveness of your exercise regimen, training, and diet over time. 

Consistency: Having a body composition scale ensures you can weigh yourself any time of the day and track your progress routinely. Consistency is integral to a successful fitness plan and the scale helps you track your progress in real-time. 

Easy to use: The best body composition scales provide easy-to-read results displayed on the LED screens. The screens are also backlit to enable easy reading in dark conditions. Some scales are designed to sync your data automatically to a mobile health app for a streamlined fitness plan.

Added features: Unlike the counterweights and analog scales that measure weight only, body composition scales provide more insights on other areas of your body, including body fat, muscle mass, and other measurements related to your health.

Features to Look for When Buying a Body Composition Scale

Some of the primary features to look for when buying an ideal body composition scale include:

Display: An ideal scale should come with a big and clear display that provides easy reading when standing on the device. You can also opt for a wireless display unit that you can mount on the wall for easier viewing.

Displayed data: The ideal scale should provide a comprehensive set of data on your overall health. The data should be easy to understand and stay on screen long enough to read easily. Avoid models that flash information past quickly, making it hard to follow. The best device should enable you to redisplay the data without having to weigh yourself again.

Control: Also, check for clearly labeled and easy-to-use controls. It should also allow effortless programming and interface.

User profile: A suitable scale should provide enough profiles or saved sets of individual information for all the household/gym members who use it regularly. Some of the products in the market provide a guest profile for visitors who want to use the scales. However, you won't need to store their profile permanently.

Instructions: Set up and user instructions should be provided in an easy format that aids quick comprehension. Instructions should be accompanied by helpful diagrams and advice on interpreting the results for each variable you are measuring.

Innovative features: Somebody composition scales come with Wi-Fi connectivity that allows you to track your results through an app or website instead of keeping track with a piece of paper.

What Makes Styku the Ideal Scale for Measuring Your Body Composition?

As a gym or fitness center owner looking to improve your business with top-notch gym equipment, you want an easily portable scale with interactive features to help your clients track their progress. The Styku 3D body scanner blends cutting-edge tech and design with intuitive features to help your clients easily evaluate their progress and set fitness goals.

What Is Styku?

Styku is a 3D body shape measurement and visualization tool that leverages a series of Kinect-like sensors to create a 3-dimensional image of a person's body. Styku is also a non-invasive body scanner and can scan your body in regular fitting gym clothes for quick insights into your overall health. 

Styku's Features

Below are some features that set Styku apart from the competition:  

Interactive 3D visuals

Styku comes with a stunning and interactive 3Dviewer that rotates, pan, and zoom to enable a user to view their body from any angle. The 3D scanner provides precise 3D mapping and rendering of your body for accurate data reading, including body shape, body measurements, posture analysis, and more. It also comes with a lightweight aluminum enclosure with low square footage that makes it easy to position the device in your gym.

Built-in coaching

Styku also provides a built-in coaching feature that helps you to customize your workout frequency and calorie deficits. Within this feature, you can also rank your body fat and contrast the results with your fitness peers. Additionally, you can set fat loss goals and estimate the metabolic rate and calorie expenditure.

Automated reports

With Styku, you gain easy access to automated reports on progress, scan, body comp, and more. The reports provide details on how each of the biometric is changing. Ideally, you can auto send the reports to customers who can open and view them anytime.

High accuracy

Styku's Surface Scan system combines precise scanning hardware with a unique calculation algorithm to guarantee accurate body composition data. The device's scanning tower leverages an infrared system that measures the body's surface with 2 mm accuracy. 


With its complete set of components, the device weighs only 40 pounds and sets up in less than 2 mins. Whether you are attending run challenges, events, or corporate witlessness programs, you can take your assessments on the road with a custom Styku travel kit device.

How Does Styku Work?

Styku is designed for ease of use. Start by requesting your clients to step on the small pedestal, which is about 6 inches from the ground, then face the white column reaching the chest level. Next, activate the machine, and the pedal will start spinning the person around. As it spins, the column continuously scans its body several times to create a full 3D dimensional view and generate an analyzed body image.

The body image is then sent to an integrated computer to generate a comprehensive report about hundreds of body measurements, including fat percentage, waist size, hip and bust measurements, and more. Ideally, for users to get the best progress result, they should be encouraged to visit their gym every month for consistent Styku scans.

The Styku Certification Program

Styku offers a range of courses and lessons that can quickly turn your staff into certified coaches. With this tool, your team will learn everything from setting up the 3D body scanner to performing 3D body scans and breaking down the results with your customers. Gym staff who complete Styku's training receive a digital certificate that helps them build confidence and add value to their credentials.

Improve Your Gym Business with Styku

If you are looking for ideal gym equipment to help your gym clients train more objectively, a body composition scale can help. An ideal body composition scale is incredibly helpful in providing actionable data that supports a person's overall goals. Unfortunately, most scales out there don't tell the whole story about a person's fitness status.

Today, Styku is helping gym and fitness center owners globally differentiate themselves from the competition and improve customer retention. Investing in Styku 3D body scanning equipment can help you bring 3D body visualization to the average person and retain your clients even as you attract more. You can install Styku in your gym for $10,000 today and get returns on your investment by charging clients a monthly or annual fee for Styku scans. You can also let your gym members use Styku for free as a form of customer retention. Visit today to learn more.


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