How many miles can an electric golf cart go

One of the most important decisions you may make when it comes to buying your golf cart is: Should I buy gas or electric?

We like to do some fact finding to help you decide.

Common questions we will ask you:

  • Where do you live?
  • Who will be using it?
  • Do you have power access (a standard wall outlet)?
  • Do you have gas access?
  • What are you using it for?
  • Will you be using a street legal golf cart?
  • How capable of at home maintenance are you?

The primary deal breaker we are told: range. 

How far will I be able to travel? Depending on the manufacturer, most gas golf carts have between a 5 and 6 gallon gas tank and get about 40 miles to the gallon. Electric golf carts with fully charged batteries in perfect condition get about 35 miles to the full charge. 

Here in New Smyrna, on beach side, where carts are used as street legal vehicles and much of a car replacement, we pulled our numbers: Our beach side customers are 90% gas. Street legal golf carts run 20-25 miles per hour. If your electric cart is running 25 mph, with a 35 mile range, and you put your foot on the pedal and drive non stop around town, the simple math shows you will get 80 to 90 minutes of run time. This isn't exactly practical for a person using a golf cart as their primary form of transportation. However, if you plan to only drive your cart, say, from your home to the grocery store or dinner and back, it will work for you. (But we so often hear that a customer doesn't plan to use their cart for more than a small trip here and there, then they love it so much they use it every day! Don't say we didn't tell you so) Additionally, many of our customers park in parking garages for condominiums that don't have access to a plug to recharge their batteries, or they don't have a garage at their home to plug in their golf cart overnight.

For our customers in golf communities, gated communities, or small neighborhoods, electric is perfect! They are driving their cart short distances, with stop and go driving. They typically have easy access to power in their garage. They don't have to worry about getting a gas can to a gas station and then transport the can home to fill their golf cart. 

The next most common complaint we hear: electric is much quieter than gas.

For the most part: yes. 

But there is one exception: Yamaha Quietech EFI.

Yamaha has a patented technology on their gas golf carts from 2017 and newer -- a gas golf cart that is 1/2 decibel louder than an electric golf cart.

Here are some of the basic details of Yamaha Quietech EFI

How many miles can an electric golf cart go

Let's compare QuieTech EFI to everything else!

How many miles can an electric golf cart go

Still not sure which is best for you?

Come down for a consultation. We'd love to sit down and help you to determine which works better for you. Call (386) 402-8991 today to schedule a one on one.

One of the first decisions you have to make before you buy a golf cart is whether you want a gasoline powered golf cart or an electric powered golf cart. Both types of golf carts have advantages and disadvantages. 

We will compare gasonline golf carts and electric golf carts based on five factors: purchase cost, maintenance and operational cost, speed, range and comfort.

Purchase cost

The mayor golf cart manufacturers like Yamaha, EZGO and Club Car sell both gasoline and electric golf carts. Usually the electric golf cart version and the gasoline version have similar prices. 

The only exception is when an electric golf cart has lithium ion batteries instead of  lead acid batteries. The difference between lithium ion and lead with the EZGO Express S4 is 500 US dollars on the manufacturer suggested retail price. 

But overall the cheapest golf carts are electric golf carts. The golf carts from LVtong can be 2000 US dollars or cheaper than those of Yamaha, EZGO or Club Car.

Are electric golf carts cheaper than gasoline golf carts?

Yes, electric golf carts bought from Chinese manufactures are the cheapest golf carts on the market.

Maintenance and operational cost

The maintenance cost of gas golf carts is built up mainly from changing moving parts from time to time during the life time of the cart. Parts that have to be replaced are mainly drive belts, spark plugs and filters. 

And for the operational cost of a gas golf cart, you obviously have to pay for gas. This is almost always higher than the same consumption in electricity. 

The electric golf cart motor has less moving parts than a gas golf cart engine, so replacing motor parts of an electric one with regular maintenance almost never happens. 

On the other hand, you do need to replace the batteries every 3 to 5 years. The exact number depends on how well you maintain the batteries and on how much you use your golf cart. 

If you compare the lifetime cost of an electric golf cart and a gasoline golf cart, the electric golf cart usually wins. Especially in regions where electricity prices are low and gas prices are higher. 

And when you have a chinese electric golf cart, the difference can be bigger, because the prices of spare parts are significant lower than those of Yamaha, EZGO and Club Car. 

Are the maintenance and operational cost lower of electric golf carts lower than of gasoline golf carts?

