How much are veneers for a full mouth

Dental veneers are not exactly medically necessary but for those chasing that perfect smile, they can be the ideal solution. The tiny shells are encased around the teeth to fill in gaps, camouflage misaligned teeth, cover discoloured teeth, and make for a more uniform look. They are commonly used in periodontal rehabilitation of the anterior teeth for aesthetic purposes 1. If you are curious to get answers to the most common smile makeover questions regarding dental veneers in Singapore, continue scrolling down the paragraphs for more details.

What are Dental Veneers and the Different Materials Used for Them?

How much are veneers for a full mouth

These are thin layers of dental material that are placed on the front surface of teeth for aesthetical reasons mostly. They are used to improve the appearance of teeth. Choosing the right material plays a role in the success rate of the entire procedure of placing veneers 2. They also serve to cover a damaged tooth and keep it from deteriorating. Some patients could use just one dental veneer to improve a certain aspect of their mouths. To enjoy a more symmetrical and bright smile, though many folks will need up to eight veneers for teeth. The procedure is done at many medical clinics in Singapore.

According to dentists, the following types can be set apart:

  • Composite resin veneers. These are quite affordable and convenient because they do not require too much tooth preparation. Composite veneers are used to cover small gaps and chips between the teeth. The material they are patched together is the same they do on dental fillings. Because of that, composite veneers can usually be fabricated on the same day and applied in a single visit at a dental clinic.
  • Porcelain veneers. These are the traditional types of veneers. They are the most durable and most invasive ones to apply. It is a lot of work that requires preparation. The tooth structure is usually ground down to a certain level, which sometimes can go past the enamel. You have to know that this could make any additional treatments painful, for which reason local anaesthesia will be administered at the beginning of the session. Dental porcelain makes this type of veneer the priciest items you will find, but according to research, people who have them are most satisfied when compared to people with other types 3. You will say goodbye to uneven teeth or unsightly teeth as a whole.
  • Temporary plastic veneers (aka instant veneers). These are the ones you get on the day of your first appointment when the dental technician examines your smile. Their main role is to act as a temporary replacement for a broken tooth/teeth but the takeaway is that they are not custom-made. Instead, you will get a one-size-fits-all item that will not fully match your natural tooth in terms of colour or shape or the adjacent teeth. It’s something like a trial smile to get a feel for what is coming your way. Don’t worry, you will receive your personalised teeth veneers on your next dental visit. It is guaranteed that you will not be able to tell them apart from your natural smile because they blend so well with the rest of the tooth structure.
  • Removable veneers. These are instant veneers that can be taken in and out on demand. The difference is that they are customisable and yet they are not long-lasting. By far, this is the least expensive option.
  • Laminate veneers. Laminate materials allow for long-term predictability in their outcomes. As such, they have emerged as a common choice of veneer as far as teeth restoration, albeit the anterior teeth only 4

What Makes You a Suitable Candidate for Veneers in Singapore?

Here are the main factors to consider before getting a smile makeover treatment like this at any dental centre:

  • If you are dealing with developmental defects and minor cosmetic issues such as crooked teeth, strangely shaped teeth or damaged teeth after root canal treatment, then you might be an ideal candidate for this type of dental procedures. Apparently, veneers can make for straighter teeth without the help of awkward braces. Of course, if the problem is more advanced and complex, traditional braces or invisible aligners may be needed.
  • You have discoloured teeth even with proper dental care. Your pearly whites are not exactly white and on top of that, you have severe stains in multiple areas. Of course, you need to understand that dental veneers can work on mild to moderate discolouration. Anything more intense than that will make you a bad candidate for the cosmetic dentistry procedure.
  • Your enamel is fine. It is essential that you have sufficient layers of enamel so that the specialist can take away some of it during the aesthetic procedure. If too much wearing down has happened over the years, you will not qualify for veneers.
  • You have good dental health and maintain good oral hygiene. If you are adamant about using the right brushing technique and you never miss an annual dental appointment, it is likely that your teeth are in good condition. Your dentist will have the final say in this. But even if you do encounter a wide variety of issues along the way, a restorative treatment will help you get back on track with a digital scan involved and all.

Who is not suitable for Dental Veneers?

