How to encourage breast milk production before birth

Signs That a Breastfed Baby Is Being Well Nourished

  • Your baby nurses at least 8 to 16 times in 24 hours, or every 2 to 3 hours. Your baby may be fussy once or twice a day. At these times, he or she wants to nurse often for several hours before seeming full. This is called cluster feeding.
  • Your baby wets at least 6 cloth or 5 disposable diapers and has at least 1 bowel movement in 24 hours. This occurs by 1 week of age.
  • You can hear your baby swallow milk while nursing or you can feel your baby swallow when lightly touching his or her throat.
  • Your breasts seem softer after nursing.
  • Your baby gains 4 to 8 ounces a week after the first week. There is no need to weigh your baby at home. Your baby’s doctor will do this for you. You may notice that your baby has outgrown his or her clothing.
  • Your baby has regained his/her birthweight by 10 to 14 days after birth.

Factors Which Can Cause Your Milk Supply to Decrease

  • Your baby feeds fewer than 8 to 16 times in 24 hours. Milk production is affected by how well the breast is drained.
  • Your baby has a very weak suck, or has an improper latch.
  • Giving bottles of formula or water after nursing. Most babies will suck on a bottle after nursing. This just means they need to suck. It does not mean they are still hungry. Babies cry or fuss for many reasons, such as being tired, bored, wet, hot or cold.
  • Giving solid foods too early and/or before you breastfeed. Most babies do not need solid foods for the first 6 months if they are breastfeeding 8 to 16 times a day.
  • Smoking can cause a decreased milk supply and interfere with the letdown reflex. Here are some things you should do:
    • Try to quit or cut down.
    • Smoke after nursing, not before.
    • Don’t smoke in the same room with your baby.
  • Beginning birth control pills too soon can decrease your milk supply. Wait at least 6 weeks before taking birth control pills and then use only the mini-pill (Progestin). If you still notice a decrease in your milk supply, talk to your doctor about other birth control options. Other medications may also affect milk supply. Check with your doctor. (Refer to PI-682, Breastfeeding and Birth Control: You Have Options.)
  • Mothers who are exhausted may notice a decrease in milk supply. To keep yourself from getting too tired:
    • Sleep or relax when your baby sleeps.
    • Eat balanced diet that includes high-protein food.
    • Drink when you are thirsty so that your urine is pale yellow in color. Both under and excessive over hydration can decrease milk supply.
    • Take an iron supplement if your healthcare provider says you are anemic.
    • Talk with your doctor or nurse midwife about the need for vitamin supplement.
    • Accept help when it is offered.
  • Use nipple shields and pacifiers with caution.
  • A breast flange that is too small or too large in size can hurt your milk supply.
  • Pregnancy
  • Breast reduction surgery may reduce milk supply.

If You Notice Your Milk Supply Is Low

You can increase your milk supply by:

  • Nursing your baby often. Nurse every 2 hours during the day and every 3 to 4 hours at night (at least 8 to 16 times in 24 hours). If your baby will not nurse, use a good quality double electric breast pump to increase milk production. Pumping after breastfeeding signals your body to produce more milk.
  • Nurse your baby at least 15 minutes at each breast. Do not limit nursing time. If your baby falls asleep after one breast, wake him or her and offer the second breast. A few babies may benefit from nursing at one breast per feeding to increase the fat content of the feeding. Switch nursing- switching breasts several times during a feeding has been shown to increase milk supply.
  • Gently massage breast before and during feedings.
  • Use relaxation techniques to reduce stress and promote the flow of breast milk.
  • Provide skin to skin time with your baby for about 20 minutes after feeds. This “kangaroo care” has been shown to increase milk supply.
  • Be sure baby is positioned and latched correctly.
  • Offer both breasts at each feeding.
  • Try breast compression during the feeding to help drain the breast.
  • Pump immediately after breastfeeding during the day. Rest at night. Some mothers find that they get more milk if they pump for 5 minutes, rest for 5 minutes, and pump for another 10 minutes.

Talk to your doctor about using medication or the herb fenugreek.

Works Cited

Wambach, Karen and Riordan, Jan “Breastfeeding and Human Lactation”, Fifth edition, Jones & Bartlett, 2016.