Yes, electric golf carts are usually cheaper than gasoline golf carts when you compare them on maintenance and operational costs.


Most electric golf carts are faster than gasoline golf carts. Although, new gasoline and electric golf cart versions of Yamaha all have the same top speed. The top speed of both versions of Yamaha golf carts is 19 mph (31 kph).

The fastest electric golf cart that Club Car has on offer is the Villager 2+2 LSV that goes 23 mph. The fastest gasoline Club Car only goes 19 mph. And the fastest electric EZGO is the 2Five that goes 25 mph. And the fastest EZGO gasoline golf cart also only goes 19 mph.

The fastest three electric golf carts, besides the 2Five, are the STAR Sirius 2+2 manufactured in the US and the Chinese manufactured ECO Drive 2+2 and ECO Plus 2+2, that both have a top speed of 25 mph. 

Electric golf carts are clearly the winner on top speed when you compare electric golf carts with gasoline golf carts.

Are electric golf carts faster than gasoline golf carts?

Yes, electric golf carts are the fastest on the market. The have a top speed of 25 mph and gasoline golf carts usually have a top speed of 19 mph.


If range is a huge priority for you, you should choose a gasoline golf cart. Yamaha golf carts have for example a range of 261 miles. With this range you could easily tour a daylong to explore a resort or island. And if there are gas stations in the area range should be absolutely no issue, just like regular gasoline cars.   

The range of most electric golf carts is between 30 and 45 miles. This range is excellent for short trips to do for example groceries, visit a restaurant or visit a beach nearby. But keep in mind that maximize range of electric golf carts you have to choose the 48v version and the 36v version. 

Does a gasoline golf cart has more range than an electric golf cart?

Yes, gasoline golf carts have a bigger range by a factor of 6 or 7 times. If range is the most important factor for you, choose electric golf carts.


If you prefer driving in silence than you should choose electric golf carts. Especially if your gasoline golf cart is getting older and if you don’t maintain it well, the noise can get worse over time. With an electric golf cart you will never find yourself screaming to your passengers. 

But if you had to choose the gasoline golf cart that makes the least noise, the Yamaha is the best option over the gasoline golf carts from EZGO and Club Car.

Besides noise, gasoline golf carts have also the disadvantage of fumes, that smell and are bad for the environment. And like noise, it could get worse over time if the golf cart gets older. 

Or when you are refuelling you golf cart with a jerry can and you spill it on the golf cart. In comparison to refuelling your gasoline golf cart, connecting an electric golf cart to a charging cable is a cleaner and easier task. Just like connecting your smartphone to an outlet, especially now that almost all new electric golf carts have an onboard charger. Carrying heavy and vulnerable chargers is something from the past.

The only disadvantage of charging you electric golf cart is that it takes 8 to 12 hours to charge almost empty batteries and refuelling you golf cart could take you 5 minutes if you have a jerry can filled out with gasoline. 

Is an electric golf cart more comfortable than a gasoline golf cart?

Yes, overall the electric golf cart wins on the point of comforts, because it has almost no noise and no fumes.


You can claim that electric golf carts are a better choice than gasoline golf carts, but different people have different priorities. And that is why you should make your decision based on your priorities.

When should you choose a gasoline golf cart?

If range is the most important priority for you, you should choose a gasoline golf cart over an electric golf cart. The range of electric golf carts has increased the past 20 years, but still it cannot compete byfare with the range of gasoline golf carts.  

When should you choose an electric golf cart?

If you deem speed important, a low noise level, no fumes and lower purchase, maintenance and operational cost, you should choose an electric golf cart.  

How far can an electric golf cart go on a full charge?

Electric golf carts with fully charged batteries in perfect condition get about 35 miles to the full charge.

How long will a electric golf cart run?

Typically, an electric golf cart has between 45 and 90 minutes of full-power run time on a fully charged battery. Times depend on the age of the battery, with newer batteries having longer run times.

What electric golf cart has the longest range?

Our proudest achievement to date! This is the model that has been widely talked about in the press over the last year. This XLC golf cart was able to travel 105 miles on a single charge! Others said it could not be done, but Bintelli proved them wrong.

How far can a 48V golf cart go on one charge?

The maximum range of this new battery when powering a 48V E-Z-GO RXV golf cart is approximately 20.5 miles when moving at 12 miles per hour. In golfing terms, this equates to around 3 rounds or 54 holes.