There is no denying you will make a bad candidate for dental veneers if you experience one or more of the following problems:

  • Gum disease. Being a cosmetic solution, dental veneers can only be used on healthy teeth, so any kind of oral problems will make it impossible for you to undergo this cosmetic procedure. The good news is that gum disease is treatable. It is a long journey but once you complete it, there is no stopping you from getting veneers. They can be especially useful to camouflage gum recession.
  • Worn-down enamel. It is not recommended to do the treatment if your tooth enamel has worn down. There will be nothing to bind the shells of porcelain to. Remember that some types of veneers require small parts of the enamel to be peeled off from the front surface of the teeth so there is enough room for the items to fit into.
  • Teeth grinding and clenching. This is a common behaviour in people that is medically known as bruxism. Aside from the fact that it can damage your teeth, grinding will significantly speed up the wear and tear of your tooth veneer. You will end up splurging on a product you can only use for a little while and you are not going to like the result.
  • Biting your nails. Same as the above. If you have developed the not so appealing habit of biting your nails, you should not get dental veneers. It may sound like a ridiculous requirement but it makes all the sense in the world. What is some way around it? Begin implementing steps to break that habit and once you are successful, you will get the chance to try the treatment.
  • Tooth decay or cavities. Before you begin your veneers journey, you should fix any cavities, tartar, or tooth decay on the affected teeth. This will ensure that your beautiful smile stays shiny and issue-free for a long time. Your dentist will be reluctant to put you on this dental treatment if you have pending oral problems like decayed teeth. Dental care is essential.

Dental Check-up and Treatment Preparation

Changing the appearance of smiles doesn't happen overnight. It takes a dental consultation, treatment planning, some commitment on your part, and several trips to dental clinics. There are many aspects of dentistry to consider when it comes to a complete smile makeover. Prior to getting down to business, your dentist will do a comprehensive dental exam, starting with your current health status and reviewing your medical history. They will schedule lab work and dental X-rays to rule out certain diseases, decay, cavities, or other problems that were not detected during the initial exam. Now is a fine time to mention any medication you are taking and how it might be affecting your oral health.

Application of Porcelain Tooth Veneers in Singapore

How much are veneers for a full mouth

Once the dentist creates a dental impression of your teeth, they send the parameters straight to the lab where your custom porcelain veneers will be designed from scratch using the results of the dental X-rays and other exams. Two weeks may go by before the package arrives. To make waiting less uncomfortable, your prepared teeth will probably be fitted with temporary veneers.

With the products in, you can now schedule an appointment to complete your smile makeover treatment. The dental professional will want to make sure that the items match the colour, shape, and fit of your natural teeth so that the end result is nothing but stunning for a pleasing smile.

Another important step is to remove dirt and gunk from your teeth so as not to let bacteria lurk under the veneers. Then, they have to make the teeth a little rough to the touch which will allow the items to stick onto them. All this takes place at a dental centre.

Experienced dentists might resort to anaesthesia to help you with the pain. They will use dental cement to attach the porcelain material to your now-ground teeth. It will take no more than two hours for the entire process to unravel. The goal of aesthetic dentistry is to make your teeth look better and at the same time natural. It is important that all teeth are functional, the veneers do not cause dental issues, and they should look natural for as long as possible. This will ensure that you not only have an attractive smile but that you also can use your teeth as before.

Recovery from the Treatment: What’s at Stake for You?

he best part about dental veneers is that once they are placed where they belong, you can resume your everyday life straight away without regrets. There is no downtime of any kind. That being said, if an anaesthetic has been provided during the treatment procedure, it will take some time for its effects to wear off. But other than that, you should be fine as soon as you walk out of the dental clinic.

Once you are out and about, you can eat and drink like you normally would. Take notice of all directions or instructions vocalised by your doctor and follow them carefully to extend the shelf life of your new, dazzling smile. There will be some precautions to take spanning across the months and years to come.

  • If you are going to play any sports after the aesthetic treatment, especially contact sports, you ought to wear a mouth guard at all times to prevent damage to your veneers.
  • Do your best to avoid biting into hard foods with your front teeth (crab claws, chicken bones, carrots, etc.). Also, make sure to do most of the chewing with your back teeth. When possible, cut solid foods into small chunks to relieve some of the pressure the veneers will be exposed to.
  • Steer clear of bad chewing habits (nails, ice, pens, bottle caps, etc.).
  • If you develop teeth grinding, do speak with a dental specialist about using a splint or night guard so you don't ruin your nice smile.

Advantages of Dental Veneers as Compared to Other Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments

Your smile makeover journey will be worth it because of this:

  • You don’t need any special maintenance to keep your veneers looking fantastic. Meticulous day-to-day brushing and flossing will do. You should not stop practising good dental hygiene with or without veneers.
  • Veneers could make great alternatives to crowns if you generally have healthy teeth.
  • Veneers are also an excellent choice when braces simply aren't an option.
  • Porcelain veneers are entirely custom-made, designed to fit perfectly the owner’s original teeth, which makes the final result natural-looking. Nobody will know the difference. They will be complimenting you on your beautiful smile but they will have no clue you’ve done additional dental work to get this look.
  • No additional drilling or shaping is required during the entire treatment process since the veneer bonds with your teeth.
  • With cosmetic dental solutions, you can get any shape or colour you need to enhance the aesthetic appearance of your smile.
  • Dental veneers will bolster your confidence a great deal, especially if you have been self-conscious about your smile for the past years.
  • A composite or porcelain veneer can be used for dental bonding and to fill in gaps between teeth. It is offered at medical clinics where dentistry is available.
  • Dental veneers can fix a gummy smile, misshapen teeth, and discoloured teeth (on the front).

