How to make a video slow motion on premiere pro

Adobe Premiere Pro is one of the most popular and effective video editing programs available on the market today.

The program is compatible with both Windows and Mac computers and comes equipped with a wide variety of features for creating impressive videos for any purpose.

There are several ways that you can use Adobe Premiere Pro to create slow motion effects for your videos.

This is a step-by-step tutorial on how to create slow motion in post-production with Adobe Premiere Pro.

If you are looking for a video editing application that will allow you to edit videos however you want them, Adobe Premiere Pro is the best answer.

This video editing software is one of the most popular among beginners and professionals across the globe. It has everything you need to make a quality video.

Whether it’s a simple family holiday video, or a professional project complete with special effects, this program can handle it all with ease.

By reading this article, you will learn how to do slow motion in Adobe Premiere Pro as well as how to use other tools to do some cool things with your videos.


How To Slow Down A Video In Premiere Pro

What Does It Mean To slow down a video in premiere Pro?

There is no one answer to the question of how to slow down a video. The only right answer is what works best for your circumstances.

There are various approaches you can take, depending on the type of footage you have and the effect you’re trying to achieve.

You need to record your footage at a frame rate that will allow you to slow it down later or you’ll end up with a choppy mess that plays too slowly and looks strange.

You can also import video files into Premiere Pro and then slow them down by adjusting settings in the software itself. In this case, you’ll be using Adobe Media Encoder or by using a third-party plug-in.



Vary Changes To Speed Or Direction With Time Remapping In Premiere Pro

Speed up or slow down your footage using the Time Remapping effect in Premiere Pro. This is a great way to make your footage fit your project perfectly, without distorting the audio.

The video above covers how to use the Time Remapping effect in Premiere Pro CC andAfter EffectsCC, including how to adjust rate and direction controls to change speed and direction over time. Speed up or slow down a clip without affecting the audio.

Vary changes to direction, rotation, size and more with time remapping in Premiere ProSpeed up or slow down clips with time remapping in Premiere Pro. This is a very useful tool for video editing.

Use the Final Cut Pro X export preset to get your project into Premiere Pro and then speed up or slow down the clip.In the example here, I have a clip that I want to slow down.

To do this, I’m going to:

  • Select my clip and go to Effect and choose Time > Time Remapping. This opens up this panel here where we can see our different options for speed ramping.

What you want to do is choose one of these pre-sets or you can customize your own.

  • For right now, let’s choose Basic > Slow Motion.
  • Click OK and now we have slowed down our clip.

Using the Time Remapping panel, you can also switch directions on your clip as well as speed up time.

In this example, I have a clip that I want to speed up so I can see how it looks sped up in real time to make sure that it has not gone too fast.

So all I need to do is change from Basic > Slow Motion to Basic > Fast Forward and now my picture is playing forward at the same rate that it was played backward before.

Vary Change To Clip Speed In Premiere Pro

One of the first things people learn about Premiere Pro is how to change the speed of clips. It’s one of the easiest tasks you can do in Premiere, and can be done in a couple of seconds.

But there are actually a lot more controls for speed inside of Premiere that most people probably don’t know about. And those controls can really help you out if you want precise control over the final speed of your clip.

To start, I’m going to open up a simple test project here in Premiere Pro. This is just a few different clips that I shot on my iPhone, and I am going to drag it into my sequence here.

And we’ll just play through this clip and see what we get. (video playing) Okay, so it’s pretty fast, but it looks okay, right?

Now what I want to do is slow this down to half-speed, or two times slower than our original speed.

So I’ll press Command + D or Ctrl + D on Windows to duplicate this clip and then shift drag it so that it’s right underneath our original clip.

The reason we want to drag it under the original clip is because when you double click on the speed control, that will actually change the playback speed of both clips at once.

If you have a long clip and you want to zoom in or out without changing the speed of your clip, sometimes the only way to accomplish this is by using the Change Rate tool. This is because changing the duration of a clip does change its speed, but not if you use the Change Rate tool instead.

Tutorials on how to do this are available online.But if you’re like me, you don’t like having to go online to look for tutorials because it’s so much easier just to ask Google what you need to know.

I was just asked a question about how to do this, so I figured I’d write a quick tutorial and share it with everyone who’s looking for answers.

Here we go:

  1. Open your project in Premiere Pro.If it’s already open, then save it first before continuing.Locate your clip in the Project Panel and double-click on it.
  2. This will bring up your Clip Settings window. Click on the Basic Video Effect Settings tab.
  3. Under Speed/Duration, change the value until you get what you want out of your clip without changing its speed. Typically, this means that 1 is the slowest setting and higher numbers are faster settings.

