How to install inline chlorinator above ground pool

Tom  Posted: 5/28/2022 

I have chlorine generator that has stopped working, can I put an inline chemical dispenser in the same location.

InyoPools Product Specialist Matt S.  Posted: 6/2/2022 

Yes, you can, but I would install a valve before the chlorinator to prevent backflush. A check valve is critical if there is a heater before the chlorinator.

Inyopools  Posted: 4/17/2018 

Hello Hummy - It is common to see a slight increase in pressure when you install a chlorinator and check valve after the filter.

hummy  Posted: 4/16/2018 

Ok so I installed my rainbow 320 in-line chlorinator and added a check valve. My sand filter pressure gauge before the chlorinator was installed was 12-15 after back wash. It new reads 16-19. Its not alarming more high but it has increased. Is that normal?

Inyopools  Posted: 3/30/2018 

It is true that inline chlorinators seem to have less problems. However, off-line systems are still a good option. If you go the off-line route, I would suggest flushing it out with warm water and baking soda from time to time. This will prevent the build up of chlorine residue in the hoses and check valves.

Jose  Posted: 7/12/2019 

My pipes come out at top of my filter is that ok with installing an in line chlorinater?

InyoPools Product Specialist Matt S.  Posted: 7/16/2019 

An in-line chlorinator requires a horizontal length of pipe to be installed on. If you have a horizontal pipe that the chlorinator can mount to, then you can use it.

hummy  Posted: 3/29/2018 

I have considered an off line chlorine feeder but from what I have read an in-line chlorine feeder is more efficient and less problematic. I am a novice at this pool equipment so someone could correct me.

Inyopools  Posted: 3/27/2018 

Hello Hummy - Have you considered installing an off-line chlorinator? You wouldn't have to change the plumbing if you go that route.

hummy  Posted: 3/27/2018 

My return line to the pool is hovering at roughly 2.5ft in the air. If I lower the line to ground level I will have to move several other components. However having my feeder 2.5ft in the air seems like bad idea.

InyoPools Product Specialist Dennis R.  Posted: 8/5/2017 

Doug - Because of the corrosive nature of the concentrated chlorine coming out of the chlorinator, it should always be installed after all other units. It should be the last unit before the returns to the pool.

Doug  Posted: 8/5/2017 

Does it matter where the inline chlorinator is installed in relation to a heater and ozone/UV generator? The article says downstream from the filter. Does position of chlorinator in relation to these other 2 units matter? Thank you.

InyoPools Product Specialist Dennis R.  Posted: 4/18/2015 

randa - The check valve would go between the heater or filter on the inlet side of the chlorinator. If you have limited room, you might consider installing an off-line chlorinator. See "How To Install a Pool Off-Line Chlorinator".

randa  Posted: 4/16/2015 

I need an answer for the question about converting salt cell to inline chlorinator also. would like to place where cell was. also where to put check valve I have 13" between pipes

InyoPools Product Specialist Dennis R.  Posted: 4/8/2015 

Chlorinator - You might consider putting in an off-line chlorinator. This only requires you to drill two holes in your piping which could be plugged later. See our guide on "How To Install a Pool Off-Line Chlorinator" for detailed instructions.

Anonymous  Posted: 4/7/2015 

We have a salt system and are wanting to put in an inline chlorinator where the salt cell was. Is there a way to do it without having to cut any of the existing pipe? Incase we revert back to salt at some point.

InyoPools Product Specialist Dennis R.  Posted: 7/20/2014 

Ted – I would recommend installing the chlorinator outside the pool house for safety.

Ted  Posted: 7/19/2014 

Should the chlorinator be installed inside or outside of the pool house for safety?

Where do you put an inline chlorinator?

Install the inline chlorinator in the return line of the pool and keep the return line between the components of the plumbing system including the heater and the pump. Make sure to turn off the filter and pump systems and close the valves.

What is better inline or offline chlorinator?

The difference between these two chlorinators is the way they are plumbed into your swimming pool line. The offline chlorinator is ideal for retrofitting existing pool systems. The inline chlorinator is for permanent installation into the return line of new or existing systems.

Is an inline chlorinator worth it?

We definitely think a chlorinator is a worthwhile investment: It automatically and evenly dispenses chlorine (even when you're out of town) You can control the rate that chlorine flows into your pool. You can avoid chlorine tablets in your pool or skimmer (and the vinyl liner stains they can cause.


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