How to get rid of a lingering sore throat

"The 'run of the mill' strep throat and tonsillitis are more often seen by primary care physicians," says Dr. Flores. "ENTs see the more complicated cases that don't respond to standard treatment. Many of these people have infectious mononucleosis, or eventually need tonsillectomies."

In addition, Flores notes that persistent throat pain on one side — or that feels worse on one side — may indicate a bacterial infection that usually begins as a complication of tonsillitis or untreated strep throat (peritonsillar abscess). In some cases, the pain may indicate an advanced tumor. "A sore throat accompanied by a swollen neck gland should be seen by a physician soon," says Flores.

Other causes of a chronic sore throat, like smoking, are problems that you can control to alleviate your throat pain.

The Best Ways to Treat a Sore Throat

To successfully treat a sore throat, you have to know what's causing it. Bacterial infections like strep throat need treatment with antibiotics. It's crucial that you receive treatment for strep and don't let it continue. This bacterial infection can lead to rheumatic fever, which can cause permanent heart damage. A simple course of antibiotics (remember to take them all) can keep strep throat from becoming a serious problem.

Viral infections, like influenza, may be treated with antiviral medication, but most do not require any treatment at all.

If you have allergies that are causing a chronic sore throat (through postnasal drip), your doctor may prescribe a medication to control allergy symptoms, such as nasal corticosteroids like Flonase (fluticasone). You can also find ways to avoid those allergens (often things like mold, pet dander, or pollen) to alleviate your throat pain and other symptoms.

RELATED: How Long Does a Cold or the Flu Last?

Finding Relief From Throat Pain

No matter what's causing a sore throat, you can take steps at home to soothe an itchy, scratchy, painful throat. Try these tips to relieve throat pain at home:

  • Suck on something soothing, like a piece of hard candy, a throat lozenge, or a Popsicle.
  • Stay hydrated and moisten the throat by drinking plenty of water and other fluids. Try adding honey to a warm drink or sip on a mug of warm tea.
  • Try an over-the-counter pain reliever, such as Aleve (naproxen), Tylenol (acetaminophen), and Advil or Motrin (ibuprofen). Use in moderation and only for a short period of time.
  • Run a humidifier in your home to prevent dry air from irritating your throat.
  • Create a mixture of warm water and 1 teaspoon of salt per cup and gargle it a couple of times per day.

It can be hard to pinpoint the cause of a sore throat, but if it doesn't get any better, you can be sure there's some reason for it. "If the sore throat is accompanied by very severe pain on swallowing along with a high fever, it's best to see a healthcare provider right away," says Flores. See your doctor, figure out the cause, and decide on treatments and remedies that best fit your diagnosis.

There are several natural home remedies that can help you ease the pain of a sore throat. In this article, I’ll talk about what a sore throat is, and some common causes.

I’ll outline some home remedies and medications that can help ease symptoms, as well as strategies that can help you avoid and/or minimize future sore throats. Finally, I’ll help you know when you should talk to a doctor about your symptoms.

Natural and At-Home Remedies for a Sore Throat

Most sore throats, except for bacterial infections like strep throat, do not need antibiotics. In many cases, home remedies can help ease the pain and irritation. 

If you’re experiencing a painful sore throat, you may be able to find some relief in your pantry. Try one of these natural remedies: 

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Salt Water

While salt water is not an immediate pain-reliever, it helps kill bacteria, loosen mucus, and reduce inflammation. Add half a teaspoon of salt to eight ounces of warm water and gargle the water in the back of your throat. A saltwater gargle can be done at least twice a day until your sore throat is gone. 


Honey contains natural antibacterial properties that enable it to soothe wounds and suppress coughs. Mix two tablespoons of honey with warm water or tea, stir well, and drink.

Manuka honey has the best antibacterial qualities, however, it can be quite expensive.


Herbal teas have been used to soothe sore throats for centuries. The warmth of the liquid and medicinal properties of certain herbs can be a perfect combo. Almost any kind of tea may help. Some of the most popular and effective teas include chamomile, turmeric, green, peppermint, and raspberry.

Hot Sauce or Cayenne Pepper

Believe it or not, hot sauce or cayenne pepper can help your sore throat. Both are made from peppers high in capsaicin, which can be used to combat inflammation and provide relief. Try adding a few drops of hot sauce or a half teaspoon of cayenne pepper to a warm glass of water and gargle. 

Baking Soda

While gargling salt water is more common, you can also try gargling baking soda to treat a sore throat. Doing this is believed to kill bacteria and prevent the growth of yeast and fungi. Mix a teaspoon of baking soda into a glass of warm water and gargle. 


While it can’t be found in your pantry, a humidifier is another great way to relieve your sore throat. Dry air is no good for a sore throat, and can even be the cause. A humidifier will keep the air moist and your sinuses open—especially while you sleep. 

Licorice Root

Licorice root has a long history of medicinal use dating back to ancient times in China, India, and Assyria. Studies show that licorice may be helpful for sore throats along with digestive issues and eczema. 

Licorice root is generally considered safe when taken in moderation. Large doses or when taken over a long period of time may cause an increase in blood pressure or alter your electrolytes. 

