How long are puppies in the chewing stage

Teach what to chew

Take responsibility for your own belongings. If you don't want it in your dog's mouth, don't make it available. Keep clothing, shoes, books, trash, eyeglasses and remote controls out of your dog's reach. Putting trash in a cupboard or blocking off areas with enticing items is the easiest way to prevent mistakes.

Give your dog toys that are clearly distinguishable from household goods. Don't confuse them by offering shoes and socks as toys and then expecting them to distinguish between their shoe and yours.

Supervise your dog until they are consistently chewing on appropriate items. Keep them with you on their leash in the house so they can't make a mistake out of your sight or only give them access to certain rooms of your home. Choose a "safe place" that's dog-proof and provide fresh water and "safe" toys. If your dog is crate trained, you may also place them in their crate for short periods of time. Remember, crates should never be used for punishment and should be a space where your dog feels safe. Exercise pens and baby gates are also helpful tools.

Give your dog plenty of physical and mental exercise. If your dog is bored, they'll find something to do to amuse themselves. On the other hand, a tired dog is a good dog, so make sure they get lots of physical and mental activity. The amount of exercise should be based on their age, health and breed characteristics. While daily walks and other outdoor time are crucial to their well-being, letting your dog sniff will be more enriching than trying to power walk two miles without stopping. For dogs who enjoy the company of other dogs, a well-run doggy daycare can be an excellent choice for high-energy pups.

Build toys into your daily routine. Instead of bowls, put their food in a puzzle toy or fill a Kong-type toy with their kibble. For more advanced chewers, cover the openings of the puzzle toy with canned cheese or peanut butter and freeze overnight before giving it to them. And be sure to keep a rotation of toys—novel items are way more fun for your dog than chewing on the same toy from last year. Keep some toys hidden and bring them out when you need to keep your dog occupied.

If you catch your dog chewing on something they shouldn't, trade them for a toy that is appropriate. If the item they picked is so much fun they won’t give it up, keep high value treats on hand to trade it out. As your dog catches on to this idea, you can add the command "give" as their cue to release the object in exchange for the treat. Removing items from your dog’s mouth can cause your dog to develop guarding behaviors or run from you when you need to get an item back.  

If your puppy is teething, try freezing a rubber toy; the cold rubber will soothe their gums. As always, supervise your puppy so they don't chew and swallow any pieces.

Make items unpleasant to your dog. Furniture and other items can be coated with a taste deterrent (such as Bitter Apple®) to make them unappealing. Caution: Supervise your dog when you first try one of these deterrents. Some dogs will chew an object even if it's coated with a taste deterrent. Also be aware that you must reapply some of these deterrents to maintain their effectiveness.

Don't chase your dog if they grab an object and run. If you chase them, you are only giving your dog what they want. Being chased by their human is fun! Instead, call them to you and offer them a treat.

Have realistic expectations. At some point your dog will inevitably chew up something you value; this is often part of the transition to a new home. Your dog needs time to learn where and what the appropriate chew toys are. Take precautions and keep things out of their reach to set them up for success.

Punishment doesn't work

There may be times when you’re panicked over what your dog is chewing—such as a bottle of medication—which is why training them to trade you for treats will ensure they give up even the most fun items. Scolding or pulling things out of your dog’s mouth can cause behavior issues to develop. Why risk your dog’s trust when positive reinforcement methods are more effective? And that “guilty look” is actually a canine submissive posture that dogs show when they feel threatened or unsafe. When you're angry and upset, your dog feels threatened by your tone of voice, body language and/or facial expressions, so they may hide or show submissive postures. Building and maintaining a positive, trusting relationship with your dog is the foundation of a happy life together!

Puppies chew excessively when they are teething. This is a process that all young mammals go through, in which their baby or milk teeth fall out and their adult teeth grow in. It will finish when their adult teeth are fully grown in, typically between 6-8 months of age. 

That said, adult dogs still love to chew, and some dogs are heavy chewers by nature. As long as they aren’t destructive with it, it’s to be encouraged and is actually very good for them.

During teething, however, a dog’s gums can feel very uncomfortable, irritating, even painful, and chewing is the only thing they can do that can brings relief. As they are so young and don’t yet understand right from wrong, they will try to chew quite literally anything in sight. Try not to get upset over it. Instead, let’s take a look at how to handle both teething and heavy chewers and how to stop it from becoming destructive.

Table of Contents

How long are puppies in the chewing stage

When will my puppy stop chewing everything?

The period known as teething in which young dogs bite and chew everything in sight should end when their adult teeth come through at around 6-8 months old. That may sound like a long time – but don’t despair! There are plenty of things you can do to deter them from chewing household items and teach them what is and isn’t theirs to chew. 

How long are puppies in the chewing stage

How can I stop my puppy from chewing everything?

Most big pet stores sell teething gels that can be applied to your puppy’s gums. They relieve pain and discomfort with natural soothing properties and lessen the need to chew. They typically taste nice and owners can opt for ones that don’t contain any artificial ingredients. 

There are also sprays you can buy and spray onto household furniture to keep puppies away. They use scents made up of all-natural, non-toxic ingredients that dogs do not like such as citrus and vinegar. 

It’s recommended that owners train their puppies on what is and isn’t theirs to chew. It’s never too early to start training, in fact, the earlier you start, the better. You can do this by redirecting “naughty” chewing to toys, and praising them when they get it right. 

It’s also a good idea to keep your puppy’s number of toys small until they understand the rules. If a young pup has too many toys, they might think that everything is theirs.

How long are puppies in the chewing stage

Should I punish my teething puppy for chewing?

You should never punish a teething puppy for chewing something that doesn’t belong to them. Although it can be incredibly frustrating, they are not being naughty and it is not their fault. They are just acting on their instincts and are probably in a lot of discomfort, so try to be patient and have some understanding.

