How to see all your google reviews

Now that you and your team have been asking your customers to leave a review about their experience with your business, it’s time to check in. On top of simply making the time to check in on your Google reviews, you’ll need to know how to see them.

Three Ways to View Your Google Reviews

  1. Search for Your Business on Google
  2. Use Google My Business to Access Your Reviews
  3. Use an Online Review Management Tool to See Your Reviews

1. Search for Your Business on Google

The first way that you can view your Google reviews is to simply conduct a search for your business on Google. Go ahead and head to and enter your business name + location. Once you search for this information, a page will appear with all of the related search results.

It will also bring up the Knowledge Panel with information about your business. This includes your open hours, phone number, and address. But it also includes an area where people can view your reviews as well as leave a review for your business.

If all you want to do is see your reviews, simply click “View All Reviews.” Then, you’ll be able to see what people are saying about your business.

2. Use Google My Business to Access Your Reviews

This is the ideal way to view your Google reviews, especially since you will be able to respond to them directly. Before you begin, make sure that you are signed into the Google account that is set up as an admin for the business profile.

To view your reviews on Google My Business, you will want to navigate to

From the main Manage Locations page, select the profile that you’d like to see your reviews for. 

Once you have gotten into the right profile, you can expect to see a dashboard similar to the image below. When you’re ready, click “Reviews” in the left sidebar.

On the Reviews page, you will be able to see all of the reviews that your customers are leaving for your business. Best of all, you can easily click “Reply” to post a public response to their feedback.

3. Use an Online Review Management Tool to See Your Reviews

Using an online review management tool can make your job even easier. Not only will you be able to respond to the reviews that you have, but you can gather statistics across all your review profiles. 

While every tool is different, you should be able to log into your online review management tool and access new or unresolved reviews. Once you take a look at them and answer, these reviews will no longer be listed as new or unresolved. At that point, you can rest assured that you have seen all of the reviews that you need to!

By keeping an eye on your Google reviews, you will be able to continually improve your business. You can also learn about potential issues before they become full-blown problems. So, make sure that you’re finding the right method for you and stick with it!

Google is up there as one of the most important places to list your business due to the relatively easy way to show up on the first page. Reviews can place you at the top of the search on Google Maps, so you might want to take an interest in it.

Hair salons with the highest number of reviews appear first in Google search

Google reviews play a vital role in the success of a local business. They increase your visibility and help you win more sales.

If you're struggling to find your review, though, there might be a few reasons why. We don't want you screaming, "where are my Google reviews?" So, bear with us - we'll tell you how to get set up on Google My Business and get reviews.

Where to start?

You want to focus on getting more 5-star reviews, but first you have to make sure you're actually listed on Google.

Local businesses might not realise the importance of listing your business on Google. Your business doesn't magically appear, you actually have to register on Google My Business to benefit from Google reviews and show up on Google Maps.

To set up a Google My Business profile, follow the below steps:

1) From the browser

  1. Head to
  2. In the top right corner of the browser, click Sign in
  3. You will then need to sign in using your Google account (if you don’t have one, click on Create account andchoose the Manage my business option)
  4. Once signed in, go to
  5. In the top right corner, click Manage
  6. Type your business name (if it already exists, you can select that instead of creating two listings which will impact your reviews)
  7. Fill out all the relevant details such as business name, business category, location, phone number, website
  8. Click Finish and you’re done!
Find your business on Google My Business

2) Through Google Maps (3-ways via GM)

  • Enter your business’s location in the search bar and then click Add your business
  • Right-click on Google Maps, then choose Add your business
  • On the top left, click Menu then Add your business

Help! Someone's claimed by business!

If someone has already claimed your business, you can then request ownership and prove that you in fact are the business owner. It might just be that the previous owner hasn't gotten around to it yet. That, or some strange person somewhere felt like stealing your business online!

For a verified Google My Business listing, you can ask for ownership from the current owner (or who has claimed to be the owner).

  1. First, head to
  2. Find your business in the search results after typing in the name and location
  3. After clicking Continue, a message will show stating that someone has already verified the listing (meaning they've used their contact details to manage it)
  4. You can choose Request access and complete the form
  5. Once you choose Submit, the person who is linked to the business account will get an email asking them to reach out. You'll also receive an email confirming this

What to do now your listing is live

Now that you know your way around the Google My Business dashboard and you have a business profile, you'll be able to start getting Google reviews (or finding them!)

The more reviews you have at a high rating, the better chances you'll have of showing up first on Google Maps.

It's important to focus on getting more and more Google reviews, but there are four things to consider.

1. Ask customers for reviews

Unfortunately, not many customers will write you a review of their own accord. You need to remind them to, and emphasise how important they are for your business.

The easiest way to get Google reviews is to use smart tools like Cloutly. It not only handles your review requests in fun and personalised ways (hello, video campaigns), it also integrates with dozens of review sites - not just Google. You'll be getting reviews from all over and you can show them off on your website.

Make sure you're mentioning reviews in person, on the phone or in your email communication, too.

2. Respond to every Google review

Once the reviews start rolling in. It's tempting to ignore negative reviews and focus only on the positive ones. However, responding to both positive and negative reviews keeps your dashboard active and protects you from the risk of missing reviews.

3. Monitor your reviews

Keep a close eye on your reviews to notice any offensive language used that might make Google delete your reviews. Also, ensure that none have embedded links or violate Google's content policy.

If you see a fake review, you'll want to report that instantly.

Your local business reviews may sometimes go missing simply because you haven't refreshed your profile. You can clear your browser cache and that should fix the issue if you notice your review count hasn't grown in a while.

There might be a few other reasons why your reviews aren't showing up so check out our other in-depth guide here.

4. Ensure your listing details are correct

Regularly confirm your business listing details to check they are okay. Avoid duplicate content, too, even if you have multiple business locations or many business branches.

Correct listing details will ensure no more Google reviews are deleted by Google.

Final thoughts

Consumers trust online reviews and Google reviews increase your search engine rankings, making your business more visible. You should ensure they remain on your website to help you get new leads.

At Cloutly, we help you see, track and manage your online reviews from Google, social media and other websites in one place. Centralising your reviews makes it easier to track what people say about you, so you can't miss anything.

Find out how Cloutly can help in managing your review and avoid the problem of missing more Google reviews.

Why can't I see all my Google reviews?

Find why a review is missing In most cases, missing reviews were removed for policy violations like spam or inappropriate content. We do not reinstate reviews that were removed for policy violations. These removal measures help make sure that reviews on Google properties are relevant, helpful, and trustworthy.

Do all Google reviews show up?

Google analyzes all reviews and determines if any of them are subject to removal for reasons such as spam, fake reviews, offensive language or a conflict of interest. If you ever see one of your business reviews on Google suddenly stop showing up, it could be because it violated this Google policy.


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