How to hide my following list on instagram from everyone

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms right now. Protecting users’ privacy is one thing that is very important but still a tricky thing. Even though Instagram does provide a lot of privacy controls, but there are a few things users still need to take care of themselves with a few tricks. In case you don’t want everyone on the platform to see your Instagram followers or following list, here’s how you can hide them now. Also Read - Amazon India to help buyers purchase products via live streaming

There are a few ways you can hide the following list and followers on Instagram. If you have a private account, you cannot hide the number of followers but you can still hide who is actually following you and who you follow. Also Read - Instagram Notes is a new feature that allows you to share what's on your mind within 60 characters

One way to keep specific users from viewing your profile is by blocking them. The blocked users cannot search for your profile or find any details like followers or following list of your account. The only way they can do all that is if they use some other account. Also Read - Meta’s new features will let you switch between Facebook, Instagram easily

To block any user, all you need to do is go to their profile, tap on the three dot menu in the top right corner and select block.

If you think, blocking is a bit extreme, you can always choose to remove these users from your account. This way, they will have to send you a request to follow and get access to your posts and other data again.

Instagram also offers an option to restrict users on the platform. This option is also buried in the profile menu, just like the Block option.

For the unversed, restricted users will not get access to certain information including your online status when you are active and view your stories. They will also be not able to see the “seen” option when you are done reading their messages on the platform.

According to Instagram, “Only their new comments on your posts will be visible to them and you can choose to see comments by tapping View Comments. You can tap Approve if you want other people to see their comments as well. After that, you can tap Approve to confirm or you can delete or ignore their comment.”

  • How to
  • Instagram

Your following list on Instagram shows who you’re following.

If your Instagram profile is set to public, other users will be able to see your following list.

They can do so by visiting your profile and tapping on “Following”.

However, other users won’t be able to sort your following list—only you can.

If you’re a private person, you might be looking to hide your followers or following list.

On social media platforms like TikTok, you’ll be able to do so in your privacy settings.

Unlike TikTok, Instagram does not have a“Who can see your following list?” privacy feature.

As a result, you need to use another method to hide your following list.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to hide your following list and followers on Instagram.

To hide your following list on Instagram, you need to go to your profile and open the menu.

After you’ve opened the menu, navigate to your privacy settings and switch your account to private.

On social media platforms like TikTok, you can set your following list to “Only me”.

This will prevent other users from seeing your following list.

Unfortunately, Instagram does not have the same feature as TikTok.

Hence, the only way you can hide your following list is to switch your account to private.

By switching your account to private, your followers and following list will be hidden from other users.

However, your followers will still be able to see them.

Here are 5 steps to hide your following list on Instagram:

  1. Open the menu
  2. Go to your settings
  3. Tap on “Privacy”
  4. Switch your account privacy
  5. Tap on “Switch to Private”

1. Open the menu

The first step is to open the menu.

To begin with, open Instagram and log in to your account if you haven’t already.

Once you’re on Instagram, you need to go to your profile.

To do so, tap on your profile picture on the bottom navigation bar.

This will open your Instagram profile.

At the top right corner of your Instagram profile, you’ll see a menu (hamburger) icon.

Tap on the menu icon to open the menu.

2. Go to your settings

After you’ve tapped on the menu icon, the navigation menu will open.

The menu contains several options.

This includes “Settings”, “Archive”, “Your activity”, and more.

To hide your following list, you need to navigate to your settings.

To do so, tap on “Settings” to go to your settings.

3. Tap on “Privacy”

After you’ve tapped on “Settings”, you’ll land on your settings.

On the settings page, you’ll multiple options.

This includes “Notifications”, “Business”, and “Privacy”.

To hide your following list, you need to navigate to your privacy settings.

Tap on “Privacy” to go to your privacy settings.

4. Switch your account privacy

After you’ve tapped on “Privacy”, the privacy settings will open.

In your privacy settings, you’ll be able to control your privacy.

This includes your account privacy, interactions, and connections.

Under the “Account privacy” header, you’ll see a “Private account” option.

Now, you need to enable to “Private account” option.

To do so, tap on the “Private account” switch to enable it.

5. Tap on “Switch to Private”

After you’ve tapped on the switch, a navigation drawer will open.

The navigation drawer asks you if you want to switch to a private account.

When you switch to a private account, only your followers will be able to see your photos and videos.

In addition, your followers and following list will be hidden from other users.

Specifically, when someone visits your profile, they won’t be able to tap to view your followers and following list.

However, this won’t change who can message, tag, or mention you.

Tap on “Switch to private” to switch your account to a private one.

You’ve successfully hidden your following list on Instagram!

How to hide your followers on Instagram

  1. Go to your Instagram profile and tap on the menu icon.
  2. Tap on “Settings”.
  3. Tap on “Privacy”.
  4. Enable “Private account”.
  5. Tap on “Switch to Private”.

After you’ve switched to a private account, your followers will be hidden from other users.

You can switch back to a public account at any time.


If you want to hide your followers and following list from users who are not following you, you can follow the guide above.

However, if you want to hide your followers and following list from specific people, you can block them instead.

To do so, you need to visit their Instagram profile.

Once you’re on their profile, tap on the three dots on the top right corner.

Lastly, tap on “Block” to block them.

When you block someone on Instagram, they won’t be able to find your profile.

As a result, they won’t be able to see who you’re following on Instagram.

In the present, there isn’t a feature where you can hide your following list on Instagram without switching your account from public to private.

Further reading

135+ Good Instagram Comments For Your Friends

240+ Funny Instagram Captions (For Friends & Selfies)

How to Reply to a Specific Instagram Message

How can I hide my following list on Instagram from 2022 followers?

What you need to do.
Log in to your Instagram account..
Under “Privacy Settings,” uncheck the box next to “Show my follower count and following list.”.
Close the window that pops up..
Refresh your page, and you'll no longer see your followers or following list..

Can I hide my following list on Instagram public account?

By switching to a private profile you can hide the people you follow on Instagram. You still cannot hide the number of followers. But you can hide who is following you and who you follow.

How can I hide my followers and following from everyone?

If you have a private account, you cannot hide the number of followers but you can still hide who is actually following you and who you follow. One way to keep specific users from viewing your profile is by blocking them.


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