How much does therapy practice accelerator cost

Should You Use Therapy Practice Accelerator Yourself Or Delegate It?

If you run or manage a therapy office or clinic, you of course want to help everyone that you can. Either mental illness is on the rise, or there is just growing recognition of mental health issues around the country. It could possibly be a combination of both, but whatever the case, it means there is a robust demand for the various services that your location provides. Having said that, if you're not filling all of your appointment slots like you want to, then you need to get busy marketing. For that matter, even if the patient traffic is good, but not quite profitable enough, you still need to market to get a better demographic coming in. As much as you want to help people, you still need to generate revenue and profits so you can help yourself and your family with putting food on the table and keeping a roof over your head.

You've likely heard colleagues mention Therapy Practice Accelerator as a way they used to grow their own locations. While it does require some financial commitment, TPA does make digital marketing quite easy, to the point that anyone can work through the necessary steps in getting exposure for your practice with the hopes of drawing in more prospects who turn into profitable patients. So, you might be considering getting it for your own business, but once you make that decision, the next decision is who in your office is going to actually be the one that sits down and goes through the program

How much does therapy practice accelerator cost

TPA is typically designed for the head of a practice to use so they can generate marketing and clients for their office. After all, even a private individual who is working alone should be able to use it to get exposure and patients. Having said that, you might prefer to spend as much of your time as you can in your office, working with patients directly. If you have an office manager or executive assistant, or just a business partner who isn't themselves a licensed therapist, it might make sense to delegate the TPA work to another individual in your firm to keep your own schedule free.

Just make sure that they have a vested interest in the success of your business and are a vital part of it. No matter how easy Therapy Practice Accelerator makes things, they shouldn't just look at it like another chore on their daily to-do list before they punch out and go home. For that matter, they need to also know enough about the practice to use TPA right and not misrepresent anything to the public.

If you do delegate it to someone, consider also having someone back them up, even if that's just you. You wouldn't want to be left in a lurch marketing-wise if they were suddenly unavailable due to vacation, leaving for another job, or because you have to fire them. One advantage of being their backup yourself is keeping tabs on how things are going, so you have influence over the use of TPA for your firm, without being the one to put in all the hours and work.