Move An Unsplit Speed Keyframe In Premiere Pro

If you’ve ever tried to move a keyframe that’s inside of a speed ramp in Premiere Pro, you may have noticed that the keyframe doesn’t move, but it does change color. That’s because the keyframe is “unsplit” You can’t see it, but it’s there — right where you don’t want it to be.

Trying to move an unsplit keyframe is a bit like trying to move a brick wall with your bare hands. It’s not happening! But there’s an easy way around this problem.

Press “V” to select the Move tool in Premiere Pro, and then click on any frame other than the one you’d like to move. This will allow you to move that frame freely.

Then just click back on the desired frame and drag it into position. When you release the mouse button, the keyframe will once again be split.*

Note: If you’ve already selected the Speed option when using the Adobe Premiere Pro Timeline, this tip won’t work for you because Premiere Pro has locked your keyframes into place and they no longer appear as rubber bands. In order for this fix to work, you’d have to select the Scale option before trying this tip.

Speed is a numeric value that can be applied to an adjustment layer in Premiere Pro. Speed is measured in frames per second.

A speed setting of 100 means that the playhead will move 100 frames in one second. This can be useful for creating slow motion effects and for converting 24fps video content to 25fps video content.

The problem is that Premiere Pro does not allow you to split a speed keyframe on an adjustment layer. A speed keyframe defines an absolute speed at which you want the playhead to move.



This can be problematic if you want to change the speed of your video without changing its length while applying a transition between two clips. Speed Keyframes in Premiere Pro are really useful for speeding up or slowing down your footage.

Let’s say you have a shot where the camera pans and stops. If you have a Speed Keyframe on that last frame the camera stops on, you can move it to the first frame of the pan and it will automatically move all of the frames in between to match.

That’s great! But what if you want to change the speed of that pan while playing back the timeline?

Trying to drag your mouse around to select all of those individual keyframes is going to be very difficult and time consuming, so let’s try an alternate method.

Press “A” on your keyboard to select ALL of your keyframes, then right-click any one of them and choose “Split”. This will break that single Speed Keyframe into multiple ones spread out across your timeline.

Now if you want to adjust the speed of your movement while playing back your sequence, just click on any one of those new keyframes and move it along the X axis. It’ll automatically adjust all frames in between.

Play A Clip Backward, Then Forward In Premiere Pro

In this tutorial, you will learn how to play a clip backward and then forward in Premiere Pro. This is a great effect for creating unique transitions in your projects.

I would also recommend reading through my previous tutorials on color correcting, making an animated text effect in Adobe Premiere Pro , and adding a logo to your video footage .

The Steps:

1. Click on the Video 1 clip on the timeline and press CTRL + A on your keyboard to highlight all of the clips and then right-click on one of the highlighted clips and choose Copy from the menu that appears.

2. Press CTRL+V on your keyboard to paste a duplicate of the selected clip onto your timeline. The duplicate clip should be located at the bottom of the stack.

3. Select the duplicate clip on the timeline by clicking on it once so that it is highlighted (if necessary). Then click on the Video Effects tab and select Timecode / Reverse Clip from the drop-down menu under Time Controls.

4. Click on Clip 2 (the original Video 1 clip It’s amazing how many times you’ll run into situations where you want to play a clip backward and then forward again. For example, if you’re editing a video of someone speaking, sometimes what they say might sound better when played backward.

There are a couple of ways to do this in Premiere Pro, but the easiest is to use the Time Remapping feature to create Speed changes on the timeline. When applied to clips that are initially playing forward, Speed changes will play them backward when applied to clips that are initially playing in reverse.

Here is how you can create Speed changes in Premiere Pro using the Time Remapping feature: Step 1: Open an existing project in Adobe Premiere Pro and select a clip on your timeline. If it’s currently playing forward, press “p” or click on the Playback menu and choose Reverse Playback.

The clip will now be playing backward. You can now apply Speed changes by dragging the Speed slider below the timeline.

Remove The Time Remapping Effect In Premiere Pro

There are many cases, when you need to remove the time remapping effect in Premiere Pro. In this article I will tell you about some of them.

Tapered time remapping effect can be removed by adjusting the speed and duration parameters of the time remapping effect when applied to any clip in your sequence.

However, if you have applied the time remapping effect to several clips at once, it is impossible to individually adjust each one of them.

Also, if you have used the preset values of these parameters for any particular project, then removing the time remapping effect from a single clip or several clips separately becomes a very difficult task to accomplish.

Ever needed to remove the time remapping effect from your videos?If you have ever used Premiere Pro to edit a video, you might have noticed that when you speed up or slow down video clips in Premiere Pro, there is a small amount of “jerkiness” added to the video in order for it to play smoothly at the new speed.

This is called the time remapping effect.The creators of Premiere Pro determined that adding this extra motion was the best way to make the clip look its best even when it has been manipulated.

They wanted to optimize it so that they would not have to sacrifice quality when manipulating the time in the video.The problem with this effect is that sometimes it is not desirable.

