How to get a job at a daycare without experience

Many people who enjoy spending time with young children would like to pursue a career in childcare. Nowadays, to become a qualified nursery worker and to be counted in the staff-to-children ratios, you need to have a Level 2 qualification or higher. However, if you have been unemployed for a long time or if you have never held a job at all, this can be difficult.

People of all ages and walks of life decide to pursue a career in childcare and their reasons for doing so will vary. Which category do you fall into?

The Moving On Mum

These women take a long career break to start a family and find that when they return back to work that their job no longer exists, or things have changed so drastically that they feel that they have no option but to resign and move on.

 The Career Changer

This is someone who has worked in several different jobs unrelated to childcare and has decided to have a change of career, pursuing childcare as something new and exciting.

 The Inspired Mum

Some new mums may decide to take a couple of years out of work to see their children grow up. They soon decide they really enjoy taking care of children and actively decide to get a job in childcare.

The Young School Leaver

A young person who has just finished Year 11 at school. They may have some experience of babysitting, or looking after younger siblings but will never have held a full-time job before.

The First Time Job-er

This is normally someone of graduate calibre, who has finished university and is looking for their very first job. Related degrees such as Health and Social Care would be relevant for working with children.

Here are your options for getting your foot on the childcare employment ladder:

Find volunteer work

Following the successful completion of a DBS (formerly CRB) check into your background, you can be cleared to work with children. Many nurseries and pre-schools are short on resources and would welcome the opportunity to have an extra pair of hands helping them out. The advantage of this, is that if a paid position opens up you could apply immediately for it or the vacancy may be offered to you before it is opened up to anyone else.

Become a childminder

If you are serious about starting up your own childminding business, there are certain training and qualifications that you will need to take beforehand. You will also need to be willing to adapt your house to make it a safe environment to care for a group of children and allow Ofsted to make regular inspections to make sure you are providing a high quality of care.

You can read our guide on the steps you need to take to become a childminder. 

Take on work-based training

Work-based training programs, also known as apprenticeships, allow people to gain valuable industry qualifications whilst working in a childcare environment. You need to secure yourself a job in childcare first, and agree with your employer that they will support you to take your childcare qualifications.

The good news is, if you are aged 16-18 when you start an apprenticeship, the government will subsidise 100% of your training costs.

Looking for a job in childcare?

Browse our latest list of childcare jobs and apprenticeships for free on our job board!

Daycare assistants are vital to running large childcare centers. Assistants help teachers and ensure an acceptable adult-to-child ratio in every classroom. A daycare assistant position is typically an entry-level position, and experience is not necessary. However, there are still some requirements that you and your employer must meet. Requirements vary by state and sometimes even by city. As parents need someone to take care of their children during work or other activities, childcare worker employment is expected to grow at an average 7 percent rate between 2016 and 2026, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. As of May 2017, childcare workers made $23,760 on average, which is around $11.42 an hour.

Background Check

All licensed daycare centers perform thorough background checks on all potential employees. Typically, employers look for any offense that involves children, are sexual or violent in nature or involve drugs or alcohol. Prior convictions could disqualify candidates. Some states also require aspiring daycare assistants to undergo a fingerprint check through the Federal Bureau of Investigations. If you have any criminal history, even if it is not of a nature that would disqualify you from childcare work, disclose it to your potential employer.


Daycare assistants usually have a high school or general equivalency diploma –unless they are current students. A job as a daycare assistant is beneficial for those currently studying early childhood education, because it provides hands-on experience in the field. A degree in early childhood education is rarely, if ever, required for this entry-level position.

Licensing and Certification

Depending on the daycare setting and local laws, an assistant may need a food handler’s license or a childcare certification. The most commonly required certification is the Child Development Associate credential issued by the Council for Professional Recognition. All daycare employees must maintain current CPR and first aid certifications. During licensing inspections, the local daycare licensing officer will want to see copies of required licenses and certifications for each employee, including all assistants.

Personal Qualities

Since daycare assistants spend most of their time playing with and caring for kids, aspiring assistants need a love for children and plenty of patience. Working with a room full of toddlers and preschoolers also requires plenty of energy. Potential daycare assistants must have enough strength to lift children, and the flexibility to get down on the floor to play. A healthy immune system, while not a requirement, is extremely helpful due to the amount of germs any daycare worker is exposed to on a daily basis.

How old do you have to be to work at a daycare in Alabama?

Staff qualifications Must be at least 19 years old. Must have a high school diploma or a GED. Must have 24 clock hours of training in child care and development. Must reside in the home.

What do you need to work at a daycare in Texas?

Must have a high school diploma or a GED. May be 16 years old if not in staff:child ratio or supervising. Must be at least 18 years old.

How old do you have to be to work at a daycare in Iowa?

LICENSING REQUIREMENTS Child Care Workers or Teachers: Must be at least 16 years old. Registered Child Development Homes Iowa law limits the number of children a home may provide child care for, whether the home is registered or not.

How old do you have to be to work at a daycare in North Carolina?

 All teachers must be at least 18 years of age. employment. Employment form to verify a teacher is at least 18 years old. to the number of annual in-service training hours required for all staff.


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