How many cups in a pint of ice cream

While ice cream is a popular frozen treat, it is often difficult to gauge how much is in a pint. These products are commonly sold in grocery stores and are expensive.

However, pints are a convenient size for sampling a variety of flavors.

To get a better idea of the volume of ice-cream you’re buying, read the following tips. Here are some common mistakes that you should avoid when purchasing ice cream.

How many cups in a pint of ice cream

First of all, you have to know that a pint is not actually a pint of ice cream, but a liquid one. While a dry pint is a volume measurement, a liquid pint is measured in fluid ounces.

This means that a pint of ice-cream weighs 12 ounces while a half-gallon contains eight cups.

Second, you need to know that a pint of ice cream is equal to 16 fluid ounces.

A typical pint of Ben & Jerry’s contains four scoops. Two cups of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream is about eight cups in size.

Therefore, if you’re planning on purchasing a pint, you need to measure out 2 cups and four full measuring glasses.

Third, you should know that a pint of ice cream contains about 40 grams of saturated fat.

This type of fat is bad for your health, and your body will be shocked once you start eating ice cream. This food is rich in saturated fat and can cause spikes in your blood fats. Thankfully, these spikes will eventually decrease as you consume more of it.

In addition, you should also know that a pint of icy treat contains around two cups of ice-cream.

While a pint of ice cream is a standard size, it is important to understand its measurement in fluid ounces.

Despite its name, a pint does not necessarily mean it contains 16 ounces of ice cream.

The equivalent of a pint is sixteen fluid ounces. If you’re making ice-cream at home, it is important to remember that a single cup will yield only four cups.

A pint of ice cream is a unit of volume that is equal to about eight cups. The quantity of ice cream is measured in terms of volume and not by weight, as ice cream is a solid substance. Once the liquid is frozen, it will freeze into a liquid icicle. Once the pint is frozen, it is approximately 12 fluid ounces. In other words, a pint of a pint is sixteen ounces, so it is equal to about 1.2 cups.

The pint of ice cream is not a unit of weight. It is a unit of volume. A pint of a liquid is equal to 16 ounces. A pint of ice cream has about ten fluid ounces. If it is served to four people, it will make four cups. If it’s a quart, it contains about eight fluid ounces.

The pint is the most common ice cream container size. It is usually defined by 16 fluid ounces. A half-gallon is about eight cups. A pint of ice cream is defined by the number of cups, which is one and a half litre. In this case, one scoop is a quarter. A gallon is equal to 16 fluid ounces.

The average pint of ice cream is 16 fluid ounces. The quart is equal to four fluid ounces. A pint of Ben and Jerry’s is about the same size as a quart. A quart is equal to four cups, so a half-pint is about four ounces. The other unit is a quart, which is equal to one liter.

A pint of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream costs $4.73 mL. A quart is equal to 8-9 scoops. A quart is equal to two cups. A quart is equal to four ounces. In the United States, a quart is equal to half a liter. A liter is equivalent to four cups. Likewise, a quart is one-tenth of a liter.

They say that you can never have too much ice cream, but you’ll realize that there’s a finite amount of the cold, sweet dessert you can eat when you grow older. Anyway, for the young’uns out there who can’t get enough ice cream, do you know how big a pint of it is?

A pint of ice cream is the same as 16 fluid ounces or 2 cups. You can usually divide a pint of ice cream into 2 cups and 4 scoops. However, the portion size per scoop depends on the size of the scoop you use.

In this guide, I’ll explain what a pint of ice cream is and how many servings you can squeeze from it. That way, you’ll have a rough idea of how much ice cream to pack in your fridge during the summer.

If you’re a fan of Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream, then you’re probably familiar with pint-sized tubs of ice cream. If you’re not, then you’re probably disappointed by just how little ice cream there is in a pint container.

While a pint might not seem like much, especially if you think about it in beer terms, a pint of ice cream really does go a long way. 1 pint is equal to 16 fluid ounces, or about 1.5 times the amount of soda you’d find in a standard soda can. If we break a pint down into cups, you can get 2 cups for every pint of ice cream.

But when you purchase ice cream at an ice cream parlor, they don’t just sell their products in pints and cups. If you’re filling a cone with your favorite flavor, you’ll have to think about how much ice cream you get in scoops.

So, just how many scoops are there in a pint of ice cream?

Converting Pints to Scoops

How many cups in a pint of ice cream

To know how many scoops of ice cream you can get from a pint, you first have to understand what the numbers on an ice cream scoop mean.

