How to send paypal family and friends

Learning how to send money on PayPal without fees is a helpful skill to have when you need to transfer money to a friend or family member.

When it comes down to it, there are never fees for the sender in PayPal as long as no currency conversion is needed. Recipients of money on PayPal, however, can incur fees when receiving money if the money was sent in exchange for good or services.

If you are buying a product or service on PayPal, the person or organization receiving the money will incur a fee but, as the sender, you will not.

When sending money on PayPal, it’s important to let PayPal know what type of transaction you’re making. Depending on which option you choose, the recipient may or may not incur fees.

So, if you’re sending money to friends or family members in PayPal, you need to make sure you select the right option when initiating the transfer.

How to send paypal family and friends
Sending money in PayPal without fees

Send money in PayPal as a friend or family member

When you go to send money in PayPal, you’re asked if you are “sending to a friend” or “paying for an item or service”. To avoid fees, you must select the “sending to a friend” option.

  1. While logged in to a PayPal account, click on Send money from the “Quick links” section.
  2. Enter the name, username, email address, or mobile number for the person that you would like to send money to.
  3. Enter the amount that you’d like to send and verify the recipient’s name and country of residence.
  4. Choose the Sending to a friend option when prompted.
  5. Choose a payment source for the money transfer.
  6. Verify the transfer details and click Send Payment Now.

How to send paypal family and friends
Sending money in PayPay to friends and family without fees

The steps for sending money for free in PayPal on a mobile device are essentially the same once you click on the Send money option in Android or iOS.

It’s important to note that in order to send money in PayPal without a fee, you must have a debit card (checking account) connected to your PayPal account. Money sent via credit cards still incurs a transaction fee in PayPal even when the money is being sent to a friend or family member.



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Anson Alexander

I am an author, digital educator and content marketer. I record, edit, and publish content for, provide technical and business services to clients and am an avid self-learner. I have also authored several digital marketing and business courses for LinkedIn Learning (previously

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PayPal is putting new limits on a feature in its payment system that allows people to receive money without paying extra fees, the company recently announced. Starting July 28th, only personal PayPal accounts will be able to get funds via Friends & Family, a transaction method intended for trusted recipients.

There are two ways of sending money on PayPal: Friends & Family and Goods & Services. F&F is intended for paying your friend back for dinner, for example, or giving your kid some birthday money — you know who’s receiving the funds and what you’re paying them for. There’s typically no fee involved, but it also drops protections for issues that might come up, like refunds or scams.

G&S is intended for purchases, and money sent this way is subject to PayPal fees. Everyone hates fees! But with G&S, if the thing you buy isn’t as described, it’s damaged when it arrives, or it just never gets to the buyer, you can often easily get a refund for the purchase.

Many businesses handle transactions using a PayPal business account and take payments for goods and services through F&F, even though you’re technically not supposed to. The buyer might not realize the difference or care, or the business and the customer could agree to send cash that way to avoid seller fees. This is fairly common in many informal transactions, like people selling things on social media platforms — perhaps the buyer knows the seller personally and trusts that they’ll deliver. Sometimes sellers insist on F&F to avoid transaction fees, which causes problems if something goes wrong down the line.

The change is already causing frustration on the part of some creators, who use PayPal to run their business and will now be subject to additional transaction fees.

With this new change, US business accounts won’t be able to accept fee-free personal payments, and people who use PayPal for their company will need to create a personal account to receive money fee-free from friends and family.

PayPal didn’t immediately respond to questions about whether it changed the rules to crack down on miscategorized purchases but said in the announcement the tweak will “drive consistency on [the] platform” and “[remove] confusion around which payments are eligible for buyer and seller protections.”

In the same announcement, PayPal also said the transaction fee structure for goods and services would change beginning later this month. Currently, sellers pay 2.89 percent plus $0.49 per transaction, but starting July 28th, that will change to 2.99 percent without an additional flat fee.

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Why can't I select friends and family on PayPal?

Paypal has announced that Paypal business accounts will no longer be able to accept or receive personal ('friends and family') payments transactions, and that no Paypal account will be able to send friend and family transactions to Paypal business accounts. This is effective next month, July 28, 2022.

How do I send PayPal friends and family without fees?

No transaction fee When you use your PayPal balance to transfer money, you can send money online for free within the U.S.