How to view your facebook marketplace listings

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Our Marketplace is the place to buy and sell domains! Once you've set your domain for sale, you can easily view your listing from within your Dynadot account without having to try and find it on our Marketplace page. To view your listing, please follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to your Dynadot account.
  2. Select “My Marketplace” from the left-side menu bar, then click "Active listings".
  3. In the "Quick Info" column, click on the "view listing" link.
  4. Your marketplace listing will open up in a new window.
  5. To make changes to your listing, you can edit it by clicking on the domain under the "Domain Name" column.

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How do I find my listings on Facebook Marketplace 2022?

How do I see my listings on Facebook Marketplace? Once logged in, click on the Facebook logo at the top-left of your Home Page or any other page. Then, find and click on Marketplace. On the leftmost sidebar, you'll find Your account; click on it to see Your Listings.

Why can't I see my Facebook Marketplace listings?

Tap the “Marketplace” icon at the bottom of the screen. In Marketplace, tap the “Profile” icon on the top left (it looks like a small human silhouette). In your Marketplace profile, midway down the page, there is a link to your listings (just above the “Create New Listing” button).


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