The numbers stamped onto the inside portion of an ice cream scoop’s bowl refer to how many scoops you can get from a quart of ice cream. For instance, a #20 scoop, which is one of the smallest scoops you can get, will produce 20 small-size scoops of ice cream from a quart.

Next, you should know that a quart is equal to 2 pints, so the number of scoops you can get from a pint of ice cream is half its size number.

The following table will describe how many scoops you can get from a pint of ice cream based on the scoop’s size.

Scoop Size Scoops per Pint Fl. Oz. per Scoop
#100 50 ¼
#70 35 3/8
#60 30 ½
#50 25 5/8
#40 20 ¾
#46 23 7/8
#30 15 1-1/8
#24 12 1-1/2
#20 10 1-7/8
#16 8 2
#14 7 2-3/8
#12 6 2-7/8
#10 5 3-1/4
#8 4 3-3/4
#6 3 4-3/4
#5 2.5 6
#4 2 8
#2 1 16

To learn more about the container size, check out our post on ice cream container sizes.

How Many Scoops per Serving of Ice Cream?

The table above shows how many scoops of ice cream you can get out of a pint based on scoop size, but it doesn’t tell us much about how many scoops we can eat per serving. Unfortunately, there is no objectively correct answer unless you want to say zero since ice cream can be pretty bad for your health.

The number of scoops per serving will vary from ice cream parlor to ice cream parlor. For instance, a place down my street sells 3-scoop portions using a #12 scoop, which equals about half a pint.

So, if we were to follow my local ice cream parlor’s portion standards, that means a pint will yield enough ice cream to serve 2 people.

Nutrition Facts About Ice Cream

How many cups in a pint of ice cream

Don’t get me wrong; ice cream is one of the best anytime desserts and snacks there is, even in the winter. However, eating ice cream too often, even as little as 1 pint, can be pretty unhealthy. To give you an idea of what I mean, let’s take a look at the nutrition facts of ice cream based on a 1-pint serving.

Nutrition Facts Values
Calories 546
Total Fat 30 g
Saturated Fat 18 g
Polyunsaturated Fat 1.2 g
Monounsaturated Fat 7.8 g
Cholesterol 116 mg
Sodium 212 mg
Potassium 526 mg
Total Carbohydrates 62 mg
Dietary Fiber 1.8 g
Sugars 56 g
Protein 9.2 g
Vitamin A 22% DV
Vitamin C 2.6% DV
Calcium 26% DV
Iron 1.3% DV


To burn the 550 Kcals you get from a pint of ice cream, you would have to walk for 147 minutes at 3 miles per hour, run for 53 minutes at 6 miles per hour, or ride a bike for 76 minutes at 10 miles per hour. And I know for a fact that if you eat a pint of ice cream regularly, sort of like me, then you’re not doing any of those things! Kudos to those that are, though.

Why Is Ice Cream Sold in Pint Containers?

How many cups in a pint of ice cream

Donna Berry from Food Business News has an excellent article that describes the innovation of the pint-size ice cream container. Essentially, manufacturers sell ice cream by the pint for two reasons: to preserve the ice cream’s structure and to give people a chance to waste less if they don’t like a flavor.

Ben & Jerry’s discovered that fillings in their ice cream could cause it to lose air whenever the customer removed it from their freezer. But with a smaller container, there was less of a chance that the customer would put the ice cream back in the fridge and enjoy the entire container.

So, do ice cream pints cost more per ounce? Yes, they do, especially at specialty ice cream parlors, where a pint can run you upwards of $15! But if you’ve never tried strange but true ice cream flavors before, you should—just for the giggles.

How many cups of ice cream makes a pint?

1 scoop of ice cream is roughly 1/2 cup. There are 2 cups in a pint or 4 scoops of ice cream. There are 4 cups/2 pints in a quart so 8 scoops of ice cream. There are 6 cups/3 pints or 12 scoops in 1.5 quarts of ice cream.

What is 1 pint of ice cream?

CHICAGO — Pints are a powerful package size in the world of ice cream. By definition a pint is 16 fluid ozs of product, but some “pint” packs contain a little less. Regardless of how much is inside, pints cost more – often a lot more – on a per-oz-base than larger-size ice cream containers.

Does 4 cups equal 1 pint?

There are 2 cups in 1 pint. There are 4 cups in 2 pints. There are 8 cups in 4 pints.

Is 2 cups the same as 1 pint?

If we remember, 8 ounces = 1 cup, 2 cups = 1 pint (or 16 ounces = 1 pint). There are generally 2 cups in 1 pint, however depending on the ingredient, this may change.