How to thank someone for writing a letter of recommendation

A letter of recommendation is a word sheet or document which is written by the supervisor, boss, or college professor to add extra weight to the application. It is an important part to bring a tremendous difference in the job or college admission.

Therefore, some of the below- mentioned thank- you notes are the best ways to express gratitude to your supervisor or professor so that they might know you too, care for them:  

– I’m writing this thank you note to express my gratitude and love, as you have taken some minutes from your precious time to support my endeavors. I value your point of view and consolation. Once again, sending my heartwarming thanks.

– I realize it requires many efforts to compose a recommendation letter, and I profoundly value your thoughts. I will give a valiant effort to merit your certainty. Many thanks.

– Sincerely, thanks for the recommendation letter for my housekeeping service. On account of your letter, I have acquired a brilliant profile in Singapore. I will miss your family definitely. 

– You did more than what I deserve, and I have benefited in the lot because of you. It would not be possible to achieve that job position without your support.

– I would not be able to get the positive response without your support. Your recommendation acted as a pillar and it is highly appreciated by others.

– Sending thanks to you for the strong, optimistic recommendation statement. I highly appreciate the fact that you have managed to write this letter to help me. If i can do anything for you in the future, please tell me without any hesitation.

– Thank you for the time you graciously sacrificed to recommend my services to others. I appreciate the vote to my confidence. I assure you, I will never discomfort your friends.

– I’m much delighted to know that you have referred Mr. John to me to solve their legal issues. I know it’s not a simple task to write recommendation letter for someone. But, it’s your generosity and kindness that you always think about others’ well-being.

– I highly appreciate your efforts for putting so much confidence in me. Seeking a long-lasting business relationship.

– I needed to tell you I truly value your efforts for suggesting my work to someone else. This letter of recommendation is not less than any gift to me.

– Your initiative to write words to recommend my services to others is completely out of my thoughts. I believe I’m a loss of words to recognize your efforts. Much obliged for what you did.

– I’m extremely appreciative for the open doors you have given me. Much obliged to you all your time, which you spend on writing my recommendation letter.

– It would be ideal if you acknowledge this note to receive the heartfelt thanks from me to give a recommendation letter for a better future.

– It is difficult to locate a genuine pioneer to turn upward to, so it’s been an awesome encounter to work with an extraordinary supervisor like you. A million gratitude to you in order to recommend my services by writing a letter.

– Working under your authority was an incredible possibility for me to develop expertise. Now, it’s time to grow more. 

– I’m appreciative to you for allowing me the chance to work with such a great law advisor. I appreciate every word of the recommendation letter.

– You have fulfilled my wish to study in the dream university. You can’t even think How much I’m happy to receive your letter of recommendation. I give a million thanks to God who gave me such a supportive person in my life. And, today I promise you that I will never disappoint your trust.

We have listed some Best Thank You Messages For Referrals.

– By giving this letter of recommendation, you roused me during troublesome occasions when I required inspirational statements. You are a gift in my life. A debt of gratitude is in order for all your help and guidance.

– Sometimes words are all we need. And, you write it so well, even, beyond my expectations. Appreciate the every effort and your valuable time. I will bring the best results in academics and make you feel proud.

– A good recommendation letter is the basis to capture great opportunities in career. Being a writer, it’s a great chance to work with such a reputed media house. And, it’s all happening because of your recommendation letter. Your kindness and thoughtfulness wants the best for me. Much obligated.

– I’m grateful for you to utilize your precious time in writing letters of recommendation for the science program in my dream school. I’m sure that it will open a new door of opportunities for me.

– I would like to inform you that I got your recommendation letter on time and, most importantly, the University has finally offered me a seat in their next session. I’m grateful for the efforts you put in writing structural recommendation letter.

– I think I’m not late to express my gratitude for writing a wonderful recommendation letter to support me in my admission. By God’s grace and with your help, I’m able to get admission on time. Much appreciate your kindness and support.

– It is pleased to tell you that I got a positive feedback from my University and finally, we have submitted our tuition fee.

– I will be obliged for life to receive such a recommendation from you. Currently, I’m going to leave this job and soon, will join studies, but, I will inform every little progress to you time to time. Hoping to be in touch and expecting a more fruitful work in throughout the coming days.

– I’m excited to start the new journey of my life and this would not be possible without your words of appreciation. Grateful to receive that letter.

– I am genuinely thankful for the reward of the recommendation letter. It’s your efforts that put me ahead in my career.

– It’s a great thing to know that you took your valuable time to write positive words in the letter. You have given a new direction to my life and I can’t thank you enough!

– I was so depressed for my admission in a reputed college. But, your letter of recommendation helped me to open the ways. I would like to inform you that I’m selected for the admission and all credit goes to you. Sending appreciation words for the valuable efforts!

– Because of your letter of recommendation, I got an amazing pay scale at a reputed company in London. Although, I will miss my old workplace and specifically, I admired the way you guide me so perfectly. But, life is all about growing more. And, you helped to grow me in a right direction. I want to be in your touch in the future, I hope, you want it as well.

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How do you thank someone for a professional recommendation?

How to write a thank you email for a reference.
Firstly, write a clear and concise subject line with specific reference to the referral. ... .
Secondly, write your thank you letter. ... .
Next, include a special acknowledgment to signify the importance of the referral. ... .
Then, end your email with a proper closing..

How do you thank my professors who write recommendations for me?

The "thank you for a letter of recommendation" may also be sent in the form of an email. However, a handwritten note is more meaningful, and your professor would appreciate even a simple card. A handwritten letter is also an expression of a personal touch.

What to gift someone who wrote you a letter of recommendation?

Here are some of our favorite gifts to give – please feel free to share your own in the comments:.
A leather-bound journal or planner. For many recommendation letter writers, this is a solid choice. ... .
A thoughtful gift of something they love. ... .
A candle for the home. ... .
A bottle of wine or liquor. ... .
A handwitten note..

How do you thank someone for referring you?

How to write a “thank you for the referral” note.
Greet the recipient professionally. Include your salutation and greet the recipient using their last name. ... .
Express your gratitude. ... .
Conclude and close your note. ... .
Include your contact information. ... .
Proofread and send your note..


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