It’s a common question we hear from new moms-to-be: can I increase my milk supply before my baby is born? You want to be as prepared as possible for your new little arrival by making sure your milk comes in, so it makes sense that you’d wonder if you can increase that supply before you give birth.  The reality is, your body knows you are still carrying your baby and that your milk is not needed yet.  There is nothing you can do before birth to increase your milk supply.  The good news is you can do a few things once your baby comes to help your supply come in and maintain.

Related: How to Overcome Common Breastfeeding Challenges

How to Increase Your Milk Supply When Your Baby is Born

Once your baby is born, it is important to latch her within the first hour.  Now, every birth is different (I have 2 kids and their births were very different).  It may not be possible to have your newborn skin-to-skin within the first hour.  This does not mean that you have failed.  As soon as you can, attach your baby to your breast.  Nurses and lactation specialists will visit you during this time to help you and baby latch properly so you can get the hang of breastfeeding.  You may have trouble, it is a learning experience for both you and baby.  That is why the nurses and specialists are there, to help.

What comes in first is not milk, it is nutrient-rich colostrum.  It contains proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and antibodies to fight disease.  These are all things that are beneficial for your newborn.  If you choose not to breastfeed, or it does not work out for you (it is not an easy thing), think about giving at least this to your baby.  With my second child, my son, I attempted breastfeeding and had full intentions of doing it for a couple of months.  I ended up changing my mind after many, many attempts and lots of help from the lactation specialist and nurse.  What I was able to give my son was the colostrum for the few days I attempted.

Related: Breastfeeding versus Formula Feeding: The Pros and Cons of Each

Something important to remember is that it can take even a couple of weeks for your supply to really come in.  The more you latch your baby or pump, the better.  If he fusses, latch, if he is napping, keep him latched.  Nurse, nurse, nurse, all the time.  You may feel like you do nothing else but feed your baby, but this is the best way to increase your milk supply.

Keeping yourself hydrated will also help.  You may start to feel engorged, (even if not) try laying some warm towels over your breasts to help stimulate your milk to drop.  Also, watch your diet.  You may be thinking ‘Ok, I have had this baby, now I want to lose the weight and get back in shape’ but if you are not taking in enough calories, your milk supply will suffer.  This happened to a friend of mine.  Her daughter was a few months old and she was exclusively breastfeeding (EBF) and she started to workout and watch her calorie intake.  Her milk supply dropped.  Once she started adding more healthy calories (from fruits and vegetables) back into her diet, her supply increased within a few days.

The important thing to remember if you’re trying to increase your milk supply is to just be patient.  This is a new experience for you and your baby.  Relax, and get as much information as you can from the lactation specialist before leaving the hospital.  You can always call them once you are home as well.  If you attempt and decide that it just isn’t for you, know that is ok too.  That was something I struggled with when I had my daughter.  I breastfed for 2 weeks and I was always feeding or pumping, feeding or pumping and I felt like I never got a break.

I also felt like I was not producing enough for her (I was unaware at the time that the more I latched her, the better and eventually my milk would come in).  It was a hard decision to make, but one that in the end was better for everyone.  It is a choice you have, and please know that it is ok to not breastfeed.  Breastfeeding is a hot topic these days and many women feel shame and like they are already failing as mothers if they do not breastfeed.  We are all women and we should be supporting each other regardless of how we choose to feed our children.

Did you struggle with breastfeeding and ultimately have success?  What sort of things did you do to help increase your milk supply come in once your baby was born?  Did you choose to bottle feed your newborn?  Share your stories with us below!

How do you stimulate breast milk before birth?

Try hand expressing for a few minutes, 2 or 3 times a day. If you hand express and use a syringe to draw up the individual drips of colostrum, you can use these syringes for storage prior to birth. Your health care provider may be able to supply you with sterile syringes.

Can you produce breast milk before giving birth?

Wait, what? Women who are 37 weeks or more pregnant now have the option to gather and store their colostrum to have it on hand when their baby is born. Colostrum, considered to be the early milk produced by women in their second trimester, is an antibody-rich immune booster that is vital to the health of infants.

How can I increase my milk supply while pregnant?

The greatest way to maintain a healthy milk supply is to feed or pump frequently. Your body will produce on a supply and demand basis, so the more demand, the more supply.


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