How long after acupuncture did labor start forum

If your due date's come and gone but baby's still showing no signs of making an appearance, you may be feeling pretty frustrated. Many women will try absolutely anything to get things going! Here, mums from our community share their stories of inducing labour naturally.

Keeping active

"Last time I was pregnant, I'd spent the day shopping with my folks when I lost my mucus plug, and my baby was born that night. I'll certainly be trying some brisk walks again this time around!"

"A friend of mine went for a walk, with one foot on the path and the other on the road, so she was walking wonky. She must have looked like a right doughnut but she claims it worked, as her baby was born the next day!"

"Try dancing it out! I had a little boogie with both my pregnancies and was in labour within a few hours."


A helping hand

"When I was expecting my first we tried nipple stimulation and it worked a treat. Not even five minutes after we started, my waters went. I think it only works if baby is ready to make an appearance, though."

"Doing the deed definitely brought on my labour!"

Complementary therapies

"Acupressure worked for me last time. I tried it above my ankle and on my hand, and was in labour by the time I woke up the next morning. I'd definitely try it again."

"I was 11 days late, so I made a reflexology appointment. It was very relaxing and the next day I went into labour."

Simply relaxing

"I had tried everything and was getting quite stressed about it. In the end, simply chilling out with a small glass of rosé seemed to do the trick."

"When my third baby was overdue, I spent a lot of the last few days in a rocking chair. I was just trying to get the baby's head into a good position for birth, but I think the fact that the movement was so relaxing helped a lot too."

Unconventional methods

"The day I went into labour, my friend came round with news of her very unexpected pregnancy. I went into labour three hours later and have always said that it was the shock of her announcement that brought it on!"

"I have just had my second child and I know it sounds ridiculous but both times I went into labour after eating macaroni cheese!"

My unsuccessful natural induction

"I honestly think all these natural induction methods are just old wives' tales. Nothing seems to have worked!"

"I tried it all: long walks, pineapple, curry, sex, getting on my hands and knees and washing the kitchen floor - all of it! I think that home remedies for labour induction will only work if your body is ready to give birth."

If you're overdue and natural induction doesn't work for you, your midwife or doctor will offer you medical procedures to induce your labour. Find out what it's like by reading these real-life induction stories.

Polly Logan-Banks is an experienced editor with a keen interest in producing evidence-based content. Polly is passionate about ensuring that every child gets the best start in life.




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[7] Smith CA, Collins CT, Crowther CA, Levett KM. Acupuncture or acupressure for pain management in labour. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011, Issue 7. Art. No.: CD009232. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009232.

[8] Smith CA, Crowther CA, Grant SJ. Acupuncture for induction of labour. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2013, Issue 8. Art. No.: CD002962. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD002962.pub3.

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How long after acupuncture did labor start?

In a second study, acupuncture with and without electrical stimulation was used to induce labour in 12 pregnant women with a gestational age from 19 to 43 weeks (Tsuei 1974). The success rate was 83% and average induction to delivery time was 13.1 hours.

How often can you do acupuncture to induce labor?

Starting acupuncture around 36 weeks - weekly until week 40 (assuming you have no major pain or issues that need more symptomatic relief), then every 2-3 days.

Does acupuncture shorten labor?

In childbirth and delivery, acupuncture has been reported to be beneficial for inducing labor,13 shortening the time of labor,13,14 avoiding post-term dates, and reducing postpartum bleeding. Acupuncture has also been cited as an effective tool for cervical ripening and induction of labor.

Can acupressure put you into labor?

A 2017 review found no clear evidence that acupressure could induce labor. In comparison with a sham control, acupressure did not induce labor, reduce its length, or improve its outcomes. Another 2017 review also concluded that acupressure does not induce labor.


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