Punishment also won’t be effective because they are too young to understand why they’re being punished. It is more likely to frighten them and prevent you from forming a bond. If anything, taking the item away or moving them away from it and then ignoring them will be more effective, because puppies thrive on receiving attention, whether it is good or bad. 

Why is my adult dog still chewing?

Dogs primarily explore the world with their mouths. Whilst they will grow out of teething, they will still probably enjoy chewing. It is a natural canine habit, and it is healthy, too. 

Chewing is not only a good release for excess energy and stress, but it also contributes to good dental hygiene. It scrapes off the debris and bad bacteria that form on teeth after eating, preventing plaque build-up and gum disease. 

That said, chewing can become a bad thing if a dog has too much pent-up energy and stress. Even the most well-trained dogs can turn to destructive chewing if they get bored and frustrated over time. This is especially common in hyper-intelligent shepherd breeds. It can be avoided by providing adequate physical exercise, lots of social interaction, and plenty of mental stimulation with challenging toys and fun games.

It’s also important to keep in mind that some breeds are more likely to be heavier chewers than others. Heavy or aggressive chewers love to chew more than anything, and given the chance, they will happily chew their way through anything that is given to them. 

Bully breeds like Pitbulls and Bulldogs tend to be heavy chewers because it is in their DNA to use their super-strong jaws. So-called Bully breeds are named as such because of their historic use in bloodsports like bull-baiting. For them, chewing and tugging are akin to running for Greyhounds and herding for Border Collies. But other breeds can be quite mouthy as well – some Bernedoodles for example are very heavy chewers.

Whilst the idea of heavy chewing might worry you, but it is much better to allow these dogs to exercise their instincts than to repress them and end up becoming destructive. In order to do this, owners should make sure that they provide adequate outlets for chewing. 

What to give heavy chewers

It’s important to provide heavy chewers with high-quality chew products that are durable and long-lasting as to not waste your money. You also don’t want breakages that could create sharp edges and choking/swallowing hazards. Your dog should never be allowed to destroy and ingest a toy or any part of it! 

That said, you also want to avoid anything that could be too hard on teeth. This is especially important for elderly dogs with weakening teeth and those with poor oral health. 

Although no pet product is indestructible, there are plenty of hardy rubber chew toys on the market that are designed with heavy chewers in mind. 

Pet brand Kong is well-known for making high-quality, heavy-duty toys for aggressive chewers, including plushes, balls, frisbees, tug-of-war ropes, and their classic treat dispensers.

(You can read more about Kongs and other great chew toys here: The best toys for Labradoodles).

Spring poles are another fantastic outlet for heavy chewers, particularly for bully breeds. Spring poles are tug ropes attached to heavy-duty springs that secure to something in your garden to create the ultimate game of tug. They’re also ideal for building up strength and muscle. You can buy commercial ones or make your own with a strong spring and some rope. However, they’re not suitable for puppies, elderly, weak, ill, or disabled dogs. 

How long are puppies in the chewing stage

There are also edible chews such as buffalo horns; a popular, natural, nutritious treat that can last dogs anywhere from weeks to months. They’re also great for dental hygiene but should only be given to adult dogs with healthy teeth, as they are very hard. 

Alternatively, you could try caribou antlers. They are also natural, nutritious, long-lasting, and great for keeping doggie teeth clean, but they’re softer and less likely to break into sharp pieces than buffalo horns. Knucklebones are natural and great for dental health too, but they’re not meant to be eaten and can’t be digested, so supervision is advised. 

If you don’t like the idea of giving your dog something from another animal to chew on, you could try a commercial dental chew like Pedigree Dentastix, or a frozen carrot. You’ve probably already got some in the kitchen, so sticking one in the freezer is a simple, inexpensive way to give your dog the crunchiness of a horn or antler without any of the risks. Carrots are also nutritious and low in calories. They’re even safe for teething puppies and soothe aching gums. 

How long are puppies in the chewing stage

The bottom line

Although the teething phase can be incredibly frustrating for us owners, it’s important to remember that it is necessary for your dog to develop, it is not bad behavior, and it will not last forever. Start training as soon as possible and try investing in some teething aids to help you out along the way. 

Chewing in adult dogs is also normal, natural, and healthy. If your dog grows up to be a heavy chewer, don’t be frightened or discourage it. Instead, invest in some healthy chewing outlets and allow your dog to nurture their instincts.

About the author
Laura is a dog-lover with an animal-related degree and plenty of hands on experience. She is passionate about dog health & welfare and wants to arm owners with all of the essential info they need!

How long are puppies in the chewing stage


Writer and Border Collie Mom

How do I get my puppy out of the chewing stage?

Teach what to chew.
Take responsibility for your own belongings. ... .
Give your dog toys that are clearly distinguishable from household goods. ... .
Supervise your dog until they are consistently chewing on appropriate items. ... .
Give your dog plenty of physical and mental exercise. ... .
Build toys into your daily routine..

At what age are puppies most destructive?

Owners report destructive chewing when the dog is anywhere between six and ten months of age. Different breeds and sizes of dogs hit this stage of development at different times. Severity of damage depends on the individual dog's level of pain tolerance.

Do puppies go through a second chewing phase?

However, at around 5 months, your puppy's adult teeth have emerged, bringing about a second teething phase that will last at least one year. During this time, the type of chewing that dogs engage in can be much more destructive if you don't take steps to prevent it.

Do dogs grow out of chewing?

It will finish when their adult teeth are fully grown in, typically between 6-8 months of age. That said, adult dogs still love to chew, and some dogs are heavy chewers by nature. As long as they aren't destructive with it, it's to be encouraged and is actually very good for them.