How to get off birth control without getting pregnant

What is the best way to switch from one birth control method to another?

It is important to go straight from one birth control method to the next, with no gaps in between. This will help lower your chance of getting pregnant.

If you take birth control pills, you do not need to finish the pill pack before switching to another method. You can stop taking your pill at any point in the pack. If you are switching to pills from another method, you should start by taking the first pill in the pack. These rules also apply to switching from one kind of pill to another kind of pill.

You may have changes in your period after switching birth control methods. This is normal. Do not wait for your period before you stop the old method or start the new one.

When do I need to overlap birth control methods?

In some cases, you should have a few days of overlap. This means starting the new method before stopping the old method. This gives the new method time to start working before the old one wears off. The table shows which methods should overlap and how long the overlap should be. The overlap length appears in bold print.

When do I need a backup method?

If you do not want to overlap the old method and the new method, you can use a backup method instead. Backup methods include condoms and spermicide. For example, if you do not want to keep taking the pill after you get your first progestin shot, you can use condoms instead. You should use the backup method for the same number of days listed in bold print in the table.

If you do not want to use a backup method, you should avoid having sex for the same number of days listed in bold print in the table.

To prevent human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and other sexually transmitted infections, always use condoms when you have sex.


Millions of people use birth control as a family planning tool, as an acne remedy, and/or to regulate their menses. But what happens when you stop taking "the pill?" How does birth control affect pregnancy and your ability to conceive? Read on to learn more about stopping birth control to get pregnant.

How Soon Can You Get Pregnant After Stopping Birth Control?

All bodies are different. There's no way to know how long it will take you to conceive, and that's true whether you've been using birth control or not. You can (theoretically) get pregnant immediately the first time you have penis in vagina (PIV) sex without a condom or your diaphragm, but that doesn't mean you will. Similarly, it's possible to get pregnant almost right away after stopping birth control pills or having your IUD removed. That said, it might take months for ovulation and/or your period to return to normal.

"The most important thing to know about stopping oral contraceptives is that ovulation can return immediately. The synthetic hormones leave your system in a few days, so you can get pregnant the first month off the pill," says Alexandra Sowa, M.D., an internist in New York City. The same thing is true for IUDs; you can get pregnant the same month your IUD is removed. But, "on the flip side, your period may not return immediately," Dr. Sowa says. "It can take a few months for your period to return." How long it takes your period to return is entirely individual, and has nothing to do with how long you've been using birth control.

Is There Anything You Should Do Before You Stop Taking "The Pill?"

Because pregnancy can occur almost as soon as you stop contraception, it's essential to make sure you're truly ready for a pregnancy before stopping. Dr. Sowa recommends scheduling a preconception visit with your doctor. That way, they can assess your overall health and make sure any preexisting health conditions (such as diabetes or asthma) are under control before you get pregnant.

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Making sure you're ready also means using contraception until you're absolutely sure you're ready to be pregnant. Don't go off the pill now because you'd like to be pregnant in six months. If getting pregnant now would cause a serious problem in your personal or professional life, it's best to wait.

What Is the Best Way to Get Off of Birth Control?

If you've been on the pill, it's a good idea to finish out your pill pack, rather than stopping mid-month. "When you stop the pill pack in the middle of your cycle, your uterus may get confused and start bleeding, even though it isn't your 'period,'" Dr. Sowa says. "Secondly, if you stop in the middle of the cycle, it can be hard to judge when you're ovulating."

Does Birth Control Negatively Impact Fertility?

Using continuous oral contraceptives, an IUD, or Depo-Provera has no long-term effect on fertility. Don't stress too much if your period doesn't immediately return to normal; remember, it can take a few months for your body to readjust. However, if your period hasn't returned after three months, it's a good idea to check in with your doctor.

How can I stop taking birth control without getting pregnant?

just cold- turkey? There's no “right way” to go off birth control — you can stop taking your pills in the middle of the pack, or finish the pack you're on without starting a new one.

What are the chances of getting pregnant after stopping birth control?

You can get pregnant right away after you stop regular-dose or low-dose hormonal birth control. About half of women get pregnant in the first 3 months after stopping the pill. Most women get pregnant within 12 months after stopping the pill.


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