Sometimes you want the video clip to look as if the entire thing has been sped up or slowed down, without any jerkiness added on top. In fact, if your intention is to make someone appear as if they are drunk, then adding on this effect will only make them look more fake instead of more realistic.

To get rid of this effect, simply go into your effects panel and choose “De-Esser”. Then connect this effect into your clip and adjust its settings until you have removed all traces of the jerkiness in your video.

Time Interpolation Using Optical Flow In Premiere Pro

If you try this method and it doesn’t work, try speeding up or slowing down the clip in question. If you can get it to look good in real-time, then this technique won’t help you.

This process takes some time because you have to go frame by frame and create keyframes manually, but it’s worth it in the end because it looks much better than speeding up or slowing down your clip using effects like Twixtor. 

Optical flow uses the frame difference between two consecutive frames and creates a vector mask based on that data. This can be a useful technique for creating time interpolation, for example to speed up or slow down an object in a video clip.

It’s also good for stabilising footage, although it’s not as effective for this purpose as Warp Stabiliser (which I’ve already covered in another tutorial) because it doesn’t recognise movement that isn’t consistent across the entire frame (for example, if someone’s head is moving but their feet are stationary).

Flow Map Tool: Optical Flow is included as part of Premiere Pro’s Effect menu.

Once you’ve applied it to your footage, you’ll see the Flow Map window. This shows the movement within your clip and allows you to select parts where you want the optical flow effect to be applied.

Precomposing & ImportingWith Optical Flow active in your timeline, select the clip and then choose Clip > Precompose.This creates a precomposed version of your footage containing Optical Flow effects. 

Select Your Clip In Premiere Pro

Select Your Clip In Premiere Pro (CS6)For every video you create, you need to edit out the parts that you don’t want and keep the parts that you do want. To begin your video editing, choose what is called a “Clip.”

The clip is a piece of your video that you want to keep. All of the other video will be cut out.

To select what part of the footage you want to keep, do the following:

Step 1: Go to “Clip” on the menu bar in the upper left-hand corner of the screen.

Step 2: Select “All.” This will select all of the footage in your footage bin.

Step 3: Drag across your desired clip. You will see a black box over your selected clip.

You can also click on your clip and hit “A” on your keyboard to highlight it as well.

Step 4: Click on “Select” to deselect all clips or hit “D” on your keyboard.

Step 5: Click and drag across the footage you don’t want included in your movie and hit delete on your keyboard or click “X” in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

You can also click on those clips individually and hit delete or select them all by clicking Select again.

Repeat In a previous post we discussed how to select a clip in Adobe Premiere Pro CC, but there are still many ways to do this depending on your preference. Today we will focus on the different options for selecting clips in the Project Panel.

This is something that I find myself doing very often in my time working with Adobe Premiere Pro, so I have discovered some shortcuts that I would like to share with you.

Highlight – Holding CTRL and using the mouse scroll-wheel or trackpad can help you highlight multiple clips at once.

This is useful when you want to perform an action onto multiple clips at once such as deleting them or adding an effect.

The Pick Tool – You can also select a clip(s) by clicking and holding your cursor above it and dragging it over to the clip(s) that you want to select.

This is done using the Pick Tool which is represented by a small hand icon located above the keyboard on Mac and PC.The Up/Down Arrow Keys – The Up/Down Arrow Keys can be used for selecting multiple clips as well, this is done by holding CTRL and pressing the Up Arrow Key to highlight one clip and then pressing SHIFT+Up Arrow Key to highlight another clip and so on.

Adjust The Rate In Premiere Pro

One of the first things you’ll want to do when editing in Premiere Pro is to change the video rate. The video rate is the speed at which your video plays back.

It can be adjusted for different needs, and it’s something you’ll want to adjust regularly depending on what you’re doing with your video.


  1. Open up a project in Premiere Pro, and navigate to the Effect Controls tab in the top-right corner of the screen.
  2. Click on Effects, and then scroll down until you see Video Effects. Click on the drop-down menu and choose Speed/Duration, or simply search for Speed/Duration if it’s already open.
  3. Click on Speed/Duration, and choose Change Rate from the list of effects that appears. This will automatically adjust your video rate according to your selection in the next window that opens up.

If you look closely at each option available to you in this window, there are actually two types of rate changes you can make: constant rate changes and variable rate changes.

Constant rate changes maintain a consistent speed throughout your entire video, while variable rate changes start at one speed, then change to another speed at a certain point (usually at the end).

Premiere Pro is incredibly powerful, and offers an amazingly simple way to adjust the speed of your video.


Step 1: Open up Premiere Pro and drag in your video footage.

Step 2: After you have imported or dragged your video footage into the project, select the clip and press Cmd+J to open up the effects panel.

