How to use fresh aloe for sunburn

Aloe vera is touted as the “burn plant,” the perfect natural remedy for a bad sunburn, and according to some studies aloe vera can help. Initial research has shown aloe vera aids the skin in healing from sunburns and mild burns. In addition, aloe vera oil can moisturize the skin, helping you avoid the peeling normally associated with sun damage.

There are different ways to apply aloe vera oil. Some people use the whole aloe vera plant and split the leaves to apply the sap to their skin. Others will purchase commercial aloe vera oil at the super market to apply to a sunburn. You can place the aloe vera plant or oil in your refrigerator a few minutes before applying it to immediately cool the skin. This should help the itching and stinging associated with a bad sunburn.

Although aloe vera can be used to treat minor sunburns, more severe burns may require medical care from your doctor. For more information about the personalized care provided by our dermatologists, using the latest technology and treatment options, please visit our medical services section.

To cure sunburn, you can apply a little pure aloe vera gel extracted from the inside of an aloe leaf onto the damaged skin, several times a day. If you have severe sunburn (also called sun poisoning), see a dermatologist before applying aloe vera to your skin.
You can grow your own aloe vera plant at home, or you can buy aloe vera extract in stores or online. Aloe vera can be used flexibly in many different ways:
Using it directly from the aloe plant is best used in the form of pure aloe vera gel. If you have an aloe plant, cut off part of it until a clear gel appears inside. Apply the gel directly to the skin for mild sunburn relief.
Pre-sale aloe vera gel If you can't grow your own plants, look for 100% aloe vera gel sold online or at your local pharmacy and apply a layer of the gel directly to the affected area.
Aloe Vera Lotion Currently, moisturizers containing aloe vera are very popular in stores and online. Many people also use aloe vera to beautify themselves by applying extracts from this plant to their skin, which help to hydrate the skin and prevent the flaking that sometimes occurs from sunburn. However, a 2005 study found that using a 70% aloe vera gel lotion was not effective on sunburn. Therefore, it is best to choose a cream with the highest percentage of pure gel and limit colorants and fragrances.
MORE: Can you eat aloe vera?

Eat raw aloe vera Aloe vera gel is also used in many foods, so it is not surprising that you can eat aloe vera gel directly from the plant. They may offer certain benefits such as reducing inflammation in the body, but will not relieve pain and irritation on the skin directly. If you choose to eat aloe vera, make sure to wash the gel and outer skin thoroughly to remove any pus stains. Absolutely do not eat aloe vera preparations that are sold as skin care products (creams, gels...), they are not meant to be eaten and may contain many ingredients that are not safe to eat.
Aloe vera is a fairly benign food and rarely causes any harmful side effects. However, if you are at risk of being allergic to aloe vera or any of the other ingredients in aloe vera cream or gel, use caution and consult a dermatologist before use. Also, before applying aloe vera gel to a large area, you can apply it to a small area of ​​skin and wait 1-2 hours to see if there is any reaction. If there are signs of an allergic reaction, stop using it immediately.
If you have a severe sunburn, applying aloe vera is a great way to promote healing and soothe the pain of swelling. While aloe vera is quite helpful when you have a sunburn, remember that UV rays still cause major damage to your skin and DNA. It is very important to protect the skin from the effects of ultraviolet rays. When going out, remember to protect your skin with sunscreen, hat, sunglasses, clothing, and avoid the shade if possible.

It’s a good idea to wear sunscreen when you’re out. But sometimes you forget to put it on, or the weather turns out to be sunnier than expected. A few hours later, your skin is red and painful. It happens. Nearly a third of adults in the U.S. get sunburned each year. 

‌Products with aloe vera, a succulent plant that grows in dry and hot climates, are often used to help with sunburns. But how effective are they?

What to Know About Sunburns

When your body is exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light, it makes more melanin to protect itself. Melanin is a natural skin pigment that gives it color. More melanin creates a tan, but this protection is limited -- what happens next is a sunburn. 

Any part of your body that’s exposed to UV light can burn. This includes your scalp, lips, eyes, and earlobes. If you’re covered up, but your clothing allows some sunlight through, you can still get a sunburn. 

Benefits of Using Aloe Vera Gel on Sunburns

Aloe vera contains the natural compound aloin. Lab tests show that aloin has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits. 

‌Other research shows that aloe vera is useful specifically for treating burns. A review of four studies involving 371 people found that aloe vera is effective for treating first- and second-degree burns. First-degree burns are mild ones where the burn doesn’t blister. Second-degree burns involve redness, blistering, and swelling. 

In a small study, scientists found that 97.5% aloe vera gel could reduce skin redness caused by UV light exposure.

Researchers have also found that aloe vera may be more effective than petroleum jelly and the topical antibiotic silver sulfadiazine in healing burns. 

