How long until you can exercise after wisdom teeth removal

Ideally, athletes should schedule wisdom teeth removal during the offseason. But, if you’re like many patients in Richmond, Indiana, you might not be able to put off the procedure for that long. And in that case, you’ll want to know when you can resume your regular sports activities.

The answer depends largely upon your individual situation, as the complexity of your wisdom tooth extraction has a significant effect on your recovery time. However, the following guide can give you an idea of what to expect.

Limit Physical Activity for the First 48 Hours

After wisdom teeth removal, you’ll need to avoid physical activity for at least the first 48 hours. In other words, no heavy lifting, no bending, no strenuous work — and no sports. Spend the time resting and relaxing instead.

This restriction applies even in the case of a simple wisdom tooth extraction. If you exert yourself too soon, you can interfere with the healing process and possibly delay your return to sports.

Don’t Rush Right Back to Your Regular Routine

Reaching the 48-hour mark after wisdom tooth extraction doesn’t mean you’re ready to get back to your normal sports activities. You’ll need to take it slow, returning to your normal level of sports participation over the course of at least a few days.

The gradual approach is necessary, as you’ll still be healing for the next few weeks. During this time, focusing on how your mouth feels is essential. If you experience pain, throbbing or bleeding, you’ll need to refrain from further physical activity.

Factors that May Affect Your Recovery Time

In our experience here at Richmond Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, most patients recover from wisdom teeth removal in a few days. Within a week or so, most are ready to play sports — but that isn’t always the case.

Your wisdom tooth extraction recovery time may be longer if any of the following circumstances apply:

  • You’re getting all four of your third molars removed at once.
  • Your wisdom teeth are impacted or stuck beneath the gum line.
  • One or more of the teeth to be removed is in poor condition.
  • You have a medical condition that can affect wound healing.

In addition, if you experience dry socket or develop an infection when you’re recovering from wisdom tooth extraction, you will need more time away from sports to give yourself a chance to heal. These complications are more likely if you don’t follow a strict oral hygiene routine — so if you don’t want to be out of the game for too long, be sure to follow the aftercare instructions your oral surgeon provides.

Do you need to schedule wisdom teeth removal? If you live in the east central Indiana area, contact Richmond Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.

Our board-certified oral surgeons have over a decade of experience in wisdom tooth extraction, and you can count on our team to do whatever we can to provide you with a positive experience. To schedule a consultation to plan your wisdom teeth removal in Richmond, Indiana, give us a call today.

10 Dec How Long Do You Have to Wait to Exercise After Oral Surgery?

Posted at 20:07h in Uncategorized

Oral surgery, no matter how minor it may seem, requires time to heal. Tooth extractions, dental implants, and reconstructive surgery all take their toll on your body, so taking the time to rest is crucial to regaining strength.

Exercise can help you build strength and is also good for your health, but it is important to take a break from your exercise routine while you heal, otherwise it may have a negative impact on your health.


While exercise is normally great for your body and your health, you should take a break from your routine while you heal. Going back to exercising too soon can lead to increased bleeding and pain. It can also have a reverse effect and slow the healing process. It may also lead to dry socket, a condition in which the blood clot becomes dislodged and exposes nerves and bone to food particles and bacteria, leading to an infection.


You should take it easy, especially during the first twenty-four hours. The more intensive the surgery, the longer you should wait. Resting allows your body to heal properly.


After the first day or so, you should start with low impact activities. Yoga, stretching and lifting light weights are an excellent way to get started. If you feel any pressure or pain, though, you should stop immediately. Pain is your body’s way of telling you that you aren’t fully healed yet.


After about the third day, for less involved procedures, you can begin to ease back into your exercise routine. Don’t push yourself too hard. Any pain and/or bleeding means you should stop. After five days you can go back to lifting heavier weights, but be wary of clenching your teeth.


While you’re healing, you may be recommended to eat soft or liquid foods. Usually, you are taking in less calories, which means less energy to burn. Strenuous exercise requires plenty of energy. If you plan to get back into exercising, make sure that you get plenty of calories from nutritious sources, which will also aid in your healing.

You may be anxious to get back to your normal routine, but you shouldn’t rush healing. Follow your surgeon’s instructions after surgery and you will be back to exercising in no time.

Please contact us if you have any questions about your oral health.

Schedule your appointment today! Click here or call (512) 384-1951


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