Disadvantages of Porcelain & Composite Veneers

Your smile makeover treatment may be a bad idea for the following reasons:

  • A composite material or porcelain veneer is vulnerable to chips and cracks. They are less sturdy than dental crowns and fillings. This means that your dazzling smile can easily lose its shine at some point without proper care.
  • It is not uncommon for your natural teeth to change colour as you age but veneers will always stay the same, which will create a difference in your smile over time.
  • This treatment option is not recommended for people with bruxism or active gum disease (periodontal disease).
  • The detailed treatment plan is irreversible (except for composite veneers). Once you have your teeth chopped down so they can accommodate the porcelain veneer, there is no going back. You can replace it over time but you cannot have your pearly whites un-ground.

Dental Veneers Singapore: Price

The cost of veneers runs anywhere from $300 to $1,000. It’s quite a wide range, as you can see and the reason is simple as 1, 2, 3. There are plentiful factors on board. To better understand what goes into the bill, check this out. In the first place, the number of teeth you need covered matters. Getting just one veneer will result far less expensive than laying your whole mouth with veneers for obvious reasons.

Second, the material of choice is just as important for the final quote as everything else. Porcelain veneers are a more costly alternative and there is a reason for that: they can hold up for 20 years and more. (Composite resin veneers and ceramic veneers last a fraction of that.) Third, the dentist’s skills and expertise will also play a part. And finally, your geographical area could affect the veneer cost. With that said, your smile makeover cost in Singapore could end up getting exorbitant.

It is worth noting that patients receiving dental veneers in Singapore cannot make an insurance claim to MediSave since the treatment falls under the category of cosmetic procedures. With respect to dental services, mostly surgical procedures like dental implants and wisdom tooth surgery are covered by insurance. If you want white teeth or straight teeth, you have to pay for it by yourself. What is more, it may extend beyond the use of veneers and instead resort to dental solutions like awkward braces and retainers.

Q&A: Smile Makeover Questions

And before we wrapped this up, here are some smile makeover questions that many of you keep asking.

Q: Do veneers ruin your actual teeth?

A: It depends on the type you are using. As far as porcelain veneers are concerned, you will need to have part of the structure ground down and if this bothers you, then maybe you shouldn’t undergo such dental treatment.

Q: Do cosmetic dentists recommend veneers on teeth?

A: Absolutely, but only if certain criteria are met. As mentioned above, if you suffer from certain diseases, you will not be eligible for this orthodontic treatment. On the other hand, if the problems are properly addressed, then there is no reason why you shouldn’t get veneers. This is not a surgical procedure.

Q: Are veneers permanent?

A: No, they can last a decade or even longer with proper dental care and hygiene. For example, porcelain veneers can last over 10 years, whereas composite veneers typically last 5-10 years. Ask your dentist for more information about longevity.

Q: What is the difference between veneers and conventional crowns?

A: Crowns are wrapped around the entire tooth. They serve as a replacement tooth rather than to change the appearance of smiles. In comparison, the placement of veneers covers only the front surface and its main goal is to conceal imperfections.

How long do full mouth veneers last?

Composite dental veneers can be applied directly or indirectly, which means a dentist can apply composite resin dental veneers in one appointment or they can be custom-made by a dental lab. Whether indirect or direct, composite dental veneers typically last 5 to 10 years, depending on the care provided.

How many veneers do you need for a full mouth?

It is most common for people to get four to eight veneers for a full smile makeover, considering this covers all areas that you can see when you talk or smile. Reshape your teeth to increase your confidence levels and your overall well-being.

Do veneers cover whole mouth?

Veneers and crowns are both dental restoration methods that can improve the look and function of your teeth. The main difference is that a veneer covers only the front of your tooth and a crown covers the entire tooth. Dental restoration procedures are costly, so it's important to know which one may be best for you.

How much are veneers for 4 top teeth?

Typical costs: Traditional porcelain veneers are about 0.5 millimeters thick, and can cost $500-$1,100 or more per tooth. Total costs for veneers on four upper front teeth can be $2,000-$4,500.