Limits of Using Aloe Vera Gel on Sunburns

Aloe vera can help treat a burn after it’s happened and help the skin repair itself, but it’s still better not to get burned in the first place. In 2013, sunburn was the cause of about 33,800 visits to the emergency room. Repeatedly getting sunburns is also directly related to worse odds of getting skin cancer. If you’ve had many blistering sunburns in the past, your doctor may recommend yearly skin exams to track your risk for skin cancer.

Aloe vera is not a replacement for medical care if the burn is bad. If you have a severe sunburn, you should see your doctor. Signs of a severe sunburn include:

  • Large areas of blistering
  • Swelling 
  • No improvement within a few days
  • Signs of infection like red streaks or pus

Get medical help right away if you’re sunburned and you also have:

  • Confusion
  • Dehydration
  • Fever
  • Fainting

Risks of Aloe Vera Topical Use

Aloe vera is generally safe to use on skin. There have been a few reports of itching, burning, and eczema. 

To be safe, you can do a test on a small area of your skin. Wait for 1-2 hours to see if you have an allergic reaction to the aloe vera. Don’t use it if you have a reaction. 

Where to Find Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera gel is scooped out of the plant’s thick leaves. You can do this yourself by growing your own aloe vera plant. It’s also becoming more common to find individual leaves in the produce section of grocery stores. To extract the gel, simply slice the outer layer of skin and scoop out the gel. Take care with the knife, as the gel makes the leaf very slippery. 

If you don’t have an aloe vera plant and can’t find leaves, you can buy aloe vera gel products in stores. With commercial products, opt for the highest concentration of aloe vera possible. A small study found that 70% aloe vera cream had no effect on sunburns.

Other Treatments for Sunburns

Sunburn treatments can ease any swelling and pain, but they won’t heal your skin.‌

Some other ways you can get some relief from a sunburn are:

  • Put a clean towel dampened with cool water on sunburned skin. Or soak in a cool bath with about 2 ounces (60 grams) of baking soda added in. 
  • Relieve pain with over the counter medicine like ibuprofen or naproxen. 
  • Drink water to prevent dehydration. 
  • Avoid popping blisters to prevent infection. If a blister breaks on its own, wash the area gently with mild soap and water. Put on an antibiotic ointment and cover with a bandage that won't stick. 
  • Moisturize peeling skin to ensure the new layer of skin is healthy and nourished. 
  • Stay out of the sun to protect your burn from getting worse. If you do have to go out, be sure to cover up. 
  • Avoid products that have "-caine" ingredients like benzocaine. These creams can cause an allergic reaction or irritate your skin.

Show Sources


‌Association for the Advancement of Restorative Medicine: “Aloe Vera.”

‌Baylor College of Medicine: “Using Aloe Vera has multiple benefits.”

‌Burns: “The efficacy of aloe vera used for burn wound healing: a systematic review.”

‌Cleveland Clinic: “Burns.” 

‌Consumer Reports: “Best Ways to Treat a Sunburn.”

‌Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE): Quality-assessed Reviews [Internet]: “The efficacy of aloe vera used for burn wound healing: a systematic review.”

‌JAMA Dermatology: “Characteristics of Patients Presenting to the Emergency Department and Urgent Care for Treatment of Sunburn.”

‌Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand: “Efficacy of aloe vera cream in prevention and treatment of sunburn and suntan.”

‌Mayo Clinic: “Sunburn.”

molecules: “Aloin Suppresses Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Inflammatory Response and Apoptosis by Inhibiting the Activation of NF-κB."

‌National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NIH): “Aloe Vera.”

‌Skin Pharmacology and Physiology: “Investigation of the anti-inflammatory potential of Aloe vera gel (97.5%) in the ultraviolet erythema test.”

Can you put raw aloe on sunburn?

“Aloe vera can help cool and soothe the skin to make it feel better symptomatically, but it does not cure the burn itself.” If you want to use an aloe vera product for symptomatic relief, it is best to use a moisturizing lotion that contains aloe vera, Dr. Tsai adds. Moisturizing the skin overall can help with healing.

Can I use aloe vera straight from the plant on a burn?

Aloe Vera is effective in treating first and second-degree burns. Applying aloe vera to your burn will help promote healing by reducing inflammation, promoting circulation, and inhibiting the growth of bacteria. It's best to use pure aloe vera gel obtained directly from an aloe vera plant.

Will aloe vera heal sunburn faster?

Other studies have found that people with first- and second-degree burns may heal faster with aloe than they would with other types of treatments like topical antibiotics.

How often should you apply aloe when sunburnt?

By causing blood vessels to contract, the thick gel-like juice of the aloe vera plant can take the sting and redness out of a sunburn. Apply aloe vera to the sunburned area five or six times a day for several days. This can not only help ease the pain but can help to keep skin moisturized and minimize peeling.


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