Pregnant and breast feeding people should avoid licorice as there have been negative effects on babies. 


The herb peppermint contains menthol, a main ingredient in many cough drops and throat lozenges for treating sore throats. 

Health benefits from peppermint are found in the leaves and oils. People use peppermint tea or the essential oil for aromatherapy for relief from their sore throat. 

Peppermint oil should not be used on small children however as it can alter their breathing. 

Broth or Soup

There is nothing better than a warm cup of soup or broth when you aren’t feeling well. While your soup may not cure your sore throat it does have some health benefits. 

The steam from the broth may help open your sinus for some short term relief. 

Broth and soup are also a good source of nutrition during times when you may not have a great appetite. 

The extra liquid also helps hydrate you and thin your mucus. The sodium in the broth helps your body to maintain the fluids you are taking in and can replenish electrolytes lost via sweat, diarrhea or vomiting that can accompany an infection.

So while it may not be a quick cure, go ahead and enjoy that soup someone who loves you brought over. 

Medications for a Sore Throat

If natural remedies don’t interest you—or if they just aren’t working—there are several over-the-counter (OTC) medications you can take for a sore throat. 

Pain relievers

There are several over-the-counter (OTC) medications available to relieve sore throat pain. 

  • Acetaminophen, the main ingredient in Tylenol and other pain and fever relieving medications may take away sore throat pain. 
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen or naproxen can also bring relief from throat pain by decreasing inflammation. These should be taken with food to prevent stomach upset.

Throat numbing medications

Certain medications can numb your sore throat. These medications are also known anesthetics and are available in throat spray or lozenge form. 

Examples include:

  • Chloraseptic throat sprays
  • Vicks VapoCOOL throat spray
  • Throat lozenges like Halls or Cepacol

These medications contain several ingredients such as menthol, phenol, and benzocaine to numb your throat. It’s good to note however that these medications can numb other parts of your mouth as well such as your cheeks or tongue. 


Antihistamines help block histamines released during an allergic reaction. Histamines cause sore throats, nasal congestion, and runny eyes. Blocking their effect can help your sore throat feel better. 

Examples of antihistamines include:

  • Diphenhydramine
  • Loratadine
  • Cetirizine
  • Fexofenadine
  • Levocetirizine


If your sore throat is due to sinus congestion or postnasal drip, a decongestant may bring you relief. 

However, do not use decongestants for longer than three days.

Doing so can cause the opposite effect and increase mucus production.

Common decongestants available OTC include:

  • Oxymetazoline
  • Phenylephrine
  • Pseudoephedrine

What To Avoid With a Sore Throat

Now that you know what will help your sore throat, here are a few things you should avoid:

  • Foods that are difficult to swallow 
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Essential oils
  • Dry air
  • Smoking
  • Acidic foods

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When To See a Medical Provider

While sore throats caused by a virus can go away on their own, sore throats caused by bacteria should be treated with antibiotics.

You should see a doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms: 

  • Throat pain that’s severe, prolonged, or not improving
  • Trouble swallowing, breathing, or opening your mouth
  • Coughing up blood or have blood in your saliva
  • Feel enlarged lymph nodes, or lumps, in your neck
  • Have white patches on the back of your throat or a rash, possible signs of strep throat
  • Have a high fever
  • Lose your voice for more than a week or two

Treat Your Sore Throat Online

Using online urgent care through K Health, you can treat your sore throat online, right from home. Check your symptoms, talk to a doctor, and get treatment all on your schedule.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are sore throats contagious?

Yes, pharyngitis (both viral and bacterial) is contagious and can be transmitted from one person to another. Sore throats caused by allergies, trauma, toxins, and other environmental irritants are not contagious. If you have a sore throat, it’s best to use caution and avoid close contact with others until it gets better.

What is the fastest way to get over a sore throat?

While there is no way to cure a sore throat on the spot, visiting a doctor to determine the cause and proper treatment is the best way to start getting better. In addition, trying at-home remedies can help soothe the pain and hopefully expedite the recovery process.

Is a sore throat dangerous if left untreated?

If left untreated, strep throat can sometimes develop into a more serious illness, such as pneumonia, bronchitis, or rheumatic fever—a disease that impacts the heart.

K Health articles are all written and reviewed by MDs, PhDs, NPs, or PharmDs and are for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute and should not be relied on for professional medical advice. Always talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment.

Why will my sore throat not go away?

Chronic pharyngitis is a persistent sore throat that lingers for a few weeks or returns frequently. Chronic pharyngitis may be caused by infection, environmental pollutants, allergies or acid reflux. Treatment involves addressing the underlying cause.

How long is too long for a sore throat?

If you have a sore throat that's causing excessive pain or lasts longer than 10 days, see your doctor. Also keep an eye on symptoms you may be experiencing, which might indicate more serious conditions that require antibiotics, such as strep throat. These symptoms include: fever.

What causes a long lasting sore throat?

Breathing through your mouth — often because of chronic nasal congestion — also can cause a dry, sore throat. Irritants. Outdoor air pollution and indoor pollution such as tobacco smoke or chemicals can cause a chronic sore throat. Chewing tobacco, drinking alcohol and eating spicy foods also can irritate your throat.


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