How early can you test positive pregnancy

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I only went to the gynae when I was 12-13weeks pregnant after we have decided on which gynae and our friends shared with us that there is no rush to do so but better to visit the gynae when you are 3 months pregnant. After I found our that I was pregnant, we went to GP downstairs to confirm the pregnancy and the Dr arranged for me to go to Thomson Medical Centre to do our 1st scan when baby is 8 weeks old to ensure that baby has heartbeat and it will be your 1st encounter seeing the little one in your tummy. From then, I looked forward to visit my gynae as I will get to see my little one and track her growth progress. It is amazing to see how the little one grows, enjoy your every trip to the gynae!

It's best to wait about a week after you miss your period to take a home pregnancy test. By that time, most newly pregnant women have enough human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in their urine for the tests to detect it. If the test is positive, call your practitioner's office and schedule your first prenatal appointment. Most practitioners won't see you until you're about eight weeks along, unless you have a medical condition, had problems with a previous pregnancy, or are having symptoms that need to be checked out. At the first prenatal visit, the doctor will confirm the pregnancy. In addition, further tests are carried out including: weighing, urine, measuring blood pressure, and haemoglobin determination. The doctor will draw blood to determine your blood group and rhesus factor and further tests will be carried out to screen for HIV and rubella, along with other potentially dangerous diseases.The focus of this appointment, however, is mainly on the advice. The doctor will discuss possible risks and give advice regarding nutrition and other pregnancy related issues. Of course you also have the opportunity to ask the questions that you have regarding your pregnancy.

I think it's ok to go after two months when the baby is slightly bigger and more stable as the early stage of pregnancy there is nothing much that the doctor could detect or suggest, unless you r bleeding and need extra attention.

As early as you know you're pregnant! For my 1st pregnancy, we found out on week 5 and directly see a gynae. A good thing to do, 'coz I got bleeding on week 7 (which scared me to death!) and my gynae prescribed me some hormone tablets until week 12 to stabilize my baby. I was also prescribed folic acid, which should be consumed until week 12 to help baby grow. Unfortunately for my 2nd pregnancy, we only found out on week 12. Fortunately his first trimester was OK. But I didn't get as much folic acid, because by week 12 the doctor felt no need to prescribe folic acid anymore. So, I'm not sure if my 2nd baby was lack of folic acid or not during the pregnancy.

As soon as you think you are pregnant, you should take a home pregnancy test to confirm your suspicions. If your home pregnancy test results are positive, or if they are negative but you still think you are pregnant, you should go to your family doctor or gynecologist for confirmation. Since adequate prenatal care is crucial to both the mother and the foetus, the sooner you see your doctor and begin a medical regimen, the healthier your pregnancy will be. Your doctor will make arrangements to ensure you are properly cared for during the months leading up to your baby's birth.

I got a feeling that i am pregnant, keep telling my husband, but he doesn't believe. so when i am not feelin well, i go to see GP and do a testing to confirm it. after that go to see Gynae, that time still week 5-6.

From my experience, my gynae only want to see me after 12 weeks pregnant. Understand from her, if too early, the scan could not show anything.

Sorry typo error, it is usually 8 weeks. However if you are first time pregnant, I would suggest you go and consult gynae ASAP.

I will advise that you to visit the gynae at around 6 to 7 weeks. This is to ensure that your pregnancy is stable and viable. Certain conditions can be resolved if detected early as the gynae can prescribe you the necessary medications. For my case, my progesterone level is low and I experience cramps at the early stage of pregnancy and I was given progesterone tables to stablise it.

I would suggest you to visit a gynae as soon as you tested a positive on a pregnancy test kit so that blood test can be taken for the most accurate results. For me, I was diagnosed to have low progesterone as soon as I had a blood test and i had to take progesterone supplements pills and injections for the 1st 3 months to prevent miscarriage.

When you are about 6-7 weeks pregnant, counting from the first day of the last menstrual period (assuming that you have regular 28-day cycles). If your cycles are irregular, you should see the doctor early soon after your urine pregnancy test is positive. The first scan is to date the pregnancy, check if the pregnancy is within the uterus or without (i.e. an ectopic pregnancy), if the fetus is viable (or a miscarriage), and if there is one or more (e.g. twin pregnancies).

I guess week 6 or 7 will be ideal. Gynae should be able to detect baby's heartbeat by then. Any earlier than that, it is only the sac that they can detect and they can't tell if it is healthy or requires additional attention. If you didn't experience any bad cramps or any bleeding, wk 6 or 7 will be good.

I think as long as once you realized you are pregnant, you can start visiting a gynae to make sure the well being of your little one!

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How soon will a pregnancy test read positive?

In many cases, you might get a positive from an at-home test as early as 10 days after conception. For a more accurate result, wait until after you've missed your period to take a test. Remember, if you take a test too soon it could be negative even if you are pregnant.

Can you get a positive test at 1 week pregnant?

Some tests may detect pregnancy 1-2 weeks after intercourse, but the body needs time to increase its levels of HCG. Testing before a missed period can increase the risk of a false negative result.


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