How many credits for an associates degree in general studies

Expand your horizons with a two-year adventure in gathering knowledge

To plan this two-year degree, students and their advisors collaborate to choose courses. Students choose six courses from across the nine goal areas (ethical reasoning, civic engagement, creative thinking and experience, global awareness, environmental stewardship, human experience, communications competence, reasoning in natural science and reasoning in mathematical science). Then, working with an advisor, students select additional courses from across the College based on their interest.

Upon graduation, students will have demonstrated that they have the skills and knowledge needed for employment in industries ranging from education to hospitality to business.

Choose courses from these goal areas:

  • Effective communication strategies
  • Ethical decision making
  • Environmental Stewardship
  • Mathematical and scientific thinking

Keep your long-term goals in mind when planning this degree

An Associate in General Studies degree demonstrates that you have the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in the 21st century – and that you have the self-discipline and organizational abilities to succeed in the workplace. Because you have determined the focus of your studies, you can tailor your education to your long-term career goals.

Having a two-year college degree is beneficial to employment in many industries. It also prepares you for continued education, such as a bachelor’s degree.

Bachelor's vs. Associate: What's the difference?

Associate degree programs focus primarily on general education and can typically be completed in two years. Graduates are prepared to either enter the workforce or transition into a bachelor's program. Bachelor's degree programs provide advanced study in a specific subject area and can increase career opportunities.

​​AA and AS Core Requir​​ements

While the number of credits vary in each core category, the AA and AS degrees share the same core courses. The best strategy for your first semester is to choose core courses from either degree. That way if you change your mind or major, the chance of taking courses that are not required for your degree is minimized.

The Loading...Associate in Arts Degree (AA) degree is best suited for transfer to a four-year college for many majors. In addition, the AA degree provides the most flexibility for students that are undecided about a transfer college or major.

  • The AA degree requires 45 credits of core (general education) coursework.
  • Core courses are courses normally completed during the first two years of most four-year degrees.

The Loading...Associate in Science Degree (AS) degree is best suited for students that want to enter a career field after two years but want the option to transfer to a four-year college in a related field.

  • The AS degree requires 28 credits of core coursework.
  • The AS degree combines core coursework and coursework specific to a particular major.

The programs of study that lead to an Loading...Associate in Applied Science Degree (AAS) degree include specific courses required for the degree in addition to the AAS degree requirements. Refer to individual AAS programs to learn degree requirements in addition to these general requirements. Students must complete a specific program in order to receive the AAS degree.

The Loading...Associate in General ​Studies (AGS) degree is designed for those individuals who wish to choose a vocational/technical course of study suited to their unique needs. While some courses taken to complete this degree may transfer to a four-year college/university, students are cautioned that this degree is not intended as a transfer degree; nor does this degree represent a specific course of study. Students should check with potential employers and institutions to which they might transfer to determine if the AGS degree will be compatible with their future goals.


Some majors have prerequisite courses or specific admission criteria. Once you have decided on a major, speak with an advisor at the four-year college to determine the best way to prepare for transfer to your intended major. This will help you plan your DMACC courses.

Choosing a transfer college and major early will help you make your course selections while you are a student at DMACC. Contact with an advisor at the transfer college is important in order to receive accurate information regarding transfer admission and requirements for your major.

Articulation agreementsare available for different transfer colleges and majors. These guides, also known as course equivalency guides and transfer plans, are designed to help students choose DMACC courses that are equivalent to the courses required at the transfer college.

Partnership programs provide the opportunity to connect with another college and its advisors while enrolled at DMACC. Visit with a DMACC counselor or advisor about partnership program options and how to apply.

What is an Associate's degree in general studies called?

Students must complete a specific program in order to receive the AAS degree. The Associate in General ​Studies (AGS) degree is designed for those individuals who wish to choose a vocational/technical course of study suited to their unique needs.

What is the most general Associate's degree?

Most Popular Associate Degrees for Men.

What is a 2 year degree called?

An associate degree is a two-year degree typically offered at community colleges, technical colleges, and career colleges. However, some four-year universities offer them as well. Examples of some associate degrees include Associate of Arts (AA) and Associate of Science (AS).

Is an AA or AS degree better?

In essence, A.A. degrees are of a more general nature and can help students further their education or enter various occupational fields. A.S. degrees are more narrowly focused and may require students to take on additional courses when they wish to expand their studies.


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