How much vitamin e for hair growth


Vitamin E For Hair: Benefits, How To Use It In Hair Care & The Best Products


Updated on March 17, 2021

mbg Beauty Director

By Alexandra Engler

mbg Beauty Director

Alexandra Engler is the beauty director at mindbodygreen and host of the beauty podcast Clean Beauty School. Previously, she's held beauty roles at Harper's Bazaar, Marie Claire, SELF, and Cosmopolitan; her byline has appeared in Esquire, Sports Illustrated, and

Last updated on March 17, 2021

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Oils are the workhorses of natural and clean hair care. Their presence is nearly ubiquitous in the market: You can use them in their pure form, but you can also find them infused in practically every product out there—from conditioners to styling creams. One oil in particular stands out for its hair-helping properties: vitamin E oil.  


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What is vitamin E?

Vitamin E is a lipid-soluble antioxidant, or a molecule that is able to neutralize free radicals in the skin, hair, and body. That said, it has the ability to manage oxidative stress and photoaging for skin and hair. Vitamin E is also revered in the dermatology community for its hydrating abilities, with anecdotal accounts of happy, moisturized skin.


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Vitamin E benefits for hair.

"Vitamin E has gained a lot of popularity because of its ability to transform frizzy-dry hair into a more lustrous and shiny mane," says Matrix artistic director and celebrity stylist Nick Stenson. "It is suggested that vitamin E oil can reduce hair loss, improve scalp and hair health and circulation, balance oil production, and enhance shine while creating an external barrier to protect from damage."

In fact, research backs up many of these benefits: 

  1. Reducing hair loss. A recent study found that patients who took a vitamin E supplement experienced significant hair growth1 compared to the placebo group, as much as a 34% increase in thickness.* 
  2. Improve scalp circulation. Some studies have suggested that vitamin E can help enhance overall body circulation.* Circulation has also been linked to healthy hair growth. So many hair experts conclude that by using vitamin E, you may be able to promote scalp circulation.* 
  3. Balance oil on the scalp. Vitamin E is an oil that when used topically can actually help balance the oils you have naturally2. So if your scalp errs on the side of either dry or oily, you may look into using a vitamin E oil to help. 
  4. Improves hair shaft health. Oils, when used correctly, can condition hair2, protect the cuticle, provide antioxidant protection, and so on. 


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Who should use it?

Short answer? Anyone can use it. However, when used topically, it's more geared toward people who need extra moisture—if your hair is thin or flat, you may want to skip it. "Vitamin E oil is great for highly textured and curly hair or any hair that is naturally dry or dull. If you have fine straight hair that tends to be weighed down easily, you'll want to look for a more lightweight treatment option," Stenson says. 

Since curls tend to be more dryness- and breakage-prone, though, vitamin E oil makes a solid treatment for curly hair types in particular: "Vitamin E is great for curls as it can [support] growth, strengthen individual follicles by providing lubrication, and improve elasticity, which is crucial to maintaining healthy, bouncy curls," notes hairstylist Miko Branch, co-founder of natural hair care brand Miss Jessie's.

You also may want to patch-test before applying a vitamin E oil all over your scalp. Says Branch, “While Vitamin E is generally safe for all, those with sensitive scalps may want to avoid direct application, as there is potential for irritation.” In one clinical trial, about a third of participants developed contact dermatitis3 after topically applying vitamin E—so if you have hypersensitive skin, you might want to proceed with caution.

How to use it.

Vitamin E is incredibly versatile in use, from products to supplements. "It’s relatively easy to weave into your routine in a way that’s best suited for you," says Branch. Here are some ways to incorporate the oil into your hair care regimen:


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As a scalp treatment.

As mentioned, vitamin E may be able to promote scalp circulation, so applying the oil directly on your scalp (assuming you don't face irritation) can help you reap those healthy hair growth benefits. Simply apply the oil onto thinning areas post-rinse. Bonus points if you throw in a scalp massage, while you're at it.

