How to stop growing taller at 16


01/6Tips to grow a few inches taller after puberty

Several factors contribute to our overall height. Right from your diet to genes, everything has a role to play in determining your final height when you grow up. Your genes account for only 60 to 80 per cent of your height and you cannot control it. But you can control the remaining factor that contributes to about 40 to 20 per cent of your overall height. From age 1 and puberty, most people grow 2 inches taller every year. After hitting puberty, it increases at the rate of 4 per cent till you reach the age of 18 years. Growth after this period slows down or completely stops. It makes many people wonder, especially those unhappy with their height, if it is possible to gain height after puberty. The answer is yes. You may increase your height by a few inches by making some simple changes in your routine.


02/6​Eat a balanced diet

A healthy and well-balanced diet is necessary for the overall development of the body and mind. Food rich in vitamins and minerals keeps your internal system working and also cuts down the risk of developing chronic diseases. Including food items like fresh fruits, vegetables, fish, whole grains and dairy in your diet can help to strengthen your bones and maximise your growth potential. The two most essential nutrients are Calcium and Vitamin D which promote bone density.



Exercising has many health benefits, one is increasing your height. Regular exercising improves your health, strengthens your muscles, bones and helps to maintain a healthy weight. Staying physically active is even more essential from childhood to grow and improve overall health. But taking it up even in adulthood can help you add a few inches to your height. Strength-building exercises, yoga, jumping rope, and biking all can help to increase your flexibility and grow a few inches taller.

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04/6​Maintain good posture

Hunched shoulders, text neck and curved spine can make your look a few inches shorter than your actual height. If you will not correct your posture, these curves may shift to accommodate your new posture. It will also cause pain in the neck and the back. When working on your laptop or just scrolling through your cell phone, take a break and check your posture. When you have to sit all day in front of the laptop, keep a pillow on your back to correct your posture. You can also practise exercises to improve your posture.


05/6​Take proper rest at night

Occasionally skimping on sleep for fewer hours won't shun your growth that much. Once it becomes a regular thing it will impact your height, especially in adolescence. When you sleep, your body releases Human growth hormone (HGH). The production of this hormone goes down when you fail to get a sufficient amount of shut-eye. Babies need more sleep than adolescents. As they grow up the requirements for sleep decrease. So, try to get an ample amount of sleep to stay fit and healthy.

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The food we eat is the primary source of vitamins and minerals that helps us to grow and stay healthy. But sometimes food cannot provide you with all the nutrients required by your body. So, to meet the requirements, you can add supplements to your diet. For some people, supplements can help to increase height in children and combat shrinking in older adults. Supplements like synthetic HGH, Vitamin D or calcium can prove to be quite beneficial for those trying to increase their height by a few inches.


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    Q. Can a 16-year-old boy still grow taller?

    Patient's Query

    Hello doctor,

    I want to talk to you about my height. I am a teenager who is almost 16 years old and 5 feet tall. I cannot get over my insecurity as I have a cousin who is two years younger than me, but my height is always pointed out in the family. When I was 14 years old, I stopped growing due to exam stress and lack of sleep. I am being frank. I was frequently masturbating from the age of 13. I masturbated three times a day, which affected my height. I have almost stopped masturbating now, and I am doing it only once or twice a week. But because of my insecurity, I cannot sit peacefully. I am about to turn 16 years soon. My dad is of my height because he and my uncle lifted weights incorrectly at a young age, but they say my grandfather and his brothers were almost 6 feet tall. On the other hand, my mother is 5 feet 4 inches tall, but her brothers are above 5 feet 11 inches. My uncle grew tall when he turned 16 years, but the thing is, I have not grown an inch since I had my first significant growth spurt at the age of 13 or 14 years. I have shown all other signs of puberty like a normal person. I also hear cracks from my shoulder, knees, and feet sometimes, although I eat a lot of good food. I also have pretty big feet. My mood has not been good lately because I am stressing over my midterms, mocks, and CIE exams that I have this year. I know this is trivial compared to others who have more severe concerns, but I would appreciate it if you could help me.

    Thank you.

    Answered by Dr. Sugreev Singh



    Welcome to

    Thank you for writing and I understand your concern.

    You do not have to worry because the changes you are seeing in your body are physiological, and it is normal. Height growth is seen up to 20 years of life. At the age of 12 to 16, it slows down, and then it starts again. So you are in that phase now. In the upcoming years, you will see more growth. You have to follow a good routine which includes a healthy protein diet and exercise. Along with that, you can play some sports such as volleyball, badminton, etc. On the other hand, masturbation does not stop growth, so please do not worry.

    If there is anything else, please let me know.

    Thank you.

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    Can I stop getting taller at 16?

    The short answer is that, on average, people keep getting taller until puberty stops, around 15 or 16 years old. By the time someone has reached their adult height, the rest of their body will be done maturing too. By age 16, the body will usually have reached its full adult form — height included.

    How tall should I be at 16?

    Overall, the average height for 16 year olds girls is 64.0 inches or 162.5 centimeters. Teen boys at the age of 16, on the flip side, have a much higher average height, which is 68.3 inches or 173.4 centimeters.

    Do 16 year olds still grow taller?

    But at what age do you stop growing taller? Even if you hit puberty late, you're unlikely to grow significantly after the ages of 18 to 20 . Most boys reach their peak height around the age of 16. However, men still develop in other ways well into their twenties.


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