Step 3: In the effects panel scroll down until you see Time Remapping.

Click on it, and then click on the Time Stretch option. It will bring up a window that will ask you to adjust the speed of your video by percentage.

I would suggest adjusting the speed by 10 percent at a time until you find a speed that suits your needs.

Step 4: Once you have selected a percentage, click apply and then save your project.

Adjust Time Interpolation In Premiere Pro

What is time interpolation?If you’re familiar with video editing in general, you’ve heard of frame rates. Frame rates are the speed at which a video is played back on your screen.

A standard frame rate for television is 23.98 frames per second (fps). Video that’s been shot using a frame rate of 23.98 fps will play back at this rate, but video shot with 24 fps will play back at a slightly slower speed.

Video moves faster when it’s not playing back at its native frame rate – this is known as time interpolation. This might be subtle to some viewers, but if you’re paying close attention, it’s noticeable in certain types of shots.

The first step to adjusting time interpolation in Premiere Pro is to change your sequence settings to match your timeline settings. If you want your footage to play back at a different speed than the speed it was recorded, then you’ll make sure that the settings match up.

For example, if you have footage that was shot at 50 fps and you want it to play back at 25 fps in your timeline, then you’ll change the sequence setting from 50 fps to 25 fps.

 This will tell Premiere how fast or slow the footage should be played back.You can adjust the interpolation for your footage in Premiere Pro.

Interpolation is basically how Premiere Pro smooths out the look of your footage and making it look more fluid. Depending on the quality of your footage and the speed of your computer, you may want to adjust this setting to make sure you’re not having problems with playback or rendering.

The following steps will take you through how to adjust time interpolation in Adobe Premiere Pro CC:Go to File and then choose Project Settings. This will open up a new window that contains a few different tabs and settings.

Choose the Video tab. Within the Video tab, you’ll see a section called Time.

This is where you’ll be able to change the time interpolation percentage for your project. I’ve included an image below of what it looks like within Premiere Pro.

To change it, just click on the current setting, select a new one, and then click OK (as shown in steps below).

Isolate The Moment In Premiere Pro

Isolate The Moment is a great way to create focus in your editing. You can use it to highlight a specific part of a scene or add some sort of emphasis to it.

For example, maybe you’ve got a shot of someone’s face and you want the audience to feel what they’re feeling at that moment in time. Or you might have a video of someone speaking but you want them to be the only thing in focus so it feels personal.

To do any of these things and more, Isolate The Moment is the tool for the job.How To Use Isolate The MomentTo isolate The Moment, first make sure you’re in the timeline view.

Then go down to your Effects tab in the top right-hand corner, right-click and choose New Effect Preset In here choose Isolate The Moment under Creatives. And then click OK.

When you get a dialogue box asking if you want to apply the effect now or edit it first click Apply Now.

Slow Down Video In Premiere Pro

Slowing down video can be a pain. It’s not like a audio track where you just change the speed.

The actual length of the clip changes, so you have to work harder to get it right.Took me a while to figure out how to slow down video in Premiere Pro, but after I did, I figured out a way that works every time.

Open the clip in Project Media and mark an In and Out point by hitting I or O on your keyboard.Select all (Ctrl + A) and Copy (Ctrl + C).

Go back to the timeline and create a new sequence by pressing Ctrl + N. Paste (Ctrl + V) your clip into this new sequence and select the entire thing by pressing Ctrl+A again. Hit Shift+F on your keyboard to fit the sequence into the timeline.

Right-click on your clip and choose Speed/Duration from the context menu that appears.Choose Custom from the pull down menu that appears and enter -0.25 for both fields (Speed and Length).

Click OK when you’re done.Did you ever try to slow down a video in your iPhone or iPad? You can do this pretty easily by changing the speed of a clip, but that may not work for you.

Your video footage might be NTSC or PAL and if it’s NTSC, Final Cut Pro X will not accept it. And if you want to slow down your video in Premiere Pro CC, then you must look for other options.

How do you slow down a video in Premiere Pro?

Slow down footage.
Draw attention to the details in action video sequences with time remapping in Adobe Premiere Pro..
Starting in the Editing workspace, place your clip in a sequence and zoom in slightly on the clip in the Timeline panel. ... .
Right-click the clip and choose Show Clip Keyframes > Time Remapping > Speed..

How do I change video speed in Premiere Pro?

To change the playback speed, or precisely adjust the duration of a clip in a sequence, right-click the clip and choose Speed/Duration..
In the Clip Speed/Duration dialog box, choose a new playback speed as a percentage, and choose a Time Interpolation option..

How can I convert a video to slow?

Transform your video with the free slow motion video maker..
Select. Upload a video from your device. Choose any video up to 1 hour long..
Change speed. Choose from different speeds to slow down your video..
Download. Instantly download your new video..


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