You can also just use a pure vitamin E oil directly on the strands. "An easy and simple way to use it is to apply it to your hair and scalp, distributing evenly, and allowing it to sit for 10 to 15 minutes before you shampoo and condition as normal," Stenson says.


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If you want to take it via supplementation, you can take vitamin E oil capsules or a hair and beauty supplement that has vitamin E already in it. Although, the NIH recommends you shouldn't exceed a dose of 1,000 IUs per day4 when ingesting it orally.


To hide split ends & flyaways.

While nothing can truly mend split ends, save for a trim, raking an oil through your ends can help minimize their appearance. Apply a vitamin E oil to wet or dry strands to help seal the cuticle and provide extra shine.

You can also use vitamin E oil on dry styles to eliminate pesky flyaways: Simply warm up the oil in your hands before slicking back the hairs. Just make sure not to overdo it on the roots, as they can read greasy. (Unless that's the look you're going for, then by all means.)

Our product recommendations.

If you are interested in incorporating vitamin E into your routine, you can find plenty of products that formulate the antioxidant into it. Below, our favorite picks:

Difeel Sunflower Mega Care Vitamin E Oil Premium Natural Hair Oil


Via Natural Oil Vitamin E Oil

This concentrated tube gives your hair a potent shot of antioxidants and keratin to help promote growth and reduce breakage. Not to mention, it's a multitasking wonder: Apply it to the cuticles, hands, or chapped spots on your body. 

Vitamin E Oil, Via Natural Oil ($4.81)


mindbodygreen grass-fed collagen+

An easy way to improve hair health from the inside is to use a collagen supplement that's infused with other actives to enhance its efficacy. This includes biotin for growth, vitamin C for scalp health, and vitamin E for all the reasons we've listed above. Plus, a few other goodies. 

grass-fed collagen+, mindbodygreen (starting at $76)


Carol's Daughter Goddess Strength 7 Oil Blend

This brilliantly blended oil combines all of our favorites: castor, black cumin seed, sunflower, and so on. Then it layers in vitamin E for all its hair-helping benefits. It's ideal for damaged and breakage-prone hair.

Goddess Strength 7 Oil Blend, Carol's Daughter ($11.99) 


Uma Intensely Nourishing Hair Oil


Miss Jessie's Gloss So Good Natural Hair Oil Spray

This smoothing oil spray provides curls with an extra coat of hydration and shine. It features almond oil among its nourishing blend, which is naturally rich in vitamin E. A great portable option for whenever you need a hit of moisture.

Gloss So Good Natural Hair Oil Spray, Miss Jessie's ($11)


The takeaway.

Vitamin E is a hair care mainstay, beloved for its moisturizing and balancing properties. Plus, it's a super versatile ingredient, used in a smattering of hair care products and supplements, so there's plenty of room to discover how to work it into your arsenal.

If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking medications, consult with your doctor before starting a supplement routine. It is always optimal to consult with a health care provider when considering what supplements are right for you.

Does vitamin E help hair grow faster?

Vitamin E has been shown to increase capillary circulation in the scalp, thereby helping to increase hair growth.

How can I use vitamin E for hair growth?

To get the most out of the vitamin E-rich oil:.
Massage it onto your scalp..
Gently comb through with a wide-tooth comb..
Let the oil sit for at least 15 minutes..
When you're done, wash the oil out of your hair with your regular shampoo..
If your hair already feels well moisturized, you can skip conditioner..

How much vitamin E oil should I put in my hair?

Leave-in treatment Experts recommend mixing 3-5 drops of vitamin E oil with a carrier oil like olive oil or coconut oil and massaging it straight into the scalp after showering. The concoction will work well as a leave-in treatment for both your hair and scalp.

How many vitamin E capsules should I take in a day for hair?

Take two evion capsules for hair and squeeze them into the oil. Mix the oils gently. Put the mixture on your fingertips and apply it in a circulation motion on your scalp. Massage your hair for 10-15 minutes.


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